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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13497495 No.13497495 [Reply] [Original]

2017 is going to look like a joke in a year or two...

anyone here fortunate enough to accumulate and hold onto a few bitcoins will be in a great position to jump into real estate after this next BTC fiasco were about witness... couple that with the looming equities/banking/housing/debt crises on the horizon

good luck to you all, invest safely. were going to make it if we play our cards right.

>> No.13497502

dont fall for chainstink anon

>> No.13497505

btc will go to 1k if economy goes to shit you retard

>> No.13497507

btc is finished

you must hold microcap coins to ever make it

>> No.13497746

buy legder, buy one btc and put it on ledger, put ledger in safe, leave biz, set prive alarm to 2k and 20k, when alarm goes off buy more at 2k or join the shitcoin casino when 20k, profit.

why cant I do this, why do I hold every bag that was shilled here and lose both money and time???

>> No.13497751

>he doesn’t know (((they’re))) abandoning btc

>> No.13497756

>frog poster
>let me tell you how the world works
No offense, but no

>> No.13497785
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lmao retard, it would be worth trillions
you fucking imbecile, do you even understand what hyperinflation is?
get the fuck off /biz/ you absolute brainlet.
i sincerely hope you hold 0 BTC so you can die like a dog in the sand in the coming years post 2020.

>> No.13497895
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I love crypto but get some silver and gold you faggots.

>> No.13497923
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>m-muh shiny rocks!

>> No.13497934
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ask venezuelans about shiny rocks

>> No.13497955

The hard way: if you can trade, it doesn't matter where the price goes as long as it stays volatile

>> No.13497962

Worse; it would become worthless.
All buying power comes from FIAT.

>> No.13498023

How are shiny rocks supposed to save them when there's literally no food to be purchased at all?

>> No.13498029
File: 826 KB, 1202x866, FD1DAE31-C671-449A-9F69-E2E6976B6C19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>price goes up
>t-they’re a-abandoning it
Like clockwork

>> No.13498031
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>> No.13498472

Communism is a disease

>> No.13498610
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>his own government brainwashes him to fear certain words

>> No.13498731

Im not even American, I live in post-Soviet country in eastern Europe

>> No.13498764

buttmad ukranian detected

>> No.13498893

>calls other anon retarded
>goes on to spout absolutely retarded nonsense

>> No.13498905

reatrded commie, go starve to death if you want it so bad but leave others alone

>> No.13498919

cry more hohol

>> No.13498930

If communism good then where is CCCP, Ivan?

>> No.13498941
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>> No.13499607
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>mfw most of those are niggers/spics/other shitskins

>> No.13500743


BTC? Ripple is about to get dumped hard the next few months. They're only a handful of coins that will do well most are going start bleeding badly as BTC starts outperforming and and retards abandon alts

>> No.13500804
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