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13489317 No.13489317 [Reply] [Original]

>0% capital gains tax
>0-22% income tax
>sits atop the free market and ease of doing business indices
>political stability means it'll stay that way for a long time, unlike HK which will be cucked in 2047
>faggotry is illegal
>degenerate junkies are hanged

>> No.13489342

only anton kreil can afford rent there

>> No.13489388

I Wish I could Anon, but I'm poor.

>> No.13489411

lived there for 7 yrs anon but moved to shanghai for better and cheaper hoes can fck 10/10 salesday in china by being an expat living hotel

>> No.13489486

Weather is fucking terrible, same with Hong Kong.

>> No.13489503

What the fuck are you doing here if you don't even make 6 digits. Go read books.

>> No.13489511


I have lived in Singapore for a couple of years, anytime you go outside it's like going into a sauna, first time I went there it was so humid that I felt like I was almost swimming in the air

>> No.13489577

You can get killed for a pot, you will be charged thousands for chewing a gum and the place is expensive in general. Even Malaysia is more comfy.

>> No.13489596

That's a plus in my book. You wanna be a degenerate and smoke weed all day? Be prepared to pay the price

>> No.13489614

I already have 0% capital gain tax.
I'll be laughing at all of you when the true global bullrun comes.

>> No.13489620


Its so fake and artificial over therw. The people are dull as hell too. Very nice but not a drop of humour amongst them

>> No.13489639

When bullrun

>> No.13489656

Way to many people and everyone is a chink out to scam you

>> No.13489669

You mean there is no niggers in the streets?

>> No.13489671

They're domesticated Chinks. Unlike the feral ones you get in mainland China.

>> No.13489752

It Is no more artificial than any modern city

>> No.13489756

> domesticated chink
Keked at this. Proud to be one btw.

>> No.13489765
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>> No.13489768

>You can get killed for a pot, you will be charged thousands for chewing a gum
Based AF. Degenerates should be brutally subjugated.

>> No.13489774

Say what you will about its people or its government - the United States is probably the greatest singular piece of real estate that will ever exist in history. I don't understand why you would forsake that for a few more shekels.

>> No.13489806

Lots of pajeets too. They are probably toilet trained though I have a feeling shitting on the street is punishable by public caning there.

>> No.13489918


>> No.13490023 [DELETED] 


it's going to be a literal hell after the world collapses

>> No.13490099


>> No.13490154
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>> No.13490204
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What about Switzerland ?
Capitalise your money in the mountains. ultimately land close to the sea will disappear, mountains are forever.

>> No.13490253

To each their own, but I don't like the European architecture. Much bigger fan of modern cities, and you mostly find those in Asia. Tokyo would be even better if not for their enormous taxes. Switzerland is probably the best in Europe though

>> No.13490304

They also have the highest IQ average in the world, almost zero sandnigga, and it’s a very clean place.
It’s a based country, but:
-No drugs
-Annoying sticking humidity

>> No.13490409
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absolutely based and truthpilled. weabos wanting to be in some low tax lady boy state should go and not come back. (((they))) will send undesirable minorities in a few years anyways.

>> No.13490892

Doesn't everybody in Singapore live in apartment buildings, even millionaires?

>> No.13490905

I wonder why https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disneyland_with_the_Death_Penalty

>> No.13491162

>absent any indication of its underground culture
>abundance of golf courses
>the author searches fruitlessly for an urban underbelly
>endless parade of young, attractive, and generically attired middle class
>near total absence of bohemianism and counterculture
>no trace of slums
>unsettling cleanliness of the physical environment
Holy shit, what a massive faggot. This guy hates it because it's not a giant favela full of dirty monkeys. This article even seems to have been well received. Baizuo scum like this are destroying the west.

>> No.13491212

wish (((America))) was like this.

>> No.13491219

Where to get job as east euro? Nobody likes us. If you are born in the western nation or lux/swiss you won the lottery and it is literally imposible not to make it. meanwhile rsd julien cries and bitches about hardships ... dude, i cant even

>> No.13491289

>Where to get job as east euro?

Be your own boss faggot

>> No.13491314

I can't. Im too depressed to make a move let alone money making moves.

>> No.13491329

Went on vacation and liked it. Good food, nice mix of thicc women from around the world gathered in one place.

>> No.13491330

I like you. Where do you live eastern eurobro?

>> No.13491379
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>boss faggot
tfw the youth used to aspire to become a boss player, now they just want to be a boss faggot

>> No.13491381

Try to cope harder with no democratic elections, freedom of press or businesses

>> No.13491404

What do you mean businesses? Singapore is probably one of the easiest countries for starting a business, and many Asian companies have headquarters there

>> No.13491513


>> No.13491535

>Try to cope harder
lol. I'm not the one who gets triggered by not finding himself in a total shit hole.

>> No.13491995

Houses are limited to Singaporeans. Expats will either rent or live in apartment/condos.

>> No.13492031

as long as you do it within an allowed sector

what about alcohol, a media outlet like fox news or selling marijuana?

>> No.13492065

I bet this guy also is happy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chia_Thye_Poh

> he was imprisoned for 23 years without charge or trial and subsequently placed under conditions of house arrest for another nine years – in which he was first confined to the island of Sentosa and then subject to restrictions on his place of abode, employment, travel, and exercise of political rights.

>> No.13492115

That's a shame. Maybe I'd be okay with it if I had a huge balcony where I could keep some potted plants. It's so much nicer to have my own little plot of earth, though.

>> No.13492278

>live in authoritarian capitalist country
>promote communism

I should hope he isn't happy. Communists need to hang

>> No.13492294

Singapore is based but that building/architecture is hideous

>> No.13492657

enjoy your dangerous levels of pollution
this. terrible weather

>> No.13493221


OP, have you ever been to singapore? Most immediately: it's a horrible, sterile city. It's a place that has wilfully expunged itself of any local character and culture, reveling in the most placeless, generic, uninspired architecture and planning. It's the disneyland of globalist neoliberalism and melting pot mentality, which is embedded in its architecture, design, psychology, and business preferences alike. It is the perfect settingless setting for dealing in immaterial goods and services that aren't rooted in any place or cultural milieu: banking, cybersecurity, and generic international blue-chip contemporary art. It's a soulless embodiment of the alienated, impersonal existence part-and-parcel to late capitalism, and it actively cultivates that. Why? Because like Israel it has lived under threat of annihilation by its neighbors for most of its short existence, and becoming an economic superpower at ANY cost has been its survival strategy.

Beyond that it's more expensive than Jew York City for real estate (city state on a tiny plot of land) and cost of living (everything imported). There are few civil liberties and it's a de facto fascist police state so watch out for what you say or whom you criticize. As you say, faggotry is illegal so I'm guessing you're socially conservative--- this is not some master race heaven, it's multicultural (ethnically, not practically) as hell and has found a lot of social success in forcing the intermingling of indians, chinese, SE asians, japanese, and white populations in their city planning due to limited development space.

>> No.13494363

Singapore is great, the people are the problem, but the Indians there are really nice.

>> No.13494478

hurrdurr Live in a country where if you flick a cigarette on the ground you'll go to jail.

I'll stick to Canada thank you very much

>> No.13494528

great place for businessmen and entrepreneurs, bad place for a wagie

>> No.13494529

If I'll move to any asian countries I fear that I'll probably get killed or imprisoned by the government for doing at least one thing they don't like, like admiring some politician they don't like or criticizing something that the government doesn't want to be talked about.
Even if I'll be really careful with that shit. Probably they already have all the data about me via smartphone or other device and they know if and when I criticized that country or that government etc
What you guys think about this?

>> No.13494554

singapore is a prototype btw


>> No.13494628

There are many prototypes around the globe.
Eastern europe
Earth is a fucking testnet for different methods of suffering.

>> No.13494750

Personally I like my air to not be solid

>> No.13494804

Isn't that one of the better ones?

>> No.13494860


>> No.13494869

Sounds pretty great but the rent is insanely high and they throw foreigners in the slammer foe prostitution randomly despite having a tower full of freelance hookers downtown.

>> No.13494905

it’s too hot there