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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 650 KB, 790x556, Screen Shot 2019-05-03 at 6.57.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13516221 No.13516221[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Dong: *stops groping*
>Girls: Thank you! I hope you get your license!

Mouthdropping. So they know he's just some guy and they have no problem letting him rub them all over on video, and give them advice, and they'll even pay him for it?

This is incredible. How do I become a conman like this?

My speech skill is very low, I need help.

>> No.13516233

you just have to be confident and pretend to know what you're doing.

>> No.13516263

You have to be Chink

>> No.13516271
File: 349 KB, 353x437, donged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only room for one Dong in this town

>> No.13516276

Women don't care if you know what you're doing or not. They don't care of you tell the truth. They will like you of you're famous and have some power to influence others.

>> No.13516367

I'm convinced that this man is asexual. There's no way in hell any one man can have that much self control without any woman calling him out on a boner

>> No.13516403

>How to become confidence man?
>You be confident and know how to do things!

...but I'm not famous and don't have that. And would not be able to handle being famous.

I think they do care if you know what you're doing when you give them a massage or a fug or dance or something.

He doesn't post the videos where things go wrong, also he moves very quickly and maybe it's really small or tucked into his waistband. I don't know, but he definitely targets attractive young women.

>> No.13516423
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I hear he has vids that were banned from youtube, where do I find these banned vids?

>> No.13516441

dong is the only good meme thats come from biz in the past few years

>> No.13516458

op is an actual autist lol

>> No.13516495

what makes you say that?

>> No.13516507
File: 79 KB, 1024x576, 9DF5C396-9D9D-4716-8127-4016A4F3E4E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A con is a con.
It’s kinda like how in comedy if you tell a badly made joke quickly enough, you might still get laughs and gain momentum.
Or like in music if you play an incorrect note quickly enough or in a string it can sound jazzy instead of incorrect.

It’s all about speaking and acting quickly and pushing boundaries without showing any amount of discomfort or they become uncomfortable. If you’re quick, have bravado, and don’t spend too much time with any one person or on any one subject you can get away with an amazing amount.

>> No.13517187

That makes a lot of sense but is so far away from what I am capable of.

I second guess myself constantly and struggle to come up with things to say.

>> No.13517937

this is what every executive does. ever. i managed what you`d consider legitimate and i am preparing for managing something "less sofisticated".

>> No.13517964

Buy ritalin

>> No.13518022

Don't know about those, but if you look deep enough there is still kinky stuff on youtube, including outright rubbing of nipples and puss.

>> No.13518060


>> No.13518124

The camera is the smartest part of the con, women be thinking: "if it's on tape he won't molest me!"
And then they get molested but think that it must be some kind of foreign obscure massage technique, because no one would so bold as to film himself molesting roasties and have them pay for it right?!

The YouTube channel is also making him famous and roasties want to be on videos that make lots of views and brag to their friend about their "experience" with this famous "spiritual" massage guy.

Amazing business.

>> No.13518162

I doubt he's making much money from it though.

Best case for him in the future would be to use this fame to create his own massage salon.

>> No.13518170

the best part is when they get an orgasm

>> No.13518178
File: 1.97 MB, 1606x976, Screen Shot 2019-05-04 at 11.05.31 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.13518200

That's nothing, exhibit A:

>> No.13518215

no way that has ever happened. link?

holy shit, Luodong is the king of /biz/

>> No.13518231


Ok so this is a legit sexual predator con man. Alone with a cam, he probably jerks off every night to his customers.
I noticed he saved the titty massage for last, he has donet this before, that way even if the woman gets offended he will have gotten a full grope.

>> No.13518256


These fucking massages are softcore porn and titty groping. And the women pay for it!

>> No.13518273

have seen a few webms on a thread on /fit/ years ago, can't tell you the exact video

>> No.13518301


women are whores

>> No.13518322

Yep, lots of CP too. School maiden reports are the best thing ever. Also, the greatest story never told is still not wiped. As well as hundreds of birth and surgery videos youd expect to see in gore threads here

>> No.13518348

What a legend.

>> No.13518357
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>> No.13518493

Most of the massage he was squeezing her ass and tits.

Women think this is fine. Based

>> No.13518539

w-what. link please

>> No.13518544


>> No.13518548


>> No.13518555


>> No.13518568

I am now looking at anal bleaching videos in the suggested results, god bless Youtube.

>> No.13518569

kek. i think this is even more retarded than dong.
massage is a such a meme

>> No.13518572

>Greatest story never told
blocked in my country

>> No.13518577

Lou Dong is a legend

>> No.13518582

unironically this. I used to do this when i was like a 16 year old. I would tell ludicrous lie after lie after lie, and if you are in a group, people would believe me every time. One person might realise you just told a lie, but the rest wont. and if you just continue it becomes truth.

Seriously ludicrous shit, like "cows eat their own shit". And then you go onto the next sentence and say something "yeh it's got the nutrients and vitamin f4 that helps cow bones stay strong because when it gets processed in the cow, some of the stomach acid helps create chemical reactions and produce things that dont normally exist in nature".

You say with a straight face, fast enough and confident enough and it becomes truth.

>> No.13518583 [DELETED] 

It bothers them but they hope it will end soon and accept it as the cost of avoiding a confrontation. Also some people don't immediately process when something is going on, sort of like a deer in headlights situation.

>> No.13518638

it just gets weirder and weirder
here's a bikini wax guide

>> No.13518643

this bitch films herself while doing an enema

>> No.13518656 [DELETED] 

I would literally fuck the shit out of her

>> No.13518657

most vids are 30 minutes long... I don't think anyone is bothered there

>> No.13518677

Imagine the smell

>> No.13518759


>> No.13518779

"Blonde Tricked Massage" it's like 45 minutes

>> No.13518819 [DELETED] 

Right, I guess women are whores then

>> No.13518930

He was literally fingering the girl at around the 15:50 mark and then again near the end. He was obviously grabbing at her nipples.

>> No.13518939

Can't find it.

>> No.13518954

Why do some of these videos have millions of views?

>> No.13518961

He can barely speak english. Just be chinese

>> No.13518999

A lot of this shit is just women being paid to be in these videos. If they'll appear in porn, you don't think they'll appear in these videos?

Look how many views he gets. His business is in making suckers like you faggots think it's all real.

>> No.13519001


I know every vid of him out there lol

>> No.13519050

>Me tiny pee pee, you are safu

>> No.13519058

>Blonde Tricked Massage"
that's not yudong though

>> No.13519117
File: 58 KB, 540x540, 19601568_1453581208037695_7099627253359474866_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13519272

white liberal women letting themselves being abused just to show how 'woke' they are lol can't make this shit up

>> No.13519282

that being said, well played mr. Lou Dong for taking advantage of these peoples stupidity. Making money while groping, genius.

>> No.13519286
File: 85 KB, 540x568, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>massaging the nipples at 30:00
Absolute madman

>> No.13519290

The dong really is unstoppable
The comments on his channel are comedy gold

>> No.13519301

Dong massaging prime feet and thighs.

It's interesting how the body naturally responds to certain things, when he starts massaging her thighs she blushes because she's probably slightly turned on (because its just natural response), even though it's a fat old chink man.

>> No.13519607

The best is when he get's girls to take their shirts off.