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File: 228 KB, 1160x629, 160114-donald-trump-2-ap-1160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1348277 No.1348277 [Reply] [Original]

Who here is going to short the dollar for when Trump becomes president in november?

>> No.1348281

too early to tell but I will consider it

>> No.1348283

TRUMP is not becoming the president, period

>> No.1348284


>le nervous man

>> No.1348290
File: 317 KB, 352x240, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im really excited for the reactions of everyone like you in november

>> No.1348301
File: 938 KB, 1818x1382, i4tIQlG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to long the Trumpcoin

>> No.1348320

You don't know how much I'm anticipating this.

I've been shilling trump all over pol to help make it happen

>> No.1348494

The only way you'll make proper gains on this bet is if he mirrors what the Brexit vote achieved - appears to be losing ahead of the election, then storms through on the night of the vote (ala the Shy Tory effect). Anything else and the result will be priced-in ahead of time for any chance to make a killing.

I guess the question would be what'd you short the dollar against. Gold?

>> No.1348504


>> No.1348532

GBP ofc

>> No.1348596

Gonna sell everything day of election just on the off chance he wins. Buy everything when it settles down.

>> No.1348635

This. Nobody with 2 brain cells to rub together would think he could become president unless Hillary is assassinated.

Yeah, well I personally will be cracking open a beer and watching the rivers of impotent rage flow on /pol/ when your dumb asshole of a messiah gets his toupe handed to him by a woman.

>> No.1348639

He's not going to become president, you've nothing to worry about.

>> No.1348957

>unless Hillary is assassinated.
in that scenario, Bernie replaces her and wins by landslide.

>> No.1349084


I already got my picks set up for next 5 months, just waiting on a few things to happen, and will pull the trigger on each assuming things go as predicted. Shorting dollar isnt one of them.

>> No.1349087


Remember when brexit was never going to happen?

>> No.1349090
File: 67 KB, 628x720, Bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hedge Fund guy here. The dollar will always be a somewhat important currency, since lots of commodities are cleared in $ (e.g. oil). Also the USD is a parallel currency in many unstable regions of the world.

Therefore, the USD might get under pressure, but will not become instantly worthless if that moron actually gets voted.

BUT: There's a shitload of money to be made on CDS betting on the US's bankruptcy.

>> No.1349114

Now this, gentlemen, is interesting.

>> No.1349117

Where does one buy trumpcoins?

>> No.1349677

yfw trumpcoin will be worth more than usd when pegged to foreigns

>> No.1349791

The yuan

China will gain the most from a Trump presidency since he's so isolationist.

>> No.1349830


that is a stupid thing to say as Trump has stated he wants to open trade with Russia. Currently the US has put sanctions (for political reasons e.g. Syria...) on Russia, which has resulted in the weakening of the Ruble vs the USD.

>> No.1349835


How did you end up working for a hedge fund? And what's your position?

>> No.1349875

What's stupid about it?

That Trump is an isolationist or that China will gain from an isolationist America?

The former:

The latter:

>> No.1349916

Trump is not an isolationist. he's at worst a protectionist.

Frankly thats simply the first part of the plan. once we deregulate industries, we'll have more economic variability, and robustness.

>> No.1350018


I see your point that less economic activity in the U.S will be taken as an opportunity by the Chinese to fill that gap - only if world demand for shitty Chinese products is sufficient.

I think your scenario is rather unlikely.

Also don't post fucking mainstream media trash to supplement your lack of an argument, you 18 year old little shit.

>> No.1350385

>mainstream media trash
ed g

>> No.1351284

Why does trumpcoin look like the Obama emblem

>> No.1351317

All shitposting and politics aside, what would be the safest bet a month or so before the election?

Clinton gets in, I'm fairly sure it will be perceived as "business as usual"

Trump gets in, volatility and uncertainty.

So..............gold stocks? I'm already in ABX for 5K @ 14 (happy)

>> No.1351321
File: 119 KB, 671x703, 1467248062871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This. Nobody with 2 brain cells to rub together would think he could become president unless Hillary is assassinated.
Wrong, do some research. Prediction "experts" are media shills attempting to move the vote towards their predetermined predictions.

Actual experts and high-accuracy models have Trump out as a strong win, i.e. Helmut Norpoth places him 87 - 99% chance. His model has been wrong once in predicting every election in the last century.

stay increasingly nervous, pleb

>> No.1351354

Lebron guaranteed Clinton's victory. Sorry bruh.


>> No.1352519

I thought /Biz/ would be smarter going for Trump instead of Bernie.

Bernie would ruin the USD. Make it worth nothing.

>> No.1352560
File: 15 KB, 360x360, Yesmykhaleesi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BREXIT is never going to happen, period.

>> No.1354250

nice false dichotomy
>if you d-don't vote for our idiot candidate with a hairpiece, you must be a bernie voter!

you can go back to >>>/pol/ now

>> No.1354642

his hair is real

the "arguments" you people have are beyond pathetic and make no sense

>> No.1354649

It still hasn't happened yet..

>> No.1354667

GBP tanked anyway, and that is what matters