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13523748 No.13523748 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /biz/ so on Monday I will give my last computer class to kids age 13, and instead of giving candys (like all teachers in history) I was thinking to giving them a hidden treasure, a litecoin paper wallet.

I will deposit each one 0.01LTC and now it will depend on them to find a way to withdraw the funds. I will email me all their private keys in a few "Self Email" servers with 10 years timer.

They don't know or have heard about cryptos but I will just tell them they need this key to open the treasure. I'm sure 80% will don't care but if just 20-30% in some point of their young life get into the rabbit hole learn by themself.

I will consider my last lesson in that school a success.

Opinions or variations that I need to consider?

>> No.13523782

Are you going to tell them anything about Litecoin or just hand them a seed phrase? Because they're all gonna toss it in the trash if it's the latter.
Any concerns about school rules that prohibit you from giving cash to students?

>> No.13523816


Some retarded parent is gonna find a reason to complain about you.

>> No.13523852

>I will email me all their private keys

>> No.13523858

good intention but bad execution. Parents would see you as shilling your shitcoin

>> No.13523866

51p or 67 cents for 0.01
i think its a cool idea though

>> No.13523878

honestly this. did you forget about the irrational hatred boomers have for crypto? they will see you as trying to get them into a scam

>> No.13523888

>giving kids money without parent's knowledge


>> No.13523925

Do it but never mention the word crypto or litecoin. Just tell them there is a hidden treasure in that message and if they keep studying, one day they will be able to find it.

>> No.13523950

Great idea and intention, you should give them more than just 0.01 tho, better impact

>> No.13523985

>send kid wallet phrase
>kid thinks crypto is neat
>kid is naive or stupid
>adds more money to wallet you gave him
>gets hacked because key is on an random email
>you get blamed

>> No.13524164
File: 97 KB, 681x925, 3303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, with FutureMe: Write a Letter to your Future Self or lettertomyfutureself
I know, but when you add 30 wallets, cents add up.
True, but you can easly hide text in email or just encrypt it and add instructions with the password being a personal question like name of your dog, who was your childhood hero or something like that.
Interesting points

>> No.13524177

If you were my sons teacher i would beat the shit out of you

>> No.13524253
File: 333 KB, 1080x1440, 1553457926291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every single kid has a screen in front of them all hours of the day
>likely have unbridled access to the internet when they get home
these kids are so fucked AHAHAHAHAH

>> No.13524300

You’ll go down as their stupidest teacher ever

>> No.13524349

pls don't for your own sake

>> No.13524379

cute idea OP but I also could see this bringing trouble down the line

>> No.13524806

instead of being a little fucker why don't you teach them to make their own PGP signatures
then your class will be above Craig Wright's level of crypto understanding

>> No.13524839

>Do it but never mention the word crypto or litecoin. Just tell them there is a hidden treasure in that message and if they keep studying, one day they will be able to find it.
"Hi Red-dit! My computer class teacher gave me this note with these random words on it. What does it mean?"

>> No.13524860

Look at that overpaid cunt at the front of the class kek. A "teacher" she calls herself. Bet she burns the coal on the side and then preaches diversity to the class every other day. DOTR, can't wait. Putting your White child in a classroom like that is unironically child abuse.

>> No.13525380

Good on you for making an admin at the future email servers richer

>> No.13525710

I don't think too many will care about $0.70 in crypto.
A different approach that doesn't require more money is having everything on one wallet, like $10 worth of LTC and have a race situation, where the first student that figures out how to transfer the funds gets to keep them.
Upside: A lot more pupils will care about $10 and try to figure out how to do it
Downside Only one winner and maybe some disappointed students that were close to transfering.

>> No.13525722

Charlie Lee dumped all of his LTC a long time ago, why are you still holding this shitcoin?


>> No.13525816

Just do a class ten year capsule and put it in there with a letter. Don't say anything....will mean more but it's a long play.

>> No.13525916

KEK you are getting in jail soon son

>> No.13526480

Dont give money to the brown or yellow invaders.

>> No.13526754

Haha I know an ex-teacher who stilled neo coin at 100+usd to his middle school class. He even made a few lectures about how neo coin is going to change the world. Well guess why he is an ex-teacher.

Boomer really don't take kindly to these internet pyramid schemes.

>> No.13527344

my 8 year old brother has unsupervised access to the internet like 8 hours a day, as well as a powerful pc. He's already writing shitty .bat malware, I can only wonder what other degenerate shit he's doing on there

he is already fucked lol

>> No.13527558

I didn't know teachers had that low of an IQ
>give crypto to children during tether controverse
>what can go wrong
that shit can get you fired i dont even understand how you can think it's a good idea.

>> No.13527590

candies is plural

>> No.13527610

Why don't you just email them gay lifestyle and vegan diet propaganda? It's less proselytizing than your stupid turning them on to fake money treasure idea.