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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13463624 No.13463624 [Reply] [Original]

Fellow /biz/lets, lets talk about Cryptocurrency "News". As we all know, many of the crypto information hubs are badly tainted by pajeets and scammers (this place included). I'm curious as to where you guys get your information on new developments. Doing your own research can be pretty hard without a good idea of what sources to trust.

> Where do you go for your crypto information


> What crypto news sites are full of shit

>> No.13463628

Idk but lets talk for a second

what kind of person would want to WORK FOR FREE for 4chan "cleaning up" posts? stop for a second and really think about what kind of person would WANT to do that sort of thing for free....

those people live among us and its fucking terrifying

>> No.13463649

What research is there to be made? There are whitepapers and source code, the rest is pure speculation trying to part you from your shekels

>> No.13463673
File: 172 KB, 305x341, Mr. Morris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies and Jannies have always been a problem on 4chan, nothing new.

>> No.13463774

Whitepaper and source code are good, but there is still plenty of non-speculative research to be done.

Here's a few that cross my mind
> Technological peer-reviewing
We are past the point where everyone in crypto is familiar with coding. Was curious if there was any sort of website with people actually familiar with blockchain tech that reviews code or at least points out the absolute scams (from a tech standpoint) to laymen.

There's also A LOT of room for improvement on the verification of claims side of this shit. Feels like everyday some scamcoin is partnering with BMW or something. Maybe someone knows a website that actually looks into sources of information rather than just publishing whatever the CMO pays them to publish?

Plenty more informational areas that are non-speculative