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File: 40 KB, 450x300, btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13530712 No.13530712 [Reply] [Original]

Went from 0 to almost $20,000 in 9 years.
Many are saying it will go to $250,000 and beyond in 5 more.
Having seen what we have seen, is that really so improbable? Had you have told someone that BTC was going to go to $5800 in 2010, people would have laughed at you and called you retarded. And yet we are here. So, is $250,000 or more really that improbable?

>> No.13530726

It's as realistic as crashing to $10 tomorrow. There's no logic or reason in crypto, only whales manipulating the markets.

>> No.13530747

It's not improbable at all. In fact it's very likely. Anyone who says otherwise is either a scared boomer, a bearfag shitposter, or a central bank kike shill.

>> No.13530754

cryptos are penny stocks without hassles

>> No.13530758

Unprecedented technology allowing for digital store of value and forced scarcity, that is the first mover and has total market penetration?

Sky is the limit. There can only be 21 million ever. All it will take is a currency crisis and everyone will move into crypto to hedge against global average. It will happen anyway, but a financial meltdown will be a true catalyst for the purpose of bitcoin as digital cash.

If you don't have at least a couple of these by now then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.13531049

Thats a meme. Only 21 mil? Dont forget about the 6000+ other coins on the market.

>> No.13531079
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This is so fucking retarded it hurts. It's nap time boomer.

>> No.13531137


Otherwise It would have stagnated comfily at 1k

>> No.13531158

an economic crisis alone won’t make people flock to bitcoin—it might even cause a selloff. What you need is another 2008 fiasco with big banks as the culprit. It needs to be an emotional as well as financial revolt against centralized banks.

>> No.13531180

in fact at first it would almost certainly drop as people are required to liquidate some assets for margin calls and whatnot

>> No.13531183

Remember, people doubted Tesla too. There is definitely potential for Bitcoin to repeat the miracle, but don't rely on it. Invest only for the short-term.

>> No.13531528

>there's no logic or reason in crypto.
Imagine being this new.

>> No.13532197


There is a reason XBT is the longest chain that is still thriving. If that alone isnt enough for you, I dont know what to tell you fren.

>> No.13532246


not an actual denomination

>> No.13532254
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>> No.13532266
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>> No.13532359

“The dollar is a meme. Printing off a press? Don’t forget the millions of other printers around the world “

Fuck off boomer

>> No.13532407

eventually traders get bored with BTC and gamble with shitcoins which in return crashes BTC

>> No.13532422
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>What is fungibility

>> No.13532998
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Bitcoin is used for international wires

for example let´s say that britbongistan ask loisences to send money.

So you do

100 GBP > 1 BTC > 90 USD

notices the last part 1 BTC > 90 USD

When you do that movement you sell the btc to someone doing the same in reverse.
So there is a constant demand of scarce btc to do international transactions.

After the halving the ammount of btc created per year is reduced by half.

So now you do

100 GBP > 0.5 BTC > 90 USD

all that changed is that you now use less btc for the same transaction due to them being rarer.

But for the investor it´s literally massive gains.



There is pure logic in crypto , specially in btc economical game theory.

250.000 is probably a low target , during the next halving btc will reach lower inflation levels than the usd or gold it will break the boom and bust cycle and flatline and then constant slow prices increase non stop(which in reality will be fiat losing value relative to crypto).

This guy knows.

And bitcoin was forked lot´s of time and the only two that have value are core and bch due to the ideological differences.
The rest of the forks are worth shit because value is done by supply and demand and no one demands shitcoins.

Governments get out of economic crisis since 1930 by destroying their currencies (causing lower wages relative to things with low inflation like heousing).
This makes the economic products cheaper and adds money into the economy.

If they do this in the crypto era forget the moon , crypto is going to the sun.

BTC and BCH will break the cycle as their mining(inflation rate) becomes lower than fiat.
Ethernal bullrun for real relative to fiat since fiat will be losing value faster.

>> No.13533011


>> No.13533020

There is ONLY logic and reason. Lrn2code faggot

>> No.13533046

Doesn't this depend on funny money being able to pump everything up to begin with? I mean, some idiot would probably pay 50-100k usd for 1 BTC is the entire market looks bullish, but the initial impulse has to be faked, there is literally no other way around it. The problem is that USDT is fucked up, dead.

>> No.13533078

JP Morgan, fidelity, chase, E*trade, etc, are all getting in on the action and artificially suppressing the market until they have their hooks in nice and deep.

I have mine in BCH and not planning to sell my stack until this time next year, at minimum. At least wait until
all the normies throw in a fuck ton of cash.

>> No.13533114

No anon , the demand can stay the same and btc would moon.
What changes is the supply being reduced every 4 years , the people using btc for international wires (freelancers , companies , unbanked people) they will continue doing using more 0s in their transactions they don´t give a fuck about the price and will continue sending money.

The supply is reduced massively tough causing the price rises.
Funny money create the bubbles tough it helps making it go higher but it´s not the main cause.

>> No.13533148

>the demand can stay the same and btc would moon
>Funny money create the bubbles tough it helps making it go higher but it´s not the main cause


>> No.13533175

ReRead this until you understand

Bitcoin is used for international wires

for example let´s say that britbongistan ask loisences to send money.

So you do

100 GBP > 1 BTC > 90 USD

notices the last part 1 BTC > 90 USD

When you do that movement you sell the btc to someone doing the same in reverse.
So there is a constant demand of scarce btc to do international transactions.

After the halving the ammount of btc created per year is reduced by half.

So now you do

100 GBP > 0.5 BTC > 90 USD

all that changed is that you now use less btc for the same transaction due to them being rarer.

But for the investor it´s literally massive gains.



There is pure logic in crypto , specially in btc economical game theory.

>> No.13533198

This is why we wait until at least the halvening. Scarcity builds value, perceived value or otherwise.

>> No.13533204


>> No.13533208

Also since some anons may be interested check this.

This is the volume of transactions on localbitcoins


Then put on BTC(to see how many btc are transacted).
You willl see that the market is using less btc after each halving and the price is increased the more that happens.
The last price rise happened because btc scarcity in the market starting on march.

>> No.13533249

Justify buying 1 BTC at 100k instead of a house.

>> No.13533261

The way I look at it is it's never going to zero, if you buy now the most you're going to loose in the short term could be about $1k. So what would you rather? Risk loosing a grand or not owning single Bitcoin and looking at the price in about 10 years time to see it sitting at $1M? I know what I would rather.

>> No.13533263

This anon hit the nail on the head.

>> No.13533268

People would not buy 1BTC they would buy 0.0000005 to send money abroad.

There are massive amounts of Freelancers using it and also companies accepting it.

It's literally an independent wire system.

>> No.13533274

>You willl see that the market is using less btc after each halving and the price is increased the more that happens.
Or, could it be that the price increases, making BTC more expensive to use, resulting in less volume?

>> No.13533277

if 1 btc is worth ...
1 usd there can be 21 millionaires
10 usd there can be 210 millionaires
1000 usd there can be 21000 millionaires
100000 usd there can be 2100000 millionaires

i expect the price of bitcoin to go down to $400 after making this post

>> No.13533290

There will be about 14m btc by 2100 most are inactive from early days

>> No.13533298

There are no single bitcoin millionaires, just exchanges. Bitcoin millionaires are actually quite rare.

>> No.13533317

Cant back up your statement with facts. Its pure economics u retarded snowflake. A saturated market isnt going to help btc. The more coins in existence the less money in btc. You autists are truly dumb, hurts my head to think about the level of stupidity that lies within your pea brains.

>> No.13533358

How can they make it more expensive to use it if it´s divisible?
Fucking boomers man , learn about you are speaking , you can use 0.0000001 btc if you wish.

The fees are a problem and yet btc competes with bank wires and an international bank wire can cost 50 usd.
Even at massive 50usd fees btc would be cheap and still even if the network is bottlenecked you can send a free transaction and it will be eventually processed(and probably faster than international wires).

Because contrary to keynsian bullshit people used deflationary memecurrency to fullfill their dreams and then they want to kill themselves for doing so.

Look at btc predictions from 2012 , 2015 and so on and you will see that people constantly underestimated the price massively.

That´s because they don´t understand this.


BTC Game theory is the core to understand it´s price movements.
Satoshi greatest genious was not the code , it was the fucking game theory.

This thing can only rise.

The only weird thing is the 4 year halving instead of every 1 year , maybe he wanted it to go under the radar , who knows.

What it matters is that it´s a genious idea.

>> No.13533370


looking at these charts we see ongoing demand for an asset where there's only 21million units, keep in mind every halving event reduces supply even further.. eventually there comes a point where price must rise, it's inevitable in a world where population is rising, turmoil is rising, resulting in demand for an asset that can be moved with relative ease.

If bitcoin was a fad, then yes it would goto ZERO, however we are living in a world whereby digital money is embraced by a new generation of humans. Such technology means in 50 years time, kids will ask their dad why they didn't own at least 1 bitcoin "back when it was $6k each". Dads of the future will then have to go thru all the same crap their previous generations muttered, "well son, if I had known property and land would be worth this much back in the 60's, I would of bought the entire neighbourhood, it was so cheap back then, I didn't know it would go up this high". Failing to realize that world population was dramatically rising and had been well documented in the 60s.

>> No.13533381

More words of wisdom.
People will be kicking themselves decades from now, and it was all here and elsewhere to see for those who wanted to see it.

>> No.13533385

Finally someone that understands , here is another thing for you anon to check.

Check btc inflation and then usd and eur inflation and then find out when btc will have less inflation than usd and euros.

>> No.13533433

The problem with your logic is people still think that being a millionaire in crypto means you can potentially exchange your BTC for huge amounts of FIAT eventually, not because BTC itself holds any value.

>> No.13533477

i completely understand why.
People see manipulation and scams right now and they think it's doomed to fail, failing to understand that all great things have these initial hurdles. Look at countries that became great, a whole bunch of bad things happened. How about the internet? The world had to kill each other for the Internet to be invented. Numerous people died to build great monuments, test new fighter planes, etc. This is all normal. When the dust settles and BTC becomes boring, it'll be the time when each BTC is worth a fortune (e.g. the day when major pension funds, government reserve banks hold BTC). This is why we are all speculators right now.

Imagine buying prime real estate in any country right after a major war... Dirt cheap. But wait till everything gets developed, you won't be able to afford it...

>> No.13533546
File: 547 KB, 1000x740, yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally no one is using bitcoin to transfer money. Bitcoin is the goy's middle finger to Jewish supremacist bankers. Crypto is anti-semetic.

>> No.13533557

This. People can be in denial all they want but the truth is bitcoin is controlled by a handful of whales who own 99% of the supply. Period

>> No.13533716
File: 1.04 MB, 1532x10000, clnd0r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is why we wait until at least the halvening. Scarcity builds value, perceived value or otherwise.
until then Bobo rules

>> No.13534004

Defensive? The fees are exactly what I'm talking about. International bank wires, not to mention alternative crypto-tokens ("altcoins") can be cheaper to send than BTC, and that will become more and more often the case the higher the price/hashrate of BTC goes.

>> No.13534031

>Defensive? The fees are exactly what I'm talking about. International bank wires, not to mention alternative crypto-tokens ("altcoins") can be cheaper to send than BTC, and that will become more and more often the case the higher the price/hashrate of BTC goes.

Protip they are not , they are a pain in the ass , take weeks and can be frozen for no reason and it´s not because technology but because conflicting laws between nations.

Crypto will survive , bitcoin will be it´s gold standard and act as a reserve currency and another crypto with less hash and security will be used for the cheaper transactions.

It´s not a question of tech anon it´s game theory , bankwires are shit internationaly because governments put retarded controls , even paypal founders told it would have been illegal if they asked so they acted as retards and never contacted a lawyer during the creation of their company.

Most memecoins are that worthless shit , btc is not and there is place for another more once btc bottlenecks.

Go check how much western union is getting for money transfer , how much paypal takes , and how much banks charge.

Even at 50usd fees btc is cheap , that´s obviously not for most people but it would be cheap for a considerable ammount of people(freelancers , companies , international wires , people saving money that send them to their wallets with 1 sat fees).
Eventually another crypto will gain a place with bitcoin tough , but that´s good for both.

>> No.13534918

The 4 year halving isn't weird at all, he literally chose it because it syncs up perfectly with presidential election years. Now as you watch the circus of our government play out you remember that bitcoin gives you an out. Its truly a genius halving schedule

>> No.13535024

There's nothing in the code specifying what BTC is worth.

>> No.13535141

The longer you have been in crypto the easier it is to spot clueless noob posts.

250k+ is inevitable

>> No.13535384
File: 414 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2019-05-06-03-59-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Relax anon.. Look at the bigger picture

>taste the rainbow

>> No.13535695

property tax, high realtor fees if you want sell, you never really own your house the govt can force buy it from u. property tax of 10% a year will have many people reconsider buying a house

>> No.13535778

that is the worst tracking curve i have seen to date

>> No.13535865

depends on the amount for dirt sure for serious wealth hell no you are stupid

>> No.13535883

If you aren't all in on shorting right now then you are a retard

>> No.13535948

This. Been here since 2013. Right now we are over 5x the 2014 ATH. That's fucking insane. And people call it a bear marekt....

>> No.13535988

250K USD x 21,000,000 coins = $5,250,000,000,000 market cap.
NEVER going to happen.

>> No.13535996

oh my god that's like five trillion two fifty billion

>> No.13535999

Hi I'm new too. Perhaps we can be frenz?

>> No.13536023

yeah, it's more physical money, i.e paper bills and metal coins, than there is on planet earth in its entirety. ridiculous.

>> No.13536025

5.8k is fine but 250k is completely retarded. Even gold and platinum cost less.

>> No.13536026
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>What is inflation
>What is keynsianism
>What are central banks
>How do politicians pay gibs
>How are politicians going to pay boomer pensions
>How politicians get out of economic crisis

Daily reminder that the average ww2 destroyer in the us navy used to cost 6 million dollars.

>> No.13536028
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totally possible btc goes to even $1M. 5 trillion is nothing.

The greatest threat of btc is the speculative nature of humans and new coins coming with better tech than bitcoin.

>> No.13536040
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Wow the iq of biz is getting higher lately.

Yes 5 trillion is nothing compared to the fact that btc has a 100b market cap.

Could you go a few years back and tell people it would have that they would have trolled you to death and yet here we are.

>> No.13536045

Also anon is using wrong numbers , there are not going to be 21m coins most were lost when people used them for fun.

Optimisticaly there are going to be about 14m coins and that´s assuming mtgox coins enter the market somehow.

>> No.13536115

>Yes 5 trillion is nothing compared to the fact that btc has a 100b market cap.
the hardest part was going from 0 to 1000. Once btc is recognized as digital gold it will be a multi trillion market cap. The space is being cleaned up to allow the financial world to get in. Only reason big funds aren't in yet is the regulatory uncertainty. They also need to solve custody issues.

>> No.13536135

$50k seems reasonable, but $250k would require a fuck tonne of fiat

>> No.13536151

The next bullrun is going to be massive

>Bottleneck + segwit duplicate network capacity as people switch to segwit wallets.

>Less inflation than usd after the halving

>Finance world preparing to get in

>Everyone that laughed at it in the last bullruns is now ready to enter as they saw it happen

I would not be suprised if it reaches 1 million.

>> No.13536224
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Who'll buy that crap though?