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13518135 No.13518135 [Reply] [Original]

what advice/insights or knowledge do you wish you had when you were 18 years old? looking for books but anything helps really

>> No.13518145

Everything doesn't matter.

Unironically being your TRUE self is the most redpill advice you can get.

>> No.13518167

start sucking dicks

>> No.13518173

>bee urself
Are you female per chance?

As your young you are brimming with energy and entitlement which will get washed away with experience and biological tear as you age. Don't squander this.

>> No.13518189

red pills? no sir only brown pills

>> No.13518192

thx i'll think about it,

>> No.13518194

The honkpill is pretty deep but you have to go through all the red pills and observe culture to truly appreciate it

>> No.13518195

Death can reach you at any moment. If you mortage your present with the dream of being happy or fine in a future, you will fall in an irreparable mistake.

>> No.13518196

how do we recapture that if we are boomers? (aged 29-35)

i am a boomer myself

>> No.13518198

Nope im a grown ass man.

I've already experienced my 20's.

Imagine reading redpill books and telling yourself you need to manfacture yourself in a certain idealized way to become attractive towards the opposite sex. That is the definition of being a beta male. That's pure insecurity and self-doubt in one self.

Let me rephrase what i've stated. Be the best version of yourself.

>> No.13518203

>If you mortage your present with the dream of being happy or fine in a future, you will fall in an irreparable mistake.
i been doing this since a kid and now im in my 20s with deep depression. how do i revert this?

>> No.13518209
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Billionaire lifepill


>> No.13518216

nothing beats hard-work and stick-to-itiveness. Picking a skill to master or a goal to achieve and not quitting or faltering until you've accomplished your task is going to put you ahead of 99.99% of the population.

>> No.13518239 [DELETED] 

Bee urself is too cryptic to be understood - that's why it is shit advice.
What women mean by "be urslf" is threefold.
o) "be what I expect you to be"
o) "be the person you as" - a motivational/shaming tool
o) "don't be hindered by whoever you encounter" - basically, be the alpha male of the group who can do whatever he wants without consequence.

>> No.13518292

where do i start with that? i kinda missed the whole honk meme..
yeah for the most part this is true!
with redpilled i was more looking for book recommendations like 48 laws of power - i don't care about pickup artists too much desu. cash over bitches.
i learned that too, i start a 1000 things and get easily distracted thx for the reminder

>> No.13518314

It's not really cryptic at all. Very simple.

Let me give you a small example of this.
Majority of people online are more able to freely express themselves because of no social consequences attach to these situations. If every man acted in this manner they would be the 'alpha' in most social settings, but most people won't be themselves because of anxiety, insecurity and whatnot.
>be what I expect you to be
If she doesn't respect you or like you for who you are. Then leave. It's very simple and unironically shows your dominance/power over the situation unlike people who fake themselves.

>> No.13518315

Bee urself is too cryptic to be understood - that's why it is shit advice.
What women mean by "be urslf" is threefold.
o) "be what I expect you to be"
o) "be the person you pose/should pose as consistently" - a motivational/shaming tool
o) "don't be hindered by whoever you encounter" - basically, be the alpha male of the group who can do whatever he wants without consequence.

>> No.13518319


>> No.13518331

There advice is frequently mocked by the people that's supposedly should benefit from it the most - complete with memes.
This tells me that telling this advice is stealth boasting much more than anything.

>> No.13518332

Take care of your teeth.

>> No.13518354

Biz will not approve it. But the only path I found was giong back to simple life. Get rid of stuff I don't need and building my life trying to regaing autonomy. We are domestic soft kitties that depend of the system to survive, that is why we wageslave to death instead of living from nature in the era of technology. In my case, It worked. I got a lot more time for me due to tec doing big part of the work, I also have some internet small stream of income and I don't feel alienated at all. I can live the present cause I know I can survive by myself. There are ways out, you just need to find yours.

>> No.13518355

You are the average of the people you mingle with. Associate with people that put you towards a trajectory you desire.

>> No.13518365

the folllowing realisations would have saved me much trouble if I had them at 18 instead of later:

- not all thoughts in your mind are your own. being near people who are depressed/sad can give you depressed/sad thoughts too. it does not mean they are coming from your self.

- don't go to college, you can get a job in IT without a college degree if you can prove you have skills. and you do

- stop smoking weed it's depresseing you.

- internet is dangerous and can give you sad feels. stay away from shit content.

>> No.13518380

Lift, play more vidya, smoke more weed, get that gaming PC setup earlier... Keep your room very tidy and clean. Remove all clutter from your life. Get a real haircut stop getting your mum to do it. Make the most of spending time with friends and going out instead of fantasizing about suicide and how different you are. Stop dressing like a faggot. Chill the fuck out. Don't watch porn so much if ever. Don't smoke cigarettes

>> No.13518393

Your physical health and your ability to focus are the most important things that you have, so your daily life should be oriented toward learning about and maintaining them; when you lose either, your life becomes immeasurably worse.

Exercise, eat and drink healthy stuff, sleep enough to recover properly, narrow your interests so that you can stay focused, avoid people who encourage you to stray from your will to improve, and avoid habitual drug use.

>> No.13518419

This would have made my life better. I wish I started lifting at 14-15 instead of 20.

>> No.13518429

This is the most redpilled thing itt. Bad teeth will make your life fall apart.

>> No.13518434


Never believe any jews or muslims.

Then you will be fine

>> No.13518443

step out of your comfort zone
just fucking do it and life will get better

>> No.13518458
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>> No.13518462

Find a gf young and commit. Past 21 you're unlikely to find decent women and their ability to properly bond is wrecked.

As for how to get a woman. Unironically confidence and not dressing like a moron. Don't fall for stupid trends, get a short haircut and dress like an adult. Look people in the eye and act confident even if you really aren't.

That's stuff i wish i had been told at 18.

>> No.13518466

I don't mingle with anyone.

>> No.13518487

Also, always be in shape. Your health should be a priority in life. Cardio makes you feel great, lifting does as well and makes people look up to you.

So hit the gym and don't do meme exercises you found on youtube. Do basic compounds: squats, bench, OHP, deadlifts WITH GOOD FORM. Don't ego lift, no-one gives a shit about your weight but they'll laugh when you can't sit down without back pain at 30. Also do facepulls and warmups. Muscle is 20% weight lifting and 80% diet intake. You aren't a hardgainer you just aren't eating enough.

>> No.13518490

I'm 40 and I have a few
1) Know how everybody always tells you to own up to your mistakes? The red pill is you should always do this in your own mind so you can learn but almost never admit your mistakes to others as they will use your admission against you.
2) Don't hesitate when making plans since while you are fucking around, everybody else is executing and the opportunity may be lost forever.
3) If you publicly support someone, never back out when the going gets tough. You look weak and will have earned an enemy in the process.
4) Never mix business relationships with social acquaintances. No girlfriend, family, friend partnerships. Ever. They will get uppity and resent you.
5) Never talk freely about how much money you make or have.
6) Never neglect paperwork or mundane trivia like taxes, bills, etc. They won't go away despite you ignoring them.
7) Sometimes you have to politely listen to somebody else's bullshit. Suffer fools gladly.
8) Never give your last of anything away.
9) If you live in a city that elects politicians "of color", move somewhere else.
10) Don't gossip.
11) If you're around somebody and they start getting into some illegal shit, get the fuck out of there. Don't rat them out but don't hang around either.

That should do you.

>> No.13518502

Learn how to deal/interact with people then. the only thing you'll be able to do without that skill is be a worker-drone.

>> No.13518519
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Yeah all sound advice.

I'd add to 8 that in general being overly deferent to others won't make them like you. Above all people like people that impress them, sometimes being self-serving makes people like you much more. So don't be a push over.

Also: take the milk pill. You never go back.

>> No.13518526

Im a doctor, i do at work and people think im a great personable guy. However when I'm done i want nothing more than to immediately go home. I don't care for the boring chat about footeh or how to stop brexit.

>> No.13518528

>4) Never mix business relationships with social acquaintances. No girlfriend, family, friend partnerships. Ever. They will get uppity and resent you.
Where should I look for a co-founder for a start-up then?

>> No.13518541

> co-founder for a start-up
Try oncology wards

>> No.13518549

>Where should I look for a co-founder for a start-up then?
Cast your net far and wide and find the most competent compatible person you can sucker into your scheme. If you think about it, what's the chances the most competent person is likely to be somebody already in your circle? Not really likely since you only know so many people. My suggestion is ask people in your network for suggestions. They'll be unlikely to offer somebody up that'll embarrass them and if it doesn't work out, it shouldn't impact the primary connection anyway.

>> No.13518563

Y-combinator people mentioned that you have to have a comprehensive history with the person you want to co-found with. According to their data, 100% of startup co-founded by strangers fail. 100% fucking percent.

This comes back to the skill of dealing with people, even in less than perfect circumstances. You NEED this skill.

>> No.13518567
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>4) Never mix business relationships with social acquaintances. No girlfriend, family, friend partnerships. Ever.
Oh god, this is me right now. Wish I'd taken this advice.

I run an online business, makes about $8k/mo net. Just started really succeeding late 2018 after being breakeven for year.

My gf has been out of work, she asked if she could run my business and give me a break for a while. I agreed, I had been working on it for nearly 15mo straight.
That was 3 months ago. After paying her out, paying my rent/bills and savings for taxes, I am hemorrhaging $500-1000 every month.
I asked if I could pay her less, she freaked out. When I said maybe it was time to stop this arrangement and go get a job, she said she'd leave me for good.

So basically I'm fucked and have to start another profitable business ASAP so I don't chew through my tiny bit of savings.

>> No.13518574

Leave her

>> No.13518594
File: 93 KB, 843x800, 1555161766514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where do i start with that? i kinda missed the whole honk meme..
he thinks the honkpill is a meme...

>> No.13518602


stopped playing vidya at 16, was never really a gamer. stopped weed years ago, shit drug, but all are shitty. weed just takes most prople years to realize because muh it's just weed dude. cigarettes too.

top notch advice, i feel stressed out af because i have to many unrelated interests and projects i wanna do, being able to focus is really key. will try.

>> No.13518610

pretty accurate

>> No.13518612


A girl who's not on the same team isn't worth it

>> No.13518628

why not gossip? It's proven useful to me in confirming certain people I worked with had no clue what they were doing

>> No.13518660

If you didn't at least play one game competitively I feel sorry for you

Not all drugs are bad, weed (in moderation) LSD, MDMA, ketamine

Are all amazing party drugs and non-addictive with a gentle comedown and nice afterglow

Stay away from anything else. Weed can be used weekly and the others once every few months to a year.

>> No.13518665

>Y-combinator people mentioned that you have to have a comprehensive history with the person you want to co-found with. According to their data, 100% of startup co-founded by strangers fail. 100% fucking percent.
>This comes back to the skill of dealing with people, even in less than perfect circumstances. You NEED this skill.
Let me make an important distinction here. I can think of a few Y-Combinator success stories where the founders were college co-matriculants. Dropbox being a good example where the co-founders met at MIT. What I'm referring to is your brother or your homie you met in third grade or your girlfriend, etc. When two people meet in a high pressure, high achievement environment like an Ivy league university, this is in fact not at all what I am talking about as anybody there has been highly vetted and is almost guaranteed to succeed at anything and you'd be a fool to snub them. If this is you, you have my blessing. I hope you see the difference.
>My gf has been out of work, she asked if she could run my business
This, frens, is a textbook example of the kind of situations I don't want to see anybody make the mistake of getting into. Learn from this, anon and never repeat the mistake.
>why not gossip?
Any destructive bad habit can be good in certain specific circumstances. More often though gossip will harm you. It gets back causing problems, the person you are gossiping with loses respect for you, people find out you have a big mouth and you aren't included in stuff, etc.

>> No.13518674

>looking for books
What changed my life was The Brain by David Eagleman.
Other than that lately I appreciate The Book by Alan Watts.
t. 25 now

>> No.13518679

this thread really keeps on giving

>> No.13518680


>cringe and bluepilled tbqh las

>> No.13518687

divide by 0 error

>> No.13518703

>If you live in a city that elects politicians "of color", move somewhere else.
Like where?

>> No.13518711

>your homie you met in third grade
The perfect candidate to co-found with, if he's competent. People run businesses with their spouses as well - it all goes down to how good you are with people. If you aren't, they will become an unsurpassable obstacle very quickly. If you're skilled with dealing with them, they will make much much easier for you in all areas.

>> No.13518713

>When I said maybe it was time to stop this arrangement and go get a job, she said she'd leave me for good.
Red flag, it's not gonna last anon. If not this then it will be something else.

>> No.13518727

>More often though gossip will harm you.
Personally I try not to say anything behind someone's back that I wouldn't say to their face. If word gets out, then it's not a big deal because I would have said it to their face anyway.

>> No.13518755

>>If you live in a city that elects politicians "of color", move somewhere else.
>Like where?
A nice clean city full of highly educated, liberal hypocrites. Pic related offers a contrast between 2 cities you may have heard of.
>your homie you met in third grade
>The perfect candidate to co-found with, if he's competent. People run businesses with their spouses as well - it all goes down to how good you are with people. If you aren't, they will become an unsurpassable obstacle very quickly. If you're skilled with dealing with them, they will make much much easier for you in all areas.
Knock yourself out, fren. Let me in on the series A.
>Personally I try not to say anything behind someone's back that I wouldn't say to their face. If word gets out, then it's not a big deal because I would have said it to their face anyway.
You will regret.

>> No.13518765
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Forgot pic related

>> No.13518784

Not all startups are dropbox tier. Given you don't understand this makes me think you didn't dwell on the topic much.

>> No.13518829

>Given you don't understand this makes me think you didn't dwell on the topic much.
Every "rule" I wrote above comes from personal experience. This particular one comes from having started businesses with and without partners. I've ran limousine services, e-commerce start-ups, business to business wholesale businesses with multi-millionaire contracts including with Wal-Greens, and now I run a very successful internet start up in the ad space. I have done this with and without partners, partners from both my personal casual circle and professional partnerships so don't sit there and condescend to me about what you think I don't know about. I do. If you don't like the advice then don't take it. It doesn't matter to me either way. OP asked for what people wished they knew at 18 and that's my list. I stand behind everything on it. Good luck, fren.

>> No.13518864

If you are unmotivated or weak-willed, where you end every day thinking "Fuck's sake, another failed day, tomorrow is the day I change everything", don't have the hubris of thinking that you can afford to go without external help, pressure, or even coercion. Enlist your family and/or friends to help you achieve your goals, join clubs related to your goals, find the person in your course who has the best grades and ask to study with them.

Don't lie to yourself.

If you suffer from anxiety, keep an anxiety log where you subject your anxious thoughts to rational scrutiny.

For the love of God, use Anki.

Also, Peterson might be meme-tier when it comes to politics and philosophy, but in terms of self-help advice born of his clinical psychology experience, he's said some of the most useful shit I've heard:

- When you make a schedule, don't make it some sort of idealistic, herculean schedule — no, you won't go from spending 16 hours a day on imagesboards, vidya, and YouTube to spending 16 hours a day studying. Make a schedule with a day that you can realistically achieve and enjoy, with a balance of exertion and rest, responsibility and recreation: one hour's study, one hour's gaming, or whatever. And if you only achieve 20 or 30% of your schedule, don't knock yourself — that's a damn sight better than 0%.

- Value your time and money over the long term. If you do something for ten minutes a day, you're doing it for over sixty hours a year. If you spend five dollars a day on something, you're spending nearly $2,000 a year on it.

- Don't compare yourself to where someone else is today — you don't know what they've been through —, compare yourself to where you were yesterday.


>> No.13518868

- This is especially important if you're high in trait neuroticism: when something bad happens in your life, reduce it to its smallest possible domain of consequence. So you got a bad grade and you can feel your mind being tugged by anxious thoughts: you're useless, you should give up, etc. Well ... no, you got a bad grade. Analyse it rationally: what are your study habits? Did you apply the exam technique? What are the particular circumstances of that unhappy event and what can you actually learn from it going forward?

Those are the main things I would try to drum into my 18-year-old self's head.

t. 29

>> No.13518929

How do you use anki to scrutinize your thoughts if i may ask? sounds like something i could use atm

>> No.13518942

Sorry if I was unclear — those were two separate pieces of advice. My anxiety log I keep in a paper notepad, Anki I use for knowledge acquisition and retention.

>> No.13518948

By the way, the format my anxiety log entries usually take are:
- cue: what triggered the anxious thought;
- thought: what the anxious thought consists in;
- rational analysis: where I analyse and deconstruct the anxious thought.

>> No.13518970

This thread is cringe. Advice giving to 18 year old self from 22 years olds who are fucking idiots who know nothing.

>> No.13519024

Financially? ALWAYS have a cushion. Set something aside and don't touch it.

>> No.13519276

are you an actual pajeet

>> No.13519280
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18yo was way too late
I would need for 8yo

>> No.13519427


Having a RP mindset is highly correlated with individuals who weren't success with women in the first place aka the 'nice guys'.

But BP folks don’t reject every single piece of so-called RP advice. Work out, don’t be a doormat, exude confidence and masculinity - this is good advice for men in general, and it’s not proprietary to RP. Most dating advice geared towards men will overlap with RP advice to some extent.

Humans are not black and white and i refuse to fall into a triablistic mentality by labeling myself like a fool just becaue it seems like i lean more towards the blue-pill spectrum doesn't mean im blue-pilled nor does it make me red-pill for indulging in some of their ideologies.

BP exists to mock and criticize the more dogmatic, misogynist, solipsistic aspects of TRP.

Nothing wrong with being the nice guy long as you know your self-worth, your confident and not be pushed around by individuals.

>> No.13519429

Use condoms

>> No.13519685

There is no self

>> No.13519729

Do not watch porn

>> No.13519748


>> No.13519749

The average 4chan user is much older than 22. Also i can guarantee anons here aren't just normies who have no thought in life beyond financing a new audi.

>> No.13519816

- don't believe what others preach. Getting married, getting kids etc. It isn't a guaranteed way to happiness.
- don't fall for the hedonistic treadmill
- save and invest early, make a plan how to quit before your old enough to enjoy your retirement
- always spend time on yourself it's not egocentric
- try to limit the abuse to your body, overeating, alcohol and tobacco leads to nowhere
- fapping to porn is REALLY bad long term. There is nothing wrong with fapping but doing it to porn will mess with your head long term.

>> No.13519908

I don't even know what you're talking about but you sound sad af

>> No.13519922

Bitches ain’t nothing but hos and tricks

>> No.13519948

Of course not.

You must be somewhat educated to have a coherent discussion.

>> No.13519957

put half of everything you earn into vanguards until you're smart enough to make better decisions with money: this may take a long time

>> No.13519975

Fire her, or the business fails.

>> No.13519979

yeah and you're fucking nothing

>> No.13520017

the fact that you think alex jones is redpilled is already a sign that youre bluepilled. you have a long journey to go

>> No.13520042


>> No.13520054

Thanks. Your advice helped me.

>> No.13520060

the earlier you invest, the less time you have to wage cuck. buy dividend stocks and funds now and don't fucking touch it until you're making at least 5k a month from it.

>> No.13520067

No he's right.

It's called no ma'am

Don't give a fuck about it

Seriously. You won't experience true alpha till you just don't give a fuck.

People are disgusting. Wear a mask and no ma'am

Clown world friend

>> No.13520113

Fire her immediately
Immagine giving the business in the hands of a jobless woman. Why the fuck you thinks she was unemployed in the first place.

>> No.13520121

This is all that you faggots have to understand:


Basically have a plan and an ideal you are willing to die for and leave behind your hedonistic desires. Respect can only be gained in the eyes of others by being yourself and striving for good.

>> No.13520135

You will make yourself crazy if you try to become too red pilled. Just hold off on starting a family until you’re at least 30, use this time to discover yourself. Figure out what’s important to you and stay out of debt. Trust your instincts bud

>> No.13520141

>discover yourself
Roastie detected

>> No.13520157

Not just a roastie, a future cat lady.

>> No.13520346
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>my own two cents
Don't get addicted to things that everyone claims aren't addicting. I have several friends who are addicted to vidya or weed who claim they don't have a problem when reality proves otherwise. Get a hobby where you're producing something, be it art, a project car, whatever, just make something. A bit of vidya or weed every once in a while is okay, but don't make your life about consumption like (((they))) want you to.

Having said that, movie/Netflix consumption is looked up to in modern society, so if you like movies then you can probably keep watching them (alongside your hobby where you're making something!).

What >>13518332 said about teeth
What >>13518355 said about frens
What >>13518380 said except for weed and vidya as I mentioned before
I haven't finished reading the thread yet, but whatever version of "chase a bag, don't chase a thot" you subscribe to
Naving said that, make sure you get laid at least once during college, or else you'll have a hard time with sex after graduating
Be nice to everybody, you never know whom you might make money off of later on
Find a style that works for you and maintain it, don't let your neckbeard and hair go just because you're not seeing anyone that day. But if you want long hair or a thick beard, be sure to maintain it so that you don't look like someone who binges WoW
Don't just wear anime shirts everywhere, actually pay attention to what normies wear and copy the parts of their style that suit you. A stylish person commands attention, even when surrounded by nerds in anime shirts
Don't stink. Most people stink, so you can put yourself ahead of 90% of the world population just by showering properly and frequently

That's all I can think of for now

>> No.13520381

if you're not willing to dump her over this then you've turned beta as fuck man

>> No.13520479

Own your life and play the games you want to play. Not the games that take advantage of turning your primal urges against itself.

Take off the fucking headphones and start tilling your garden of mind. Otherwise, the squatters of modernity will ceaselessly shit on it.

>> No.13520497

The final redpill is that all women cheat. Only a moron would get married.

>> No.13520511

fren i saved this jpg as a joke months ago, i didn't have another red pill jpg on my phone i haven't seen anything of alex jones in over a year. not a follower even

>> No.13520578

Jesus i can hear your miserable loose labia slapping on the floor.

>> No.13520619

Don't blindly do things just to please people. In the end they will find something new to shit on you for and you will be miserable. For example my parents shit on me for not owning a home. So I buy a home in an area with good value and good schools and cash out all my stocks to do so since I let them force the "no debt" meme on me. Now they shit on me for not upgrading the house fast enough and not having a family. I hate the area, the schools are no longer rated highly and I missed out on all the market gains these past 2 years. Truly cucked. At least it helped me wake up.

>> No.13521503

Are you poojeet? Poojeet parents are well known not to love their children, i believe its psychologically rooted in the indeterminability of an indian woman giving birth or just pooing

>> No.13521542

They are cruelly pragmatic with everything, assuming hostility of everything and everyone

>> No.13521555

i know what you mean anon

>> No.13521563

Link isn't ETH, it is shit

>> No.13521569

pay mind to the written word of the ancients

>> No.13521574

Do you use anki to acquire knowledge in languages or do you study first and use it to remember? Surely downloading a deck and drilling new vocabulary out of context is quite inefficient no?

>> No.13522123
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Best place to start: thegmanifesto.com

Go through the old post archives and figure out how to read between the lines.

Remember, No amount of “self improvement” books or red pill advice will get you as far as just fucking living life by your own truths and principles. Let your lucky stars guide you, live for the present, have something you’d be willing to die for.

Learn about the great men of history. Art, war, architecture, religion, math

Rock climbing, surfing, boxing

Life isn’t that hard. Also fuck college.

Take my advice with a grain of salt I’m only 19 but I know a hell of a lot more than most people

>> No.13522190

This is the best advice even though following it may end up you being ostracized by other people. It's tiresome to be always trying to fit in, following the latest trends, and pretending to be someone you're not.

>> No.13522229

Read How to win friends and influence people by Dale carnagy

>> No.13522367

Surprising no one has brought up biblical teachings yet. The truth is until we go back to a fully patriarchal society the majority of men are destined to fail from the beginning. Women by nature are at odds with what's in the best interest of society. Unless you're this literal alpha male or have sociopathic personality traits succeeding in this society is wayyy harder than it should be. The average normie betabux male doesn't stand a chance anymore.

>> No.13522381

fuck school get a job and start making that mf cash as soon as you can because compound interest will give you more than any govt propaganda ever could

>> No.13522410

You don't know shit you faggot zoomer zero life experience child. Every fucking 19 year old thinks they are a genius. You aren't. You are an awkward dumbass with an opinion.

>> No.13522417

oh so they are chinks

>> No.13522426

Wash your face too.

>> No.13522459

lol. "Just take some personal vacations, and hang out with chad until you get bored.."

>> No.13522467

Good advice.

>> No.13522499

>They are cruelly pragmatic with everything, assuming hostility of everything and everyone

Did your family went through terrible experiences like war or revolution at their home country or something?

>> No.13522596

Criticize what I actually said instead of calling me a faggot and hating me based on my age. Fuck you

>> No.13522618

Some things require experience. You may be smart for your age, but you just don't have the same perspective. Even you yourself, will look back in 5 years and wonder why you thought what you did.

>> No.13522621

The life of a typical Pajeet is on the verge of survival. No cushy western shit or mentalities.

>> No.13522628

You are an cringy dumbass without even an opinion.

>> No.13522655

For sure I agree. That’s why I put my age at the bottom and said take my advice with a grain of salt

>> No.13522665


Count my calories, lift, and cut my gayass long hair.

>> No.13522824

getting your 8 hours of sleep, night after night, 8 hours may be better if you work out or train with intensity.

>Acknowledge and thank people that help you with things.

Placate the females sense of vanity. I work in medical sales for a living and most of my accounts/clientele are women. Sales drastically improved by commenting on a new hair style or how an outfit was color coordinated with nail polish color. Superficial stuff like that goes a long way for a salesman.

>Drink more water and get enough sunlight if you’re not outdoors enough or at least supplement with vitamin D.

Make a standing desk to work at instead of sitting if you’re stationary or jockying a computer most of the day; IT guys, I’m looking at you.

>Life only gives you the things you’re willing to ask for and put effort into.

Don’t measure your worth as a man by how much sex you’ve had or your proficiency at getting sex. That’s your ape brain giving you good fee fee’s for passing on genetic material and it's only fleeting. Balance the big head with the small head.

>Lastly, don’t take advice from anyone on a 4chan board

>> No.13522833

9* hours may be better.

>> No.13522887

1. Always play your own game, if you don't have it better start working on it
2. Start long term investing early, invest regularly in small chunks and diversify, if you smell market crash, exit temporarily
3. Between age 28 - 30 your physical state changes and you have to start eating healthy
4. Never trust a woman, NEVER
5. If people you care about cut you off, do not long them. That is what happens in life. Maybe you spend time again with them again in 20 years but do not cry for them

>> No.13522900

Forgot one:

6. Read A LOT of sophisticated old texts - like Aristotle etc. This gives additional layers to your thinking process

>> No.13522925

7. Be nice to people but at some point people WILL test if you are nice because you are beta. Be ready for this moment
8. There are really bad to the core people out there, detect and avoid

>> No.13522965

Here's the hypercondensed list so far:
>tomorrow never comes
>the fight is all there is
>don't cheat the man in the glass

>> No.13522979

This would be my advice too. Make sure you do something with your life that you genuinely enjoy/ find fulfilling. Never make money your main goal.

>> No.13523167

>t. upper-middle classer who never had problems with money due to daddies purse

>> No.13523725

Nice to see a fellow salesman on this thread.


Things I've learned (almost 40)
>Network is everything
>Focus on long term relationships
>Value yourself and your time
>Try and do something that scares you
>Your word is your bond. Do what you say you're going to fucking do
>Intertia is cancer. Make the effort, do the thing. Cellphones have made bailing out at the last minute socially acceptable
>Say yes to things (invitations, events). You never know what might happen

>> No.13523767
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it's possibly the final pill my dude

>> No.13523771
File: 161 KB, 570x1159, Capture2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And something I was sent recently

>> No.13523846
File: 899 KB, 1870x5404, The_Enchiridion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok since this seems to be a very good thread here is a 2000+ year hold red pill. most, if not all the stuff written here is pretty based. have to be the right personality tho

>> No.13523988

Best advice itt

>> No.13523990

You are 15

>> No.13524044

Good post

>> No.13524147


>> No.13524229

Redpill knowledge means nothing without life experience. I'm not saying drop inordinate amounts of money to have short lived meme experiences, but get outside and talk to people. Be well rounded but not obsessive with your hobbies, have fun with quality people, brush up on your math and science skills so you can understand the world better. Read eclectically and only what's relevant to you. Find your spiritual center and be mindful of it in your hour to hour life. Literally Bee yourself but "don the mask" and put in effort towards rounding out the rougher edges of your personality.

Forget the blackpill and the state of the world. Ideas about the future are far more important than commentary about the past and present. Is it any coincidence the world is doom and gloom when most people are of a negative mental polarity?

>> No.13524237

*don the mask when necessary and appropriate

>> No.13524248

All girls fart

>> No.13524267

Man, are you me? I feel exactly the same. Plebs will never know the feeling of being in the 0.01%.

>> No.13524281

Patience and consistency
...and buy bitcoin but that's not a virtue

>> No.13524335

Marcus Aurelius's Meditations are 10/10 as well going with this mentality.

>> No.13524406

1) If you want to be happy, you have to choose hard things. Don't try to outsmart people and don't try to get away with things.
2) Don't half ass things. If you are going to go to college, make sure that you are all in. You are going to spend the same amount of time with your butt in that chair if you work really hard or if you half ass it. You might as well do a good job.
3) Get married (eventually). Until then always use condoms. I really mean it.
4) Whenever you have to make a decision for how to do something, always pick the harder way that requires more care, work and attention to detail from you.

>> No.13524423

Getting drunk every night and fucking models won't make you happy. It will be fun for awhile, but it will wear off and afterward you will wonder why it didn't make you happy. If you want to be happy you need to choose to go to law school, or join the military, or learn to speak Russian. Choose hard things and then you will be happy.

>> No.13524426

420)Dont be afraid to kiss cute boys like me.

>> No.13524447

Buy real estate. It is the best long term investment. The way that you build wealth in our society is that you buy and hold real estate.

The above post about not trusting women is right, I am sorry to say.

>> No.13524564

I barebacked some sloots on my early 30s thinking aids was the worst that could happen, and the other stds were just memes or easily curable.

Lost the sex loterry and now have hpv.
Shit cant be cured and I have been dealing with warts on my foreskin for the past few months and will probably keep dealing with them for the rest of my life.

Bonus stage: I passed it to my gf and now she has a wart :(

I know condoms are worse than jacking off but the risk is not worth it

>> No.13524591

Your gf loves you

>> No.13524609

Breh anyone can get hpv most , most ppl have it

>> No.13524979
File: 30 KB, 914x1091, B_U_S.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be yourself

>> No.13525060

We're all gonna die so everything matters

>> No.13525297

raw garlic is pretty useful for killing viruses. check out using raw garlic on hpv warts. also taken orally it would probably help as well. garlic is cheap and natural, its really awesome IMO

>> No.13525420


"Today is victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men."

"Do nothing that is of no use"

"Step by step walk the thousand-mile road."