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13468645 No.13468645 [Reply] [Original]

Possibly the biggest competitor to Binance is if Google gets into the crypto exchange business.

Perhaps once the infrastructure is in place we'll be talking about spending satoshis through Google Pay the way people spent 15 cents on everyday things in the 1920s. History rhymes right? So the satoshi could become the new dollar making 1 BTC worth a pretty satoshi. *wink

>> No.13468661

nkn will flip btc

>> No.13468693


>> No.13468707


>> No.13468718

Very rarely do Google get anything right. So many abandoned projects.

>> No.13468720
File: 19 KB, 648x379, Screenshot-2019-01-29-at-14.23.33-e1548779227811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13468925
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>etc eth eth
the absolute state

>> No.13468954

BEZOS COIN will wreck everything and you fucks know it.

>> No.13469084

Those greedy fuckers will give out their own coin with scalable, fast transfering and minimal fee and you all know it.

>> No.13469120

Are you implying this is somehow a bad thing?
Just because RIOT and whatever the fuck else will be put out of business, and a bunch of zoomer NEETS praying for their coins to moon will be BTFO?

>> No.13469194

Visa coin and Google coin and btc will go to 0

>> No.13469261

>what happens when Google enters into [insert any industry here]
>it will be so detrimental to [insert industry leader here]

>> No.13469299

Because Google's facebook worked out so well, right? Shit like social media and paying for things is cash are only done by boomers. The people who are into crypto tend to be under 50, not care so much for the big companies that do shady shit like Google and the US government. Using the Google Satoshi is as retarded as using USD or BSV. Never going to catch on.

>> No.13469353

Why would a power hungry, totalitarian, censorship-happy corporation want to use a decentralized, trustless ledger?

>> No.13470416

Google is working on an Ethereum Wallet that will be integrated into Chrome by Default. You dont have the information from me, understood?

>> No.13470421

>Google wants to steal your shitcons

>> No.13471466

I don't think Google ever will. Just like a large burger corporation, Google loves credit cards and credit cards alone. Otherwise Google would have at least added crypto as a payment method in Google Play.

>> No.13471570

They already are

Pro tip buy CELR

>> No.13471578

Interesting correlates:
>Apple Credit Card this Summer
>Samsung has invested nearly $3 million in Ledger
>Galaxy S10 smartphones have in-built crypto wallets supporting hundreds of ERC-20 tokens
>Samsung is developing a blockchain on top of Ethereum
>E-trade BTC trading
>IBM Blockchain already used by 1000s of enterprises and partnered with Visa

There is no chance in hell Google will not enter crypto, decentralized server architecture, dApps, etc. (Google Cloud option to run nodes, etc.)
Next android OS will probably have a native wallet to compete with samsung's implementation.

Even if BTC and ETH haven't hit the floor yet, they will certainly pump to insane levels once Google levels of mainstream adoption hits.

>> No.13471634

why would a tech giant want to lead the latest tech craze? i mean they have dabbled in every other tech invention and bought it out.

Google is smart, they will let a clear victor emerge after we have our coin battles, and then buyout the winner with a premium bid. we have our gains and losses, but google will own the winner (all that matters)

>> No.13471653

Corporations tend to stay away from crypto as it generally has issues with transparency. Not just Google, but also Amazon, Payoneer, Paypal and lots of others. Well, Microsoft and Valve (Steem) still implemented crypto payments, but that's not much.

>> No.13471719

anyone stupid enough to use a Google crypto wallet deseerves to get fucked by the IRS, etc.
u couldnt even pay me to use a google service anymore

>> No.13471752
File: 25 KB, 660x452, 1555961156740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"google coin" is LTC

understand this and you will be very rich in 4 years