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13476535 No.13476535 [Reply] [Original]

if you ever in a million years dare to compare simply working for a living to slavery, you have demonstrated a profound lack of understanding of our present situation. you are not trapped in some demonic capitalist system, you are actually among the most fortunate human beings ever to live. the norm for many centuries was subsistence farming, where all hours with sunlight are devoted to the maintenance of crops and animals just to get enough calories to survive. we, on the other hand, enjoy such general wealth that many of us have still never done any job into our twenties or even later, allowing us time to get educations on advanced topics, time and options to shape our lives and become fully realized .. and STILL people complain as if some unique kind of HARM has been done to them. the lack of perspective is truly mindboggling

>> No.13476541

if you are a young person in America feeling like life has done you wrong, i hope you can go spend time in somewhere like rural areas of thailand, vietnam, cambodia, burma, etc. spend the whole day making bamboo traps for eels and placing them out in the fields in the hopes of having something to eat and come back and try to say again how it's just SO AWFUL to have to wash dishes or make sandwiches or help people try on shoes or whatever other entry-level job, all the while completely surrounded with other opportunities to make money, unlike the farmers out in the rural areas i described .. omg, that kind of attitude is not just wrong, it's like completely backward in every way, profoundly misguided. there is nothing whatsoever shameful about doing any kind of useful work

>> No.13476550

i want people to get the understanding that for almost all of history, humans had no options but to spend all day trying to live.
for some people it is a huge deal when a factory is built close enough to their village. for the first time ever in their family, they have the option to do something other than subsistence farming.
the mentality on /biz and places like it is pure mental poison
people who live better than EMPERORS of the past, convincing themselves they've got it bad, that they are being raped by an evil system. profound loser mentality
i mean they are truly feeling uncomfortable, probably due to lack of purpose, but that is the nature of life to feel at least vaguely uncomfortable.
to be born in an area surrounded, completely SATURATED with opportunity, is an incomparable gift.

>> No.13476558

the use of "cucking", "cuck", etc is also really inappropriate. people say it because they have the impression they are doing the work, but the boss is getting paid the most, ie they are working for someone else rather than themselves. it makes sense at first glance. but in the broader perspective it's stupid because the people talking like that have the same opportunities to be the boss that the boss does, but they do not want to do all the things required of the boss.

>> No.13476567

the boss is getting up at 4am and the boss is done when the work is done, not at a certain time of the clock. the boss is driving people to and from work whose cars are having problems. the boss made a big investment to even start the business. the people using the term cuck could do those things, but don't want to, are not willing to. they put blame on something external when the limiting factor is themselves, as with most things in life
it's extremely perverse because some people act as if they are being harmed by their boss when in fact their boss is providing an opportunity they would otherwise not have.

>> No.13476598


Hey Boomer...

Shut the fuck up and die

>> No.13476639

Very nice this is some good larp

>> No.13476691
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You're a massive fag. Life may have been physically tougher back then, but it's mentally tougher now. Wow I wish all I had to do was try to find something to eat all day while keeping physically fit, at least I would be occupied and have a fucking drive to do it

Instead I am confined to working within certain hours of the day and I have to constantly be coming up with ways to """innovate""" or solve some fucking problem that in a unique way nobody has done before, or else they would have already done it and i would be out of a job. Every day is a constant struggle to maintain mental clarity against fatigue, while also having to sit at a desk unable to exercise my body needing to stretch every hour or so just to prevent my blood from fucking clotting and giving me a massive heart attack or stroke. At any moment my """NON KEK""" boss has the free will to just fire me and make me live on the street. I want another job? Good luck when they ask and find out your old job fired you for not being grateful enough

suck my fucking dick and die of Alzheimer's as soon as possible

>> No.13476715

People back then had it a lot easier than you're implying

>> No.13476729

This. Read some Ted K you fucking faggot.

HUrray. we can study for 20 years to develop some fucking totally insgnificant discovery that will be obsoltete in 2 years anyway. Meanwhile,.everyone you know is a smartphone addicted zombie who lacks any real human interaction or sense of purpose in their lives. Meaningless people doing meaningless shit to buy meanigless shit to make other meanigless stranger's jealous.

THose fucking sergs and subsitence farmers had freedom and autonomy on a level we can't even comprehend.

>> No.13476743

This. Read Industrial Society and Its Future.

>> No.13476937

That's a blackpill.

>> No.13476969

Why not just save up, buy a farm, and live off the land? Nothing is stopping you. You're just too much of a little bitch and waking up at 4AM every day to tend the crops is too tough for you because you're a bitch.

>> No.13476975


>> No.13476980

Humans have predominantly been hunter-gatherer. Agriculture is like 10,000 years old. Anthropologists think hunter-gatherer groups worked an average of 2 hours a day. Bringing down a mammoth or a whale meant you were set for months.

Society was a mistake. Stupid religions, class systems, and we are destroying our planet.

>> No.13476989

In the 1930's, you used to be able to buy a nice house for $5,000 and that was in an area close to a major city like Manhattan. Compute that to 2019 dollars, and you'll see how fucked up the real estate market is these days.

>> No.13477003

>Not Slave

>OP doesn't understand the basic concept that wage workers have their value stolen from them, when impoverished are offered no upward mobility and get treated the same no matter the workplace. Yes OP, we are such a progressive species in that we went from having slaves who knew they were enslaved and had no choice. To slaves who have been convinced they are not slaves and get to choose their masters. Just wip us you fuck, at least then people will know who their enemies are.

>> No.13477047


>> No.13477072


> Thinks subsistence farming is a bad thing

Yeah life could be really terrible, waking up early, getting the handful of basic bitch chores done from 6-12 and then relaxing for the rest of the day. Have all winter off. Only have to work balls to the wall during planting and harvesting.

I've been working 12 hour night shifts for minimum wage for the past year and a half. Subsistence farming sounds like a paradise.

>> No.13477073

If you're getting stolen from, maybe it's time you joined a union or started your own business.

Otherwise decide that your system isn't working and vote out the retards rigging it to favor a certain class.

If that doesn't work, move to a place where your skills will be better appreciated.

If you don't want to do anything to improve your position and bitch and moan about it please kys and leave more resources for the rest of us.

>> No.13477091

>12 hour night shifts for minimum wage
If you don't like your conditions you should bring it up with your employer or union. If you can't have a living wage working 12 hours a day there's something wrong with your minimum wage and laws governing employment.

>> No.13477117


Oh I'm leaving the job, I'm not looking for financial advice. The town I live in is created for commuters so rent for a 1 bedroom is like 2/3rds my wage minimum.

But I want to compare that with say your average peasant or farmer who works for less hours, out in the son, with his family and has a hell of a lot more time off and owns the property he's on.

>> No.13477131


fuck off boomer

also, spending the entire day farming sounds far better and more enriching than this horrid pointless wage slave existence

>> No.13477135

I was thinking I should write a letter to the President and ask him to pardon Kaczynski. He'll bring more value out of prison than he'll take away. Also he'll desist from terrorism

>> No.13477162
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oh yeah let me just vote out fucking Donald Trump and vote in some scientists who know what the fuck they are talking about. With my single vote. Oh wait I can't, because retards like you can't see past their massive gut and tiny dick and think chanting MAGA MAGA BAKA BAKA WORK HARDER is the solution to all of our problems. My single vote won't do shit against half of America in Hicksville, USA

fuck off

>> No.13477164

Opportunity in America is staring blankly into a computer screen for 11 hours a day, hands, wrists, and arms burning from carpal tunnel, with absolutely 0 access to healthcare that isn't a scam, while losing over 2/3rd your income to taxes, mandated insurances, and long commutes.
I can guarantee you 75% of the farmers in your little shithole aren't castrated at birth like Americans are. Written like a true wistful pajeet.

>> No.13477206

>I live in a shit place but continue to live there because reasons

Well who's fault is that?

>> No.13477214

>Gerrymandered to shit political system
>do nothing to change it because cucked by republicans
>can be president with less votes
>hurr system not broken America the greatest.

>> No.13477228

>Time off
If you're not working you're not eating. Get a clue on how serfdom works.

>> No.13477252

>got new hourly job that makes twice as much as last job
>it starts early and ends early so I can work on my hobbies later in the day
>now live in nice bachelor pad where before I used to live in my car

It's nice to be able to afford to go to restaurants and not worry about it. It's nice to be able to have the time to work on my hobbies. It's nice to rent a room.

Call me a wageslave but desu I'd rather do this than either be a salary cuck or god forbid still working in a restaurant. I'm contented easily, so I would have been fine just living in my car and working on my novel, but having this new job is a dream. I get to go to cafes and restaurants to read and write. I can actually go to bars now. I can dress decently though the better quality thrift stores around here. I get to eat good food because I live in the USA and theres so much fucking food everywhere that I can go to the store and get almost anything that fits my cravings. Most of the people in this thread are chronically dissatisfied whiners that believe that they're entitled to whatever they want. Lmao 'wah I'm working for somebody of my own free will and refuse to lower my personal quality of life to take a risk, if I don't get my daily $5 starcucks I am less than human! It's unfair that a CEO makes more than me! My shitcoin didn't make me the money I thought it should have and now I'm mad at people that do jobs for consistent money!' Wtf did your mom breastfeed you till you were 10?

You biz people are strange.

Have at me virgins.

>> No.13477268

My dad actually had a farm. He bought it for a year's salary. For me to buy the same peice of land would be the equivalent of about 100 years salary.

I actually went to the FSA and NRCS, but the boomer there couldn't even comprehend what I was talking about.

"Just buy a farm bro'. Thanks for your contribution, anon.

>> No.13477280
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>tfw not a virgin
>tfw straight A student
>tfw still a NEET and whitey pays for it

>> No.13477303

Kill yourself.

>> No.13477309

My only complaint is that all this extra productivity is going into fucking decadent waste across all strata, and unreasonable profit margins at the very top.

The 14 hour work week is a noble dream. Fucking bootlicker.

>> No.13477359
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Wow thanks for the perspective shift OP. You're right that I could be an impoverished gook trapping muddy eels for sustenance. I could be a lot of things, but I'm not. Your premise rests on the idea that you could always have it worse, it doesn't address the issues that exist for people today.
The idea that being the boss is just some (((hard work))) out of grasp is a blatant falsehood. It's a carrot on the end of the stick, that's why it's called wage slavery, because nepotism and connections will always get in the way of the wage slave. You work your ass off while some executive embezzles disproportionate amounts of wealth from the people working in the company. That's including exploiting those impoverished dirt monkeys who are so desparate to live that they'd work as literal slaves in overseas factories. And your privileged comfort and safety come at someone else's expense at the end of the day.

>> No.13477360


You don't sound like a historian. Serfs live far better lives than modern day workers do. Dig this:


>> No.13477372


> I don't have to live in my car anymore! I can live in a bachelor pad and eat at Arby's!

> People in this thread were milk drinkers until they were 10, stop complaining.

You moved one level up the quality of life ladder and are mad at other people who want to do the same? Just because you went from level 1 to level 2, doesn't mean people who are at level 3 trying to get to level 4 are a bunch of crybabys.

Poverty was supposed to humble you anon.

>> No.13477391

>i deserve whatever I want for free

Not mad at all at people who want to move up. I'm weirded out by people who call their comparatively rich lifestyles wage slavery as if they were getting literally stepped on by men in suits.

Try again.

>> No.13477415

Even though I'm fairly successful by modern standards I think if I had the chance to live in a rural setting like the Amish I would take it in a second. Fuck this gay modern Earth. This shit is too complicated. I need good tilled Earth and a community around me. Fuck the BMWs, fuck the big houses.

>> No.13477607

Yea I've been thinking society would be better off if everyone lived in small less than 10,000 people towns, maybe even smaller, and have everyone in the town have ownership of the businesses in that town.

Think about it, a lot of the social problems come from people being nameless faces to each other, in smaller towns everyone knows each other and looks out for one another.
People treat each other as respectable humans because they know they'll probably see them or someone close to them again, so conducting yourself well in society becomes a larger priority.
Instead crimes by random thugs, people can say they saw Jim's kids committed the crimes.
Anyone cheating, screwing someone over, or sluts banging 100s of guys, they all get properly shamed by the people that all know them instead of siloing their life into an echo chamber of no consequences.

A lot of the economic problems such as wealth inequality goes away because everyone has a stake in how the town does, everyone is incentivized to do well and take care of things. Everyone would be more willing to participate in how the town should be run (i.e. politics) because it would actually affect their day-to-day lives, which reduces any opportunities for corruption.
Quality of life would be improved because you wouldn't be competing with tens/hundreds of thousands to live in a cramped city for work.

The negatives I see are overall economic efficiency would be reduced as things are more spread out but that's a worthy tradeoff imo.
Enforcing a system like this is very problematic and transitioning to it even more so. I think it could be possible for it to naturally happen if there were good ways to incentivize people to move to shrinking towns, but as it is today almost everyone moves to cities because that's where the high paying jobs are.

>> No.13477653

>the boss is getting up at 4am and the boss is done when the work is done, not at a certain time of the clock. the boss is driving people to and from work whose cars are having problems
This is fucking 10/10 pasta bait

>> No.13477656


>> No.13477659

unironically the Vietnamese farmers are much happier

>> No.13477666

Based, redpilled and white

>> No.13477710

All this could have been avoided if Hillary was elected. Instead you have a zionist worshipping cuck doing the bidding for jews. Next time, how about voting for a Democrat who have the best interests of the people rather than corporations.

>> No.13477797

That's how inequality works though moron. If everyone around you is just as poor you have nothing to be sad about. The problem is down the street there are instagram millionaires who do nothing and are better off than you thanks to daddy and his political cronies running the show while you shovel shit for them.

>> No.13477817

Absolutely true. Most people are delusional and can't handle factfulness.

>> No.13477829

I like and admire you. Let's hang out.

>> No.13477838

That's a nice idea. But still need culture and traditional festivals to give people an excuse to talk to each other.

>> No.13478441
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In my opinion, based

>> No.13478925
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>> No.13479333

You're wrong, working hours got really worse during the industrial revolution.
There are studies that show that people in the stone age when it was only about surviving worked an average of about 4 hours per day, compare that to your average 8 hours per day + 1hour commute nowadays.

>> No.13479461
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>stolen from them

Do you seriously hold onto the idea in your head that modern workers even do things that have substantial value over and above what their wages are, independent from the value that said efforts *gain* by being "plugged into" the organizations that they work for?

It's nonsensical to describe it as "stealing". Their value is *increased exponentially* by being organized into a coherent work effort, by leadership that adopts more responsibility and an organization that both arranges for that exponential increase and assumes the risks associated with the chance that it fails. Wage workers aren't living in bondage and collecting a subsistence-pittance - they're doing things like pushing papers and buttons that are, inherently, virtually worthless, and they're being given the lion's share of the value which that effort gains by being given to the organization they give it to.

>> No.13479475

My boss is a literal Jew who inherited the company. He's never around and just pops in for a few hours every other week.

>> No.13479507

>doesn't know the legal definition of slavery.
from blacks law btw
slavery = Under control by another
involinatry servitude = Under control by another, under duress.

So yea we are slaves, deal with it!

>> No.13479511

Do it

>> No.13479524

>t. City fag that played harvest moon and never worked on a farm

>> No.13479538
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>tfw you realise wage slavery is a communist meme designed to invoke basic income.

>> No.13479550

>it's mentally tougher now
I appreciate everything else you said but this is just dumb.

Imagine witnessing an execution every fucking week. PTSD much?

>> No.13479560

want the tl:dr? OP is a commie

>> No.13479566

Nah, just a cold hard capitalist, the best kind.

>> No.13479582
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>that many of us have still never done any job into our twenties or even later, allowing us time to get educations on advanced topics, time and options to shape our lives and become fully realized ..

Because without realizing it, you are living on the exploitation of others, mostly asian people, for your standard of living.

Foxconn factories (pic related).

>> No.13479585

Too bad you're wrong.

Native Americans worked an average of 30 hours per week. That's how much labor their lives required them to perform.

Today's average American works 50 hours per week.

We're unhappier than we've ever been
Lonelier than we've ever been
More sad than we've ever been
More anxious than we've ever been

But the mccuck mansions and technological advances sure were worth it right friends???!!!

>> No.13479597


Society has also made sure that you can never be totally at ease. There will always be something that requires you to act and submit to authority.

> taxes
> bills
> insurances
> various government registrations
> maintenance activities

>> No.13479612

I just want to make money off crypto so I can quit my dead end govt job and go back to school or something.

>> No.13479652


The problem is that even though productivity has been increased 2000% our working hours are the same as they were 100 years ago and the amount we are paid for the time we work is far less.

Having to be forced to work a McDeadEndJob because all industry in our country is gone and still being told that we should smile for the privilege is the problem.

Our corporate overlords sold us out to some chinks who work for cents on the dollar an hour for the same work that drove this nation to it's golden age.

Outsourced production should have high tariffs and their should be incentive for producing here (high tax write-offs.)

>> No.13479661

At last someone who fucking gets it.

To add on this, the only thing we can do to somehow repair this mistake is to achieve superior communism. A mode of production based on the needs of everybody, and not based on profit. Basically something close to our hunter gatherer way of living, i.e no work, no exploitation of the work of other, no private property of the means of production, no exchange of value, no delegation of power, no state, and of course, no money, but with keeping modern technology, which is accumulated human work, suffering and death.

>> No.13479695

>the boss is getting up at 4am and the boss is done when the work is done, not at a certain time of the clock. the boss is driving people to and from work whose cars are having problems. the boss made a big investment to even start the business. the people using the term cuck could do those things, but don't want to, are not willing to. they put blame on something external when the limiting factor is themselves, as with most things in life
>it's extremely perverse because some people act as if they are being harmed by their boss when in fact their boss is providing an opportunity they would otherwise not have.

For an independent operation maybe, the majority of employment in the states is the service industry and the majority of the employers are big name.

There isn't a single Walmart or McBoss in America who is going to pick up their employee if they aren't able to make it to work. If someone doesn't show up to work they get fired and they hire someone else because it's an employers market, people are desperate for jobs and if joe shmo can't fulfill their bare minimum requirements then they'll find someone who will. Most chains unless they are franchised do not work where one person is investing a lot of money, it's typically strategic expansion of the home office.

>> No.13479726

How old are you? 12? You fucking idiots read a book about hunter gathers and you think the shit was some hippie commune. Please tell me your vast experience of being a hunter gather. Probability and observing natural phenomena of pack animals tells me that alot of tribes formed defacto leaders of the group and that mother fucker got snuffed the first chance he showed weakness. We went from hunting to farming and groups just learned to scale. It wasn't Hippies killing fucking buffaloes with their bare hands trandforming into blood thirsty civic warriors.

>> No.13479729

>living on

America is a bread-basket as far as the things we actually "live on" go, anon. There's a hard cap on how guilty I'm going to feel for buying t-shirts and gadgets made by chinks who abuse each other to pump exports.

>> No.13479735

Aka we have always been savage in some regard just found a new way to transform and scale our ways

>> No.13479754

The alternative to that laundry list of errands and minor annoyances isn't a carefree existence, anon. They were created as alternatives to very serious problems, not contrived just to annoy you while you dream of being a NEET.

>> No.13479783

>Probability and observing natural phenomena of pack animals tells me that alot of tribes formed defacto leaders of the group and that mother fucker got snuffed the first chance he showed weakness.

You can keep saying retarded shit.

Or you can read this (among others sources).


>> No.13479842

That's nothing compared to watching the fabric of your society slowly unravel and you're powerless to do anything about it

>> No.13479899

You do know it's a model based on ASSUMPTIONS. The author made a mathematical model on historical interpretations of what occurred. Stop walking around with this notion of you being above everyone because you threw an article with some series equations on it. And then the kicker is, "we will keep the technological advancement". Like bro how the fuck you think you got the little plastic piece of shit in your hand to spread the information you have. Expecting the same results while do something different is just as foolish as expecting different results doing the same thing.

>> No.13479916

You haven't considered the isolation in modern society. People don't need each other anymore and there has been a break down of social communities. 30% of young men can't get sex...
Also many have literally no one to talk to.
Not only that, but many jobs are unnatural in the sense that you work indoors and are denied sunlight.
They also involve doing one particular task or process repetitively at least hunting had some variation. Different routes, different animals.

>> No.13479952

Not to mention the constant hatred men get on TV

>> No.13479979

Suicide rates at highest as well

>> No.13480009
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This guy gets it. I'm 24 now and finally have a job after all this debt yet I feel like all I did was waste six years thinking I'd be happy. I have disposible income and all it does is make me miserable.

There's so much more to life than working it all away. I would be fine if we as a society scaled to 30 hour work weeks and learned to live within our means, but our corporate overlords won't let us and the commies won't let us not have a capitalist lifestyle just with a socialistic twist. Fuck everything I want out.

>> No.13480120


>You do know it's a model based on ASSUMPTIONS. The author made a mathematical model on historical interpretations of what occurred.

You know there are still primitive tribes currently on the earth right?


There are lots and lots of studies made about different primitive tribes, all around the world.

Sometimes i wonder what the problem with guys like you is. Were you brainwashed to think primitive tribes were violent savages who dominated everyone and killed on sight?

Why don't you take an interest about them? Primitive tribes are not a complex subject to study. It's not quantum physics or Hegelian philosophy. Don't you have any curiosity at all?

Primitive tribes weren't perfect, there was sometime homicide in the tribe. However, they only worked 15 hours a week for food, and 15-20 hour a week for chores, and they shared resources.

>> No.13480163

How do their spend their free time?

>> No.13480167

like being born into a wealthy family?

>> No.13480186

Family, friends, hobbies.

Also spirituality (Ayahuasca in the Amazon forest).

>> No.13480200

Any examples?

>> No.13480233

Painting, singing.

>> No.13480331

I didnt say all that's why I said probability speaking and I'm not wrong. Sedentarisim and tribal violence was theorized way before the neolithic era. I'm not the one brainwashed into thinking that will all love in kumbaya if we just do x,y,z mate. And your forgetting one thing that these primitave groups do not have competing groups on top of each other. They are isolated and live in Harmony but dont forget for second that if you decide to go against the clan that the clan will respect you. Tell me how do you plan to keep the 7 billion sedentary people from waring with each other for resources and with increasingly less space between the groups. I'm not brainwashed I've just woke up from the dreams of Utopia that all the wanna be neets are trying to achieve. Wanna see technologically advanced but still primitave look at how drug cartels operate because of that scale at which they operate and tell me there is 0 chance of violence that occurs between the groups. Just go out sell this batch of drugs, you belong this group under their protections, you work for a few hours or until batch is sold. I would say 3/4s of the worlds population would have to disappear before this could work.

>> No.13480495


Of course. Agricultural surplus temporarily extends the carrying capacity of society. But we're stuck in a complexity bind. We either create more and more complex solutions or the system slowly degrades 'till it hits a point of rapid chaotic implosion.

I just want it to happen after I die. Not while I'm in a historical Disneyland.

>> No.13480667

Listen, I'll try not to be smug prick. Do I think you can establish this as a foundation of society, sure. The mathematical evidence you provide is logical, but to assume the model will clear all Ailes because of depressed people on the internet looking for purpose and want to change the structure of life around is a normal course of action but again your looking for what benefits you and may not make everything better for society. Your still operating from a point of self interest.

>> No.13480922

a lot of the profit is in capital gains
if Bezos tried to cash out all of his stock, it would crash
in the end, there isn't much difference between AMZN and the shitcoins we profited off in the bull market

>> No.13481079

Man can not live on bread alone

>> No.13481882
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>be glad you work in a factory and not in a farm

>> No.13482624

Decent thoughts OP but you won't find acceptance with /biztards. /bizraelis maybe, but not /biztards. Too many worthless idiots who think the world owes them without putting any work in.

>> No.13482643


>Primitive tribes weren't perfect, there was sometime homicide in the tribe. However, they only worked 15 hours a week for food, and 15-20 hour a week for chores, and they shared resources.

It's not just that life wasn't perfect. Hunter-gatherers had it extremely rough. They starved frequently because they couldn't bank up years' worth of resources. They were afflicted with parasites and were hunted by predators. Most humans didn't survive childhood. It wasn't a garden of eden.

People who think the hunter-gatherer stage is something desirable to return to are revealing a lack of knowledge of human history. The human species was almost wiped out of existence on numerous occasions, with the population dropping down to a few hundred individuals on the entire planet, like during The Big Chill event circa 150,000 BCE, and other events known and unknown.

To be resistant to starvation, you need massive stores of food. For that you need agriculture, a multitude of domesticated crops, domesticated animals, food preservation methods like converting milk into cheese, etc., etc. But agriculture is still very hard, so you need to develop technology to make it more productive, like plows pulled by livestock. Some individuals need to escape the toil of the farm to specialize in inventing and supplying the constituents required by productive agriculture, like extracting ore from the ground and smelting it into iron to make an iron plow. Money becomes an essential abstraction of value, and you must have specialists in it. Money must be amassed in great quantities and invested in new iron mines, &c, &c, &c ...

We almost went extinct in the supposed glory days of hunter-gatherer tribes. Now we are 7 billion individuals rapidly lifting ourselves out of poverty. You might be unhappy at your unaspiring job, but the way you would have things, you'd wouldn't even have existed in the first place.

>> No.13482710

Good thoughts too. People here idealize "the good old days" but never did a day's worth of farm work.

Go to Youtube and type "300 days alone". There are a two points in the video where the guy could have died if not for modern antibiotics and medicicines.

>> No.13482900


>if Bezos tried to cash out all of his stock, it would crash

This is a good observation.

People who have never had exposure to wealth think that a person worth $1B has a bank account with $1B in it. That's laughable if you actually have any clue about how money works.

A person worth $1B in their own company's stock might have only 0.1% of that amount of cash (e.g., $1MM) in essentially a checking account. He'd hopefully have another few tens of millions in other relatively liquid investments, say 1–2%. Then some property, say a house worth a few million. So overall, most billionaires, especially tech billionaires, can only access a tiny fraction (e.g., 2–5%) of their net worth on any kind of short timescale. The rest of their net worth is all deployed, at work and at risk, often primarily in stock of their own company.

Furthermore, as a tech company founder, you are very likely to suddenly lose almost all your net worth in a very short time period. It works like this: In 2018, you have $100MM in stock at the company's current valuation which you aren't free to sell, plus perhaps $100–500k in cash, and maybe a house. (Your investors let you cash out around $1MM during the last investment round.) In 2019, your company implodes and your stock is now worth $0, but at least you still have $100–500k in cash, and maybe a house.

Going bust like that is the norm for self-made tech millionaires and billionaires, not the exception. When you understand how it works, you realize that the majority of their money is at work in their companies at moderate to insanely high risk.

>> No.13482916


I saw it and liked it. He was lucky he had the sat phone and a doctor to talk to, and of course the medicines you mentioned.

>> No.13483121


>I'm 24 now and finally have a job after all this debt yet I feel like all I did was waste six years thinking I'd be happy.

If you just finished 6 years of school and now have debt to pay back, that was your choice, even if you feel you were somehow tricked by society. You could have gotten just as far ahead in life without school debt, but you didn't know that when you signed the loan.

But don't worry. It's not a fatal or hopeless position to be in; it is completely possible for you to work yourself out of it. Just don't give in to this weak thinking that somehow you are a slave in someone else's dystopian machine just because you were tricked by your own ignorance into borrowing easy money on terrible terms.

Commit to never taking on stupid debt again. Don't get a car payment or a mortgage payment. Research how to maximize your salary and further your career, and how to manage your money well. There are a ton of books, podcasts, etc., on these topics, and many people have dug themselves out of your exact situation.

>> No.13483645

>yeah we live in a world that sucks but pull yourself up your bootstraps

Fucking low iq slave ape

>> No.13483711


To be fair, early agriculture was a degeneration of living standards for most people in said socities. Dependence on grains = rotting teeth, stunted growth, and malnutrition.

If you think you're getting cucked now, imagine toiling all day (because your religion/cultural system says you have to) for a priestking and a small small percentage of the population (priests) and then being conscripted for war so the priestking can get more booty.

It did support more bodies but equally distributed happiness? Ha ha no

>> No.13483728


See Neolithic bottleneck. For every 17 matriarchal lines that were passed down, only 1 patriarchal line!

The world isn't a morality play though and I'm thankful I'm not a peon during that period.

>> No.13483737

This is so true, except there health care technology. But I guess you just died younger, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.13483747
File: 120 KB, 1024x706, 1555530964348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up boomer, we are not living in the middle ages anymore.

>> No.13483755

>Money becomes an essential abstraction of value, and you must have specialists in it.

Wrong. The german tribes, until 500-600 CE, didn't have money or private property of the means of production, but they had technology.

Technology was achieved in german tribes without money or specialization of work.

But exchange value destroys everything. Greed is stronger than altruism. That's why these German tribes began to use money around 500-600 CE, first to exchange with foreign tribes, then to exchange inside the tribe.

Capitalism has internal contradictions, which cannot be solved. On the long term, it's impossible for itself to renew itself (tendency of the rate of profit to fall).

Now we must wait until all this shit collapse in a gigantic final crisis (capitalism final crisis) or perhaps a slow transition, that would be better.

Then we would produce for our needs again, since the exchange value will have reached it's internal contradictions, and will be useless.

>> No.13483998

maybe framing it as "slavery" is dumb but the disparity in opportunities and lifestyles between someone who is born rich and someone who is born poor is ridiculous and you would have to be the most pathetic, servile dick rider to even *conceive* of defending it

who cares how fortunate i am compared to other people? why is that a reason not to argue and take action for more? imagine thinking like this back when ppl worked 10 hours shifts and had no weekends "dude there are slaves who don't even get paid so you should be happy with what you've got" shut the fuck up you dumb boomer cunt

>> No.13484200
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nice try at deception mr. Shekleburg but only normies are too retarded to not see through all the artificial bullshit you've created throughout millenia

>> No.13484279


>To be fair, early agriculture was a degeneration of living standards for most people in said socities. Dependence on grains = rotting teeth, stunted growth, and malnutrition.

There was malnutrition in agrarian society, sure, but malnutrition was a constant companion for all of human history. There was still famine, but agrarian societies stored excess production as a hedge. That tooth decay arose with agriculture is a common myth, since there was terrible and disabling tooth decay and wear in many hunter-gatherer populations due to their particular diets, but it did become more widespread with agriculture. Yet the median age of death rose steadily after the advent of agriculture. The average rose more rapidly as more children survived to adulthood.

There were certainly downsides to each new era of technology, but there always are downsides. "There are no solutions, only tradeoffs," etc. True, wealth was unequally distributed between the rulers and the ruled, and maybe happiness too, but the poor, in the longterm trend, were better off by most material standards. That only matters if you believe that material measures matter, measures such as general health, life expectancy, etc. (The ruled were probably happier too, even if not as happy as the rulers, but we have no direct material record of that, other than the explosion of art, religion, and other forms of culture.)

You might instead believe that it's better to starve to death in ignorance than to live fat within the constraints of society. That is a difference of opinion that we probably can't resolve.

>> No.13484613


>maybe framing it as "slavery" is dumb but the disparity in opportunities and lifestyles between someone who is born rich and someone who is born poor is ridiculous and you would have to be the most pathetic, servile dick rider to even *conceive* of defending it

Sure, it's "unfair" that some people are rich and some are poor. However, the fact that there is a ladder to climb is what impels everyone up the ladder. The ordinary person was once at the first rung of the ladder. Now the ordinary person is 1,000 steps up from the bottom while the richest are 1,000,000 steps up. And the ladder was not created by evil rich overlords; the ladder is an inherent property of the system which maximizes achievement.

Another thing is that "the poor" and "the rich" are not static populations. Rich and poor people move up and down the ladder all the time. The rich son or grandson who squanders or withers his inheritance is a common story. More than 50% of American billionaires are self made, meaning the vast majority of their wealth was created by them versus inherited, and that rate is increasing. As a not-atypical example, Bill Gates was the son of a lawyer and grew up in an upper-middle class background. There are several hundred other American billionaires who determined their own similar rise to the peak of human wealth. It is a myth that American billionaires, as a rule, inherited their wealth. There are over 11 million millionaires in America, 80% self made (i.e., moved up the ladder).

Lastly, the economy of the earth is not a zero-sum game. Contrary to popular belief, the rich, by and large, do not amass their resources by depriving the poor of theirs. The total amount of resources in the world today, all those things we've built from sunlight and minerals, though shared unequally among 7 billion people, still means the vast majority of people have vastly more wealth than we did when every man was equally poor.

>> No.13484676
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this but unironically

>> No.13484685
File: 122 KB, 757x481, Noblemen+btfo+_81ec224613ead0ea957624e8c3678c3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>13476535 (Thee)

>> No.13484702

what an incredibly jewish thing to say.

>> No.13484725

>get back to your office job, goyim. Look how bad other goyim have! Be nice and shalom thanks for ur shekels.

>> No.13484933
File: 20 KB, 399x388, C90DE711-0BB1-4724-B205-5E6CBD93175D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is stopping you from getting a job at a UAW plant you cuck. They are still around

Btw the auto industry has been booming the past decade and is now slowing down, why didn’t you get in then?

Right because you’re an idiot completely out of touch

>> No.13485054


Stop spamming this picture you dimwit.

China didn't became capitalist, it always was. During Mao Zedong, it was state capitalist, not as efficient for productivity as liberal capitalism, but it was still capitalism.

By saying that China was communist, you dumb fuck give credit to Mao Zedung, who said it was (communist), when in fact every low level economist will say it was state capitalism.

Since you seem a particular kind of retard, unable to do a very basic research when you are confronted to you contradictions, i'll do the work that you mongoloid should have done months ago, and copy paste the fragment of wikipedia about mainland China during Mao Zedung era:

>> No.13485062

"From 1956 to the late 1970s, the Communist Party of China and their Maoist or anti-revisionist adherents around the world often described the Soviet Union as state capitalist, essentially using the accepted Marxist definition, albeit on a different basis and in reference to a different span of time from either the Trotskyists or the left-communists. Specifically, the Maoists and their descendants use the term state capitalism as part of their description of the style and politics of Nikita Khrushchev and his successors as well as to similar leaders and policies in other self-styled "socialist" states.[47] This was involved in the ideological Sino-Soviet Split.

After Mao Zedong's death, amidst the supporters of the Cultural Revolution and the "Gang of Four", most extended the state capitalist formulation to China itself and ceased to support the Communist Party of China, which likewise distanced itself from these former fraternal groups. The related theory of Hoxhaism was developed in 1978, largely by Socialist Albanian President Enver Hoxha, who insisted that Mao himself had pursued state capitalist and revisionist economic policies.[48]

Most current communist groups descended from the Maoist ideological tradition still adopt the description of both China and the Soviet Union as being "state capitalist" from a certain point in their history onwards—most commonly, the Soviet Union from 1956 to its collapse in 1991 and China from 1976 to the present. Maoists and "anti-revisionists" also sometimes use the term "social imperialism" to describe socialist states that they consider to be actually capitalist in essence—their phrase, "socialist in words, imperialist in deeds" denotes this."

Cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_capitalism#Use_by_Maoists_and_anti-revisionists

>> No.13485072

Based and rektpilled.

>> No.13485084

>Opportunity in America is staring blankly into a computer screen for 11 hours a day, hands, wrists, and arms burning from carpal tunnel, with absolutely 0 access to healthcare that isn't a scam, while losing over 2/3rd your income to taxes, mandated insurances, and long commutes.

If you're staring blankly into a computer screen for 11 hours a day and obviously hating it, what are you doing to improve your condition? From personal experience, I know you can get out of that situation if you have a plan and can make steady progress on that plan over time. It's not easy, but it is possible.

This is lame to talk about it, but I was in your position and it took me about a year to get out of it. I was unhappy in my job and had zero savings. I downsized to a 220 sqft apartment, lived cheaply, and every month I managed to deposit 0.25 months' worth of future living expenses into my savings account, until I eventually had 3–4 months saved up. Meanwhile, I actively pursued a new career that was much more challenging and required a lot of self-education. The opportunity I eventually found was risky because it was at a brand new company (consulting/contracting, just two of us), but it soon was paying me twice as much as my old job, and I had my savings account for the lean times. My next thing two years later was even better, and I received 4% equity. I exited that 3 years later with a full cashout and had ~5 years' worth of savings, now invested. That was a while back, and I'm still working to improve my financial position. But it's pretty good now, and I haven't had to live super cheaply since that first year or so.

It's anecdotal evidence from anon, but I bet you can get out of your personal shit situation too.

>> No.13485135

Nature of human is to always compare yourself to the better side. It doesn't help me to know some rice farmers have a tough life when the 0.1% rules the world doing nothing but using my work force.

>> No.13485160

Then fuck off from the rat race, western society enables you to do this.

>> No.13485198
File: 67 KB, 540x675, FE5A8180-D014-4869-B981-465D2819A163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the two most relevant geopolitical entities that ever adopted communism actually didn't (Mao was apparently just shittier at it ("Capitalism in One Country" xd) and the people that roleplay as turn of the century illiterate Russian serfs (or toothless slanty eyed coolies in the case of that Jason Urhurhurhur fucking faggot) are retarded gay morons worshiping something that never was and never will be

Good to know; I'm still going to post that picture every five minutes. Enjoy your bunkers Hoxhsucker

>> No.13485202

Yes sir. I hope to be financially independent in the next couple of years.

>> No.13485218


>China didn't became capitalist, it always was. During Mao Zedong, it was state capitalist, not as efficient for productivity as liberal capitalism, but it was still capitalism.

There are definitely degrees of capitalism and degrees of free markets. There are also degrees of communism. If you read about Mao's policies during the cultural revolution and the great leaps forward, they are not free market or capitalist at all, by the common modern Western definitions of "free market" and "capitalism," which I know you know. By these definitions, China was certainly not free market or capitalist during the cultural revolution. Mao was explicitly anti-capitalist.

After Mao died, when Deng Xaioping created the special economic zones (SEZs) beginning in 1980, that's when you saw hundreds of millions of Chinese lifted out of poverty and starvation over the next two decades. That's when you could say China was moving to capitalism and free markets, by the modern Western definitions. Later reforms expanded "capitalism with Chinese characteristics" across in China.

>> No.13485222

buy cheap plot of land in rural area
Build a house
There you go

Jesus Christ you people are incredibly pathetic

>> No.13485242
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True, we might have it much better than a rural laotian subsistence farmer, but we have it noticeably worse than our parents(boomers) and thats a bad sign of what direction our civilization is headed.

>> No.13485256

>internet with unlimited opportunity
>unlimited free knowledge
>cheaper material goods

dude lol but they had it better

Maybe move out of nyc or California if you can’t compete you absolute troglodyte

>> No.13485337

>housing, college, and healthcare far more expensive than in the past
>b-but you have access to mobile phones :DD
day of the pillow soon, greg

>> No.13485362


so nobody can ever complain about any injustice because 'somebody' exists out there that has it worse than the last guy?

why should rice patty gooks complain when some 50 IQ 25 lb flyswarmed nigger child in the Congo is starving to death? at least they get one solid bowl of plain rice a day

why should anyone complain because one bastard, one person on this clown world piss earth, somewhere, just had the worst, most unluckiest day today?

>> No.13485366



>Nature of human is to always compare yourself to the better side. It doesn't help me to know some rice farmers have a tough life when the 0.1% rules the world doing nothing but using my work force.

Look, if you personally do nothing useful, you will move down the ladder toward being as poor as those rice farmers. If you do everything just right and are lucky to boot, you will rise to the top 0.1%. If you just manage to work harder than average and are at least not completely unlucky, you can move yourself up the ladder significantly, certainly to the top 20% (net worth $0.5MM currently).

Also remember that the single biggest correlating factor of wealth in the US is age. Of course you will be poor when you're young; you haven't had time to make any money or develop any wisdom.

Getting hung up on "0.1% rules the world doing nothing but using my work force" is self-defeating. If you achieve as much as you are capable of achieving, you will have employees under you in your own company one day, and those employees will be working toward the thing you built at your own risk in your career. And you will be in the top 10%, or 1%, or 0.1%, with dozens, hundreds, or thousands of people working for your goals, while you treat them as well as you think you can, which will probably be quite well.

Then those people, the ones you employ, will call you the evil rich. Then they will cast all kinds of hate at you not realizing how self-defeating and ill-conceived their notions are, just like yours are today.

>> No.13485398


>so nobody can ever complain about any injustice because 'somebody' exists out there that has it worse than the last guy?

No, the point is to see that progress has been made from where they are to where you are. Then, if you are capable of this cognitive leap, you will see that you can continue that progress and move yourself and your children up the ladder. If you are not smart enough, you will just whine about "the rich have everything and it's not fair!" and you will not move up at all.

>> No.13485420
File: 92 KB, 638x1000, 26EFD54F-39DB-40B7-AAEA-AA6F06135A91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally make 21 an hour with no degree my retarded friend

Step 1: I didn’t go to university
Step 2: my job has insurance

Wow!!! So fucking hard!!!

I’m 25 btw I started at 9 an hour at 19 and worked my way up

>> No.13485435


reduce the population, deflate house prices.

why do you think the kikes want to keep pumping random immigrants into your country? reduce your political power and racemix the goyim yes, but also to keep the economy and markets pumping to then dump on you and buy the dip and scoop all your property and gold while you're too busy fending for yourself against the muds in the chaos

>> No.13485466
File: 60 KB, 919x444, tomasrotta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mao was explicitly anti-capitalist.

Lol, and i'm explicitly Satoshi Nakamoto.

>After Mao died, when Deng Xaioping created the special economic zones (SEZs) beginning in 1980, that's when you saw hundreds of millions of Chinese lifted out of poverty and starvation over the next two decades. That's when you could say China was moving to capitalism and free markets, by the modern Western definitions. Later reforms expanded "capitalism with Chinese characteristics" across in China.

Good, the more efficient capitalism is, the more productivity enhanced by machines there is, the faster it's final crisis will occur.

Exploitation is not something you measure with starvation or subjective poverty.

Those Chinese are way more exploited of their surplus labor now in 2019 than in 1955, at the heart of Mao Zedung era.

The rate of surplus value, which is r= s/v (s is surplus value, v is variable capital (cost of labor), determines the level of exploitation. It has increase since the end of WWII in the US (pic related), and globally in the world.

>> No.13485468

uh okay but I asked for 6 mcnuggets, not 4

>> No.13485493


>True, we might have it much better than a rural laotian subsistence farmer, but we have it noticeably worse than our parents(boomers) and thats a bad sign of what direction our civilization is headed.

So if we accept your idea that we have it worse than our parents, which I don't, then based on that small downward jog of the graph, you are willing to make seemingly long-term predictions about the direction that civilization is headed?

The condition of the ordinary man has been slowly improving for thousands of years, then rapidly improving for hundreds, and rocketing upward for decades. But during that time, there have certainly been setbacks. Maybe during those setbacks there were people prophesying the fall of civilization, and probably some of them let their pessimistic attitudes destroy their personal trajectory up.

But I don't think we have it worse off than boomers.

>> No.13485497

There's more mentally fucked up people today than there ever was.

>witnessing an execution every fucking week
If you were alive during the French Revolution then stay away from when the guillotine drops, like nigga close your eyes.

>> No.13485512

Itt triggered zoomers

>> No.13485527

It doesn't matter because we could still be 1000x better. We just have to keep fighting brothers. No empire is eternal.

>> No.13485622

>The rate of surplus value, which is r= s/v (s is surplus value, v is variable capital (cost of labor), determines the level of exploitation. It has increase since the end of WWII in the US (pic related), and globally in the world.

The "r=s/v, rate of surplus value is going up" is a pseudomathematical way to say: 1) Profit is exploitation. 2) Profits are up. The former is not an argument; it is an axiom. The latter is just an observation.

Marx said that "surplus value" was whatever an employer earned above the cost of raw materials and employee labor. Marxists call surplus value "exploitation," value stolen from the workers.

Capitalism says profit is the incentive for taking risk. A company takes risk, pays the cost of materials and employee labor for making a product, and tries to sell it. All new discovery (of products, etc.) requires risk, or otherwise you are just making the same stuff over and over again. Profit is the motive for that discovery and the compensation for that risk.

>> No.13485638

tl;dr: be thankful for your gilded cage

>> No.13485697


Holy shit you are unironically not a retard like i thought.

> A company takes risk, pays the cost of materials and employee labor for making a product, and tries to sell it. All new discovery (of products, etc.) requires risk, or otherwise you are just making the same stuff over and over again.

When your name is Rothschild, or any other business/ financial dynasty, you don't take much risks. Even if you take the most retarded financial decisions, you and your heirs will still be rich in 100 years from now. I live in a small town, and even here, there is a lot of small industrial dynasties, more than a hundred year old each. Did the heirs took risks? No. Fuckers just inherited the whole thing, along with the profit created by the workers.

In any case, capitalism is (still) doomed with the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, and only has a few decades left at most.

In the meantime, we better look for an other mode of production, an other way to produce stuff than a system based on exchange value and profit, or we will look dumb after the Fall.

>> No.13485726
File: 6 KB, 182x243, Pol Pot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Childhood is idolizing the Unabomber. Adulthood is idolizing /Pol/ Pot. What the Unabomber did was send out a few bombs. He was a gnat trying to kill an elephant. What /Pol/ Pot did was empty out the (((cities))), force a return to a pre-industrial agricultural society and kill off the oversocialized intellectuals. He did everything the Unabomber wanted to do in an entire country.

>> No.13485794

>Serfs lived far better lives than modern day workers do

yea, sure must be nice receiving 8 weeks of "vacation" after working back-breaking work all day under the rule of a noble who exerted absolute control of your life. Add on the fact that any injury during the course of your "better life" would likely result in a significant deformity or, likely, death. But working 40 hours a week in a climate controlled office building while living in the best time in world history is just so horrible. Get out of here with that bullshit.

>> No.13485805

I'm no fan of modern day work culture, but you are absolutely deluded if you think a fucking medieval serf lived better lives than westerners.

>> No.13485831


>tl;dr: be thankful for your gilded cage

Sure, that's one way to phrase it. Another is to say: Resources are limited, some will be richer than others, but we continue to improve as best we can.

The economist Thomas Sowell talked about two unreconcilable visions: the Constrained Vision and the Unconstrained Vision. The constrained vision is the one I see, that the world is fundamentally unfair and limited, and people are self interested, so society forms imperfect systems to cope with those limitations. The unconstrained vision might be the one you see, that the world itself is fair and there would plenty of resources to go around if we could just prevent all the unfair people from taking more than their share from the fair people.

You can search for "thomas sowell conflict of visions" on YouTube if you want to see an interview with him.

>> No.13485897


I'm not an expert of the medieval era, but they drank a considerable amount of alcohol per day.

"One estimate of per capita ale consumption in northern Europe from the late fourteenth to the end of the fifteenth century shows a range of 177 to 310 liters a year, a fairly modest one-half to two-thirds of a liter a day. The author’s conclusion reflects the uncertainty of such figures: “A general estimate for medieval England of between four and five liters each day is reasonable but perhaps too high. More sensible and likely is an estimate of some 1.1 liters each day for each person.” He goes on to propose that members of better-off farm families might have consumed as little as half a liter of ale a day, while aristocratic families consumed between 1.5 and 2 liters."

Try doing that as a wagie.

Cf. https://erenow.net/common/alcohol-a-history/5.php

>> No.13485923

The question is 'by what metrics'.

I think they were empirically healthier and happier.

>> No.13485961


>When your name is Rothschild, or any other business/ financial dynasty, you don't take much risks. Even if you take the most retarded financial decisions, you and your heirs will still be rich in 100 years from now. I live in a small town, and even here, there is a lot of small industrial dynasties, more than a hundred year old each. Did the heirs took risks? No. Fuckers just inherited the whole thing, along with the profit created by the workers.

I agree that you sometimes get dynasties. Currently less than half of the billionaires in the US are not self made, and IIRC about 25% inherited significant wealth from their families. (The number of self-made billionaires is increasing, though.) The heirs and heiresses are coasting on old risks their ancestors took, and that is "unfair," though most people would want to leave their fortune to their kids too. But old money is fighting against time, constantly at risk of financial problems themselves, or, more significantly, at risk of breeding away their wealth. Think about it: Any family with a positive growth rate (more than two kids per pair of parents) is going to struggle to maintain the wealth of its individual members; the money will get more and more diluted the more heirs they produce.

More significantly, the old money are being rapidly superseded by the new money. Look at the richest people in the world. They are not old money; they are new money that shot to the top in record time.

Unfortunately, some of the richest people in the world are corrupt leaders. Those can remain at the top for decades, but even those will eventually fall. Live by the sword, die by the sword: One day the populace will revolt against the dictator, or a bigger kleptocrat could stage a coup at any moment.

>> No.13486098

If only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.13486129

waste of time, he killed and disfigured people

>> No.13486142
File: 708 KB, 1080x1153, 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the many contributions to my library, /biz/! great thread

>> No.13486145

> Adulthood is idolizing /Pol/ Pot.

Nah. Go to Cambodia and see what a setback Pol Pot was. Phnom Penh used to be a prosperous and educated place. It was a rival to all other major cities in SE Asia.

Then Pol Pot killed 25% of the country. When you go there today, there's nobody alive over 40 because the old people didn't survive the forced marches from the cities to the countryside, and the later starvation. Anyone who was a doctor, anyone who spoke a foreign language, anyone who wore glasses even ... they were all killed because they were perceived as being capable of doubting the wisdom of the party.

Pol Pot's army, the Khmer Rouge, force-marched all city dwellers hundreds of kilometers out into the countryside in hundreds of groups, then deep into the jungle, then would appoint one person the Head Farmer of each new "village." Their "farm" was just a miserable patch of jungle, but they would tell the new villagers that they'd better build a collectivist farm here. Of course, the city dwellers had no idea how to do it.

Then the army would return periodically and say, "Did you produce your quota of rice yet?" If not, they would publicly execute the head farmer and his family, then promote the next head farmer, and so on. Of course they never got results because you can't intimidate people into farming expertise. Mass starvation was the inevitable conclusion, and 25% of Cambodians were killed in only 4 years.

And at the end of it all, after Pol Pot, when they were trying to rebuild the country, there were no doctors, lawyers, bankers, nurses, engineers, or anyone else with any skills whatsoever because they'd been killed first. Everyone left was illiterate. What a nightmare. They have not even come close to recovering, over 40 years later.

Go to S-21 (Tuol Sleng prison museum) and Choeung Ek (the temple of skulls) in Phnom Penh some day and you will get a fascinating and terrifying look at absolute control under communism and socialism.

>> No.13486454

>you are not trapped in some demonic capitalist system
Imagine being this deluded

>> No.13486467

Niggers like Pol pot and Adoofus are actual human cancer

>> No.13486486

Capitalism is not voluntary.


>> No.13486504

Then why don't you have a job, faggot?

>marketing socialism to children with cartoons

kill yourself

>> No.13486547
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>tHEy kILlEd AnYoNe WhO wOrE gLaSsEs

>> No.13486606

I'm s CPA. This is still a great video though.

>> No.13486630


Anyone who ever unironically uses the term "wageslave" has come from an infinitely privileged life, I've never met a poor who has any use for the term

>> No.13487046

>Acting as if urbanite lives matter
If an urbanite can't be converted into a salt of the earth rural farmer, that urbanite doesn't deserve to live. /Pol/ Pot deserves more credit than Ted for opposing industrial society. He destroyed it in an entire country.

>> No.13487339

Also remember just give the manager a look in the eye and a firm handshake and the job is yours

>> No.13487352
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>> No.13487569

gaybopilled af

>> No.13487695
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tl;dr yolo and get lucky or spend your life working for someone else.

>> No.13487749

>buy a farm
>property tax
>community service fee
>road clearing / other weird duties required to operate a farm
>y-you cant just sell your products like that, you have to register a business and have inspections

>> No.13488051

I give myself 5 more years of working, if retirement isn't close at hand by that point, I will kill myself, I'd rather die then spend the rest of my life working for 20% of what I'm making and that's optimistic.

>> No.13488063

>the boss is getting up at 4am and the boss is done when the work is done
No the boss, shows up whenever he pleases, collects the paper work involving money and leaves. If he feels like it he skips weeks.

Now the manager shows up three days a week, chugs energy drinks and spends all of that energy to make sure the system the multinational corporation spent billions seting up is never ever used in our local franchise.

It's the assistant managers that actually get shit done.

>> No.13488883

>people in the world are more sad than me so I'm not allowed to be sad

Life is good. Without (((them))) sewing discontent among the masses and stealing our money through irresponsible printing, life would be a lot better

>> No.13489554

Thanks doc.

>> No.13489584

>Capitalism says profit is the incentive for taking risk. A company takes risk, pays the cost of materials and employee labor for making a product, and tries to sell it. All new discovery (of products, etc.) requires risk, or otherwise you are just making the same stuff over and over again. Profit is the motive for that discovery and the compensation for that risk.

I just thought about it, and the origin of profit justified by risk isn't what happened in the paleolithic era, and with current hunter gatherers in current primitive tribes.

Indeed, in the primitive tribes, the men hunters take most of the risks. Children, women, elders stay in the village when a hunt occurs. A hunter can be killed by a big game.

However, when a hunter kill the game, he is obliged to share with the tribe. He can never keep the game for himself. This has been documented.

So, in capitalism, when the owners of the means of production take the "lion share", the profits, it is not what is supposed to happen in humans (homo sapiens) community.

>> No.13489600

Franchisees are cancer

>> No.13489628

Yes i noticed, OP mixes up managers, who are working class and give the orders to the other workers, and the actual owners of the means of production, who are the main shareholders. It is them who take the profit.

>> No.13490118

well this blew up

>> No.13490205

argentina here. Shit here is bad. People actually want to flee. If you really knew how bad things are

>> No.13490400

No one mentioned it. Who cares about argentina?

>> No.13490538
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gr8 b8