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13501559 No.13501559 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw have schizophrenia

How do I profit from this?

>> No.13501570

Become a spirit medium

>> No.13501585

Ok lets just imagine this scenario.

>Anon, tell me what my wife wanted to me to before she died
>Hmm let me consult the spirits.
Voices in my head just tell me to go fuck myself.

>> No.13501597

This you literally are closer and more in tune with the universe than you could possibly know. Your thoughts that creep into your head that “aren’t your own” are from the collective unconscious and are amplified by your emotional state. Exercise, eat healthy, avoid negative forms of music and media and strive to be in a positive state as often as you can. I hesitantly say to meditate but that can make it worse if you can’t stay positive.

>> No.13501604

You open about it? Start a youtube channel about life with schizo.
Monetize with patreon and advertise relentlessly.

>> No.13501607

etika some cuck fake reaction twitch streamer got millions of hits on twitter this week for having a schizo meltdown and live streaming the police breaking into his apartment to arrest him,

but your probably better off taking meds and staying level as long as you can

>> No.13501610
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Become an artist

>> No.13501630

Start off by getting a diagnosis, then apply for disability. Then start making YouTube videos/streaming and do "outrageous" things all with the tag line of you being diagnosed with schizophrenia.

>> No.13501639

Time for dmt and shrooms. Also fight the demons with Jesus. Sooner or later you will realise that God exists and you will become his soldier. You think i'm crazy and dont know wat i am talkin about? Talk to me in a few years when u r a Jesus freak

>> No.13501640

sue yourself in court of law

>> No.13501674


have sex

>> No.13501698

The other ideas are better. My inspiration was just playing the new Phoenix Wright compilation on PS4.

>> No.13501701

I would do this, but looks like this >>13501607 Etika guy beat me to it.

>> No.13501709

Anything creative it seems - not business or science.
>but in creative fields such as the arts, their inability to keep their ideas constrained within what Simonton calls “their usual conceptual boundaries” – a mark of mental illness – becomes an asset. Although it can lead to paranoia and a tendency to see conspiracies and links everywhere, it can also generate the novel combinations that underlie creativity

>> No.13501717

bend over

>> No.13501722

>avoid negative forms of media
rechecks url

>> No.13501802

Do some LSD.

>> No.13501820

godspeed anon

>> No.13501831

come up with crazy theories and become a conspiracy guy. write a book and publish it, go on podcasts, sell merch. use your schizo brain to your favor.

>> No.13501842
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You dont, you just suffer.

>> No.13501890

Like Job wise I have no fucking clue what I'm meant to do. I have zero qualifications due to my condition... I have AAT accounting but my brain isn't what it used to be.

>> No.13501891

There is no such thing as schizophrenia. It’s a psyop to keep you from thinking outside the box and becoming rich.

>> No.13501912


stop projecting, incel

>> No.13501918

Yea this is honestly a terrible website for a schizo to be on on hate to break it to you OP.

>> No.13501920

You can probably get neetbucks

>> No.13501929

Not in the UK, PPI is hard as fuck to get. Even people with MS are finding it had to get it.

I know, but it's my only source of pleasure desu

>> No.13501930

just a matter of time before you will be a buddhafreak

>> No.13501938

unironically this

>> No.13501959

Projectiles will be shot, believe me

>> No.13502013
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Yeah but only Jesus scares the old witch away. The one with 3 long fingers

I know

Sooner or later Op will become a born again Christian. Dont fight it op; just start learning acoustic guitar or tambo

>> No.13502029
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NIACIN (Vitamin B3) megadoses have been shown to cure psychosis patients. Start with food extracted Niacin that gives a flush.

>> No.13502046

Niacin (Vitamin B3)

>> No.13502099

Just looked them up, gonna have to go get some. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.13502189
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Jeff Marzinsky.

The Presence of Other Worlds in Paranoid Schizophrenia


Take These Broken Wings -- Healing from Schizophrenia, Cure without Medication


>> No.13502200


Also CBD (though avoid THC), just some nice organic CBD drops.

>> No.13502220

the buddha doesnt do any direct thoughts

as a direct thought emerges you suppress it and gain a non painful state, this is the first level

the second level is pleasant and you are not striving to obtain mental peace with skillfull qualities like focus

the third is neither pleasant nor not pleasant contemplation

the fourth and final level is a partial unbinding from all that is form-color, ideation, opinion or sense-perception. it's similar to nirvana

>> No.13502488

Try making shit up nigger

>> No.13502498

What is this image supposed to represent? I see things that resemble the bottom right in my room all the time at night. When I'm right between wake and sleep. Between worlds if you will.

>> No.13502522

just tell them what you heard anon

>> No.13502540

Piano is fine too

>> No.13502551


>> No.13503304

Any shred of doubt I had about the existence of god went

>> No.13503399

Because god is supposed to be nice to you?

>> No.13503410

go to /pol/ and ask for money in exchange for proof that mossad is behind everything that happens in the world

>> No.13503426

apply to paid studies

>> No.13503437

My bro has Schizophrenia. He just lives the NEET life, gets gibs, buys penny stocks.

>> No.13503445

id check's out

>> No.13503562



>> No.13503620
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>> No.13504108
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>> No.13504370

create an operating system