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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 813 KB, 750x745, dashyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13535374 No.13535374 [Reply] [Original]

> it's 2016.
> The BTC camp is arguing over block size limit. This has been going on for a while.
> Dash being BTC based. Brings up the question for the DAO.
> 2 weeks later all votes are cast, consensus is reached. Block size is increased to 2MB.
> Meanwhile in the BTC camp: fast forward to 2017. They are still arguing about block size.
> BCH splits off causing a huge shit show. Will scale with increasing block size.
> BTC goes on to cripple itself as much as possible, prices to transact on BTC go up to $50. This could have been avoided.
> Satoj goes full retard and splits SV.

How anyone is still in the BTC camp is beyond my understanding of life

Pic related to story

>> No.13535409

>Sacrificing hashrate and security for governance
Dash is the ultimate basedboy coin

>> No.13535420
File: 836 KB, 960x748, dasherino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dash hashrate is ATH right now.
also it is the most decentralized coin.
quick! get the good info before some SV shill comes in and shits on this thread with > muh premine arguments


>> No.13535427

Daily reminder masternodes are scam, your we gaved coins' meme cant chandge fact founder is scmer who premined and deflaratory assets as curency are DOA and not future of DLT space

Daily fuck of to dash subplebit


>> No.13535479
File: 103 KB, 1238x1144, taxation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that without masternode network you can't have instant transactions on BTC based chains. 0-conf isn't safe as has been proven enough times.

daily reminder this cocksucker is here everyday shitting on everything that isn't his coin. I guess he's an SV craig shit eater.

>> No.13535625


BTFOES yous scam

>must be crag shit eater

PLS PLS take dash memes back to plebit or back to 2017

>> No.13535637
File: 76 KB, 584x489, turdflush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you are the pajeet sitting next to him in the craig shill building.

anyway for anyone who wants more on dash.
here's some fresh news, news like this happens almost daily for dash:
dashbkk: Great News! Dash Thailand signs MOU with Korea based Bluecon. Bluecon will now integrate Dash on 200k crypto debit cards this and 2m next year. Another success of our Dash expansion beyond Thailand. See full Bluecon announcement below.


>> No.13535660


Ok seething dash daily shiller projecting on another scam to cope

Go pump more money to your masternode masters in your ponzy

>> No.13535676

Masternodes are retarded....why the fuck would the network reward a masternode and this way sacrifice miner incentive? Also insta transactions are valid because some rich guy says it is instead of because it got confirmed by pow ..Absolute retardation ...also huge premine

>> No.13535692
File: 726 KB, 920x720, blockprop.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> why would the network reward the masternode system for facilitating instant transactions and other security features like anti 51% attack tech.

Yeah. youz a real smart boi.

> why have self funding models that make teams work for adoption and integration


>> No.13535803
File: 386 KB, 710x689, dashwinner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
