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13534731 No.13534731 [Reply] [Original]

my 400k$ icon bags are now worth 9k$

what went wrong? linkies always brag about le partnerships. icon has 100x more partnerships.

>> No.13534750

Its all hot air. None of that shit will ever be used. And if it is being used the token is meaningless.

Its not about real world adoption and partnerships. Thats just a narrative whales like to play.

Suck em in, wack em down.

And right now the gameplay is riding new shitcoins to a x2 x3 and dumping or shorting/longing btc.

The game has changed

>> No.13534761

so link is worthless aswell?

>> No.13534770

Nothing went wrong. You are holding a coin that has a mainnet that is only a year and a half old. Icon will easily be a 5bil mcap coin. Just dont sell.

>> No.13534774

>Icon will easily be a 5bil mcap coin.
who is going to buy? where will the buy pressure come from and why?

>> No.13534775


Link is shilled by a pump group every fucking day. There are no linkies. It's in your mind

Why do you think there's so many memes about it? Once you notice, it's obvious. Forget about Link

>> No.13534781

There wont need to be any buy pressure when the supply is basically all locked up by c-reps and p-reps.

>> No.13534802

Have you ever heard of a single one of those companies? The absolute state

>> No.13534803


Take none of this shit seriously.

I bought link at ico, sold on the first pump to 40c for a thin x4.

1.5 years later the thing is still at 50c........................

>> No.13534805

who is going to buy the inflated tokens coming from staking? do you even basic principles of supply and demand? what the fuck is token going to be used for?

>> No.13534817

I did the same. Kept a suicide stack though just in case the singularity does happen. I don't want to end up being the only guy on /biz/ who isn't filthy rich.

>> No.13534842

only year and a half, take note linkies this has mainnet for 1 year and half. So your token going to be 50c even when singularity

>> No.13534846
File: 268 KB, 2061x1058, icon-partners-dec-2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been saying this since december 2017, I'll say it again.
Price is 100% speculative for ICON right now, so it will follow what most other alts do
Until the partnerships start using the public ICON network, there is 0 organic demand.
There are a bunch of private ICONLOOP chains that will be able to connect through this public network, but they still need to get governance/decentralization and p-reps up and running.

This is unironically what will pump ICX once they can accomplish their version of it: https://www.trustnodes.com/2019/05/05/consensys-presents-ethereum-private-sidechains-for-public-private-blockchain-interoperability
>"but wait anon, Ethereum is already bigger and they have it working, why would they use ICON at all then?"
Ethereum hasn't solved scaling yet, ICON has because we know DAGs can scale.
Ethereum someone always pays for transactions and usually it's the users that have to figure out how ethereum works. ICON solved this problem with virtual steps and enabled dapps to get free transactions via staking and contributing to the community, so that's one less barrier of entry for on-boarding new users.
It's not clear how many Ethereum private blockchains there are, but ICON has got a bunch of private ICONLOOP chains locked down in Korea. Even if Ethereum becomes the defacto enterprise blockchain, it will have to transact with ICON to communicate with the ICONLOOP blockchains.

if we get the organic real world use case growth combined with the speculative growth from bitcoin hitting a new ath, I expect at least 14 billion market cap.

>> No.13534882

>Ethereum hasn't solved scaling yet, ICON has because we know DAGs can scale.

>> No.13534890
File: 16 KB, 552x555, 1556947366466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is embarrassing, meant to write DPOS

>> No.13534917

decent post, although overly optimistic, I think what might realistically happen is they onboard a bunch of decent clients and get reasonable mainnet traffic and staking rewards can start getting paid from fees on the mainnet

>> No.13534960

Thanks anon, I agree that's a realistic possibility.
Their partnerships with Seoul I think will be big, imagine all the use cases blockchain could have for a city, with paying for parking, utilities, public transit, fines, voting, storing your ID, storing health info (procedures done, vaccinations, allergies) for hospitals/insurance, and probably a bunch of other shit. This is just one city where they could lay this ground work, and from there we'd see them expand similarly to other cities.
I don't know any other blockchain project that has this kind of opportunity except maybe Ethereum with their enterprise alliance. In either case, if you believe in smart contracts at all, you should be holding ETH as well.

>> No.13534968

>if you believe in smart contracts at all
hold link?

>> No.13534975

link has potential, I keep a small stack from ICO.