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13474202 No.13474202 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that Chainlink is the catalyst for the Mark of the Beast and one of its Devs is the antichrist

>> No.13474212

Fcuk off

>> No.13474226

Need 3 6's to appear in digits to confirm.

>> No.13474237

No Trumpenstein is the anti-christ, that fucking subhuman loving kike pawn.

>> No.13474243

That thread really had my thinking about all that but I doubt any of this is connected to the mark of the beast

>> No.13474255
File: 110 KB, 2540x3176, 0050B2C3-E33B-48DB-944B-46E023C804DA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Chainlink is God’s chosen project.

>> No.13474277

this, white cube is the inverse of the black cube worshiped by those against god

>> No.13474319
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>> No.13474339
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Not sure if you're meming or not but LINK very well could be part of the catalyst. What I find astounding is for all the autism contained on this board and directed towards LINK, for all the "breadcrumbs" linked that directly reference or are degrees of separation away, almost nobody here talks about the actual platform that will host the mark. It's ironically clownworld tier at this point as the project is very front facing for quite awhile now.

>> No.13474341

The decade of the clown will be replaced by the decade of the beast.
It is an endless cycle.. Google the various stages of the Roman empire, eras of unapologetic tom-foolery was always replaced by an era of brutality/horror.