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File: 44 KB, 498x498, IMG_5306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13494959 No.13494959 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sick of seeing posts of you faggots with crippling social anxiety who can't get laid. All you fucking need is MAGNESIUM. Yes that's right. This is all you need and it works pretty much instantly.

I've been a borderline Chad my entire life. And all of a sudden in the last year I got almost crippling anxiety and heart palpitations and instead of going to some faggot doctor I researched it and figured out that magnesium deficiency is the problem for basically a whole host of shit because the soil is depleted of it now. Took a scoopfull of it and I felt normal within 15 mins.

Your welcome.

>> No.13494964

Oh and it has to be chelated

>> No.13494968
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>> No.13494977

Stop I'm trying to help

>> No.13495007

is this good

>> No.13495011


I've taken that exact brand and it didn't help. Propranolol, on the other hand, is the best thing I've ever taken for social anxiety. The downside is that it gives me bad dreams. I recommend anybody that has a problem with public speaking to fucking try this shit.


>> No.13495020

Magnesium L Threonate has the best effects on memory, mood and longevity

>> No.13495032

Just eat spinach and kale and shit

>> No.13495033

Magnesium works for a lot of people tho. Go YouTube magnesium anxiety. The comments saying it's a life changer outnumber those that have no effect.

It's actually kind of sad reading some of the comments. The people who try it and are transformed are so happy but then they will be like fuck the last 20 years of my life and youth were ruined going to doctors taking scripts and then realizing all they needed was a 10 dollar bottle of magnesium

>> No.13495036

Doesn't absorb. I started eating dark chocolate didn't work worth shit....

>> No.13495054
File: 50 KB, 564x423, comfy cabin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good but will make youshit your pants when you first start it

>> No.13495063

I never understood this. A good shit and even diahrhea is more satisfying than a blowjob a lot of the time

>> No.13495069

The possibility of shitting myself involuntarily certainly reduces my anxiety level

>> No.13495086


Spinach was ok but kale gave me a kidney stone

>> No.13495089

anxiety frens, I have spent a small fortune on supplements over the years combating my chronic mild to moderate anxiety. give pic related a try, this shit works wonders immediately and no side effects except improved sleep.

>> No.13495092
File: 2.39 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I typed this while driving that's how much I care about you anons

>> No.13495101
File: 98 KB, 390x500, ar5999-lithium-orotate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic

>> No.13495106
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this gave me a hearty kek thank u frend

>> No.13495109

just popped 3 of them, here's to a better future anons

>> No.13495111

can i use magnesium citrate? The dollar tree by my house has some but it's advertised as a laxative

>> No.13495114


You'll wake up feeling like someone shot you in the stomach. I barely made it to the toilet a couple times. It is good to get it out of the way first thing in the morning though, and believe me with Magnesium Malate you will shit everything out as soon as you wake.

>> No.13495115
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No doubt it helps people. I've eaten brown rice and lentils daily for years so I don't think I'm deficient. I think my social anxiety is a more social conditioning thing from too many embarrassing experiences.

>> No.13495122


ONLY threonate does fuck all, the rest are hardcore laxatives with no real magnesium absorption

>> No.13495124

It's fine but I don't think it's as good. Go with a better brand than the dollar store

>> No.13495129
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>> No.13495137

top kek
why would I want this if it makes my life even harder

>> No.13495145

a good shit will make your life easier.

>> No.13495157

Good advice. There also dopamine precursor supplements like tyrosine and phenylalanine for mild depressed mood and low energy.

>> No.13495164


Shrink here.

Yeah no, that's gonna have a mild effect at best. People are depressed due to poor thinking, a shitty life, or some combination of the two.

Taking Magnesium ain't gonna help that.

>> No.13495186

if you deny the biochemical reasons responsible for depresison you're a nimwit

proper nutrition and health are essential

>> No.13495193

He is shink, that means that he thinks only paying him is the solution.

>> No.13495235

Is this how desperate the Pajeets have gotten? Is this bullish or bearish?

>> No.13495241

and I'm trying to help anons by calling you on your bullshit

>> No.13495280

This anon knows his shit.

But the best for stress is magnesium glycinate, best brands are Pure Encapsulations and Thorne. Check Amazon.

>> No.13495411

I use magnesium glycinate for the extra glycine.

>> No.13495453
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why would (((they))) be shilling magnesium on a business shitposting forum again? Why would ANYONE unless it's some secret meme or legitimately believed?

>> No.13495588

take magnesium, zinc, vit d, vit k, and fish oil but they should only be used after a good diet, exercise and healthy sleep habits are in order. I unfortunatley dont sleep well and drink too much so its probably not doing shit

>> No.13495616

I did some research and ended up taking 5-htp. I'm still a virgin.

>> No.13495707

i take natural calm.

>> No.13495724

Thx based AK-47 anon

>> No.13495746

Niacin B3 megadose has cured many psychosis patients. Any deficiency can cause disease. Go get bloodwork done.

>> No.13495760
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>> No.13495779

t. Pajeet

>> No.13495785

mag threonate + l-theanine is probably the best 'all-natural' anxiolytic you can do. It's also sustainable with no tolerance buildup or withdrawal issues, vs benzos or phenibut or tianeptine which will make you feel good for a couple days and then fuck you with a cheese grater of rebound anxiety as soon as you miss a day.

>> No.13495803

Just smoke $40 of weed per day. Thank me later.

>> No.13495813

Fuck off faggot I'm not paying you shit

>> No.13495826

Phenlypiracetam + choline

Only take it 1-2 times a week or tolerance will increase. 1-2 times a weeks is enough, lowers my anxiety for several days after one dose.

>> No.13495885

The greatest cure for anxiety is to man mode through it.

Go to the gym and work out 5 times a week. Eat extremely healthy.

Keep a journal and write about your neuroticism. And put yourself in situations that you don't want to be in

Pain is the path to relief. Sometimes it can help by seeing a psychiatrist that will get you on pills that enhance neuroplasticity

But a pill will not change your life for good.

>> No.13495971


>> No.13496390 [DELETED] 

magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems in the body
not saying that exercise isn't important but there's no reason to starve yourself of essential nutrients

>> No.13496400

magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems in the body
do you even science? or do you just trust your instincts? lmao

>> No.13496429

>uses biz thinks he's borderline chad
delusional link holders never change

>> No.13496459

Q: What happened when the amino acid walked into a room full of his admirers?
A: He Tryptophan. Get it? He tripped a fan.

>> No.13496463

>People are depressed due to poor thinking
And what would make people poor thinkers? Hmm, it defenitely couldn't be poor nutrition. Riiiiight?

>> No.13496466

I take it too, because I train and sweat as a professional athlete. Sodium intake over 9000. But the real thing that cured my anxiety and moved my negative thought patterns was... drumroll.... Psilocybin Mushrooms. Take
1/10th of a gram a day. Watch your bad thoughts disappear and something positive, more influential appear. Do this for a prolonged time and it will physically change your brain chemistry. It will change it just as your negative thought patterns changed it. It is a vicious circle, but I am happier and a more effective Chad now. Good luck.

>> No.13496471

Kombucha can also help, contains lots of neurotransmitter precursors and can help your body self-regulate. Take care of your microbiome and it will take care of you.

>> No.13496476

Thanks for trying to help people! Good karma for you. The next coin you buy will go x10.

>> No.13496487
File: 36 KB, 162x220, the-24-year-old-doomer-go-getter-enough-is-enough-takes-37798266~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chelated glycinate or GTFO. Other formulations might as well be chalk.

>> No.13496495
File: 62 KB, 800x631, sayori___doki_doki_literature_club_by_renaiae-dbyit9p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this anon is correct
rope is the only cure for depression

>> No.13496573
File: 105 KB, 455x455, PURBLACK_Live_Shilajit_Resin_455x455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes people are extremely deficient in many vitamins and trace minerals nowadays due to depleted soil and shitty diets. As far as magnesium goes, DO NOT TAKE MAGNESIUM OXIDE - the bioavailability is absolute shit and you will just end up crapping and pissing it out. OP may have been deficient in this but everybody is different.

I personally take this stuff called PURBLACK SHILAJIT (there are other brands but I've found this one to be the best) and have recommended it to some of my patients too. It's a natural tar from some mountains somewhere with a shit ton of trace minerals and vitamins. With most problems (especially anxiety, depression, mood, skin problems, etc.) it's EXTREMELY difficult to pinpoint exactly which mineral somebody is deficient in so it's much easier to take something that just has fucking everything in it.

A lot of people don't even realize how shitty they feel because they've been like that for their entire lives from poor diets and mineral deficiencies. Clean up your diet and start getting what your body needs to function and you will feel a world of difference

>> No.13496585

Concerning magnesium, you want it either in citrate or glycenate form by the way

>> No.13496618

why do you shill this stuff everywhere

I doubt eating mountain tar really does anything good for you

>> No.13496619

Oh and one last thing, the shilajit is NOT a substitute for a good multivitamin. The tar is only for trace minerals. You need a good WHOLE FOODS vitamin such as garden of life (don't skimp by buying a shitty brand) and Omega 3 fish oils (I get about 2000mg of EPA and DHA per day in triglyceride form from Nordic naturals brand)

And I also take turmeric with black pepper extract. Super memey but very effective for preventing inflammation. Make sure it has the black pepper or the bioavailability is shit.

I take a few other things here and there but those are the basics

>> No.13496627

What do you mean shill it everywhere? I've never mentioned it before lol. I don't give a fuck if you take it or not, just sharing what I know works

>> No.13496629

chelated is fine faggot

>> No.13496635

Shilajit is actually good shit, it's filled with tons of trace minerals.

>> No.13496643

I read a big concern with eating shilajit is that it often contains toxic amounts of lead

I mean youre just scooping up essentially rock/dirt and eating it, it's bound to contain toxic elements

>> No.13496645

What brand do you take? I go with the purblack but it's super fucking expensive. I feel like it's basically a "get what you pay for" type of situation with this stuff though.

>> No.13496648
File: 337 KB, 1125x1105, 2E949FDD-8BE5-42F0-8E54-7F3ABCA6C765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had crippling insomnia for years (anxiety related). Even ambien doesn't work on me most of the time. I take 2 scoops of pic related before bed and I can't keep my eyes open. Shit works as well as Xanax for sleep.

>> No.13496678

There's only a couple micrograms per serving. People have been eating this shit for a long time. That being said, it's not something you take every single day forever. I cycle on it by taking some every other day for a month and then stop for a month

>> No.13496689

It saved my career unironically

>> No.13496690


>> No.13496783

Thank you!
I have just such a problem.
And I have been thinking about pills and supplements for the past month.

>> No.13496805

I already feel this way in the morning, and it's an immediate issue if I have breakfast or coffee.

>> No.13496832

how much do you charge? after you answer I'll have at least one more question.

>> No.13496843

>he doesn't know

>> No.13496912

are you a figure skater?

>> No.13496921

You have it backwards retard. Spinach contains like 20x more oxalates than kale.


>> No.13497036

This is all blue pill garbage. last line is true though.

>> No.13497310


what brand?

>> No.13497736

Propanolol for social anxiety lol
Enjoy your erectile dysfunction, idiots

>> No.13497753

I'd say a Vit D supplement is as necessary as magnesium. I doubt most people here are getting out in the sun enough. Also eat a garlic clove one a day, that shit changed my life.

>> No.13497809

Saying it worked in 15 mins proves it's a placebo effect you brainlet.
Wrong. Threonate is the only one that crossed the blood-brain barrier. Chelated magnesium is also absorbed, proven by blood tests from my dr.

>> No.13497832

Had 0 sexual problems

>> No.13497835

>that shit changed my life


>> No.13497878


Bad dreams is an understatement.

I had to take it for a while to keep my heart rate down because of a thyroid problem. Worst nightmares I’ve ever haf in my life. Vile, gory shit.

I don’t believe anything that has that as a side effect can be good for you, would have driven me insane if I kept taking it.

Should be criminal to give it to people.

>> No.13497887

I used to get sick a lot, now I don't. I just generally feel much better. Tbh what works for me might not work for everyone else but I know it was a game changer for me.

>> No.13497903


Garlic has proven, strong health benefits.

>> No.13497917

ITT Amerifats who eat fast food all day complain they are depressed.

Just eat some soup or fish once in a while. Imagine thinking sardines and salmon is disgusting

>> No.13497919
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am i supposed to chew this shit? burns like a motherfucker

>> No.13497925

Chew it with a glass of water, you'll get used to it eventually.

>> No.13497932

unironically what do I do if I take all my vitamins and supplements, eat right and exercise, yet I'm still miserably depressed and anxious and always want to fucking die

>> No.13497939

Imagine thinking sardines and salmon are good. Enjoy your mercury poisoning

>> No.13497942


Magnesium can cause serious panic attacks in some people, if dosed too high for too long. I can no longer take it at all without experiencing this. Tremors, breathlessness, sever anxiety, genuine suicidal compulsions. I shit you not.

Be careful. BUT, yes, years ago, it used to be extremely relaxing for me.

I will find the paper when I get to a computer but bioavailability of Oxide is actually not that much worse than other forms and when you consider how much cheaper it is per Mg, it is by far the best option. You just have to take very slightly more but it $ terms it works out way cheaper. Claims about bioavailability are mostly designed to part you with your shekels, you don't need expensive exotic forms of magnesium. Again, will find the actual data on this and post.

>> No.13497943

thanks fren

all in eth

>> No.13497949

Enjoy your diabetes and cancer

>> No.13497961

Let's all agree to enjoy death, returning to a non-existence without pain or disappointment.

>> No.13497986

pls respond

>> No.13498033
File: 362 KB, 1152x2048, forexgains6x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ the amount of cope in this thread. I'll admit i use to pop magnesium pills as well to help with anxiety, sleep and muscle development, but christ all this shit is essentially useless if you aren't happy with yourself. and what makes you happy, as uncliche it sounds - money. did any of you fags have anxiety or depression when your portfolio was at ATH? i wanna give back to you guys, fuck all this coping bullshit popping magnesium pills and doomer memes, if ya'll want to make some $$ join my telegram group for literally the best FX signals in the fucking game right now. Literally 6x my deposit in what like 2 months.
anyway, just wanna give back to you guys, i still look back fondly on wojacks and the endless crypto memes, what a time..
if anyone interested in joining my group for free daily signals reply to this

>> No.13498109

Take a heroic dose of LSD

>> No.13498218

it's good i have the 100% magnesium citrate powder from myprotein. For those who have diarrhea you shouldnt take all your magnesium at once. Divide your daily dose in 3 and eat it with your meals

>> No.13498220

Ambien just makes me want to fuck my own arse with anything I can lay my hands on.

>> No.13498251

sardines are the best fish out there because they have very low level of mercury and have plenty of omega3

>> No.13498281

1. First of all drop your vitamin supplements it's now proven that we dont absorb vitamins as well as when they are in actual food. The way the different micronutrients act together in food are much more effective than separating them. Multivitamins are pretty much bs. If you eat enough fruit and vegs that's all you need.
2. Dont believe supplements can cure depression. Jordan Peterson and his daughter totally cured depression eating only meat but I doubt it will work with anybody.

>> No.13498332

lol if you want to eat garling dont chew it. Cut it in small pieces first then swallow them with a glass of water

>> No.13498515

Anyone can explain why a chelated version is better than citrate, glycinate magnesium?

>> No.13498525

Can I do anything about the smell? The whole next day, people can tell I have been eating garlic.

>> No.13498538

you fell for the garlic meme. Just stop eating garlic unless you cook it in meals like normal human beings. majority of healthy people dont eat raw garlic like that anyway.

>> No.13498544

I actually really do like the taste of raw garlic. Cooked is kind of okay as well.

>> No.13498575

i like it too in salads but i wont sacrifice my smell for the health meme. There are plenty of alternatives if you want to eat antioxydants. Replace your garlic by tomato paste. Tomato paste has more lycopene than raw tomatoes. I eat a teaspoon of tomato paste every day.

>> No.13498585

Raw garlic is great with grilled meat especially pork.

>> No.13498588

>t. boomer medical advice

>> No.13498604

it is, i'm just talking about people who eat a whole clove every day with water only for health benefits and not necessarily because it enhances a plate.

>> No.13498617
File: 397 KB, 635x672, 4B3F0DD2-B3B3-43B8-874A-BC8E6B7FE324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off kike, once people start taking magnesium and realize they can just go to the nearest sporting event and dildo their butthole with a log of Chad shit to become a Chad themselves it's going to put you low-level drug dealers out of business

>> No.13498632

Brush your teeth? Chew some gum? Honestly I've had anyone mention it to me but I'm not getting all up in peoples faces with my mouth

>> No.13498659
File: 72 KB, 276x183, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a bag of cardamom on you and chew them for instant good breath.

>> No.13498935

I take Lexapro

>> No.13499197

>muh mind over matter

The first thing they teach you as a psychiatrist is that everything psychological is simultaneously biological. In other words, every thought or feeling you have is the result of chemical processes and interactions in the brain. Sure, habitual negative thoughts "rewire" the brain which further reinforces those thoughts, but that is admission that biology plays a crucial role in the creation of those thoughts.

While I think therapy can be useful, it is often misapplied and shrinks ignore the role that neurotransmitters play in moods and behavior.

>> No.13499201

Anyone here experiment with dopamine supplements? I'm currently taking L-Theanine, L-Tyrosine and SAM-e. I think it's helping?
Motherfuckers at Amazon keep sending me bottles of SAM-e without seals that have clearly been exposed to moisture so idk if it's even good anymore.

>> No.13499256
File: 91 KB, 493x1500, lugols-iodine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, treat yourself for Iodine deficiency with Lugol's Solution. I'm willing to bet most people on this board are iodine deficient since most people get their iodine from salt. I eat a lot of iodized salt but I was still iodine deficient until I started using Lugol's Solution. Shit changed my life.

I take four drops of it, three times a day, in 12 oz of water. It has a metallic taste, but I got used to it after a few days of taking it.

>> No.13499274

What benefits have you experienced?

>> No.13499276


Shrinks are for looser. Very weak people who don't have any willpower.

For those who are weak but still have some willpower, avoid shrink and their antidepressant drugs at all cost. If you have heavy depression, take ayahuasca with a good shaman, not a shrink.

Now If this anon is a shrink for the buck, i can't blame him, we all need money to pay our rent. But he shouldn't spread garbage advices. Magnesium is a top supplement for mood and health in general. And of course nutrition have consequences on the mood.

For those who are wea

>> No.13499285

I'm ashamed to admit it but I used to have huge hemeroids and I got rid of them after 12 years by fasting and applying lugols solution to by butt. It stings but it really works.

>> No.13499312

Yes, see my previous post ITT.

I take Tyrosine and phenylalanine on a daily basis.

Well, it's helping a lot.

Take phenylalanine and dopamine in the morning and magnesium at night.

Also, but it's not about supplement, go out at least half an hour during daytime everyday. 1 hour would be ideal. After a few weeks the effects on the mood are substantial.

>> No.13499315

do you swallow?

>> No.13499431

Atenanol is superior beta blocker, doesn't cross blood brain barrier. Fucking get on 100mg 1 hour before speech. Buy from Indian generics pharmacy. Yes, poo in loo but this shit works. Life changing

>> No.13499447

My mental fog is gone. I can follow a train of thought without getting easily sidetracked, my thoughts also seem to carry more "weight" and have greater staying power. I'm less forgetful, my mood is more stable. I have noticeably less anxiety. I'm more focused and I'm less inclined to feel stressed out. Some men have claimed that it has helped them regrow hair and shit. I haven't really noticed anything like that, but my hair has become softer and less prone to matting.

Though I've only been taking the solution for a couple weeks, the benefits were noticeable after only a few days of use. I've tried numerous vitamins and supplements over the years, usually in nootropic form, yet none of them have had as comparable an impact as Lugol's Solution.

I can't promise that it will provide you the same results, but since iodine deficiency is so common, you'll likely experience similar benefits.

I can only thank the /pol/tard who recommended it to me.

Lol, I've got them too, but I'll keep taking Lugol's Solution by ingesting it before I try that. Perhaps I'll just fast and call it good.

>> No.13499504

Never heard of this. Seems like something I needed about 10 years ago when I was in a hot new shit band getting press left and right but crippled by performance anxiety so when people came to see us live there was a 50% chance we sucked dick and wound up losing a couple of big label deals that way. Made it on our own for ~5 years of touring but never made enough money to not live out of a van and motels and I got tired of it. This drug possibly could have made me not a miserable fuck for the rest of my life, which I now am. Going to try to release an album under a different project within the next year and start playing out again, I’ll give it a shot. Thanks.

>> No.13499532

To further add to the benefits, Lugol's Solution kicked my sweet/salt tooth's ass. I don't crave sweets or salty foods like I used to and also don't crave bread or cinnamon sugar anymore. I'll have to cancel my Panera rewards membership once I've used up the rest of my points. I have significantly more energy than before and I'm not as restless.

I understand that a lot of these are corollary benefits, but I guess it proves that good health builds upon good health and vice versa.

>> No.13499552

He now reeks so thoroughly of garlic that nobody will get within 3 feet of him, minimizing his risk of infection

>> No.13499604

I'm actually buying some of this just not the overpriced brand you posted. So thanks anon (if it helps)

Yeah, I try to get out, also have a sunlamp and I'm also reducing my bad internet habits, trying to group my internet time together and ditch the short bursts of browsing on my phone. I lift regularly as well and I think my diet is quite good, I cook myself a lot. 90% sure I'm low on dopamine tho. I even have the trouble swallowing symptom which I had no idea was dopamine related until I read up on it. Always been an emotionally "flat" person. Intelligent, I think funny, sociable but I almost always just feel meh like nothing is exciting or matters. Trouble focusing and getting motivated as well, lots of stuff I want to do but never really get going on it.

>> No.13499612

Send it

>> No.13499708

NR (brand Niagen) + K2 (Mk-7 only) + reserveratrol + onions. I take this combo daily for breakfast. Never felt better. Also, not only improving quality of life but also extending my life. After I become financially independent once BTC booms, my life will be awesome.

>> No.13499723

>>onions should be onions. Damn you autocorrect.

>> No.13499732

Onions = Onions Fml

>> No.13499739


>> No.13499741

Onions!!!!!! Not onions

>> No.13499746

Dude, you have to go back. Not going to tell you again.

>> No.13499871


Newfags can't sⲟy

>> No.13499910

Get out of the passing lane. Fucking americans.

>> No.13499926

Do you have to take Mag at a certain time of day?

>> No.13499942

Nigga I'm not becoming a trilobite

>> No.13499944

>Do you have to take Mag at a certain time of day?

In the evening before you go night night Anon. It helps you sleep better too

>> No.13499969

I better not shit my bed tonight

>> No.13499977
File: 14 KB, 292x416, IMG_5310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to take a bunch of supplements I don't think.

Mag potassium d3.

Also this might actually be better than The OP pic I provided.

>> No.13499979

Those are chelated versions.

>> No.13499999

Wrong you need to chew garlic so it gets into your saliva.

You also have to crush the garlic and let it sit for 15 mins so the Allicin releases

>> No.13500023

I have Magnesium Glycinate and Malate. Should I get some Theronate or is it the same shit?

>> No.13500035

I don’t get it, what’s wrong with onions?

>> No.13500045

>also have a sunlamp

Had one also (now i use it as a regular lamp in the kitchen).

But honestly, what is better between a sun lamp and the fucking sun?

>> No.13500056

I think all 3 of these are good but I think some people respond to others better

>> No.13500062
File: 10 KB, 210x240, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quints of wisdom, take note. You have to let that fucking allicin release.

>> No.13500078

if you want to truly get rid of depression, you have to get rid of heavy metals (esp. mercury) and neurotoxins in your brain (and first in your body, so you dont redistribute into the brain). try pectaclear for some months for body detox, then start heavy metal detox smoothie (most important part: cilantro) by anthony williams (read: medical medium book) and ecodetox (from econugenics). there also chelators like dmsa, dmps, but they are only mildly effective. fastest way is described above.

>> No.13500090

>you need to activate your almonds

>> No.13500099

magnesium is important for mineral support of the body, but it will not cure your depression.

>> No.13500110

>I better not shit my bed tonight

Wear a pair of Huggies just to be safe anon

>> No.13500117

>4 drops 3 times a day

objectively way too much especially if you're not taking selenium with it, in the long run this will cause you harm. I used to take lugols solution 2% 1xday 1 drop and even that is at the borderline of too much. it will legitimately turn off your thyroid sooner or later at high enough doses, or cause problems if you ever stop taking it/cant get more for whatever reason. you can get enough iodine just from eating a large amount of shrimp regularly, which also has a high amount of selenium as well.

tl;dr if you're going to do lugols you better be taking selenium too but there are better ways long term

>> No.13500162
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>ITT: just drink this Brain & Nerve tonic and you will make it

>> No.13500188

>but there are better ways long term

What are the better ways? I can't stomach shrimp or fish in general.

>> No.13500222

>I can't stomach shrimp or fish in general.

Consider getting used to it imo. Seaweed is also a good source, but unfortunately has the risk of heavy metals (it tends to absorb them).

You should absolutely 100% take selenium with lugols if you aren't already though. Can't stress that enough if you're going to use it.

>> No.13500223

Based retard

>> No.13500245

Thanks, will look into it.

>> No.13500295

its true though

there are tons of studies of azns getting goiter from getting about a gram of iodine a day just from their diet. one drop of lugols 2% is 1.5 grams if I recall correctly. taking more than that is pretty pointless, even if you're severely deficient in iodine you will recover in a week with 1 drop of lugols easily. iodine is the main building block of all thyroid hormones but you can overdo it. selenium helps clear the excess.

>> No.13500328

just microdose phenibut 200mg-500mg daily, take a week break once every 2 months, social anxiety gone, just dont up the dose or you will get withdrawals when your on a break

>> No.13500583


I recently started on the keto diet and started taking magnesium/potassium supplements to prevent the god awful leg cramps and nausea and as a side effect I've noticed my anxiety is lower than usual. Maybe OP is actually not a faggot for once.

>> No.13500592

You could try kratom

>> No.13500689


Also true. Ask yourself how many shit-curry smelling pajeets you've purposefully avoided.

>> No.13500831

So if I start taking Lugol's Solution how much do you recommend i take per day? and do I take selenium every day?

>> No.13500888

someone redpill me on magnesium bisglycinate

>> No.13500895

What's the best thing to take if I'm socially retarded?

>> No.13500914

It's usually white though.

>> No.13500921

what does that mean?

>> No.13500930

Yeah lets all eat metal lol pass the steel

>> No.13500954

Squeeze and inject juice directly into arteries for best effect

>> No.13500981

Mine was a white tablet, not a red pill. The magnesium is mixed into a tablet that is mosyly glycine, which is a white powdered crystal.
Cheap to try out yourself. Take it in the evening mostly. Take it for some time for your levels in the body to get saturated. Is good shit. Slightly calms you 24/7.

>> No.13500992
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I take magnesium every day and I'm a fucking loser

>> No.13500999

Lets gooo if its free dont see why not

>> No.13501016

1 drop of 2% is 1.5 milligrams

>> No.13501020

How much zinc you taking? Do you lift?
Get your testosterone checked.

>> No.13501111

500mg magnesium 50mg zinc.

I lift 4 days a week minimum. Good body, I'm just a loser. Could be low T I guess.

>> No.13501180

Do they work for the cramps.

>> No.13501198


>> No.13501220



>> No.13501284

>Good body
>Could be low T

>> No.13501298

1 drop with selenium every day is fine most selenium supps will be something like 200mcg, if you're deficient you will notice improvements in a week or two
sorry this is correct, I had the units wrong, recommended value is micrograms, lugols is milligrams, the people in the studies were also getting approx 1-1.5 milligrams from sea food (mostly seaweed iirc), not grams.

also just a disclaimer definitely do not take my word for it or anyone elses, please do your own research because it IS possible to take to much of these things. just know what you're putting in your body is all i'm trying to tell people really.

>> No.13501305


By "shitty life" I'm including diet and exercise in that category.

Quit bitching.

People want to believe there's a magic demon in their brain because it's too hard to accept that your choices and ways of thinking usually lead to what we call "depression"

You can argue this shit all day but in 100 years we're gonna laugh at some of the psych ideologies we have now.

>> No.13501436

post body

>> No.13501482
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>> No.13501609
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Curcumin phytosome, zinc, and bee pollen every morning. Vitamin D, and chelated magnesium glycinate every night. Raw cacao and maca every other day. Lift weights and restrict calories.

I feel incredible, all the time.

>> No.13501624

My hottest phantasy is getting a cute rich miscular young arab husband, becoming his fourth, but most favourite wife, wearing a paranja for him and secretly pounding his ass XDD

>> No.13501644

5htp. Shrooms. CBD Oil. The Holy Trinity. Your welcome.

>> No.13501694

Marvelling dem digits! Take note, 15 mins, allicin

>> No.13501731


>> No.13501735


Propranolol increases the level of prolactin in males, which gives you manboobs.

>> No.13501810

magnesium is one of the main metals animals consist of to function properly as you need it for everything the most, a prime building block, the others are potassium, calcium and natrium my man

>> No.13501844

Post band anom

>> No.13501859

i've been use epsom salts for a few years. does magnesium even go through the skin?
what about ingesting it doesn't it give the runs?

i also take boron, and iodine/selenium as others have mentioned.

>> No.13501867

praise allicin release wisdom

>> No.13501919

>Depending and developing a habit on some kike pills to be a functioning human
Never gonna make it OP

>> No.13501999


Do you get bloating?

If so, that is a sign that eating rice and lentils (grains) has destroyed your stomach. Bloating after eating is a really bad sign.

A screw up gut, can lead to or increase anxiety.

I was on a diet of Brown rice, lentils, and veg but I realized (until it was too late) that a Vegan diet had destroyed by stomach.

Bloating is the #1 sign.

>> No.13502012

magnesium can be absorbed this way

t. fellow epsom bather

taking pills/powder upsets stomach

>> No.13502018


Are you talking from experience of curing your anxiety?

Or are you saying what you think 'should' work?

>> No.13502039


Chelated Magnesium is fine.

>> No.13502041

For anyone here taking iodine you need to take selenium and k2 with it or it's pointless.

>> No.13502109

i take my iodine with selenium but don't know about k2 hope i get enough through the diet.
nearly all the minerals i read about have a relationship and balance with one another

magnesium/calcium - together they control the contraction of muscles, among other things.
salt/potassium levels are related to heart/ muscles and blood pressure (what do people reach for when they've had too much salt - sugar stuffy, mainly because for much of human history it was mainly found in fruits and fruit is high in potassium)

it'd be nice if some bio bro could explain more.

>> No.13502129


>> No.13502313
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bros sorry for the late reply been busy with the charts but here is the link

t. me/bestfxsignalss

and check out todays profits on just crude oil, i signal about 1 - 3 trades a day, all trades make me hefty profits

>> No.13502328

fuck off pajeet

>> No.13502356

Thank you. Op here on another ID

>> No.13502416
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Yeah I recently had a propranolol dream in which I was chained up by a satanic vampire gang in prison and bloodletted. Whole thing was in first person and vivid as fuck.

>> No.13502423

wtf? do those profits look like rupees? it's AUD
i'm not asking for anything in return, its literally free signals because i fucking remember January 2018 and how for once in a lifetime this board was filled with profit mania, everyone was in ATH and then lost it all, most of us went below our initial deposit. most of us probably went through a depressive episode, and anxiety was at higher level, the one hope we all had of making it was shattered. u cunts learned absolutely nothing, you took nothing with you from Crypto apart from losses and a waste of valuable time. I got into charting crypto and then forex and im the only one on this board right now making any money from charting.

>> No.13502429

>Vitamin D at night

>> No.13502433

>being anal expulsive instead of anal retentive

>> No.13502437

dude stop. just fucking stop.

>> No.13502469

10th of a gram everyday? There's no tolerance? What would it be like song 0.2 or 0.3g?

>> No.13502501
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>> No.13502514

Does that shit actually work? I recently got a case of the Hems and I’ve been reading about SSKI and mixing it with flaxseed oil. I’ve damn near tried everything to get rid of them but it seems like nothing is working. I think my desk job is making them worse.

>> No.13502543

proof? i got shilled the expensive one in this thread and now i just spent $20 for 90

>> No.13502579

I no Magnesium Oxide is supposed to be garbage but does anyone else find it works the best for sleep? Makes me very sleepy while glycinate, malate, etc do not.

>> No.13502844

oh I missed these clever shilling from dropshipping biz jews

>> No.13502936

i heard phenibut withdrawal are the worst

>> No.13503283

Jokes on both of you, I just changed my diet and also downloaded various psychological textbooks, mostly on therapies. Now I'm my own shrink and I no longer use supplements, soon I'll be growing my own food.

>> No.13503307

Here you go buddy, you're not a loser, just gotta optimize those thoughts. I love you and wish you well anon.


>> No.13503346


What are you talking about?

You can do this but taking dietary supplement as well.

If you do a complete bloodiest and are seriously lacking magnesium, no matter how much workout you do, you'll still feel low energy.

>Eat extremely healthy

Ok. If you do this, you probably wouldn't need dietary supplement, but you really would have to eat a lot of nuts, fresh fuit, vegetables, no carbohydrates (that's the hardest, no rice (!)) and most importantly, with the correct quantity of each.

>> No.13503355

>nuts, fresh fuit, vegetables
no. Eat an all-meat diet. It is proven to produce healthy individuals.

>> No.13503498

OP here. If none of this works urine therapy works too

>> No.13503521

1 Brazil nut per day for selenium

>> No.13503540

>Eat an all-meat diet. It is proven to produce healthy individuals
Said no doctors or coaches for professional athletes.

>> No.13503548

Checked but nah. Definitely not doxxing myself on 4chan of all places.

>> No.13503804

>trusting doctors
Never gonna make it

>> No.13504120


>> No.13504331

>Magnesium Oxide is supposed to be garbage

It's fine, bioavailability is actually only like 10-20% worse and it's like 10x cheaper so makes perfect sense to use it. Other forms are just a scam, srs.

>> No.13505417

>ignoring inconvenient truths in a sentence
Literal brainlet