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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13461834 No.13461834 [Reply] [Original]

>entire board is BSV, LINK, FTM pajeets, and boring shitposters
>no quality discussion
why do you still come here?

>> No.13461839


>> No.13461844
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>> No.13461845

to shitpost on pajeets posts

>> No.13461909



>> No.13461969

Check once or twice a day for any chainlink news. Main boarding /fit/ and /pol/ these days though. Shit is extremely boring here

>> No.13461976

95 p/e

Lol this is going back sub $1000

>> No.13462008

it blows my mind people still think link is a meme lmfao

>> No.13462016

Unironically within 3 years many people expects a -30% drop, and within 10 years a -65% correction at some point.
For crypto, market cycle is 4 years, we are boarding now...crypto is still very small, but it can only grow up...

>> No.13462022

People don’t look at things like that any more.

>> No.13462030

too pass the time while looking at charts and my positions. Watching numbers all day. But need to do something in between. Can't leave the screen though

>> No.13462044

because it is you pathetic street shitter

>> No.13462061

Would you like to talk about Lightning? What's your favorite aspect of it? AXA's favorite aspect is the part where it bankrupts the miners so they can buy them out and totally control the network. Or maybe it's that the Lightning protocol is nothing like Bitcoin, so Blockstream can inject LBTC into it and inflate the IOUs in circulation that run ontop of it.

>> No.13462083

Just because the board is interesting. I have never bought BSV, LINK nor FTM. I have the mental ability to ignore stuff like that. I did find RaiBlocks in here though a bit before rebbit when it was $0.7 and people here just started the nazi memes about it. Got me some really good gainz. Haven't bought any other lowcap because it has been pajeeted here.

Also, crypto news here travels a few minutes faster than in reddit. In reddit, you'd need to browse the /new section.

>> No.13462109

there's usually at least one good thread in the catalog

>> No.13462124

I'm here for stock market discussion only. I just keep some cash in BAT and BTC

>> No.13462135

Some sort of addiction. It really is absolute dogshit now I haven't seen a good thread in weeks

>> No.13462196

>Large mining pools are bad
>Won't somebody please think of the mining pools!

>> No.13462207


>> No.13462223

I just come for pink wojak's

>> No.13462231

>Large mining pools are bad
They're not. This would effect all miners. Fees going off chain makes mining completley unprofitable.

>> No.13462276

there should be plenty of them today. i know i'm getting just'd with ravencoin.

>> No.13462298
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Don't put BSV and FTM pajeets anywhere near LINK autists , they have nothing to do with each other.

>> No.13462327

kek, sometimes anon
april fools day was the most fun i had on /biz/ since 2017
non-stop shitposting and mega pumps

>> No.13462361

You do realize that they could bring down their p/e to like 30 if they didn’t spend all their profits on investments and development, right? They are trying to reduce their earnings as much as possible in the short term to minimize taxes.

>> No.13462376

And large mining pools are bad by definition. But I guess you have to post whatever your chink boss tells you to.

>> No.13462378
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>entire board is high-IQ BSV gentlemen posting
>no quality discussions

>> No.13462385

Sure they are champ. Although I suppose the banks owning all the miners would be better though, is that right?

>> No.13462386

This, I admire linkmarines and I don't even hold any LINK

>> No.13462401
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>> No.13462412

>t. I can't code hello world but I feel qualified to argue extremely technical CS issues

>> No.13462426

as opposed to governments?

>> No.13462469

>thinks I'm arguing CS
>wtf is Bitcoins incentives structure

Blocklets never learn.

>miners are governments
Governments certainly could mine and I'm sure they will eventually, but that doesn't have anything to do with a parasitic banking layer that steals fees from miners. Ultimately making it unprofitable to mine, at which point they'll get bought up by Lightning hubs (banks) who will then consolidate power over the network continuing the current cartel system we have now.

>> No.13462653

it's home

>> No.13462711


I don’t. Check in weekly to monthly now that i know the truth.

Bitcoin is digital gold, and that’s that.

>> No.13463118

Bitcoin is not digital gold lmao, It's peer-to-peer electronic cash. Imagine being in crypto yet have never even read the Bitcoin whitepaper.

>> No.13463411


Kill yourself.

>> No.13463467

I don't even know desu.
This place is a shill scam shithole and even though I know there's good people on this board, the current state of this place makes me hate every one of you.

>> No.13463514

Let's have a quality discussion.

What is your price prediction and overall outlook for ETH over the next 2-3 years and why?

>> No.13463525

Just read the whitepaper.

>> No.13463571

>why do you still come here?
I've been asking myself that for months. I shilled a non-ERC-20 alt yesterday right before a 2x and my thread got like 2 replies. This board is an intellectual black hole.

>> No.13463572

/biz/ is my family

>> No.13463832
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>> No.13463879
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>This board is an intellectual black hole.

>> No.13464034

this board has the highest quality of shills. no neopagans, trannies, vegans or seething virgins, just a bunch of bagholders and indian poorfags.

>> No.13464058
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mostly to BATpost and argue with people

BAT threads get the most heated technical discussions besides maybe bitcoin core/craig threads. LINK threads maybe used to but now whenever you bring up legitimate concerns about LINK, the cultists just stick their fingers in their ears and go "LA LA LA LA LA $1K EOY, CAN'T HEAR YOU LA LA LA LA" so those threads suck ass

>> No.13464176
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I don't know. Habit I guess

This board has degraded to an festering shithole

>> No.13464256
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>Reddit spacing
Never fails. KYS shill, you don't belong here.

>> No.13465213

If you wanted honest, intelligent, captivating and insightful discussion you would be on Reddit.

This place is unironically a rat infested sewer teeming with pajeets.

I know Reddit gets a bad rap by some. However, some of the smartest, brightest and most intellectually astute people congregate there.

Just saying.

>> No.13465252
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Some of the good breads for you frens


>> No.13465265
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>> No.13465277

>mental ability to ignore link
Being retarded isn't an ability.

>> No.13465312
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>> No.13466304

>literally prasing reddit with reddit spacing
you have to go back

>> No.13466326

because fuck reddit, fuck niggers, fuck jews, fuck gooks, fuck roasties

>> No.13466332

at least make the edges right

good idea tho

>> No.13466539

honestly i don't even know. this board is utter shit.

>> No.13466563

Everyone knows link is a scam