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13533057 No.13533057 [Reply] [Original]

I'm probably gonna inherit around a million dollars from my grandparents. What do I do with it?

>> No.13533064
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easy.. you do the needful!

>> No.13533108

Invest it all in Ford (almost a 7% dividend) and live for free for the rest of your fucking life.

>> No.13533201

Unironically buy 1 million LINK.

Either you’ll literally become of of the single wealthiest individuals in the world, or worst case scenario you lose it all and still have 500k to work with.

You’re talking potentially hundreds of billions, would be the wildest shit. Then you can explain to the bluebloods you got a hot tip from some wagie linklet on a malaysian basket weaving forum to buy interner money. Then buy their children.

>> No.13533221

all in btc then wait 2 years
or you could do half btc half link (but I wouldn't buy till it gets to 5-6k sats, mouthbreathers here will try to get you to buy now)

>> No.13533230

Obviously risk it all in one single investment. What could go wrong?

>> No.13533260

You can’t be serious. Link is the biggest meme in crypto

>> No.13533312

Op, do not buy link ever, that is the fastest way to lose your money.

>> No.13533331

Buy some land, guns, other happening supplies and BSV.

>> No.13533652

10% crypto, rest idk. The "safe" shit that everyone else does when saving for retirement is to invest in a mix of vanguard stock and bond funds. Figure out how best to do that.

Life insurance is a scam. Avoid anyone shilling it to you as an investment.

Avoid financial advisors who aren't charging only for advice. If they're getting paid by anyone but you then you are their food and they are going to try to make money off commissions for getting you to buy sub-optimal products. E.g., life insurance or maybe mutual funds with high fees (vanguard will have the lowest, so use them if you want to do relatively safe boomer stuff).

Google for and read the short PDF called "If You Can".

Read Mr money mustache and see if early retirement/financial independence is something you'd like.

>> No.13533666

>10% crypto, rest idk.
Also, this is super risky and only what I would do. This is not intended as financial advice. Instead, you should read the sources mentioned and form your own opinions.

But yeah, I'd do ten percent crypto. Id probably do mostly btc/eth/link with a tiny amount of shitcoins including bsv just in case Craig wright is actually Satoshi and not just a crazy person.

I don't have $1mil though.

Instead I have $150k and it's all in ChainLink. I don't

>> No.13533688
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>Instead I have $150k and it's all in ChainLink. I don't


>> No.13533744

don't listen to this cuck

>> No.13533791
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>cumulatively make your money back in 15 years doing absolutely nothing and/or be able to save up enough money to start a risk-free business almost immediately


>invest in a two time Russian crypto exit-scammer who doesn't code and whose sole accomplishment is his philosophy degree

stay poor bag-fag