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File: 184 KB, 1024x768, Travel-Photos-with-GoPro-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13458204 No.13458204 [Reply] [Original]

Normies at work brag about their travels, only to come back to the wage cage eventually. I don't even want to travel anywhere until I make it. It's not ever the real thing if you know you'll have to go back to work eventually and just feels like deceiving yourself so I'd get depressed. But this has left me wondering about what should I do with my PTO each year. Any advice anons? Should I just travel anyway?

>> No.13458211

Maybe it's nice to go somewhere occasionally before you're 50 and ancient.

>> No.13458212

I only traveled to the few places that I had really wanted to see, and not for the sake of bragging about all the places they've been to like chicks like to do.

So if there's some place or places you really want to see, go for it.

>> No.13458214

>I dont want to spend 4 weeks of my life having fun and kicking back because it's what normies do

The absolute state. Might as well make your new home on r9k.

>> No.13458222

you have to go back

>> No.13458228

>Normies at work brag about their travels, only to come back to the wage cage eventually. I don't even want to travel anywhere until I make it
Anon, most of us wont /makeit/....making it is just a meme like everything else. What if you make it when you are 60? Wouldnt it have been better if you would have just enjoyed life like chad and stacy?

>> No.13458242
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Travelling is amazing. The experiences I look back on are those of hiking the Great sand dunes or the Mojave desert. I yearn for those days again, but I don't have the money. Hopefully, crypto will liberate me from this life

>> No.13458273

Some of us actually enjoy our jobs.

Vacations are a nice change.

Feel sorry for you if you hate your job so much and feel depressed to go back to it.

Time to reevaluate your life and decisions you hav made and try to change things up.

>> No.13458296

>What if you make it when you are 60?
What if the money I spent on a plane ticket could have been spent on the next crypto moonshot but I missed it? I can't help but think about the opportunity cost.

>Some of us actually enjoy our jobs
Stay happy goy

>> No.13458300

Use paid time off to look for a new job. When you find a new job, get your employer to match the pay or switch jobs.

>> No.13458330

We're in the same boat, anon. Godspeed. I hope your LINK stack is respectable.

>> No.13458336

>Too poor to afford 2 different things :(
>Too dumb to know how to churn cred card miles :(

>> No.13458381
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>I don't even want to travel anywhere until I make it.

you're never gonna make it bro. Go travel now while you're still able to.

>> No.13458383

good advice, might do that
churning sounds interesting...

>> No.13458511

My normie co workers were discussing their vacations to mexico and literally all they did was sit around some resort and get drunk. Why even waste the money when you can do that at home?

>> No.13458520

based and unironically redpilled

normie vacations are the most expensive form of cope there is

>> No.13458541

because (((they))) have indoctrinated the population that wagecuckery is just part of life

>> No.13458551

Traveling in style is the only way to do it. Nice hotels, nice flights, good rental cars, nice restaurants, fun activities. Traveling on a budget sucks ass. Traveling is a pain in the butt, as fun as it may be and not having the extra comfort makes it unbearable.
>t. 80 year old boomer

>> No.13458596
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>he doesn't travel nonstop on credit card
you'll never make it

>> No.13458641

Thisis the reality of everyone on instagram. Normies competing with eachother to prove that their life isn’t miserable. Usually the ones showing off the most are the most unhappy. My normie friend posts everything he does and most of what he eats. He fucking posted a avengers movie ticket last night. who in tf cares that you’re seeing a fucking movie. What point are you trying to prove? Shit tilts me and basically makes me not want to be his friend. I swear every chance normies get it try to brag, they do. It is heinous

>> No.13458710

even short term vacations are good for you. stop being so retarded.

that said, i work 9 hours a week with free rent in china, teaching university students english. it's the best, and i get 4 months PTO.. consider that

>> No.13458750

Sounds nice. How much do you get paid

>> No.13458883
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Unless it's someplace cheap that's within 2 hours driving distance from my house, I just won't spend the money on a fucking vacation. If I did, I would be pissed off the whole time because I would feel like I'm throwing money away, or I'd be pissed I didn't invest it in something that would help me retire earlier.

>> No.13459020

Why do chinamen wear those pointy hats anyways?

>> No.13459065

Why are they wearing cheap sleepwear?

>> No.13459076

>He sleeps with clothe
Not gonna make it lad

>> No.13459170

>I don't even want to travel anywhere until I make it.
with this mentality you will be old and fat before you consider doing anything with your life
have fun with that

>> No.13459280

I’m 50 and actually fuck daily. It’s not so bad, junior

>> No.13459480

$1,300 / mo, but that's for 9 hours a week + free housing. cost of living here is about $500 / mo. i eat whatever, drink whatever. it's great.

>> No.13459672
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I semi made it during the 2017 bullrun. spent 5 months travelling across europe/asia/North america. You just have to make it OP. it aint that hard. fucking buy nash

>> No.13459686


They aren't even there for "vacation". They are there to take photos for their instagrams and other social media posturing bullshit

>> No.13459722

A Job is a lottery ticket , most people dont get that here cause they're to young.

A job can be -in reasonable means- totally AWESOME: great pay, interesting work, good colleagues. Really, there are plenty of those.

But there are also super SHIT TIER JOBS with a suck-ass Boss, boring tasks, shitty colleagues.

You cannot really pin that down too much on what this depends, there's too many factors (college/non-college, blue/white collar). Point i want to make: Some Wage Cages are really really nice with a 5 Stars accomondation inside. Think about it.

>> No.13459891

The opportunity cost here in cryptoland is highly specific and asymmetrical and also highly abnormal

I mean think about the same opportunity cost from the outlook of a normie, or even yours if it were 20 years ago
You could either spend $1000 going somewhere quite nice for a week or two and having new experiences, or you could put it into your jew ira or 401k and watch it grow likely a max if 7% year over year on average, before inflation.
Investing without emerging markets, narrow/specific bubbles, and special turns in history is boring albeit needed for retirement

>> No.13459907

>Ladies, you are lookin good tonight!
>Ah yeah, I still got the moves

>> No.13460441


>> No.13460697


>> No.13460834

>next crypto moonshot

just so you know that this is never going to happen

>> No.13460837
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Never trust someone smiling at a camera

>> No.13460842
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They are empty husks with no soul or creativity might as well put them out of their suffering

>> No.13460883

>all the depressed, low-on-social-hierarchy projecting miserables
They are having fun, and because normies generally work on empathy, notrmies who see those pictures also experience pleasure. Cry moar autist fucks

>> No.13460928


This is the secret, its literally all the normies do.
They go somewhere “nice” but the whole time they’re just shitfaced fucking 3rd world randos getting HIV.
If I had money to travel I’d go to places in Europe that I can trace my lineage to, see castles and shit, thats if I could be bothered to travel. I’ve been to every state in the continental US and basically everywhere is the same. Traveling is by and large a meme and sucks dick. Normies will tell you its great because they spent their goybucks on it and need to feel it was worth it.

Normies go to some tropical shithole and stay in a cardboard fantasy and never leave their hotel and get shitfaced. They snap some pics to brag to other normies, they get jelly, cycle repeats to maintain normie status.

Cruises are a great example of this. Cruises are fucking miserable fucking experiences by and large and yet they fill those seatubs full of normies every day.

>> No.13460945

Sounds comfy, where do I start?
t. East coast fag

>> No.13460951

>All normies have HIV
The delusion of low-social-status autists
>I'm not a normie because I CHOOSE not to suffer from HIV

>> No.13460985


They all have HPV. Which gives you cancer and warts on your shit, whats the difference brainlet?

Assuming I’m not a married 30 year old boomer. I’ve just done all the memes and seen them for what they are. Spending time doing something you ACTUALLY enjoy will always be better than doing some meme activity so you can brag to people who don’t care.

>> No.13460998

>castles and shit
>tracing lineage

99.9% of your fellow countrymen don't understand anything of what they see here in europe when they reach here for the first time. They would go for the Colosseum or the Eiffel Tower or Venice, just because your disney-warped imagination only let you understand tourist traps eating fucking tourist food and drinking the worst wine france germany and italy have to offer. So yeah, fuck your ''lineage''

>> No.13461081


Yeah I definitely mentioned meme stops like tourist traps in my post for sure. Oh wait, I didn't. I literally meant do a DNA test and go to places my people are from. I've been to places in the US where early members of my family settled on east coast in Delaware, place just "felt" great. I would go see those places just to see if I felt anything similar, see if DNA memory is true basically. It clearly is at some level.

Also didn't Article 13 cuck you yet, what are you still doing here?

>> No.13461122

This has always been happening, nothing new.

>> No.13461160

Everything its clearly true if you are stupid enough to believe it.
Reducing millenniums of history and hundreds of culture to your fucking american dream of heritage and castles and dna tests... how naive. Even the concept of ''Europe'' itself barely has a meaning. ''Seeing Europe'' doesnt mean anything. I'm almost 30, travelled to like 10 european countries and still haven't seen and experienced 1/20 of what this beautiful land has to offer.
Yeah, you will definitely ''feel'' the cock of your ancestors touching your soul when you lay your eyes on Mont Saint-Michel. No doubt about that.

>> No.13461279


Do me a solid and get enriched by a mussie already.

Classic european shitbird cuck thinks he’s something special. What’s it like being a walking meme? Inside of 2 decades when you’re entire country looks like planet of the apes, I hope you’re still this shitty. Hopefully nationalism keeps growing here in the last hope for this trash planet you look down on, and we fully turn off the cash taps that keep your welfare states afloat.

>> No.13461285

that's vietnam not china. They protect from sun and rain and are fashionable af

>> No.13461294
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Based boomer

>> No.13461476

>walking meme
>thinks he's a snowflake
>comes from the shittiest place

literally talking about yourself, americunt

>> No.13461492

you may want to check this website next time you do that cash taps and welfare talk, you dipshit.

>> No.13461530


>Europoor literally has no idea how the world works.

Theres a few countries in this world that could sustain themselves independently of the rest of the world. Yours isn’t one of them.

You literally exist because of American expansionism and pity. Your countries only have money because the real west allows itself to get fucked in trade to sustain you.

It is a macroscale version of paying your kid 5 dollars for a macaroni picture. One day you’ll have to swim on your own, odds are you’ll drown.

>> No.13461654
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>> No.13461677

So many idiot crying the whole fucking year how bad the work is, how bad they want their fucking holiday on the same fucking beach (or maybe a different beach this time) for 1 week before returing back to buhuuu fuck work.
Living and fucking around for 1 fucking year just to sit on the beach for 1 week and tell everyone how nice the weather was, the food was and what else shit fuck whatever.

Fuck those people.
Fuck normies.

>> No.13461680

>pre-boomer browses 4chins

props to you sir, i'm tempted to get my 77 year old dad into chan culture cause he spends all his time watching youtube

>> No.13461756

>t. I watched one peter zeihan talk and now I'm an expert
The US is a third world shithole. There is no where in the EU as shitty as your cities.

>> No.13461876


>Doesn’t dispute the fact his entire “economy” is a welfare state propped up by American gibs.

Day of reckoning is coming. Better hope they swindle Donny out of a second term, shit will get real wild if he has 4 years of free reign.

>> No.13461970

Pretty sure these anti travel posts are made by one angry neet.

Also what makes you think you are going to make it at all. For all you know you'll die at 67 not having seen or done a fucking thing in your life.

Travel is nice, seeing historical sites and buildings is fucking great and getting to enjoy the outdoors is fantastic.

I do agree that spending money to just stay in an all inculsive bunker for 2 weeks is fucking retarded.

>> No.13461992

>hiking the Great Sand Dunes
>not shredding them on a board
never gonna make it anon, sandboarding is based
t. coloradofag

>> No.13462395


>> No.13462488
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dont know tf you are talking about fucking op. I wento to tokyo and I fucked like a god, every prostitute and native had my cum.

video and pic related.


>> No.13462568

bragging you just paid to have sex with a bunch of exploited women is like bragging you just bought an iphone made from chinese kids

>> No.13462606
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>> No.13462660

based and redpilled. average price per whore?

>> No.13462693

I don’t like vacation and can’t enjoy time off because it’s time not selling in my territory and letting business go to my competitors.

>> No.13462714

Retard logic. Most people don't make it. Those that do are usually 50+. Have fun working your youth away and experiencing nothing until you're old and fat and can't enjoy making it anyway.

>> No.13462735

If you hade 10K and 2 weeks of vacation saved up, is that enough to travel comfortably?

>> No.13462742

He's absolutely correct & your poor answer to him doesn't change that fact at all.

>> No.13462759

How close was it to this? https://vimeo.com/332692415

>> No.13462804

Every age has exciting investments, it's just that people are too pussy to take them. 20 years ago the dot com bubble was in full swing and ready to pop. Everyone was trading stocks online, pumping and dumping penny stocks and what have you. Anyone who has ever been happy with 7% is a brainlet unless he's starting from a million $ or something

>> No.13462814
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why is /biz/ so bad at investing? the sheer amount of retards banking on shitcoin moonshots is staggering. 90% of you will never make it

>> No.13462830


>spending all your money on travelling
>end up too poor at the age of 60 to afford age reversal treatments


>> No.13462852

>notrmies who see those pictures also experience pleasure
overall happiness increased

>> No.13462863


$500 and you have the full experience, and Im talking that you will fuck like you are in a hentai, amazing and totally worth it.

If you are a poorfag you can fuck a milf in the streets for less than $30 and if you are a chad you will fuck natives for free.

The total experience to enjoy is being a chad and fucking the top of the top whores.


close enought, didnt have a threesome but next time I go to tokyo I will. Japanese pussy's are the fucking best, I fucking love them.

>> No.13462909

I've been to 40 countries already and plan to go to 40 more. The only people who go on cruises or go to Mexico on vacation are low class trash that live in flyover states. Just because you and your loser coworkers suck at traveling doesn't mean traveling sucks. You just can't see outside of your little bubble.

>> No.13462948

What spot is this? I couldn't find any good brothels when I was in tokyo.

>> No.13462972

More than enough. Other than a few places in Western Europe most places are much cheaper than USA.

>> No.13462975


>> No.13462983

Hell yah this guy knows. I went to Vietnam and I made a tinder and I got like 150 matches in 1 day. I fucked this 22 year old with a really nice apartment and she was so hot, a girl that looked like that back home would have never given me chance but she treated me like a king and I'm not even that chadly I'm 5'8 hungry skeleton

>> No.13463036

Based comment. I'm not a chink but I do have one of those hats. They're amazing for doing outside work. Try one if you haven't, you'll never go back.

>> No.13463044

I have been off social media long enough now that I don't relate to anybody. The ways normies are competing with each other is unsustainable.

>> No.13463057

i just like to go, but always something comes up. couldn't leave because of school, couldn't leave because of family bussines, family bussines sold, got money, mother gets cancer.

>> No.13463062

If you use PTO, you are never gonna make it

>> No.13463068
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anyone like to travel and explore the world but only on google maps?

>> No.13463071

Travel. Go hiking and camping. Stay at a hunting lodge and learn to hunt. Go to museums and see 400 year old works of art.

Just don't take selfies the whole time.

>> No.13463085

I actually appreciate how women like to take photos while traveling because it means i don't have to. Its all prespective i guess

>> No.13463120

This. If you can't fly to 1 continent, land, not like the weather and fly to another, why bother? I want 6 week trips with a few days spent chillin with normie friends and family, then back to crazy parties in Bangkok to Vegas. I'll wage til then.

>> No.13463454
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>Wagecuck thinks he’s going to make it

>> No.13464076
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I like to think of vacations as experiments to see what I like and do t like about an environment. Nice to have info when making your decision, nice to have a plan, nice to see things that may not be there when and if you ever “make it”.

You could die tomorrow retard. What you’re actually angry at is social media and phony people. Misdirected anger is a sign of low iq btw...

>> No.13464093

I prefer vacations where I'm not relaxing. Be it exploring a european city or skiing. I got the tropics shit out of my system as a kid when i parents took me to cancun and dominican/carribean all the time

>> No.13464519

It's the new materialism. They'll stick their noses up at the more old fashion keeping up with the Joneses ideas but totally embrace the new meta shift for it.

>> No.13464547

Why go travelling and risk dying in a plane crash when you have VR

Do you all enjoy gambling with you life?

>> No.13464558
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I only had like 2 days to explore the San Luis valley. I got a tip from some guy in a thrift store that there were Alien artifacts behind the dunes. So I hiked up there with a buddy

>> No.13464824

Honestly.... road trips cross country are the most fun shit you can do

>> No.13464850

Lol and did you find some artifacts?

>> No.13464871


>> No.13464873
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Nope, kek. There's nothing back there but forest. The hike was worth it though. The alien shit was just sort of an afterthought.

Here's a picture of a nearby campsight/UFO hotspot. Supposedly there some Alien shit going on here. Nothing happened while I was there

>> No.13464885


take cheap vacations, mental health weeks, work on side businesses, or cash out PTO if that's an option

>> No.13464902


is it legal over there?

>> No.13465083


no, but who cares, in Japan is illegal to have sex with someone in exchange of sex but in those places they sell you the "date" and if you and the girl end up fucking is because you "connected".

>> No.13465091


in exchange of money* kek.

>> No.13465132

Can you point me towards any similar roles? Have a CELTA and couple of years experience. This sounds sweet.

>> No.13465169

Look at this libtard. How bout you stay in one of the shithole countries you visited, eh?

>> No.13465197

>illegal to have sex with someone in exchange of sex

>> No.13465235

whats wrong with cruises?

>> No.13465237

>Yeah, you will definitely ''feel'' the cock of your ancestors touching your soul when you lay your eyes on Mont Saint-Michel
aha. This anon knows what he;'s talking about. I mean, castles? Lmfao. That's like the boomer shit my dad made me do when I was like 12. Can't imagine wanting to do that shit after 18

>> No.13465364


I haven't made it, but I work in finance and get 33 days paid holiday a year and have enough disposable income to travel abroad a minimum of 4 times a year every year since 2013.

I don't even take photos when I travel at all at this point. My normie girlfriend still does for her insta, and it pisses me off seeing hordes of sub-80 IQ tourists walking from point A to point B taking a photo of the exact same thing as millions of other people, but that is how their NPC brains are programmed and it is where they get their dopamine hits from.

I go to eat local food, drink local beers and relax and fuck the shit out of my girlfriend each night stress free away from the wage cage. Grow up punk.

>> No.13465458

What's wrong with going and seeing places you've never been if you have some left over money to do it? If that's not for you then that's cool too.

>> No.13465544

When we stopped at the hotspot, our license plate screws fell off. Strange, but it could've just been someone fucking with us.

>> No.13465559

If you want an easy foot-in-the-door, check out GreenHeart Travel, they'll hook you up with a job and a place to live for a small fee and from there you can use your connections if you want to stay.

>> No.13465667

Enjoy your cage while your "gf" fucks black man behind your back

>> No.13465687

I can't stand it when people post every second of their life in an Instagram story it's ridiculous. When on vacation i really like to make many many pictures to have memories (my visual memories fade away easily) but I hardly share any of those pics on social media.

On topic : go travel anon and find out for yourself if it's worth it personally for you! If it's not then invest those bucks in whatever you think will have you make it.

>> No.13465877


Stop projecting your cuck fantasies on other people soiboi