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13530773 No.13530773 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone here so depressed?

>> No.13530790

fuck off

>> No.13530791

losing and making over 6 digits in a short span can fuck you up badly anon. you lose sense of reality. i have gambled away money that my parents have to work 20 years for. sometimes i think im living in a dream simulation before and will wake up any minute

>> No.13530792
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this will be my gf once i make it

>> No.13530794

I'm just sleepy anon

>> No.13530796

i'm good, about to head over to a friends for some food and beers while the women watch game of thrones. also i'm a self made millionaire.

>> No.13530805

you gambled your parents money? lol

>> No.13530808 [DELETED] 

>i have gambled away money that my parents have to work 20 years for.
It might be too late to tell you this, but can't you fucking control yourself and stop gambling?

>> No.13530825
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many of us bought btc sub 10$ and eth sub 1$, sold too early.

the winners are long gone, sipping their champagne among virgin whores in elite yacht club.

the rest of us- the anons who didnt make it, are still here desperately trying to still make it.

>> No.13530830

no you dumb nigger.

>> No.13530834
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>Self-made millionaire
There are literally dozens of us.
In b4:
>B-b-b-b-but the kikes told me everyone here was a loser incel virgin NEET and that no respectable goy would ever THINK about visiting this absolute CESSPOOL.

>> No.13530858

idk I'm starting to think they're putting something in the water ,or manipulating us somehow. everybody i know is always tired, always feels like shit, and casually makes jokes about wanting to die. like, sure we all work 40-60 hours a week with no hope of ever owning a home or affording kids, but there must be more to life.

>> No.13530861
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>tfw parents gave me 50k to help me get a flat, put it all in link instead.

>> No.13530874

I made 250k and lost 200k. Up overall but yah, it REALLY fucks with your head.

>> No.13530876

>Why is everyone who prioritizes wealth and status above happiness so depressed?

>> No.13530908

Really made me think.

>> No.13530910

because of loss aversion you LITERALLY FEEL WORSE even when you in profit. this kike game is rigged from the start beloved

>> No.13530948

my shitcoin is not pumping anon :'-(

>> No.13531321

Late stage capitalism corrodes the soul.

>> No.13531371

You can't write for shit.

>> No.13531395

enjoy that petri dish of aids and venereal diseases

>> No.13531570
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my theory is that most anons are to smart to accept the bullshit we get dealt on a daily basis. If you start to think about how fucked up everything is there is no other way but to become depressed. the only way out is to study philosophy in your spare time and take the clownpill. I could talk hours about how fucked up everything is. I would consider myself wealthy so money is not an issue. I run several businesses thats where you truly start to see that we are in the end times. If you try to pay your wagies a decent wage there is no way to stay competitive. Plus rent and general living cost is through the roof. I cant imagine how anyone could cope with the current situation unless you dont think about it or are a general psychopath. I am honest to god thinking about selling everything and living the simplest life imaginable far away from society. I am so fed up with all the bullshit

honk honk

>> No.13531599


All you fucking nu male niggers cuckers make me boil in rage, you know very well happiness is just dopamine balance and how extreme rushes of dopamine can fuck up your balance for fucking months

and anyone who has lived outside of their parents houses and needed money and could make lots of money quick through investment or crypto knows how it fucks up your dopamine

fuck you you weed addicted piece of shit

>> No.13531625


Portfolio goes up, and you stress out because you think you should sell and cash out your profits before it drops again. If you cash out and the coins go up you feel sick about your stupid decision. If the coins drop, you don't gain any money and it's not necesarily smart to buy them again right now. Now you just stress about the next decision and losing the gains you made.

Portfolio goes down and you feel retarded for holding and not selling. Now you're not sure if you should just sell and minimize the losses or buy more and try to ride the wave back up.

All the time you only feel like you're being manipulated and cheated by other people, which you are if you're actually listening to other people or falling for the traps. You constantly think you learned your lesson but then the next manipulator takes advantage of that and tricks you in the opposite way.

Overall, the amount of time and stress you spend trying to make these crypto gains would be much better invested in working hard at a real career and climbing the ladder, without having to worry about losing all your money for absolutely no reason overnight.

Crypto is retarded

>> No.13531651

>working hard at a real career and climbing the ladder

Nobody tell him

>> No.13531663

I lost like 8k on crypto and want to beat myself in the head with a tire iron every time I remember. I have no idea how the lunatics who wasted dozens of thousands on it are even still alive.

>> No.13531677

>without having to worry about losing all your money for absolutely no reason overnight.

Uhh how about a medical emergency that your insurance refuses to cover or a clerical error at whatever company you keep most of your money in.

>> No.13531693

Same here. Went to 300k and back down to 8k. My mind is completely fucked and I’m trying to repair how I see the world now.

>> No.13531709

let me guess. icx?

>> No.13531710

I will never have balls as big as that guy

>> No.13531714
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i lost 700k in one night

>> No.13531719

Yes how did you know?

>> No.13531740

are you me

>> No.13531773


>> No.13531854

Did you get gooked too?

>> No.13531878


>> No.13531882

Because this is unironically, factually, literally, objectively a forum of gambling addicts.

>> No.13531901

This, the blackpill is real and you can never be the a normalfag after you swallow it

>> No.13531911

Literally fluoride in the water along with other cocktails of chemicals and social engineering anon. But noooo it's all a conspiracy. Go back to work goy.

>> No.13531944

Well you can't be a very happy person since you feel the need to brag about it here

>> No.13531965

Yeah you've got this happiness thing nailed, bro.

>> No.13531997

whatever you gotta tell yourself to feel better anon

>> No.13532083

Being happy is an emotion. Emotions are fickle. Now you are sad and eventually you will be happy. None of it lasts.

What does last is millions of dollars in an S&P500 index fund.

>> No.13532086

I don't tell myself that to feel better anon. I just think you are actually a sad person and try to feel better by writing that you are a "self-made millionaire" to random people on a shitty larping board.

I was also a self-made millionaire in the past. But the joy I actually felt from that achievement lasted like 10 seconds.

>> No.13532143

Yeah seriously, do we have a video of his stoning/beheading? That's dangerously irresponsible

>> No.13532147


I don't, but you also don't, because no one knows what the fuck is going on, so don't make yourself look wise out of beliefs that are just meaningful for yourself, the guy who hoards gold as his beliefs as straight as the guy who believes in christianity, we absolutely have no standard of what is happiness unless you take a leap of faith into whatever religion you choose, which of course just applies to yourself

>> No.13532386


>> No.13532412


This. And people here are part of the vanguard of capitalism.

To add on this, everybody here is fucked in the head.

Nobody sane chase money for money.

Normies have the decency to be hypocrites. Doing a "career", when in fact they go to work for only 1 reason, earn money.

Here people are so fucked up they don't hide behind a proxy. No intermediary step.

How can chasing money be some kind of sane goal? In fact it is more sane than what normies do, because less hypocrite, but it takes some personality splitting and low self esteem person to do this kind of shit. To put some humanity aside.

This is the sign of desperate, power hungry, or psychopath minds. People who have not much to loose, or who have already lost too much in the past.

>> No.13532472

>How can chasing money be some kind of sane goal?
I think most anons want money so they can fuck off and escape the inevitable hamster wheel not the money per se. Money is a meme. Money only buys you time to do stuff you enjoy. If one chases material wealth to buy shiny new toys it is a sign of a true degenerate. No core anon falls for that meme. Some will of course but they will get a rough awakening.

>> No.13532483
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too soon for that feel

>> No.13532488

>poor mans cope
nigger i want that baguette diamond daydate and 458 ferrari to stunt on some tight pussy you massive faggot

>> No.13532493

Yes that's true. But most anons must have had great disappointment in their life to think like that.

How old are you? (Thirties, forties, fifties?)

>> No.13532494
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>> No.13532511

>How old are you? (Thirties, forties, fifties?)
why does it matter?
it's tough through society if you don't search for "trurth" yourself there is no way society will teach it to you. the machines need sheeps to consume or everything will collapse tomorrow.

>> No.13532525

I think it’s the food. Something is VERY wrong. Everyone is getting dumbed down. I’m always depressed and anxious.

>> No.13532537

Were all in this together lads. I lost 700k off initial. Still fighting, the greatest victories come from overcoming setbacks and maintaining the belief you’re gonna make it

>> No.13532547

Well a father is supposed to teach you "truth".

Hard when your father is a billy beta boomer.

Do you mean the machines in a materialistic (capitalism mode of production) or spiritual meaning?

>> No.13532549


brainlet explain pls

>> No.13532566


>> No.13532582

This is demonstrably false. Aside from legitimate neurochemistry disorders, there is a widely known code of conduct that will guarantee happiness. Easiest thing in the world to figure out, very difficult to practice consistently.

>> No.13532594

Guy's taking acid at a heavily populated Muslim holy ground. Might as well hand someone the machete while he's at it.

>> No.13532608

it's the system fren. starting from education, media, advertisement, everything. Everything is shaped around consumption. Enlightened people dont consume on the level we need to keep everything running. our system is fucked up through and through

Our fathers didnt know better its not their fault I bet they tried their best within their means. this has been going on for generations its just growing exponentially. Plus they didnt have the internet, no 4chin, no alternative ways of getting your information through research. they got spoon fed what they where suppose to know to operate a assembly line or be wheel in the system nothing else.

>Do you mean the machines in a materialistic (capitalism mode of production)

>> No.13532613

I lost 500 million to SLOTS

>> No.13532634

>Do you mean the machines in a materialistic (capitalism mode of production)

Well in that case, good news. Capitalism only has a few decades left at most (tendency of the rate of profit to fall).

>> No.13532650

If you’re not financially free you’re financially enslaved.

>> No.13532654

yes capitalism is dying.
next step either utopia brought to us via ai (we are obviously not smart enough) and almost free energie. or back to the stone age. next 20 years will be veeeeery interesting

>> No.13532666

Because we are all fags and social rejects

>> No.13532668

muh gaibz

>> No.13532672

you are a slave as long as you want something outside your control. you can be rich and a slave to your cooperation. or even your wealth. money has very little to do with freedom. because even if you have a lot of money you might fear to loose it again. making you a slave to your wealth. freedom is a state of mind

>> No.13532674

lol wut? islam has nothing against psychedelics, cannabis, or opium. They just alcohol. Dude is fine (he's probably not the only one tripping on something)

>> No.13532682

That picture is fucking horrifying.

>> No.13532683

Same. Had 250k but i had to sell everything. Now its only 8k

>> No.13532688
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honk honk
it is the world we live in get used to it fren

>> No.13532693


>> No.13532698

Jesus bro, maybe youre the one who needs a smoke of marijuanas.

>> No.13532704

Onions skellitons

>> No.13532714

Totally agree.

With solar/wind + cheap li-ion for storage, i'm very optimist.

About a mode of production directed by algorithms, we have a very good start with open source, the blockchain, and generally a great interest in algorithms.

WWIII doesn't make any sense since there is no lack of energy.

The biggest risk is more like a rogue AI or a technological disaster (nanomachines, stuff like that).

>> No.13532715

my money is on AI and the gov stepping in requiring all these companies to give out dividends to help pay for the lack of employment. (ie a fully automated tech/financial company making $1billion in profits, disrupts the entire industry, but only employs 5 people; should share teh wealth, because other companies in their industry will follow their model, and we'll have a huge unemployment issue)

>> No.13532717
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t.weed addicted piece of shit

>> No.13532730


Have you thought that the only reason that it guarantees happiness it's because you believe it? this is the meaning of faith and why people feel so compelled to sacrifice animals and shit to unknown forces, it makes you feel joy if you believe in it

>> No.13532745

Weed will become legal nationwide in 1p years. All the super smart straight edge fuck boys will start smoking and becoming more creative, new era technology is already here with blockchain, the future stoners will craft the utopian catalyst

>> No.13532751

Its fucking smartphones and social media. Nothing more, nothing less. Read “Industrial Society and Its Future”. Uncle Ted knew what the fuck he was talking about.

>> No.13532788

frens dont consume any drugs at all it only numbs the pain it does not free you from it. once is in a while is ok to broaden your perspective. once you revolve your life around any type of consumption you are screwed and is very hard to brake the cycle of mindless consumption be it vidya drugs new clothes whatever it is. use your time to enhance your mental capabilities.

I got my money on cold fusion. that would solve a lot of problems but only in the short term. but at least not everything would go down the drain and humanity still has a chance.

Not talking about ww3 talking about a total collapse of the system with major riots setting us back hundreds of years. humans are like cancer we will never die out unless the whole earth gets destroyed somehow. very unlikely.

rouge ai is not that big of a concern would be a nice topic to talk about though. the thing is an ai does not know if it is in a simulation or not. kind of like we dont know if there is a god basically the same. so my hope is that we will cooperate maybe we will be kept as some kind of pet or something. but a happy pet if you get the picture. could go very wrong tho it is an option.

yes we need ubi asap. we will loose millions of jobs within the next years. if the gobernment does not step in and hands out at least some gibs so everyone can survive until the possible utopia arrives it wont get that far because the pleb will grab the pitchfork and burn everything down to the ground. they have to do some sort of ubi there is no way around it imo.

see first part of rant

>> No.13532847

Also porn and constant masturbation. I’ve been 14days clean on noporn and nofap. I’m planning to go over 2 months.

>> No.13532887


I see plenty of giddy happy people with smartphones

>> No.13532918

Marijuana is turnung me homosexual

>> No.13532928

>virgin whores
I kked

>> No.13532935

>t. I’m with Her

>> No.13532944

I think it might be information overload. Processing new information is mentally tiring, and with smartphones / internet / social media the amount of stuff people try to absorb is probably at least an order of magnitude more than what people did a couple of decades ago. It's just 24/7, nonstop. There was a time not too long ago when someone could actually be bored for a while because there's nothing to do, not because they've been doing things nonstop for years and are just bored of everything.

>> No.13532945


>he hasn't read kierkegaard

>> No.13532948
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"O You who believe! Indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than Allah], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful." [Quran: 5:90]

Medical use is the only exception.

>> No.13532949

you are probably young fren. Believe me I loved to smoke when I was younger. Untill I found something that could will the void I felt. It is called philosophy or broader understanding of things. but believe an oldfag over here the marijuanas is not the answer to the thing you are searching for

>> No.13532984


totally agree on that. but think about what would happen if everyone stepped back for a second and started to think. everything would go down the shitter right that instant. so let the sheeple sheep it is better for us all. if one wants to wake up there are millions of ways out there to do so but if one is not ready it is better to keep the status quo.

i personally dont watch any news. dont browse the interwebs very often and keep far away from any shopping or advertisement. and believe me I could buy a lot if I wanted. but it is a huge meme as I said already. but I do understand that the system would collapse right that instant if everyone would stop buying useless shit all the time so until there is a better solution it has to be sadly. it is very sad to watch though

>> No.13533004

>basic income
I'm 99% sure most people in this country would rather see the world burn down then have basic income.

>> No.13533015

based and clownpilled

>> No.13533027

i think so to. until it is to late. so the gobernment needs to grow some balls. but I do believe we will hit close to 50% - 60% unemployment including minor riots before it happens. or they will blame the negros or mexicans or chinese whatever it is. but the jobs wont come back again. even the dumbest person will understand that some day

>> No.13533031

Im already enlightened you retard. Nothing even matters. I do still have some goals that im slowly accomplishing, even tho it means nothing, i just like getting munchies and eating shitty drive thru food

>> No.13533038
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On 4chan bragging...you’ll never make it. Even with your million...money is like water bro...it can evaporate just as quickly as it comes in.

>> No.13533047

if you say so fren. my definition of enlightenment does not include calling a conversation partner retard but you do you. and I would say that achieving a state of enlightenment matters a lot. what ever that definition is that is for everyone to choose on a personal level.

>> No.13533049

Just feels like everything I do is in vain. It always fails. No matter how hard I work for it.

>> No.13533059

failure is an opinion things are neutral from nature, they just are. what value you put on it is up to you.

>> No.13533069

thanks smartass

>> No.13533109
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no problem.
irony aside I hope you do understand that it is very important.

>> No.13533279

If it makes you feel any better success is quickly forgotten:
>You did well in high school? Now you have to try to do well in college
>Did well in college? Now you need to do well in your job
>Did well in your job? Now you need to climb the ladder
>Got a house? Now it needs improvements

Its exhausting since theres always a new opportunity to fuck up and get shit on, with no regards to your past accomplishments

>> No.13533291
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this jewish scam called existence is rigged from the start