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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13489214 No.13489214 [Reply] [Original]

AERGO is the prime blockchain project of Korea. They just revealed Hyundai as one of their clients, as well as Credit Suisse. Unironically one of the best buys if you want to ride the gook pump in crypto, especially with the current price.

>> No.13489304

clients as in generating traffic?

>> No.13489319

Everything hasn't been revealed yet but most likely so

>> No.13489410
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had an eye on this for a while, looks promising. seems to have found a floor too.

>> No.13489524

Exactly, found this while looking for Korean coins. After I cashed out profits from ENJ, I started buying this up and the recent dip is a godsend.

>> No.13489569

only 13% of supply circulating lel

>> No.13489680


who gives a fuck when you'll be in and out in profit before the supply increases. lrn 2 trade.

>> No.13489920

thanks bankai

>> No.13489990
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>> No.13491109

Thats what smart money does

>> No.13491324

Well I am dumb as fuck so is 1000 enough to get some nice holiday money?

>> No.13491744

Depends when your holidays are but you should have your funding secured desu

>> No.13492671


probably. i'm gonna get ~12,000 tonight and see how it goes from there.

>> No.13492698

do the needful

>> No.13492887


ok buddy

>> No.13493158
File: 11 KB, 425x120, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at 4.23.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this coin is a straight up money printing machine for the core team