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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13536334 No.13536334 [Reply] [Original]

are your family, or your gf/waifu aware you browse /biz or 4chan? do you tell your friends?

>> No.13536351
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i thought we were frens

>> No.13536370
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we are. i was more thinking about other people in real life.

>> No.13536398

The FBI knows

>> No.13536405

I dont think telling people you browse 4chan is a good idea, however this is 4channel.

>> No.13536451

haha alright

>> No.13536511
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>> No.13536539

I browse in front of gf, I tell her everything about the jews and niggers and faggots, and show her the pepes I like, she's a textbook normie leftist, but my frame is ice cold so there is nothing she can do...
Also, autistic as fuck, but she has no idea about it (except if it shows when I show my power level), but I mastered the art of acting like a chad, so I'd walk outside and thots will see me and think damn that chad looks good he must be thinking about other girls or sports or something... naa bitch I'm thinking about throwing fireballs off my hand and sometimes I even do a subtle gesture to stop time or someshit and they have no idea kek

>> No.13536557

girls who tan end up having sections of leathery dry skin and will be looking to settle with a secure and safe pick before they turn 30.

short sun bunnies, long fair skin girls - thank me when your 40 year old wife has minimal skin aging vs most other women

>> No.13536627

Hahahahahaha holy fuck isn't everyone like this? Shit I thought this was normal kek

>> No.13536641

>but my frame is ice cold so there is nothing she can do
I meant I want to kms anyway, so Idgaf if she left, and somehow she sees that as attractive and alpha, so remember goys, embrace the kys meme and you will become an alpha
>but I mastered the art of acting like a chad
my eyes still water a little when I meet an actual alpha, like small invisible tears, but my acting is oscar material so they don't notice

>> No.13536652

Based and redpilled fren

>> No.13536665

Cringe af but also true.

>> No.13536692

once showed gf a funny meme when I was on /biz/.
She thinks anonymity is bad because no one is held responsible for what they say.
I explained it has two edges and how ideas thrive better when people aren't burdened by their social mask, she was then shocked when I proceeded to call someone a filthy fucking faggot.

>> No.13536709

You now realise 4chan is basically facebook for autists. And there are a ton of borderline normalfags just lurking.

>> No.13536716

How tall?

>> No.13536734

I browse at work a lot, so I'm sure others have noticed.

>> No.13536745

Of course. I always thought that what normies done was a waste of time but I do it as well, but I don't get laid as a result of chasing thots on instagram. I get a slightly bigger brain but you can't get paid for shitposting so it doesn't really matter in the end. I gotta leave this place

>> No.13536829

Ive had friends that go on 4chan and I unironically show my mother stuff from 4chan on the regular
Usually just stuff about news, jews, or race

>> No.13536851

you can only keep the chad image going for so many years before it comes crashing down

>> No.13537094

Met my wife on 4chan and don't have any friends

>> No.13537105


>> No.13537132
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All my friends on the 4chan spectrum know I'm here

>> No.13537133

5'10 dyel manlet (was buff but /fit memes fucked my knees and I quit kek)
I know fren, ok listen, I don't give a fuck about anything and not afraid of anyone, this should reflect upon my body language etc? nope, total autism, so I need to larp as how I feel because it doesn't come naturally.
Was with my best friend, 6'2 and lifts and total chad, we were drunk and walking outside, then two homeless guys charged at us (they were kidding, probably on drugs) that faggot ran 20 meters and screamed at the top of his lungs, I continued walking like I didn't even register what happened and kicked one of them in the face when he got too close, but if you see us outside, he's the chad who pulls chicks left and right and I'm the autist who can't sustain eye contact for more than 3 seconds.

>> No.13537144

Based and autistpilled

>> No.13537174

My dad and I both shitpost on /biz/

>> No.13537214

Only my wife knows.
She used to browse /biz/, but has permanently refused to come here after seeing so many spread-eagle roasties and nigger cocks make it to page 1.
She pretty much hangs out on /ck/ exclusively, because of the lack of thots and nudity.

>> No.13537263


>> No.13537300
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Pic related

>> No.13537309


>> No.13537369
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>5'10 dyel manlet (was buff but /fit memes fucked my knees and I quit kek)
You have learned and are now the master.
I am 90% sure almost all normies above 110IQ are just larping as "themselves" and actively know it's all fake. They have no idea if that's normal or what should they do to change it if it ain't.
You are just more acutely aware of it.
We live in a society

>> No.13537415

had an early-20s dude in my class a few years back browse /b/ mid class

>> No.13537503


>> No.13537547

>someone who browses 4chan
>has friends/gf/wife

pick one

>> No.13537569

my brother in law caught me looking at biiz once. he asked if I was looking at modern art because he only saw the catalogue. I panicked a bit and told him its a forum called 4chins. he had no idea what I was talking about and thankfully didnt ask any more questions.

>> No.13537609

If someone has a problem with me looking at 4chan, esp /biz/, they can get the fuck out of my life.

Stop caring what other people think about you, you'll find yourself a lot happier.

>> No.13537633

my gf definitely knows I shitpost on here
I have no family so they dont know im here. mom and dad kicked me out when I turned 18 in 2006 and I got fucked by the 2008 recession with zero help by them.
they can pay for their own nursing home

>> No.13537949

My gf knows, she holds 1k LINK because I shilled her. Not her type of humour tho

>> No.13537984

I tell my friends that I browse the channels. They try to make fun of me but like idc

>> No.13538142

My girlfriend can recognize this website because I'm always on it but she's not aware of any connotations that are associated with it. She just thinks I'm a weirdo for scrolling through a bunch of cartoon frogs.

>> No.13538219
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How do I convert my dad from a butthurt TDS sufferer into a /biz/raeli? Teach me your ways, senpai.

>> No.13538284

same lmao I look like a total chad because fit and lucky with genes. But any girls I'm involved with find out soon I'm a total nerd who's into memes and fantasy shit.
They don't care though, just smile when I bring it up.
t. used to wear tablecloths as a cape until I was 13

>> No.13538437

>into fantasy shit
The only acceptable fantasy is anime + got, fuck all things marvel

>> No.13538460

no, i use incognito

>> No.13538535

Not a soul. I'm a normie that stumbled upon this shithole in early 2017 and haven't been able to leave. I only come here like once per week now that crypto is over and the quality of the board is 1% what it used to be, but I still like to shitpost on occasion. It's also fun to make fun of the retarded teenagers who missed the bubble but still think they are going to make it with crypto fucking losers

>> No.13538595

My normie friends and my family all think crypto is a scam since that what the media tells them to think. I don’t even tell them I hold any crypto because they would all probably laugh at me and call me a retard if I did. I’m just patiently waiting for the next bull run so I can buy a nice new house and a lambo, and then be coy about where I got all this money from when they ask me.

>> No.13538738

>next bull run
Topkek imagine being this deluded

>> No.13539203
File: 353 KB, 640x640, caught in the act.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is god damn adorable, have an age you two

>> No.13539234

People who know I lurk also lurk. I don't talk to anyone else about 4chan or anything 4chan related because normies are militantly ignorant about things that they don't understand.

>> No.13539249

>naa bitch I'm thinking about throwing fireballs off my hand and sometimes I even do a subtle gesture to stop time
fucking kek

>> No.13539286

fantasy shit as in reading actual fantasy books and playing DnD

>> No.13539290

BTC 9k+ in July.

>> No.13539294

marvel sucks I fully agree with that

>> No.13539377
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Solution: just imagine hot chicks as homeless guys charging you

>> No.13539411
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>> No.13539596
File: 73 KB, 775x553, F7045757-8489-468D-9343-09D7CAB8ECE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have conversations with your wives? Do you Westerners also discuss philosophy with a rock?

>> No.13539736


>> No.13540473


try yoga/vedic knowledge meme

>> No.13540574


I also browse 4chan in front of my GF.

as long as I'm not on /hc/ or /gif/ then I'm good.

But honestly I don't even think my gf would care about that. She seems eerily calm about my computer usage.

>> No.13540580

My gf doesn't know

>> No.13540637

This is 90% me wtf

>> No.13540668

based timestop anon

>> No.13540685

my gf doesnt even know shes my gf

>> No.13540731

>ignorant about things they don't understand
>Don't understand that which they are ignorant about
>they don't know about the things that they don't know about

>> No.13540797

Thanks for the life story bro

>> No.13540812

How do I get a gf like OPs pic? Im so lonely bros ;_;

>> No.13541887

My bros and I browse 4chan. Have been for the past 11 years. None of my irl friends know though.
Some people I know are effeminate males who couldn't take a joke without being offended so so even regular humor would be wasted on them, let alone 4chan jokes.

>> No.13541925
File: 46 KB, 542x535, d74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't tell anyone i know that i visit this place. it's pretty well known now that this is a haven for incel neets and racists and no one in the real world wants to be associated with that. but thats why we are woke and they are NPCs. herd mentality cattle have no place here and the moral cucks that have taken root in boards like pol over the past couple years are fighting a losing battle with their spooky rhetoric.

>> No.13541986
File: 913 KB, 500x281, clap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this post


>> No.13541998

Me and my gf post here. My brother does as well, and my coworkers know I browse the chans

>> No.13542030

>She seems eerily calm about my computer usage.
You must be providing something her other boyfriend can't