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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13468668 No.13468668 [Reply] [Original]

Did you guys watch Game Of Thrones?!?!?

>> No.13468692

No, never watched it.

>> No.13468723


>> No.13468726

/biz is dead

>> No.13468729

Is there any white supremacy stuff in it? I'll watch it if it's pro-white sup.

>> No.13468782

Yeah! It's soooo based and redpilled. Especially John Snow, he's just like me!

>> No.13468802

oh man when that one character died and the other one had sex oh man and the monsters woo boy

>> No.13468808

It was actually a good episode tonight

>> No.13468816
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>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.13468825

i heard indian fucking love GoT

>> No.13468828

Will it bump any Netflix shows out of the running for an Emmy?

>> No.13468833

No I’m not a dumb goyim that watches le popular kike show

>> No.13468838

dropped at season 2 or 3
whatever happened to el diablo that she summoned

>> No.13468841

>Arya actually killed the Night King

fuck off hugo

>> No.13468866

Don't know how ppl can watch this shitshow! the 'acting' if fuckin AWFUL!

>> No.13468888
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>Game of Normies


>> No.13468909

there is a white girl with blond hair who is genetically superior and can withstand direct fire n' shit and you get to see her titties too

>> No.13468915

It successfully transformed from low fantasy to high fantasy in one episode. How the fuck are they going to manage to keep things moving forward at this point? That was probably the most intense shit I have ever seen.

>> No.13468946

>That was probably the most intense shit I have ever seen.
Must a pathetic life DESU

>> No.13468949
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If this is true I'm done with the show. I only watch this shit because dragons get me hard. Must be all the jap porn, the idea of fucking scaly dragons while being fisted by tentacles is amazing.
But if Arya, the goblina Anglo incestial ugmo girl with muh feminism is what kills the night king, I'm officially done.

>> No.13468955

don't watch this third episode then

>> No.13469175

>all those niggers saying the episode was good

Thanks just sold everything, we haven't bottomed yet

>> No.13469193
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Is this TV? Game of thrones is mildly entertaining. Excited for the new Dune next year. Everything else is just for passing time.

>> No.13469204

It went to shit after it moved past the books. Dialogue has been so cringe and the pacing has been so retarded that I'm not even bothering with this season. Normie bait for the sort of people who like superhero movies.

>> No.13469213

100% Agreed

>> No.13469221

I used to watch it 5 years ago and it was already trash back then, only the first 2-3 seasons were good

>> No.13469237

If you american youre not white. Youre mystery meat. Just like mcdonalds call their chicken nuggets "all white meat". If it was quality meat they wall call it 100% chicken breast or whatever. My frriends and I are Scandinavian and have been for the last 100s of years. Youre just a mutt.

>> No.13469257
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>> No.13469271

Whiter than you, Achmed

>> No.13469396

knight king dies.. spoild it for you all. he he he poo poo pee pe..

just kidding. that blonde dies and knight king brings her back from dead. the knight queen

>> No.13469425

This would have been a much better outcome than another bullshit YASSSSSS QUEEEN SLAYYYYYYY conclusion to a 9 year lead up.

>> No.13469442

lol @ that battle strategy. lol @ no depth to bran or the night king.

>> No.13469668

It definitely makes the case for a good border wall/security

>> No.13469677

How do jannies arbitrarily ban me but leave offtopic garbage like this up?

>> No.13469682

That's what they get for counting on Obama to stop the Invaders.

>> No.13469687

No, fuck (((their))) propaganda.

>> No.13469691

Thanks for you contribution, Mohammad from Sweden.
How's the family?

>> No.13469705
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is /biz/ really dead? we got infected by /tv/
what kind of signal is this?

>> No.13470403

Not since they butchered Stannis' character

>> No.13470462

Mainstream or not, the show has been pretty good. The dark and gritty vibe makes me feel good desu. If normies like it as well, good for them.

>> No.13470518

Her mother drank when she was in the womb right? That's why her face is all squashed?

>> No.13471094

British face syndrome

>> No.13471106

so in other words, yes

>> No.13471128


>> No.13471134

GoT is dead

>> No.13471822

I don't understand why they kept Brienne alive. She completed her arc last episode when she was knighted....they should have given her a good death. Add to the list Messandai, Pod, Varys, and a few others. Too many survived desu.

>> No.13472600

TV series are soap operas for pseudo-intellectuals. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.