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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 200x200, 3602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13491851 No.13491851 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking about starting a crowdfunding campaign to gather enough money to pay the fees required to upload a lot of large files to the Bitcoin SV blockchain.

I'm interested in making that blockchain so fucking bloated with giant files uploaded to it, that it makes that blockchain a pain in the ass to run.

Would /biz/ be interested in participating?

>> No.13491868

I would donate money to this. We should also spam attack them with many small transactions at the same time

>> No.13491896
File: 166 KB, 1000x1000, nerva001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it mainly mined by companies who could collude?

I'll stick with


>> No.13491915
File: 81 KB, 600x536, stacylaughsatyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Economically illiterate retards. As a miner, I welcome anyone who wants to pay me to upload data to the chain and increase the security of the network.
>TFW a bunch of illiterate savages cannot even comprehend how counterproductive their "attack" is.

>> No.13491922

I'm in lets bury that shit

>> No.13491925

Hey, Greg:
Why don’t you ask AXA to fund your idea?

>> No.13491929

Based Nerva chad

>> No.13491935


i'd rather mine blur

>> No.13492157

If you are indeed a miner and would profit from this you would shill this idea, not try to debunk it. Nice try though pranush

>> No.13492207
File: 78 KB, 1024x636, hehehehehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, as long as there are a critical mass of morons like you on this board, I don't have to worry about the other brainlets getting too disabused of their bad ideas.
Bring on the "attack," boys. My miner hotwallet is getting low.

>> No.13492241

Yeah guys please don't do this, I'm making money off it, just don't ok?

>> No.13492402
File: 2.85 MB, 4000x3000, 1547378521944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By all means, please do

>> No.13492445


absolutely. Time to crush BSV with spam! I'm down like a clown with this

>> No.13492461
File: 5 KB, 250x161, 1463198489434s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it actually work?

>> No.13492674


It's not an attack, it's just making the blockchain of SV so bloated that it's a pain in the ass to use, because it's increasing the size of the blockchain that has has to be downloaded.

The fees of uploading large files to the SV blockchain are minimal, and they only have to be paid one time, however downloading that entire blockchain for use will need to continue happening over and over by people, even if it is bloated with giant useless files.

>> No.13492723

What is the minimum size needed to make it bloated? Must be hundreds of terabytes, I reckon

>> No.13492798

When bsv $0?

>> No.13492861
File: 91 KB, 1269x956, 21576701e4014b9f45aea2cf509ad3a5eaf460f50f87974230644d0e65112266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole point of BSV is to process mass amounts of transactions. Doesn't matter to the miners what kind it is, there is no such thing as spam on the BSV network, it's all just miner profit.

Only total idiots would come up with so hilarious dumb an idea.

>> No.13492929

It would work at making SV more profitable to mine.

>> No.13492949

Why exactly?

>> No.13492970

>Hey everyone let’s give creg free money THATLL SHOW THE CUNT
Unusually bad OP probably CSW himself

>> No.13493023

The idea is to crowd legitimate transactions out of blocks with garbage. To do this you need to pay miners more in fees for your garbage transaction than they would make from from legitimate transaction fees.

>> No.13493067

Aren't those transactions supposed to be temporary?

>> No.13493162

If you're trying to destroy SV, then yes, it would have to be temporary because this scheme entails subsidizing miners. Once the subsidy stops then fees for everyone would go back to normal.

>> No.13493387

It will never go to $0
We will see very low cents soon though, we'll have to wait till creg fails to prove that he is satoshi nakamoto but instead was sanjesh nakemoshi all along

>> No.13493416

>we'll have to wait till creg fails to prove that he is satoshi nakamoto but instead was sanjesh nakemoshi all along

>> No.13493427

How much is the cost per mb?
And you don't really need to crowdfund anyone could upload their own shit no?

>> No.13493454

>increase the security of the network
You need consensus hashpower for that, good luck “securing your network” with 1/60 of the total hashrate.
BSV can be attacked anytime, but the big miners don’t give a single fuck about CSW.

>> No.13493468


>> No.13493535

lol free stress tests incoming.

>> No.13493608

OP here.
I will be back in few hours with crowdfunding details.

I just read an article online stating that the SV blockchain is "only meant to store high quality images that are worthy of the SV blockchain", so I think after we get the crowdfunding started we'll start a separate content thread on here made for images that /biz/ thinks are "worthy enough". Get your MS Paint and Photoshop ready.

Also, suggestions for any large files other than images will be welcome. I think the file size cap we have to adhere to is 300mb per file.

>> No.13493622
File: 16 KB, 236x391, bald-eagle-retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want to crowdfund feeding sv miners fees to kill sv?

>> No.13493629

>And you don't really need to crowdfund anyone could upload their own shit no?
You could just bounce transactions between two addresses to achieve the same objective.

>> No.13493651

>anyone could upload their own shit no?
if one was willing to touch sv with his own hand.

>> No.13493800

Just upload CP.

>> No.13493991

only corecucks and cashies could come up with such a stupid idea to give bsv miners more fees
gj on making yourselves look dumb af and making bsv all the better investment
thanks lads

>> No.13494042

kek just because you are smarter than op sv is still an idiotic piece of fraudulent shit.

>> No.13494116

If you want to go to jail, go for it. Immutable evidence trail.

>> No.13494145

>I want to make miners rich the post

>> No.13494150

craig said digital signatures don't prove anything especially not past ownership or identity
now i'm confused... do cashies belive craig or not?

>> No.13494164

doesn't need crowdfunded ffs, just co-ordination and some details. Aint no-one gonna crowdfund shit thats on the same continent as the fat Aussie fraudster

>> No.13494263


Not by themselves. But if someone found those keys on your computer, now they have real evidence they can use in court.

Craig's point is that evidence and proof is done in court, not this 'code is law' crap.

>> No.13494328
File: 51 KB, 369x552, 1556694947892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm interested in running a crowdfunding campaign to donate money to miners and to prove bitcoin sv can scale.

Go ahead brainlet. If it gets too problematic i'm sure some chink can just use the double hash to sell the block to a singapore miner to propagate.

>> No.13494386

you are not paying attention owning the keys is no proof of pas ownership or identity. that is what craig said and it is objective truth (rare occasion i know)

>> No.13494442

the best way to put it you can only prove current ownership of the private keys when you sign a message or piece of data nothing else. everything else is just implication assumption and probability.

then there is the question of jurisdiction, 6 or 7 countries in the world don't even regulate child pornography in legislation. uploading from any one of them gives you basically a get out of jail free card.

then there is the issue of anonymous otc buys when you swipe private keys for cash where there is no possibility of even getting to know your identity let alone prove anything.

if someone wanted to do this he could easily find a way.

>> No.13494476


It can be part of a case. It is not proof but possessing keys is a form of evidence. But, it belongs in court. Not the twitterverse.

>> No.13494877

>If you want to go to jail, go for it. Immutable evidence trail.

Go to jail for what? Paying a mining fee that the SV network requires to upload legal images to it. How would OP go to jail for that?

>> No.13495074

>fund my CP upload

nice try anon

>> No.13495161
File: 5 KB, 264x208, semen-sample-collection[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can donate my semen would this help your blochain project GREG Maxwell?

>> No.13495173

BSV chain doesnt run on raspberry pies retard

>> No.13495296
File: 495 KB, 512x1420, alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for paying the miners!
53 bucks gets you 95 MB (total transaction bytes).
So just below 600 bucks for about 1 GB.
That's 6 times more than the cost of a HDD that holds 4000 GB.

Good luck spamming!

>> No.13495341
File: 7 KB, 668x629, craig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>however downloading that entire blockchain for use will need to continue happening over and over by people, even if it is bloated with giant useless files
30k USD to generate 50 GB, which is the minimum size of the average AAA game today.

Miners (or blockchain access providers) would eat that up with no problem and users shouldn't be running a full node anyway because they don't actually help secure the network, instead they are parasitic because miners have to waste resources communicating with them.