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13486775 No.13486775 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make some dependable income as a freelance python developer?

I have a decent bit of programming experience (since 6th grade; only from school projects tho) and an EE degree, but for whatever reason cannot seem to get a “real job” in either of those fields. On top of that my gf is pregnant, due in August, and so today we’re signing a lease to a house in my hometown, which is super expensive to live but it’s next to my mom’s so she can help out with the baby.

So, I need to make money fucking fast. I’m already driving Uber but it’s not gonna pay the bills in this new place, and I think I can do better by coding. I have a decent-looking Upwork profile but my only few gigs have been crypto consulting type stuff.

For the past month, I made it my mission to breathe life back into my rusty programming skills. I’ve churned out a couple crypto-related apps so far, including a margin trading UI and a bot to scrape screenshots of any ticker’s Tradingview chart and post it in Discord/Groupme on command, but it’s all been through frantic googling+stackoverflow+youtube tutorials, so I still have impostor syndrome after giving coding my bare minimum effort for over a decade; how do I convince clients (and myself) to believe I can do a given job, and then follow through and actually do it?

>> No.13486817
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Hell if I know brother, I'm a more experienced programmer than you and I request low rates and I get nothing. I'd guess Pajeet and Chong are promising they'll get these gigs done in 2 hours at $20/hour sir very best job u will not be disappointing.

>> No.13486900

white boy here just do internship while youre in college and people will literally message you begging you to work for them

wait, you're telling me you didn't? You're fucked then

Ok serious response, if you want a programming job just look at the qualifications and prove you can do it by building a portfolio. Example, my first programming job was building Unity games for a really popular app store game. How did I get the job as a college sophomore? I showed them my Unity games I programmed when I was in high school. They saw I could do the job, so they hired me. It's really that simple - prove you can do the job. With programming that is simple because you literally can show them programs you made

>> No.13486919

to expand I wouldn't show them your crypto shit. It's kind of cringey, unless what you made is directly applicable to the position. If you did web scraping in Python then you better apply to a job where they need someone to scrape the web with Python.

>> No.13487557

Wait so, you mean you applied for a company making Unity games and you happened to have built some Unity games of your own in high school?

And on the crypto thing, yeah that’s what other people have said too. But honestly I’m so autistic that it’s all I’ve been doing this past year of unemployment. It’s all I feel I’m good at right now. So is it really that bad if it shows that I can write some code like a not retard?

>> No.13487642

why are people so fuckin stupid. can't believe you knocked up some chick without a job and you're signing a fucking lease. what is your main job, no way you're going to make a livable wage for a family with a fucking mortgage freelancing without work experience. on the plus side real work is also just more skilled versions of googling shit and mashing it together so you sound like you know what you're doing technically at least. best chance to make good money is doing the best work you can at whatever shit tier dev job you can find, making a portfolio, and using that to get interviews at big tech which you can convert to a ton of cash with leetcode practice. if you solve a bunch of those questions, have some work experience, etc. you can usually fall back to posting online for referrals on teamblind, hackernews, etc and pm people your lc profile+resume.

>> No.13487719

I have 2 engineering degrees, and lots of work experience from internships during college and a brief stint at Boeing after graduating. But I was EE so my experience is mostly hardware-based, and recruiters never tag me for software stuff.

I just can’t get a fucking job to save my life. I’d go back to poking circuits for $60k/yr if offered right now, even though I hate it, but the gap in my resume and my lack of deeper circuit DESIGN knowledge gets me BTFO by pajeets and senior candidates.

>> No.13488171
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I don't really have any advice but hope you figure something out friend.

>> No.13488221

Thank you fren. Just trying to make it like everyone else here

>> No.13488273

abort the cocksucker or your screwedd

>> No.13488348
File: 127 KB, 1000x1000, 1555630359547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thas so wowee fren, your compooter has the matrix lights zomg. can i play on your compooter fren?

>> No.13489169

then maybe look for software houses and other agencies/consultancies that take on crypto-related projects, check on https://clutch.co/developers/blockchain if there are any in your area, I've seen some here in eastern europe taking on the new trend and looking for people with any practical experience as local unis don't teach this stuff... in retrospect if only I've had a some kind of portfolio it would have been promising chance to get a junior developer position

on the other had, couple local me-too copy-cat exchanges and other crypto projects like mining operations etc.. showed up in job ads -- and they looked quite suspicious...

>> No.13489218


oh no... oh no no no


>> No.13489291

you believe you are an intermediate level programmer, but you have no work experience programming? this might be why you can't get a job desu. you applying for junior level positions? cause that's all you'll get for the first few years. this shit has a very steep learning curve. you may have gotten over the first big hill, but that doesn't mean you are intermediate, that means you are finally a junior level candidate.

>> No.13489383

OP, freelance is going to be tough. would you hire someone with your experience level if you needed an app built? nobody wants to pay money to someone who is still figuring shit out as they go, so you need to get caught up and comfortable before you go that route. keep looking for a job. don't give up.

>> No.13489400


I can only imagine that you must have the worst demeanors possible to not be able to get a job in this market, assuming you are actually skilled. Meme code bootcamps are literally reporting 90%+ employment rates from retarded graduates within 6mo's for web dev, because the demand is real.

Maybe stop being such an obviously depressed doomer bitch and you won't feel like the world is such a horrible place.

t. mildly intelligent bootcamp grad making 80k without a college degree

>> No.13489406

Go become an electrician. They make great money and robots wont take your job esé