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13531480 No.13531480 [Reply] [Original]

Cardano haters BTFO! Charles rips all the fudders a new asshole in his latest live stream!


>> No.13531507
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>> No.13531571

Why is it below EOS and below $1?

>> No.13531624


>> No.13531676

if anyone knows about ripped assholes it's probably Chuck.

>> No.13531782

>ragefully curses at the crowdfunders that pay for his hotels around the world for asking questions about promised developement of the actual project they crowdfunded
>rips fudders

>> No.13531811

he sounds triggered

>> No.13531818

>from mongolia

fuck it, im all in

>> No.13531849

Imagine the smell

>> No.13531869

What the actual fuck. Literally unbelievable. What the fuck is this idiot doing in Mongolia! ? He's over there looking for dev talent is he? Lots of rock star devs over in fuckin Mongolia are there? And bagholders are watching these videos like, OK the CEO is on permanent holiday, this is fine. Can someone explain this mindset to me?

>> No.13532021

He's doing important CEO things. Didn't you listen to the whole video? He specifically said he doesn't code. He is doing more important stuff.

>> No.13532036

Nice hotel he's in, probably a 5 star presidential suite

>> No.13532058

It's literally unbelievable to me that people believe in this obvious charlatan. And he says 50 employees, like that's a lot for a brand new from scratch smart contract platform that got literally billions in funding. Is he aware that fucking stripe has over a thousand? Just for a simple payments processor?

>> No.13532071

>obvious charlatan
Actually I'm listening to what he's saying and it makes a lot of sense. It's hard to disagree with the guy.

>> No.13532124

BTFO! kek

>> No.13532162
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Oh boy, the smell must be even worse than I imagined.

>> No.13532240

funny how cardano has all these "academics" working for them, yet they haven't figured out anything new.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad for the work cardano is doing for the overall crypto community (aka brining more people in), but I would NEVER buy a cardano bag. They will never amount to shit.

>> No.13532262

>it makes a lot of sense. It's hard to disagree with the guy.
How much experience do you have in evaluating executive performance? If it's ZERO you should stick to basic metrics like how well are they hitting the goals which they themselves have set?

>> No.13532302

because EOS has a mainnet.

>> No.13532313

I know he's a scammer just based on the fact that he thinks functional programming is gonna solve all the blockchain problems. That is pure nonsense and just a gimmick to fool investors.

I think his only skill is fooling investors and getting a lot of money. I don't think he knows shit about being a CEO or managing software projects. I don't think he actually knows programming. Hence why cardano will never amount to anything. Like I said, I'm still happy cardano exists, it brings people in using bags I didn't pay for, which is good for the space.

>> No.13532369

his company revenues pay for those trips, not ICO investors rerard. try again

>> No.13532389

listen to the video -it isnot long - meeting with people to explore development opportunities potentially the president of the country.
>i can smell your fear from here

>> No.13532414

>not billions in funding
not even close. .. you ignorant pajeet dumbfuck fearful eth bagholder. 50 people is a lot. throwing more people at the code loses effectiveness and this has been proven and demonstrated by the likes of IBM

>> No.13532463
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cardand has figured a metric fuckton of new shit... you dishonest and desperate ETH bagholder. also, you've posted this same pist before in other ETH-bagholder-fud-on-Cardano-threads. i'm beginning to think that this is your job over ar ConsenSys HQ. Cardano is bring people primarily into the Cardano ecosystem. You ETH fags are dishonest as fuck and the most fearful faggots in the cryptosphere. lmao it is funny

>> No.13532473

>he thinks functional programming is gonna solve all the blockchain problems
he doesn't think that. more lies from ETH bagholders. so much dishonesty and fear, wonder why?

>> No.13532512

>i can smell your fear from here
You're smelling your own Mongolian curry farts. But yea anon you're right I'm sure he's doing super legit ceo stuff in that 5 star hotel in a 3rd world country.

>> No.13532533

good vid. charles goes into beast mode and destroys ETH and EOS fudders every few videos. nice to have one in a condensed 10 minute BTFO fest

>> No.13532541
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Oh look here come the söy shills projecting on ETH fags again

>> No.13532543

He also BTFO that worthless shitcoin IOTA
I was fucking giddy watching this video

>> No.13532581

still too fearful to watch the video. next time you are meeting the president of mongolia be sure to stream a video from your 3star shit shack. meanwhile charles will stay in a nice place payed for by the profitable company which he owns - NOT ICO FUNDS - you scammy fudtard.

>> No.13532599
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Shitcoin fights are like special olympics

>> No.13532614

yeah that was some priceless savagery.

>> No.13532631

When shelly?
When staking?

>> No.13532655
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I own more ada AND eth than all of you fags cimbined and all i have to say on this seetibg spazfest of bagholders is:

Man crypto is so cringy

>> No.13532659
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>> No.13532661

When it's ready. Listen to his last ama if you really want to know more and are confused as to why the delay

>> No.13532806

>cardand has figured a metric fuckton of new shit.
list one

>> No.13532822

> Peer review
> Steak pools
> Epics

>> No.13532840

kek so nothing useful, thats what I thought

>> No.13532856

lol why do you think ethereum is trying to copy the cardano whitepaper now? BTFO

>> No.13532889

I watched the whole stupid thing. Mongolia is a 3rd world country with 3 million people and a GDP of 11BN. For context, Cardano's peak mcap was 30BN. Unless Söytoshi was there to literally buy the fucking country he was just there fucking around larping as VIP and wasting baghodlder money. Fucking incredible the brazen entitlement of that asshole to post a video not only NOT apologising, but actually giving out TO YOU! The mind boggles.

>> No.13532934

everyone copies each other. Cardano stole 1000x more from ethereum than the other way around.

You are extremely low IQ my friend, believing the flawed argument of a soiboy scammer.

As a full time dev myself, I don't get fooled by jargon, which is exactly what charles tries to do in all his marketing.

>> No.13533377

> cope
No one cares about that shitcoin Ethereum anymore! Vitalik is a fucking fraud. He didn't invent smart contracts. He hasn't actually invented anything. He can't even figure out proof of stake and Charles already has multiple version that were mathematically proven and peer reviewed. It's game over!

>> No.13533595

Well they said mid april on test net which hasn't happened. I'd check the road map but they also dont have that out yet either so not sure what I should think.