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13534494 No.13534494 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13534498


>> No.13534502

20 minutes

>> No.13534503


>> No.13534514

sexyabsanon is prob right. should have sold more before btc started pumping, but what can you do? I think it's getting close to the mega moon trendline so hopefully history repeats itself sometime in the next 60 days.

>> No.13534515
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>> No.13534538

going to be btfo by corda

>> No.13534541

doesnt corda use xrp

>> No.13534546

Only dumb money don't think this will be #1 in a a year or two.

>> No.13534574

On TradingView in the bottom right corner I keep seeing articles saying this crap is "ballistic" when it goes 3% before crashing back down 2 hours later, how it's gonna mooooooon. And yet it's been going down with no sign of recovery for the longest fucking time.
Why are there so much positive articles about this sinking shitcoin?

>> No.13534595

Last call

Lol no.

>> No.13534613


he's keepin' it real

>> No.13534759

have you de-risked yet?

>> No.13535037
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Uh... g-guys?

>> No.13535085

samefagging much?

these threads area getting tiresome, come up with something new Ranjeesh

>> No.13535103
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>> No.13535115
File: 342 KB, 1242x683, 3D48B07D-1619-4235-8DEF-A70A3134E381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold mine at $2. I HODL’d from .24-45 all through the $3 surge. Got out at $1.50-2.00 USD. Not even mad. I just happened to call the FOMO one day on a hunch, but I drank the kool aid and HODLd too long. Never again.

>> No.13535123

It's really hard to believe that this shit was once above a dollar. Hype sells it seems.

>> No.13535137

Very, very much so. When BTC bubbled to 20K I shit bricks. I remember shit talking the neckbeards when I was a freshmen in college, and BTC was <1USD. Hindsight is 20/20. There may be another bubble, but whales can deceive us all sometimes. I wish I had pissed away $2250 USD on BTC the weekend I remember laughing at it, instead I went and smoked hookah, got drunk with friends, and blacked out. I partied with money from being an online MMO Gold Wholesaler. Who could have known it’d have turned out like this.

However, I don’t buy into XRP now because the narrative has been the same since 2016-2017 IMO.

>> No.13535142
File: 254 KB, 1242x1180, 1C60EACA-2CC1-4CF6-9664-4576E9C44424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, triggered depression. I just calculated $2250 USD in early 2011 BTC to the 16K peak I would have dumped at. GG 32,000,000+ USD. Fuck me, right.

>> No.13535160

the maths are clear - there is still a little under 58 billion of XRP left to dump, or as Ripple likes to spin it "distribute". A billion a month is being "made available" to the CTO market, and they also sell regularly supposedly based on a trade volume percentage, all the while knowing that volume to be fake.

Even their CTO seems to have put two and two together now, and is selling his stash.

There are also the bags of the founders, the R3 settlement, various charity donations in XRP, and so on just itching to be swapped for dollars.

With this kind of sell pressure being sustained it will take nothing short of a miracle to make this shit rise again.

>> No.13535196

Agreed. I lost faith in the system after seeing how much whales can move the market, and how dangerous and fake the FOMO can be. I’d rather trade options than crypto. Lol.

>> No.13535252

the biggest irony of it all though is that XRP paints itself as different from anything else out there, even the ones who hate it say it is not even a crypto, yet it behaves just like the rest of the shitcoins out there, following BTC like a blind poodle, pissing and shitting itself whenever BTC moves one way or another.

>> No.13535432

10:30 pcp
last caller

>> No.13535443

It was completely stable at $0.30 during bitcoin's run from 4k to 5.7k in the last days though.
>pls kill me

>> No.13535456

see >>13535160

Ripple dumping

>> No.13535654
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The fucking irony

>> No.13535698



Only miracle you need is greedy normies.

Crap like xrp pumps every few years powerd by delusion

But we are far away from it so...yeah...

>> No.13535720

i have a ton of this, and i HOPE it goes to zero. you heard me right.

>> No.13536649
File: 23 KB, 550x335, pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try Vijay, but you are going to have to drive that taxi for a lot longer than you thought, XRP is not saving you

>> No.13536848

reconsider sir

>> No.13537747


>> No.13538009

>7 posts by this ID

Imagine being such a faggot that you monitor /biz/ for xrp threads just to call people various street shitter names. How much does Jeb pay you? You likely do it for free though which makes you even more pathetic. kek

>> No.13538032

>imagine beign such a faggot as to care so much about your precious XRP shill threads

suck a brown dick instead of a black one every once in a while for a change