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13514883 No.13514883 [Reply] [Original]

>bought 9 BTC @ 6,400$
>sold them @ 4,400$

I refuse to re-enter this market, I'm neither a bear neither a bull.

I just refuse to re-enter now.

>> No.13514893

bold move

>> No.13514898

Sorry bro, you will change your mind

>> No.13514913


Thanks for the free shit, see you at 90k

>> No.13514925

I was in the same position last bull run. You're gonna fomo in at 50k.

>> No.13514927
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I was a total newfag, I lurked for 11 months and 6,000$ appeared like a strong support.

Also I did not have stop-losses because I was trading on gdax and there was no whitelist so I just transfered my Bitcoins to my ledger... I was just a newbie.

Oh no... I won't, I'm thinking about opening a business with the money I still have on gdax, I think BTC will go down once again and if it does not then I won't buy I don't care.

>> No.13514939 [DELETED] 

t. opium

>> No.13514962


So why are you still here? Not like you're gonna get the opportunity to say "I told you so" when BTC hits an ATH of $80k. Brainlets will be brainlets.

>> No.13514967
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>> No.13515005
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Because I like the smell of opium from this board, you are all greedy and dumb the same way I was in november 2018.

So sure about your "investment" yet every indicator is saying the contrary of your trades.

I don't care about the 18,000$, it's lunch money for me. Also, I lost a battle, not the war.

I think Bitcoin will dip once again.

>> No.13515015

>posts hopium charts
you'll buy back in at 10k like the rest of the boomers

>> No.13515027
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No you don't understand...

>> No.13515038

You can draw the log trend and see we are under it in the buy zone but you refuse to buy? Cool story

>> No.13515081

OP, whilst I agree with you based on your TA and my own, it's pretty obvious that's being artificially pumped. Something the long the lines of getting out of tether into btc and pairs panic, printing more tether panic, usual market makers manipulating the price or combination of the 3.
This is out of TA's juristiction. However I will be surprised if fearful emotions will continue indefinitely and that the market makers won't take profit soon. I will be very surprised if we don't correct at least back to 5k.

>> No.13515090

I refuse to buy higher than I sold

Also you guys are too confident, we have not even broke 5,800$ and you are all talking about 10,000$

That's why I keep coming here

I have PTSD and it gave me the ability to feel opium and fear

>> No.13515099

you took in close to nothing and bullshit useless info if you lurked that long and still bought then sold your stack of BITCOIN what the fuck

>> No.13515107

Yes, I feel FOMO vibes going through my body and that's why I don't buy.

It looks so fake, I typed "bitcoin" on youtube and all the guys who sell courses are like "WE ARE BULL - BUY BUY BUY" it's ridiculous, I just refuse to re-enter.

>> No.13515121
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I just panicked.. It's not that usual to lose 18,000$ in 3 days you know

>> No.13515139

Since btc will outlive the dollar, it’s literally only a matter of time before we hit 1mil

The question is when. It’s likely within the next 10 years. Have fun fomoinf in with boomers since you don’t understand economics programming or history

>> No.13515144

take the brownpill sirs

>> No.13515147
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>> No.13515150

Buy high sell low the /biz/ way

>> No.13515152

You see this? This is scary.
This level of opium reminds me last year.

>> No.13515158

You didn't lose $18,000 until you panic sold.

>> No.13515164
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How can you be so sure we will never see 4,400$ ever again?

>> No.13515166

What kind of nonsensical retard graph is this

>> No.13515170

You are talking like a bunch of late 2017 adopters, it's literally the same retarded rethoric.

>> No.13515180

No you didnt. Larping faggot.

>> No.13515184

It will dip, and I think 4.4k is a reasonable point. I think the lowest it will go is 3.5-3.8k before having a sideways movement until the real bull market, starting mid 2020.

>> No.13515185

You clearly are a newbie. You also are dumb as fuck. You think when you sold you were cutting your loses when really you were just selling almost the bottom. You fell for the muh we going to 2k bs. Crypto is not for you. Open a web design business or something.

>> No.13515189
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>> No.13515190

Bro, I would prefer lie about this... I, unironically, lost 18,000$ buying high and selling low

>> No.13515199
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pure bull euphoria

>> No.13515228

this is a bull trap, free some of your position for buying the dip

>> No.13515237
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>> No.13515241
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I don't have any position

>> No.13515246

Holy shit you fags are retarded

I’m literally just stating a fact. Do either of you mouth breathers understand what fiat currency is or how the fedea reserve works?

If humanity lasts 50 years from now, btc will still be mined 50 years from now. Why do I know that? BecUse it was actively being mined in 2009-2010 when it was basically worthless.

However I can tell you one thing: the dollar will not be the global reserve currency, or even survive in its current form, within the next 50 years

If any of you fucking demented brainlet high school neets disagrees, you do not understand the petrodollar system and you need to fuck off and read a book . Actually I’d prefer you don’t so you just neck when you miss the boat

Oh and the fact that I’m saying this now when I believe we’re still going sub 1k indicates I’m a die hard believer and not some 2017 moonboy faggot.


>> No.13515248

buy high sell low

>> No.13515254

I'm still wealthier than you tho.. but yes my move was ridiculous

>> No.13515268

Someone this convinced is going to be the one to neck, you’re going to lose your mind when it all implodes.

>> No.13515270

This is pure euphoria, you remind me april 2018.

>> No.13515272
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its called heavy bags for a reason you gotta carry then until they get light bobro

>> No.13515281

I was exactly like him, that's why I can not re-enter now, all the people who talk in my native language and somehow post about cryptos are convinced like him, they are agressive with me when I say may be we can dip again...

It's just like I was looking at me in a mirror.

>> No.13515283

Be honest, have you ever written a program in your life? Do you understand how bitcoin works at even a basic level? How do you propose that it would implode?

Oh and I’m not going to neck fsggot because I don’t even give a shit about the money. I’ve already lost a shit ton. I am here for the political ideology, just like an isis suicide kebab I’m ready to die on this cross

>> No.13515291

What euphoria retard? I shorted at 4K and lost big. We’re still going to sub 1k, but I am a long term permabull.

You fags are completely incapable of understanding that short term != long term

>> No.13515310

Bitcoin needs to retest MA200 again. This pump has resulted from the premium price of BTC in Bitfinex.

>> No.13515337

ultra cope itt

>> No.13515348

Last time there was a so big difference between Bitfinex prices and others exchanges prices was 1 month before the dump from 6k to 3k2, that's why I'm not re-entering

sub 1k? kek I don't know but that's really low no?

you are agressive, you are not trading, you are believing, don't be like I was bro, don't lose too much

>> No.13515367

>muh i'm here for the tech

you faggot cryptos are just penny stocks 2.0 gtfo

>> No.13515389

dubs and btc goes to a milli

>> No.13515396

>I refuse to re-enter this market, I'm neither a bear neither a bull.
You're right. You're just a retard.

>> No.13515406

Below $1000? There's just no way. All the weak hands already sold on the way down from $6k. Miners are not going to sell below their break-even point. They will simply shut-off their electricity and wait.

So that leaves whales. If a whale tries to dump it, he is going to get rekt by both retail and other whales, because buy-the-dip is already back. You can see this clearly in the charts.

It's not going below $3200, but you can keep dreaming of cheap BTC. I'll admit a chance to buy at $1k again would be nice. Too good to be true, in fact.

>> No.13515408

why are you agressive?

>> No.13515410

Look at your chart again bud. the red line is tracking with blue and purple is under it just like the red zone of accumulation in 2016. We are in the red zone already you are putting red and green zones in wrong spot. Stop being delusional bobo.

>> No.13515438
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many thank sir u very help my family i too retard brain to make mone but u help my faggot son can finely stop seling his boipucci

>> No.13515458

I sold at 6,5k with no profit and never bought again.

>> No.13515465

can you explain why?

it's way easier to sell your ass than being a winning trader

>> No.13515481

I've been waiting for the right moment to buy again :D. Almost bought at 3k.

>> No.13515491

did some bad trades, otherwise I had made profit. I also stayed in some alts too long.

>> No.13515511

Strange, I think if I did not got PTSD from my loss I would have bought the "dip"

Watching the RSI indicator it seemed to be the best moment to buy

yet I sold a bit higher and did not watch the charts for 2 months while on vacations (everyday I woke up thinking of my loss)

I made some trades but so little... I'm now still in loss (12,000$) I'm thinking about DCAing into ETH

>> No.13515514

I agree with you. What’s your stance on PMs nigga? People don’t understand this shit can’t keep going on forever

>> No.13515810

You were one bitcoin away from becoming the new world elite and you fucking blew it. Congrats

>> No.13515826
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Smart move OP. Now just sit tight with some cash or precious metals in hand and wait for the new notes. The rest of that digital trash isn't in the future anyways.


>> No.13516021

>newfag as fuck
I'm not taking investment advice from some faggot whose salty about losing money. Eat shit faggot.

>> No.13516033

Your newfag is showing

>> No.13516036

I can still afford 21 BTC..

>> No.13516056

6k was strong support
but hashwar happened
we are at the 10k range getting ready to go to the 100k area
6k is not a bad position to get in, you're just pathetic thinking BTC needs to double in value in a year

>> No.13516185

>buy high
>sell low
The fun never ends.

>> No.13516226

Just know that you have weak hands. Honestly, crypto just isn't for you. I would advise never buying again. Accept your $18,000 loss as a tough lesson and move on. You couldn't handle being underwater and you gave in to the panic. It's alright. This isn't for everyone.

But if you are honestly looking at BTC/USD and saying "yep, that's it, show's over, it's all downhill from here" just as a way to soothe your ego and convince yourself that you didn't make the mistake of your lifetime (you probably did) then also know that you'll be proven wrong eventually just like every other doubting boomer that came before you. Bitcoin and crypto speculation marches inexorably onward.

>> No.13516247

I said I won't buy green again
and when we were @3,200 I was avoiding the charts
just look at BTCUSD and tell me it doesnt look stupid as fuck

>> No.13516259

you're dumb to miss out on those alt gains but hey let your fiat rot

>> No.13516269
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I took screenshots, your euphoria is laughable.

>> No.13516310

Euphoric? Nigger, we've already been here before. Nothing to be euphoric about, it's just a simple pattern repeating itself. This is playing out almost exactly like Dec 2013 to Aug 2015. We'll probably get one more pullback, but $4,400? You're going to cut it awfully close.

>> No.13516320

It’s hopium ffs

Delete this 82 iq thread

>> No.13516321

your agressivity only prove that you can't live without the hope of BTC mooning

you are not traders, just believers

cryptos are not your plan B or C, they are your only plan

>> No.13516353
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I bought December '17 at ATH and all is gone - the little left vanished by gambling on Bitmex.
I refuse to re-enter this pajeetmarket before clearly signs of recovery.
Lost 5k €uro - not too bad but still sux.

>> No.13516356
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Yeah nah I'm gonna be fine, been at this for a little while. I sincerely wish you the best of luck and apologize if you think I came off as aggressive.

>> No.13516392
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I sold a stack of TRX in january 2018 and made 4500 euros... but it was the worst thing that could have happened to me

It made me too confident and then... JUSTED