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13516181 No.13516181 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13516208

Tonight, 11pm CST.
Last call.

>> No.13516218

What happens then and why

>> No.13516220

You'll see.

>> No.13516224

Spoken like a true pajeet.

>> No.13516228

2 jew noses touching

>> No.13516248

this is why I’m all in on XRP and ZEC, they’re the jews coins and the jews always win

>> No.13516304

this guy fucks

>> No.13516339
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If I were I betting man, I would bet that you were a huge larping faggot

>> No.13516349

Surprisingly original. I am still all-in on XRP and have been for the past year and a bit. It's so obvious that it's already won the adoption race, yet people here still fiddle with pajeet and chink ERCs.

>> No.13516399


absolutely nothing. this clown is a piece of shit whos been saying this for weeks.
Its not happening tonight. It is never happening.

>> No.13516411

I miss the old internet. It was a fun place with smiles. Now the internet is filled with disappointment.

>> No.13516418

Let's bring back the fun place with smiles.

>> No.13516428
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I'd try but I'm sure some ass would just come in and ruin it. Look at Facebook.

>> No.13516431

>not realizing that (((they))) know it’s their coin and know how to make sure you never profit from it

>> No.13516438

>7 years
>literally no adoption
This is the mind of XRP niggers who believe their 41 billion supply kike scam coin that's never replacing SWIFT or working with them, unlike ChainLink, is actually going to go anywhere.
>#3 mc
>7+ years
lmao oh no no no no

>> No.13516440

FB.. I used it once maybe for a day. What an absolute bullshit site.

>> No.13516442

I'd say ((we)) could file a lawsuit on fraud but ((they)) know how to make ((we)) go wee wee in our pants.


>> No.13516454
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Was fun until they used targeted algorithms to shape opinions. Tried to show people through screenshots of proof. You can imagine how that went. So hi anons. You frens. Jaja

>> No.13516601
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>> No.13516620

youve got 15 minutes faggot

>> No.13516628

XRP has been used as a settlement currency for years you stupid fuck. You're living in a cave, you have no idea what's going on. The race is close to finishing, there will only be 1 winner.

Imagine being so dumb that you think the 'kike' investment, with IMF connections, Trump administration connections and global central bank connections will lose money. Imagine thinking the most establishment friendly crypto won't win. Imagine being this fucking dumb and instead 'investing' in some ERC overnight copypaste with a picture of a cute bird on it.

>implying anything has been 'adopted' yet

>> No.13516629

They already wanked off and went to bed

>> No.13516638
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Implying they wont use a private ledger for settlement.

>> No.13516753
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welp faggot?

>> No.13516774

>implying id ever succumb to fud and sell
>they wouldnt moon (((their))) own coin and maximize profits
Its just like banks, its too profitable and too big to fail, just like XRP and ZEC, its merely another avenue to rake in profits, just sit back, DCA in, and watch when these two (((coins))) moon when (((their))) institutional (((money))) floods into them

>> No.13516852

Let me guess trump delayed the happening?

>> No.13516861

Show me the law disbarring them from creating more money out of thin air then selling on a private ledger.

>> No.13517152

Theres already a coin for that its called USDT

>> No.13517387

Under current investigation and soon to be under supeana for fraud. Paxos or TUSD.

>> No.13517412

the truly based among us will continue to buy until two events occur. The lawsuit against XRP being officially over, and banks being comfortable with regulation to begin adopting. If anybody is actually paying attention you'd realize these two things are absolutely going to happen unless a black swan comes along.

>> No.13517563
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Uh... g-guys?

>> No.13517802

It's going to be EPIC, you have no idea what is going to happen. Frankly, neither do I, but as soon as the devs are done dumping their 58 billion XRP stash, something will happen, For sure. Just give it time, a decade or two.

>> No.13517813
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>> No.13517817

>settlement currency for years
>One time two years ago
>$5k in Mexico

>> No.13518190

it's happening tonight!

>> No.13518222
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>Ripple won't suspend your corn whenever and for whatever reason they want

>> No.13518681


> XRP has been used as a settlement currency for years

You sound like a pajeet who fell for Ripple's marketing meme.

XRP's only use case has been to take money from suckers who believe it's a bank coin and enrich Ripple founders and the company. XRP fell from $0.05 to half a cent for 3 years. I hope dumb faggots continue to hold it

>> No.13518905

Theyre the jew coins to control not profit you. They are meant to be there to prevent you from making money from following the carrot stick.

>> No.13519195


Yes. Surely this time you will be correct

>> No.13519231
File: 312 KB, 1242x1698, 1551122593461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ripple will be the first trillion dollar marketcap coin.

in the great altcoin purge many coin will dissappear forever.

there will be massive fomo candle when everyone trying to enter rippel.

buy when you still can.

>> No.13519235

It's unironically Stellar

Look at the real logo faggot

>> No.13519239


what advantage does ripple have over any other crypto? what does it do better than its competitors?

>> No.13519257
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>> No.13519440

suuuure, just as soon as the 58 billion is "escrow" and devs private wallets is "distributed"

>> No.13519459

lmao no adoption in 7 years holy shit cry more you subhuman XRP nigger


>> No.13519477
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rome wasn't built in a day

>> No.13519479
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It is happening but not yet, have to wait.

>> No.13519487

yeah, a decade or two

it takes a while to dump 58 biliion XRP

>> No.13519494


No. It's not "happening" at all.

>> No.13519497

its the stellar who copied it from the magazine not other way around.

bearish af. its desperate way to make it more bullish.

>> No.13519527

Yes it is, you can't fight speculation and jew money. Ppl are buying 100s of millions of xrp so it takes it's time, we are talking about 1-2months

>> No.13519532


Even Bitcoin still have no adoption. Buying weed and a meaning of risky investment isn't what it was purposed for.

>> No.13519534
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chainlink (like many other crypto project) is far FAR behind ripple. ripple has 200 offices around the world and daily volume exceeding many altcoins entire market cap by 10x

chainlink has stupid fatass russian working in a small soviet-flat office while ripple has 300M$ marketing budget and offices in skyscrapers all around the world, full of sexy secretary thots welcoming their wealthy customers.

ripple will be the coin for banksters and multi-billionaire elites. normies will FIGHT to in the future to even get the necessary 21XRP to open even a ripple account.

>> No.13519547

in this case you're building sudan or ethiopia, shit nobody wants or needs. xrp has one real partnership with Amex and that's it lmao have fun building nothing with nobody

another reminder
7 years
no adoption
#3 mc

>> No.13519576

says a lot more about crypto in general than about XRP

It's just another shitcoin hyped up on extremely vague promises of future "adoption" which nobody is even able to tell what it means

>> No.13519594

>what is a 100 billion supply?

>why does Ripple dump every quarter like mad, if it is going to be SO FUCKING VALUABLE?

>why does Ripple CTO himself "de-risk" and dump his coins?

>why do they give XRP to various charities? Do they think that charities are going to "adopt" XRP?

>> No.13519701
File: 54 KB, 450x572, 1427313427609-jesus_dumbass_blue_gargoyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw people actually still believe xrp is going to fail

it's almost impossible to not realize how big XRP will become yet linktards still spread FUD thinking their shitty erc20 token is superior to ripple LOL!!!!

do you realize how XRP is continuously partnering with banks, institutions and companies like Google and Facebook?

goshhhh I can't wait to see how linktards will get BTFO and wish they jumped on the XRP wagon. It will be the day of laughter for xrp moonbois and tears for linktards. Screencap this linktard or don't idgaf

>> No.13519731

Ripple will be fine, they are already in the clear, and will just keep dumping their stash as long as there are gullible retards out there willing to buy their bags of XRP.

58 billion to go, hope you love being dumped on, cause they are going to be dumping on you for a long long time.

>> No.13519763
File: 77 KB, 2286x568, Screen Shot 2019-05-04 at 8.34.40 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope, unlike XRP chainlink is partnered with SWIFT and bringing it's oracle service to it's 11k banking network.

pic related, wow XRP works with 200 literal who banks and has two legit partnerships with Amex and Moneygram

t. subhuman XRP nigger

>> No.13519789

you're halfway on the right path, but you're still a retarded low tier linktard. this is what people don't understand: investing in xrp is like investing early in apple, amazon or google. every shitcoin will take years from now on until adaption, if they succeed the strong competition anyways. chainlink is no exception. other shitcoins only moon because of BTC, but they're not independent. cryptocurrency is still a brand new thing for the regular world thus adaption will take time. smart contracts? kek. will take another 5 years before it will be actually used.

>> No.13519831

ripple too is partnered with swift behind the scenes, what's your point?

>> No.13519891


>> No.13519897

You know they're ultimately going to spend that 58 billion directly to make XRP adoption take off, right? Very short sighted.

>> No.13519977

makes sense, they are going to keep dumping so retards "adopt" it by buying their bags

The absolute state of XRP fags...

>> No.13520051


The 10th largest bank in the world just joined.

>> No.13520053

No, they are going to incentivize market makers who provide liquidity for xRapid transactions.

>> No.13520152

Haha XRP will never be used by a single bank you delusional fucks.

Not a single bank wants a currency which can fluctuate even 1% a day. That's bank architects that told me this even.

Open your eyes. XRP is the ultimate premine scam. They massive OTC sell for 0.03 usd and you all get dumped on.

Good luck.

>> No.13520180 [DELETED] 

>Haha XRP will never be used by a single bank you delusional fucks.

Not a single bank wants a currency which can fluctuate even 1% a day. That's bank architects that told me this even.

Ripplenet was designed to handle this problem by not requiring banks to hold XRP directly. Adoption is slow due to a lack of regulatory clarity.

>Open your eyes. XRP is the ultimate premine scam. They massive OTC sell for 0.03 usd and you all get dumped on.
Where is the evidence that they sell OTC at a discount?

>> No.13520188

>Haha XRP will never be used by a single bank you delusional fucks.
>Not a single bank wants a currency which can fluctuate even 1% a day. That's bank architects that told me this even.

Ripplenet was designed to handle this problem by not requiring banks to hold XRP directly. Adoption is slow due to a lack of regulatory clarity.

>Open your eyes. XRP is the ultimate premine scam. They massive OTC sell for 0.03 usd and you all get dumped on.
Where is the evidence that they sell OTC at a discount?

>> No.13520199

that's why they are dumping on exchanges regularly based on fake volume no less? A helluva incentive if you ask me...

>> No.13520229
File: 149 KB, 1080x589, IMG_20190504_104151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There won't be any XRP adoption. Every bank is making a it's own blockchain. They won't use a shitcoin except its technology.

The R3 deal just Google it. Look at the screenshot. I said 0.03 but it's 0.0085, even better... Hope you feel fine getting dumped on by the rich.

>> No.13520233

It hasn't been implemented yet. I believe they will wait to win the securities lawsuit first. You want as many people as possible to be able to join in.

>> No.13520244

>There won't be any XRP adoption. Every bank is making a it's own blockchain. They won't use a shitcoin except its technology.
Blockchain is pointless if everyone creates their own. Some banks are creating fiat backed tokens which provide no improvements over the digital fiat we already use.

>The R3 deal just Google it. Look at the screenshot. I said 0.03 but it's 0.0085, even better... Hope you feel fine getting dumped on by the rich.
.0085 was selling at a premium at the time of the agreement. You've just proven the exact opposite of your claim.

>> No.13520256

no point in saying anything more, you'll just parrot Ripple's marketing handbook, word for word. It's pathetic - you ask here for proofs from other, yet you unashamedly make unverifiable claims, which by the way have been circulating since XRPs inception. All pure shill marketing BS. Almost sad that.

Anyhow, enjoy being dumped on, since that's all you are getting from Ripple as an XRP investor.

>> No.13520262

ROTFLMFAO, that shit isn’t even crypto.

>> No.13520286

Exactly, banks will never allow some other financial networks than the ones they control to be dominant, do you live in a fantasy then I'm sorry you'll get hurt.

The exact opposite of what have I proven? You don't make any sense. They make deals selling at 0.0085... And that's about the value of 1 billion usd in today's rate. LOL how do you ever think you will profit from that. If you're really blinded then I'll leave you alone but probably and sadly you're just raised believing in cooperations messing with your money. So you can't help it but put your faith in them changing your life while you gotta change it yourself not some authoritarian trying to steal your shit lols

>> No.13520287

>no point in saying anything more, you'll just parrot Ripple's marketing handbook, word for word
I'm not parroting anything. This hasn't been announced, but has been discussed by a former employee who helped write the patent for the incentive system.

>Anyhow, enjoy being dumped on, since that's all you are getting from Ripple as an XRP investor.
I've gotten a lot more from it than that.

>> No.13520311

>Exactly, banks will never allow some other financial networks than the ones they control to be dominant, do you live in a fantasy then I'm sorry you'll get hurt.
If a bank can't use a network unless they control it then sending payments would be virtually impossible today. What's more important is that the system is not controlled by competitors.

>They make deals selling at 0.0085... And that's about the value of 1 billion usd in today's rate
The price at the time of making the deal was closer to .006. They were selling at a premium.

>> No.13521243
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>> No.13521486
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look at the pic. block... blockmason... everything makes sense now. they have decided the next bitcoin.

There are 50 drops to every 1 satoshi. A ratio of 50:1. Certainly not an over supply as is so often suggested. Conceivably the price of XRP could be the price of BTC divided by 50. Presently that would make it $120 & at ATH $400.

>> No.13521572

Ripple and XRP have no competitors. They’re light years ahead of anyone else. No competition.

>> No.13521669

100 billion XRP exist. 10$ per XRP Is 1 trillion. It’s not going over 10 dollars. Probably not even over 5. And I’m bullish on XRP. 5 dollars is still like just under 20x on your money

>> No.13521709

if you measure the two last ATH's we go to 8$ next ath. probably after that retrace to 80snt.

>> No.13521779
File: 67 KB, 544x608, 58A8331B-5895-49A8-B556-74F84ECFCC2B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already hit like 5 bingos, XRP will moon to oblivion while obsolete bitcuck and linktard owners will hang themselves after losing another 90%. The XRP fudsters are all the same pathetic copesters. I remember I used to be a cucked out XRP fudder but then i read what theyre trying to do and listened to what Brad Garlinghouse had go say and realized this coin is everything that BTC isn’t, it is the future for global cross platform payments and will be established as the most trusted currency. If you dont have a suicided stack of atleast 4000 XRP (1/21 millionth of the supply) you’ll be absolutely destroyed financially. Once Garlinghouse flips the switch, all you idiots will FOMO in but by then it’ll already be too late and your potential gains minimized to microscopic values, while us early adopters jump through a wormhole to saturn. And to think you brick level IQ dipshits could’ve bought the actual mass adopted, global peer to peer currency for pennies.

>> No.13521798

Tonight, 11pm CST.
Last call.

>> No.13521826

Derivatives market alone is 1 quadrillion, we’ll hit 100 trillion mcap with ease

>> No.13522068

They have the technology and the connections. 200+ partnerships. They are the real deal. The one diamond in a pile of shit.

>> No.13522091
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Jesus Christ will normies ever ever learn

>> No.13522126

It’s like you don’t want the coin you own to be used for billions of dollars in liquidity, pushing up its price due to DEMAND

>> No.13522130


>> No.13522186


. JFC. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.13522196

Not an argument, bitcuck is centralized owned by china miners, they can 51% in the blink of an eye, supply is centralized too 1000 wallets own 90% of bitcuck, bitcuck isn’t scalable, is too slow, and uses too much energy, if bitcuck reached golds mcap it would account for 20% of the worlds co2 emissions, all of which are facts that cannot be argued. PoW is dead

>> No.13522219

Based and XRP-Pilled

>> No.13522239
