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File: 144 KB, 500x489, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13528746 No.13528746 [Reply] [Original]

This is what boomers unironically believe. They still think you can just get a job straight out of highschool, walk into your nearest store, give the manager a firm handshake, and get a job that will pay for a house in less than a year. While all of them sit on their cushy high seniority jobs that are extremely overpaid, everyone else slaves and starves in the fucked up ruins of the economy that they shat all over.

>> No.13528761

If you don't have 430k by age 22, you are never going to make it.

>> No.13528891

Sell he's right if you aren't at least somewhat comfortable by age 35 you fucked up somewhere.

>> No.13528912

Boomers are the original generation "Me". They have very little concept of tradition, community, family, and heritage. But that isn't surprising since the aforementioned institutions only grow particularly strong during times of hardship. During times of prosperity, they wither and wane and are eventually replaced by hedonistic pleasure and and mean-spiritedness, which puts society back into hard times.

>> No.13528923

How do I short neets?

>> No.13528929

NEETs are usually already short

>> No.13528985

He's not wrong. You don't get a job that makes you rich, you have to make it yourself by being self-employed.

>> No.13529244
File: 12 KB, 480x640, 1555139429436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a firm handshake
Haven't heard that meme for so long.

>> No.13529276

What he said is true for asian families but not for white ones. Boomers have no concept of gerational wealth and your parents are probably remortgaging every couple of years to afford a bigger mcmansion

>> No.13529357

got a job
work for 15 years
100k net worth
I didn't fuck up i have a good job

35 year olds believe this

>> No.13529372 [DELETED] 

He's right you lazy fucking faggot. Study hard in high school, get good grades and get into a good university for a STEM or business education

plenty of kids out there are graduating and getting high 5-figure jobs starting at like 22 with great upward trajectories you NEETlord faggot

>> No.13529390

Suck my cock commie retard

>> No.13529415
File: 986 KB, 2324x1489, B4C2C4A9-495A-4988-80A1-CA622DAE4B9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China isn't communist fella

>> No.13529424

That is absolutely hilarious coming from someone who does business in China.

>> No.13529443

We already have communism but only boomers get the benefits. Ken Griffin was going to lose all his money but the govt bailed him out via TARP and then he hired Ben Bernanke after Bernanke left the fed. The boomers and the jews have destroyed America. Communism would be an improvement compared to what we have now

>> No.13529449

based. everyone in this thread is a fucking retard neet. i used to be one but i became a man

>> No.13529486

jack ma is troll as fuck, he says anyone can become a billionaire

>> No.13529505


>> No.13529506

He is not a troll, he really believes it.

>> No.13529612

I haven't bothered reading the article, but if he really said "It's you're fault if you're poor at 35" he just means that it doesn't take much effort to hit middle class.
And really, it doesn't. It just takes a lot of diligence to stay on the right path.
But if he really meant "anyone can be a multi-millionaire" then he's probably just being an asshole since the guy himself clearly has no concept of morals

>> No.13529695
File: 229 KB, 408x466, 996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then he's probably just being an asshole since the guy himself clearly has no concept of morals

>> No.13529714

poor in china and poor in america are quite different however

>> No.13529733

Come on. Most main land Chinese have zero morals. We've all seen the videos of the kids being ran over and everyone walks right past them.

>> No.13530337

Unironically this

>> No.13530353

I have a Chinese friend who said something to the effect of "if you aren't making six figures within three years in the corporate world you're a loser". Asian kids who are born rich have some hilarious ideas about making it.

>> No.13530383

This. My whole life my dad said he didnt care about us after 18, always said global warming is dumb cause he’d be desd by the time it would happen anyways etc. etc. it’s just that attitude boomers have. He was even a really nice guy that made lots of money(millions)
He has of course squandered it and now somehow on cars and stereos and trying to prep for retirement in his later 50s. I know at any given point he could have set cash aside and had a 30k a year salary on divs but now his dumbass is worried he will be able to afford retiring at all. He had many opportunities in life to set himself and his family up and didnt because boomers only thing about #1 and have no interest in their family line or community or future.

>> No.13530394

It’s true though. If you grew up in that world and didnt make six figs you are a fucking loser. Problem is 99.999999% of people don’t have loads of connections in that world which is 100% required to make it without some serious effort/luck.

>> No.13530397

full communism is literally the only way we all make it. the current system is fucked and the wealth is only going to get even more centralized as time goes on. we are literally heading toward fuedalism again. people that have jobs right now will be the last to have them. because the automation WILL come eventually. If it doesn't get you this decade it will in 2030 for sure.

>> No.13530406


He's right you know.

>> No.13530414

Well it depens on what he means by poor.

>> No.13530434

A firm handshake won’t get you a job but I guarantee you a weak ass handshake will give a shitty first impression.

>> No.13530463


It's true. It's not everything but it can break you.

>> No.13530471


This, or sweaty palms. You need to be able to low key wipe your palms before shaking if you know your hand is a wet mop.

>> No.13530475


Indeed. The game is different depending on who you are.

>> No.13530477

It's true, but only for triple digit IQ people

>> No.13530483
File: 146 KB, 720x960, 12345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13531159

Despite having good hygiene i smell and i have bad knees which prevent me from doing most jobs, what can i do besides being a janitor .

>> No.13531166

What if someone robbed you of everything on your 35th birthday

Fucking dumb chinker

>> No.13531221

There must be some balance between thinking the system is completely rigged and being a wage cuck that does 996.

>> No.13531224

I will give anyone in this thread near Boston a $24/hr part time painting job (pick your own hours) right now. The next three people can have full time $18/hr construction laborer work with my buddy.

Start tomorrow for both. No experience. Will train for all.

>> No.13531238

Not this.
Definitely this. It's understandable how poor I was at 21, I come from nothing. I'm only 29 and not poor. If I were to be poor at 35 it would be 100% my own fault.

>> No.13531274

learn Python
I think his university spawned infamous Justin Sun

>> No.13531304
File: 51 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not wrong... Ben Shapiro has 3 rules to avoid poverty in the U.S.
1. Finish high school
2. Get a job
3. Don't have a child out of wedlock

If you follow these 3 simple rules there's 2% chance you will end up below the poverty line. You might not become a millionaire, but middle class nonetheless.

>> No.13531345

So where do boomers, millenials, and zoomers fit into all this? (skipping silent generation cause who cares)

>inb4 all weak

>> No.13531358
File: 129 KB, 630x630, 63E3E906-BDC1-4C81-8E7C-A2F8FF5B2850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get a job

>> No.13531406

His head has such a weird shape.

>> No.13531415

I think >>13531358 answers most of your questions.

>> No.13531435

I would take you up on the offer if i lived near

>> No.13531512

>be lucky as fuck in life by getting a business idea at the right time
I hate these retarded billionaires, it's like saying everybody can win the lottery big prize

>> No.13531548

Is that a good salary for Americans? Not being sarcastic, just being curious

>> No.13531583

I completely agree with Jack MA and if you dont then your probably young or in denial

>> No.13531897

Reminder you can make 90k delivering bread

>> No.13531900

You lazy entitled millenials are unbelievable....
Stop playing your bitcoin video game!
Go to your favorite McDonalds and tell them you'd like to work there and work hard!
When you have enough money, apply to your community college and study hard!
You're pissing away all the amazing opportunities that your parents worked hard to bring you! I'm jealous of you kids because the economy is booming right now! And the opportunities are all there in your face, but they're flying away to the Chinese because you kids are too busy playing your bitcoin video game! If I were your age right now, I would already be asst. manager at that McDonalds, and enrolled in college.
So get off your computer, get off your ass and GO OUT AND GET A JOB!!!

>> No.13531940

>gets sick

>> No.13531967

It's that kind of thinking that keeps you poor and makes him right. Getting a job isn't going to make you rich, that's up to you.

>> No.13532018

I can't tell if you're doing the satire or not, but this is 100% legit advice. Any action is preferable to hanging around complaining and anyone not working right now, that actually wants things in life, is genuinely retarded.

McDonald's is offering fucking sign on bonuses for Christ's sake...

>> No.13532151

Communism is wealth centralization you brainlet.

>> No.13532178

Boomers made it hard for everyone and are the weak ones. They lived through a period where everything was handed to them and a firm handshake was all they needed to succeed.

>> No.13532251

ill just play bitcoin video game

>> No.13532340

February 28, 1947

>> No.13532342

Jack Ma is an entrepreneurship beast. Fools here need to read about his early days. All but one of his friends bailed on his business idea too

>> No.13532647
File: 1.68 MB, 3024x4032, 2135123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chink talk 101
is it demeaning?
is it a lie?
does it push a narrative of success?

if any of these apply then the chink talking has a 1inch penis and erectile dysfunction and is coping by flouting any other aspect of his life.
note how female billionaire are rarely seen in the Media because they are the selectors of sex and when they /make it/ theyre gonna pick a chad rich or poor regardless.

>> No.13532719

Never seen so much insecurity in one post. Did they recently take your stem job or some shit?

>> No.13532841

fun fact

china is their laboratory. Everything implemented there are prototypes for future use, but more refined and subtle.

>> No.13532981




>> No.13533501


i will be a good wagie sir plz do the needful

>> No.13533641

gibe wwage pl0z

>> No.13534132

Just another ant like every other chinese fool.

>> No.13534222


Debt has fucked over the younger generations. Shit that could be bought in cash with <5 years of saving now requires signing a multi decade enslavement contract because of the debt fueled asset inflation.

>> No.13534484

Some chink software engineer youtuber who works in San Francisco keeps posting videos saying the same thing basically, like it's easy to make $1,000,000 and it's basically not shit.
Privileged chinks are probably the most laughably oblivious and amoral demographic there is

>> No.13534493

He's right though. This nigger took a risk and actually started a company while you fags are scraping for peanuts working for someone else and gambling shitcoins.

>> No.13534513

If you want to be a loser, then be a loser.

>> No.13534609

he is just being cynical, he makes fun of these google startups who work for like half a year in these top companies just to quit it for some reason and then brag about that you worked for amazon / facebook / amazon ect.

>> No.13534629

I detect no irony in any of his videos. He's just a typical soulless, dead-eyed, arrogant chink.

>> No.13535220

full communism is bullshit. you need socialism, where money serves the nation instead of working against it. also you need wealth caps at like 10 million dollars since rich fags tend to get nihilistic to their nation after getting too rich. if you go full blown communism people just work as much as they must most of the time.

>> No.13535265

((( ben shapiro )))

>> No.13535300


Jack Ma is a bugman who thinks 80 hour work weeks should be the norm. I wouldn't quite put him in the same class as boomers.

>> No.13535407

This. Everyone needs to understand who Bernanke is and how he has fucked over hundreds of millions of people in the younger generations across the whole of the developed world. Just how the fuck has he got away with this?!?!

>> No.13535408

fuck off boomer

>> No.13535433

It's thw truth. I'm 34 and poor and relive every squandered opportunity while I lay awake at night and wonder how I will pay for rent.

>> No.13535552

i'm 33 with no networth and i unironically agree with jack ma. i know many of you are zoomzooms and take this statement personally, but he's not saying "go be a wagecuck and buy your house on mortgage, goy". by 35 you've had almost two decades of adult life, and that's a long time to figure out how the system works and if you want to exploit it. a man who blames external circumstances for his failures is no man at all

>> No.13536473

Knee pads fren. Invest in some

>> No.13536576

>college loan debt
>car loan debt
>mortgage debt or pay rent throwing money into black hole
>rising costs every year for health insurance

what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.13536582

we're all fucked senpai. whats the oldest you can join the military? at least ill feel safe on a military base somewhere picking desert rocks out of my asshole.

>> No.13536610

If you are a first world country he's basically right. Just finish high school and don't knock up any sluts and you are practically guaranteed to avoid poverty.

>> No.13537121

I’m 24 with a 100k net worth what the fuck are you doing with your money?