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13464159 No.13464159 [Reply] [Original]

He, and his footmen hijacked the BTC community and then BTC itself. They strangled it to force the need for a second layer. A layer they control and have the patents for, namely the Lightning Network. Satoshi saw what was happening and tried to stop them. That's when the smear campaign against Craig started. All of the so called "evidence" proving Craig is a fraud is manufactured by Greg Maxwell and his men. Craig may have an unlikeable personality, but make no mistake, he is Satoshi and alot of people have serious money and social stakes in keeping on with the current narrative that he's a fraud. This so that people wont take him seriously when he calls out the money grabbing scam BTC has turned into. Don't let anybody tell you that Craig just fakes it or speaks incoherent techno babble. Read his articles yourself on his blog on make op your own mind. He is VERY knowledgeable and it's a pleasure to read his writings. Craig = le God

>> No.13464205



>> No.13464210

thanks bought 100k craigcoins

>> No.13464213
File: 391 KB, 1226x1953, adambacklol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't let anybody tell you that Craig just fakes it or speaks incoherent techno babble.
This. They will nitpick endlessly at some typo or ambiguity in Craig's corpus of work and completely ignore anything that shows higher-level macro understanding of bitcoin and its place in our world. These neckbeard faggots think so poorly of their target audience that their entire multi-year propaganda strategy has hinged on their victims not reading or thinking for themselves.

>> No.13464234

This. They will nitpick endlessly at some typo or ambiguity in Greg's corpus of work and completely ignore anything that shows higher-level macro understanding of bitcoin and its place in our world. These pedo faggots think so poorly of their target audience that their entire multi-year propaganda strategy has hinged on their victims not reading or thinking for themselves.

>> No.13464235



>> No.13464261

Yes, every piece of criticism towards Craig Wright originates from one single source, which is also invalid because of a series of reasons that I will enumerate. Everyone else, every other source of information except the aforementioned one is correct, and supports Craig Wright fully. Any additional information you encounter that seems to contradict or criticize Craig Wright in any way also comes from this source and is therefore invalid as well.

>> No.13464316
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>> No.13464349

>person claims to be Satoshi using easily disprovable "evidence"
>not expecting the neets of the internet to react
come on son
take the L, you're better off selling at $50 than $0.5

>> No.13464410
File: 81 KB, 600x536, stacylaughsatyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks Craig can only prove that he is Satoshi using one particular method.
>He pretends not to understand that Greg Maxwell has been OBSESSED with Dr. Craig Wright to the point of operating a 24-7 anti-CSW sock account on plebbit.
>He thinks the real bitcoin is going to 50 cents.

>> No.13464426

On the contrary, no matter how diverse the sources of criticism might appear at first sight, they all originate in one place. Don't be mislead by appearances, anon, there is no base for any sort of criticism towards Craig Wright.

>> No.13464453

every fud out there about creg is my doing i promise you that

>> No.13464518

Based and Gregpilled

>> No.13464614

greg maxwell, the contrarian group and most curry posters here are just my pawns.

>> No.13464656

You were behind the fud all along???

>> No.13464774

minster faketoshi did not submit a pgp email with a doctored/fake/fraudulent timestamp to the court system as 'evidence'. totally never happened. nothing to see here. move along now. op is not SEEEEEEEEEETHING

>> No.13464799

>minster faketoshi did not submit a pgp email with a doctored
it was submitted by the plaintiff

>> No.13464852

Source? Was it submitted by Craig or Ira?

>> No.13464991

It was submitted to the proceedings by Ira. Of course that didn't prevent Contrarian and his brainlet fanclub from assuming it must have been submitted by Craig, since his lawyer referred to it as an exhibit.

>> No.13465034

all i can tell you is that represent the interests of the most powerful woman in crypto

>> No.13465159
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>if we git da sagwetx2 dats ho you get tree bitcorn farks

These people are so dumb they were afraid of a consensus hard fork for two fucking mb. There would have been no chainsplit lmao.

>> No.13465579
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>> No.13465600

the official explanation is segwit2x was actually withdrawn because it was riddled with bugs.

>> No.13465736

what could possibly get bugged? 1 line of code needed to be changed; swapping one number for a different number. bitcoin cash proved that changing to 2 MB blocks was no problem at all.

also link me to this "official explanation", please. never heard this excuse before.

>> No.13465780


>> No.13465806

thanks, they have constructed the lie quite well and executed the plan perfectly.

>> No.13465875
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>this is just like my raspberry pi!

>> No.13465887

This. Changing the blocksize is standard protocol ffs.

>> No.13465977

the way i see it it's very hard to actually test consensus protocol changes because the testnet would require you to have greater hashpower than the mainnet (for testing future behavior without other changes in code). and without extensive testing and debugging a hardfork is a potential minefield. you either bite the pill and take a jump or gonna get spooked out by the first little bug you catch too late.

>> No.13466066
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>> No.13466105

The sv waaaaposting is getting tiresome.

>> No.13466143

>implying those units validate blocks and not just churn sha256 on whatever header (including difficulty) and nonce range you feed them.

>> No.13466263


Lol what

>> No.13466289

>Lol what
asics only churn sha256 on a nonce range, you could use a raspberry pie as miner to construct the next block validate previous blocks and let the asics do the hashing.

this is just an observation about raspberries not being able to validate being technically incorrect on multiple levels.

>> No.13466303
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>raspberry pie as miner to construct the next block validate previous blocks and let the asics do the hashing.

Miners are connected to their own nodes, retard. They don't depend on you. Omfg hahahahaha

Unironically an hero and live stream it.

>> No.13466329

>Has strong opinions about specific technical definitions in complex networked systems
>Can't code
Wew kid

>> No.13466333

can you read or what

>> No.13466340

Non miners can only verify. I'm not explaining this shit for the billionth fucking time for you retards.

Go to this thread >>13464922 find a flaw and get back to me.

>> No.13466350

what is stopping a miner from using a raspberry exactly you analphabet cuck?

>> No.13466376

So no flaws in that thread? Okay so we both agree with Dr. Craig Wright then.

>> No.13466386

answer the question cuck and i may actually check out your shitty thread

>> No.13466397
File: 29 KB, 470x313, knc-sweden-470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I'd rather you continue believing your raspberry pi is validating blocks.

>> No.13466405

I genuinely wish for Craig to be shown to be Satoshi. If only for the literal collapse it would bring upon BTC. Let it be dead and buried.

>> No.13466415

what is stopping a miner from using a raspberry for validating blocks? you said it cant. which is of course bullshit.

>> No.13466421

salty eh?

>> No.13466430
File: 175 KB, 1175x500, bitcoin-mining-1175x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol yeah miners just use a raspberry pi, that should be the primary focus. Just like you m, bucko!

>> No.13466449

Eh wishing failure upon BTC maxmalists mostly.