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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13516920 No.13516920 [Reply] [Original]

Just checked the debt clock (which usually underestimates) and holy shit.
>2.2 trillion $ deficit
>28.6 trillion $ national debt
>118.5% debt/gdp ratio, 13% more than now
>2 trillion $ student loan debt, 500 billion $ than now
And all of this is without a potential recession being accounted in.

If the shit hits the fan, according to this, the 1st recession year will have 3-4 trillion $ deficit.


>> No.13516927

sovereign debt is a meme
they can keep pumping it, after all it's really just numbers on a screen
none of it matters

>> No.13516939

stay mad doomer retard. stay mad as prices of homes and stock keep going up for the next 20 years

>> No.13516957

And you don't own neither.

>> No.13516970

She cute

>> No.13516977

I own both idiot
Keep buying your failure commodities

>> No.13517668

Why is nobody mad about our financial future reee?!

>> No.13517766
File: 967 KB, 255x254, 83241D4D-1980-4119-A936-2923978F51E9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just checked and it’s 13% more than now

>> No.13517842
File: 444 KB, 608x558, kimpsons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starting In 2024, All US Debt Issuance Will Be Used To Pay For Interest On Debt


i.e. dollar collapses in 2024

>> No.13517849


>> No.13517851

debt is fake

>> No.13517869

As long as people pay their taxes the system will keep running!
ALL tax that gets collected goes to pay the interest ONLY on the national debt.
Check out 'the Grace commission'

>> No.13517917

what if the taxes become insufficient?

>> No.13517923

Theyve been hiking taxes like mad over the years. Soon. All our income will to the almighty state

>> No.13517987

They NEVER have a been sufficient! The (((constitutor))) (person/people that agrees to take the debt) makes payments, it just keeps rolling. The Constitution is not what you think it is. Its the Gov sayin you get these rights & you agree to the debt...FYI the constitution is on longer relevant...The 'United States of America' is dead, the country is ran by 'Homeland Security' now. When Homeland can't pay, the corporation will change again, it was operating as the 'United States' previously...
Source, Dude trust me! Go look for this stuff your self, most won't! Not going to spoon feed info that took YEARS to understand

>> No.13517997

What about us condo commandos?

>> No.13518006

The boomers and their offspring conditioned us. There will be an uprising.

>> No.13518015

this is how it begins

>> No.13518019

As long as US military is world #1. The US Dollar will always be the most respected and the printing press and inflation will be controlled and never stopped.

>> No.13518041

Then they will implement more. Federal VAT tax of 5% by CBO estimates would net in 200-300 billion $ yearly.

>> No.13518077
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>> No.13518085

imagine the smell

>> No.13518134
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Way ahead of you.

>> No.13518543
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Combine this with Trump's victory in 2020 and the left extremists won't be able to take it any more. Civil war is coming.

>> No.13518576

implying debt in usd matters when usa has the biggest drones and nukes

>> No.13518593
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>implying that matters when you still can't attack other countries with nukes

>> No.13518595

>118.5% debt/gdp ratio, 13% more than now
holy shit. isnt that the same as Greece's before the whole country collapsed?

>> No.13518601 [DELETED] 

Isn't this meaningless at the end of the day when you have nuclear weapons and the most powerful military force on earth?

>> No.13518613

it collapsed because it had to pay +5% interest to kike germans. usa pays up to no interest just like japan so if nobody wants their money back, debt becomes no problem.

try it out.

>> No.13518692
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>> No.13518877
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>> No.13518885

>muh blompf make america great again
>runs up deficit spending even more
>imports gazillions of immigrants
good job donald blompf

>> No.13519074

do you know how ponzi schemes work?
It's not WHAT IF, it's WHEN...
the answer is obviously renouncing your US citizenship between now and THEN; the more time passes, the harder it will become.
t. nomad capitalist

>> No.13519704

Hello this is DNC are you available for precidency

>> No.13519760

Only while the United States is #1. No more purchasing of our debt means higher prices and shit entering fan.

>> No.13519809

Imagine thinking your bankrupt when you owe yourself 7x your yearly salary. It’s literally like this. You are so good at making money people domesticly and abroad are throwing money at you so they can make it to. It’s so hard being poor America.

>> No.13519995

This is good for bitcoin

If bonds give less interest than inflation no one would buy that debt >>13519704

>> No.13520003

Fucking Kek

>> No.13520013
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Don't worry, I've been hearing that eating insects is good for your health.

It's all gonna be fine.

>> No.13520023

The more I learn about this stuff absolutely the more I’m convinced it’s a house of cards. Eventually it’ll come tumbling down but that could take even another entire generation, without anything actually back currency it becomes a big scam. The guy who said sovereign debt is a meme is correct, at least in the short term

>> No.13520029


The nice thing about having money that isn't real is that any debt tied to it also doesn't exist

>> No.13520858

So America effectively begins to use its paycheck to pay off the interest on its credit card, but never the principal.

>> No.13520884
File: 31 KB, 869x196, Just call him Crazy Bernie, bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump's victory in 2020
Oh, buddy...

>> No.13520887

no responses to the only correct post in the thread
color me surprised

>> No.13520927

muh backed currency is just the other side of banker control. the problem is a private central bank in and of itself.

>> No.13520930

Well it's correct but incomplete. What makes the US military #1?

Really look at it, study it, break down the factors. Then consider how they're changing.

>> No.13520952

if the US military has its funding seriously threatened blackbux and beanerbux will be cut off.

>> No.13520982

During an economic expansion, everybody is like fuck Marx, capitalism is good.

During an economic contraction, pro capitalist shut up and everybody criticize the system.

It'll go on and on until a final crisis.

>> No.13521036

The federal budget's roughly equal parts defense, Medicare, SS, and Interest+Misc.

Now how does it play out when it's instead boomberbux?

>> No.13521103

Defense is only 700b. Gibs make up much more of the remaining budget (and a lot of government employment is just gibs in disguise)

>> No.13521170
File: 30 KB, 629x411, 2019 Federal Budget Overview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to include overseas "emergency" funding. When you do, defense is ~$1t out of $4.4t in outlays.

Please read this: https://www.thebalance.com/current-u-s-federal-government-spending-3305763