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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 640x427, SK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13479437 No.13479437 [Reply] [Original]

Any good gook coins to shill me? I know these motherfuckers love to pump their domestic shit

>> No.13479458

VNT m8

>> No.13479556

What is that?

>> No.13479562
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x1080, 1555947158727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the chad AERGO is doing everything that the virgin ICX wishes it could.

>> No.13479588

NKN will get a big NEO chink pump at some point, dahongfei and ontology and all those chinks will be involved

>> No.13479631

can't tell if fake or real

>> No.13479653
File: 244 KB, 2030x1182, aergo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kek, fake titties on the thot but AERGO is definitely real. pic related, all are companies moving from AERGO's parent company private chain to AERGO's public chain. Blocko is the parent company and they are basically the de facto blockchain of South Korea.

>> No.13479666

There are a few asian girls with natural honkers like that out there. She probably had a parent that got BLEACHED somewhere down the line so now she has aryan boobs.

Having said that, fake boobs are more realistic over there since they use fat from other parts of your body instead of shoving silicone in them, so it's a bit hard to say.

>> No.13479732

Never heard of it, any good shills?
Is it really better than ICX?
Dunno, got in and out of NKN pretty quick, haven't gotten back in since the Binance rumours haven't panned out.

>> No.13479743



When the markets gets TETHER'D shortly, most shitcoins are going to lose another 99% from their current valuations.

>> No.13479814

>Is it really better than ICX?

yep. see >>13479653

>> No.13479887

Heh, still not a bad idea to look for good alts to scoop up once they're done bleeding
Will look into it, sounds promising

>> No.13480155

Bumping, anything else to offer? Was thinking about Cosmos or ENJ with their links to the Samsung wallet, anyone can shill me on those?

>> No.13480166

>look at muh coins partnerships, we moon nao LMAO

did you people not learn anything from the 2017 bubble?

>> No.13480170

Korea is the most homogeneous country in the world. More likely for a South-east Asian man with a White woman than vice-versa.

2nd Koreans plastic surgery is almost always exclusively towards their face. Tit surgery is highly unlikely. That's something Burger womens do.

3rd That's why you rarely see degenerate/sexpats ever coming to Korea in the first place. They settle for 2nd tier countries like Thailand/Cambodia Unless your Chad 2 begin with your not getting laid in Korea.

>> No.13480232


>a blockchain/coin gets actual use
>not meme partnerships
>he doesnt see the potential

stay poor