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13519019 No.13519019 [Reply] [Original]

>finally save up enough to become a neet
>bored as fuck

>> No.13519045

What, vidya games, jacking off, and eating tendies while watching anime isn’t good enough for ya? Faggot

>> No.13519095

homegrow weed, get vaporizer

t. satan

>> No.13519112

how is that possible?
btw i loved the neat life after a few days you get this strong urge to create something. and then you can code for your own pleasure. participate in projects you wish to succeed. ever since i was forced to wagecucking i can barely get enough rest doing nothing before the treadmill starts again.

>> No.13519115
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Go back to work and save up enough to go on holidays and live life in luxory. prisoners in jail are basically neets.

>> No.13519149

only stupid people get bored

>> No.13519150


That guy should embed a few pins into some blu-tak and stick it right where the bird usually stands. Then when the bird comes along and lands there he gets pricked in his feet and flies off again.

>> No.13519158

>slave becomes free
>doesn't know what to do with all of his copious free time

don't worry fellow neet, this is quite a common occurrence! I want to congratulate you on achieving your freedom, far too few slaves seek a way out, believing that they are somehow contributing to society or some other such nonsense.

The thing about neetdom that you need to realize is that while you now have endless amounts of free time to do whatever you want, you also only have one life, as such any time you have is still precious, you just now have lots more of it to yourself! Like any precious commodity, time shouldn't be wasted, I highly recommend dedicating at least a couple of hours a day into improving yourself, exercise, studying, learning a new skill, improvement in yourself will see you improve your life! Don't think of these as chores, find fun things to learn, or things that will be useful, I personally am teaching myself how to cook and I bought a keyboard to learn the piano.

It may be hard at first to decide what to do with all the choices you now have, so I suggest thinking of something small that would amuse you at first, I decided to go fishing for a couple of days when I first became neet, no worrying about asking permission for some time off, just put some stuff in my car and drove off for a few days, it was easy! Now I go on week long hiking trips, road trips and fly out to destinations I never would have had the time for had I still been a slave.

Anyways, I hope some of this helps and good luck on your new free life!

>> No.13519169

how much $$ did you save

>> No.13519623

I'm currently panicking because I'm not fucking sure how I'm going to sustain my current lifestyle because I've become too cozy to work like a bitch for shit money

>> No.13519715
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Anon let me red pill you on something. A man's happyness and fulliment comes from the utility he can provide to the world and having a sense of purpose And belonging. Men cannot create life like a woman so men create things. Why do u think so many men are having an existential crisis like drugs and suicide? The modern Western world lacks purpose for men. What is your purpose and how will u change the world?

>> No.13519878

Not OP I NEET with my parents and saved about 10k if I sell my car it's another 5-6k. No debt or payments since I never got a credit card or fell into any other Jewish scam

>> No.13519907

Unironically travel you fucking retard. Or did you think life is all about yourself, do you have friends?

>> No.13520208
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>> No.13520639

>do you have friends?
I want the normies to leave.

>> No.13520653

beta male
you lovely cuck

>> No.13520658

Tried it for a year. Got lonely, went back to work. All good now

>> No.13520662
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>> No.13520767

The fuck are you on about? I have literally hundreds of "iron hands" memes saved, can't wait to flood this place at the next bull trap. Normies btfo

>> No.13520862

>The fuck are you on about?
You are the normie, anon.