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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13457046 No.13457046 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw know about link
>tfw stack is too small to /make it/

this is like knowing the winning lottery numbers and not being able to afford a ticket

>> No.13457111

Lad, realize this is just the beginning. Just like the bitcoin opened the door for new opportunities like Ethereum, and Ethereum created new opportunities like Link, there will be more opportunities created from Link. Rest assured, you will make it. /biz/ will not leave you behind, for we're all in this together.

>> No.13457122

Delusional faggot discord trannys

>> No.13457127 [DELETED] 

the less link you have the less money you will lose.

>> No.13457141

How many do you have, fren?

>> No.13457146

Mainnet is soon, but not that soon, and even then, mainnet launch is likely only the beginning, and there will be numerous peaks and valleys afterward. Just keep accumulating, and you will be rewarded handsomely longterm.

>> No.13457170

tfw I bought only £50 worth and have held since ICO

>> No.13457177

Your shoes are on backwards anon

>> No.13457185

>what is credit

>> No.13457204

this...get a loan OP.

>> No.13457210

Why are you here whining about it? Get a temporary job. I'd drop my fucking studies in an instant and star searching for literally any work anywhere if I didn't already have a nice stack

>> No.13457220
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>> No.13457224

checked and kek'd

>> No.13457230


>> No.13457245
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ok :)

>> No.13457389

if making it is one million dollars, then 5,000,000 LINK should do the trick

>> No.13457462

idk how big you stack is but please marine realize that at one point a 1,000 links is going to be worth a lot, maybe not in the next year or two(always a chance tho) but def in the next 5 years. what you need to do right now if you believe it really is the ticket is to do anything you physically can to get more link. dude rn im doing shit thats embarrassing for a dude my age to be doing but im fucking doing it cause i know im going to have 100 more links after i finish the job. You need to do everything possible rn to get more link, get up dude even if you have to mow lawns just fucking do it, you will regret not doing everything you could have done if you really believe in this...and even if it doesnt take off you still learned how to get something going and use those skills for your next task. just fucking do it dude remember me im doing it with you youre not alone my dude

>> No.13457500

who goves you all this confidence guys?
I follow link since 1 and half year, and since then we had only promises and absurde price speculation in a so little time frame (example: x1000 in ust 3 years)... and without normie's hype.
This seems all meme, considering that the problem link solves it's a great problem in the blockchain, but beside that I can't see why normies they should FOMO in smart contracts. Smart contracts will benefit the banks.... but if there was any bank involved in lin why then havn't still accumulated and driving the price up? If there was insiders theyy would have always the price to the moon geworfen

>> No.13457511

What do you think the other 2/3 of tokens are for? Brainlet retard

>> No.13457516

so k bro you have another 2 years to accumulate, mainnet will never be release

>> No.13457546

>this boomer logic
Sad, really.

>> No.13457611

Well the other coins are monopoly money, only Bitcoin is the most secure network.
Then Link solves a totally different purpose in the blockchain space and also in the market share dominated by centralized solutions like Oracles (the company). Link if it delivered would be the last moon in crypto.
But it doesn't deliver. It's memed and could and being a joke

>> No.13457666


yes very good very good buy sirs buy linkcoins please sirs i don’t want my family to do the needful in the streets anymore yes buy linkcoins

>> No.13457669


>> No.13457682

this meme it's the most ridiculous.
There are certanley more profitable scams than crypto in the web. Pajeets buy a coin, then they shill it into a 4000 users board (in which most of them they are poor neets) to make +30%?
Your immagination catalagptes you as a non ironic, degenerate, depressed faggot

>> No.13457683

how can it not deliver at this point? everyone is poised to use it...even oraclize a competitor bend the knee

>> No.13457691

>how can it not deliver at this point?
because Sergey is aliteraly russian ''WHO?''
You are not talking of Bill Gates, nigger

>> No.13457729


>> No.13457797

Checked, based and friendpilled. We’re all here to help eachother.

>> No.13457805

20k. It's always been 20k.

>> No.13457831

What should I do if my life looks exactly like this? I'm so bored, lonely, and anxious right now. Then a go on /biz/ and find myself mirrored into a meme

>> No.13457837

clean your room and wash your penis

>> No.13458071

new timelines been 100k for a year now

>> No.13458168
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Its 30k
30k LINK is the amount you need to make it.

>> No.13458226
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>> No.13458234
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based and checked
think positive thoughts

>> No.13458235

listen man. This is your one shot, your one ticket. You need to do what ever it takes to accumilate. I stopped being a NEET And work at lowes just so i can buy more link. Do what must be done. Nothing comes with out sacrifice. IF you need to sleep under a bridge do it. If you need to buy your coins using mcds wifi do it. This is your future you're fucking with

>> No.13458302

Great invovation....i was fired because i came late because i overslept because my chainlink alarm...

>> No.13458320

I have been accumulatong since 2017 I have minimum wage job

I have 10k link

I own no other crypto.

I’m done

>> No.13458329

It's always been 40k to make it friend.

>> No.13458455

If you didn't know Vit. Buterin russian too.

>> No.13458486
File: 763 KB, 1200x1200, 09163617-3698-4E8B-95A9-555B30C27F3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m close to my 10k stack, feels surreal honestly. I am naturally adverse to risk in any form but found myself accumulating LINK almost obsessively. This is a crusade.

I think I might stop there, managed to do it without borrowing debt/credit. Then again any free money I find pre-singularity I will see it as more LINK. Every time I spend money on something I count its value in LINK i could have bought instead.


>> No.13458624

>d also in the market share dominated by centralized solutions like Oracles (the company)

linkies confrimed for dumber than the average american

>> No.13458638

A long time ago I saw a meme posted depicting anon walking into a link staking marketplace.

>> No.13458646

Sorry to say but there won't be. I'm an oldfag and pretty sure LINK is the last reliable moon. Every other project is just a dapp. The main projects in this space are Bitcoin Ethereum and Chainlink.

>> No.13458740

Bitcoin will use Chainlink's decentralized oracles

>> No.13458889

Fuck man, learn TA and learn to trade. You're doing it wrong.

>> No.13458967

Tell us more bedtime stories, Big Picture Anon!

>> No.13459055

Why you blame to do this?
Why dumber?
Oraclize will go out of business because of Chainlink

>> No.13459103

I still wonder what the fuck will happen in my life to prevent me from making it. Lose my keys? Government and banks banning crypto? Die in an accident? I’m reaching levels of paranoia unheard of. The wait is already sad enough. I can only imagine me cashing out my $$$ and the police raiding my house and the government accusing me of money laundering or whatever and going to jail and/or pay a huge fine...

>> No.13459113

there is no such thing as a link stack too small to /make it/, so long as it is counted in natural numbers.

1 will make it.

>> No.13459260

i love u

>> No.13459296

Unironically based
You will make it

>> No.13459298

Chainlink really puts Life into a new perspective.
Before Link we all were wagecucks and the best thing we all could hope for was early retirement but this is like 30/40 years away for most of us.

Then suddenly you discover chainlink and its 100% certain you will make it, you had years to accumulate an amount that is gonna be Life changing to such a degree that it gives you hope and strength you thought you didn‘t had.
and then it sets in, suddenly your new Life objective isn‘t
>just coast through life
it turns into
>survive and keep the funds safe

>> No.13459300
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>> No.13459307
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I have 35k, and will be paying 0% long term capital gains. I feel like I will not make it.

Even if crypto reaches 1T (ath was around .8T, and chainlink reaches #10 it will be around $32

>> No.13459333

i dont even know what people like you think in your head.

we go from 15 billion to 825 billion from 2013 to 2018, almost 6 doublings, and you think next time we're going to have 1/4th of a SINGLE doubling, as institutions show their interest more and more.

you are too stupid to live.

20 trillion+.

>> No.13459341

trips of basedness

I'm just being extremely conservative friend. with the latest minor downward bart my morale has been knocked down big time. I really thought we were going to have a smooth ride up to $10k from here and then that would be the number normies would see for FOMO to begin again

>> No.13459347

I will not abandon you son. You can live in my mansion

>> No.13459355

This is accurate

Before LINK I had a huge spreadsheet calculating the date I could retire out to the day. Based on $500k savings, 4% withdrawal rate, and living like a pauper indefinitely afterward. I could do it by age 39. I had a federal job with a defined progression path so I could calculate my annual salary every year until I retired.

I was HAPPY with the idea of cucking for 15 years to 'retire' as a frugal NEET living in a barebones apartment somewhere in the midwest with no luxuries for the rest of my days. Now that LINK is on my radar, I fully anticipate an 8-figure net worth and lavish retirement within 3 years. If it all goes to shit and I have to go back to plan a (now retiring at 41, since I've diverted my savings for the past two years to LINK), I don't think I'll be able to handle the re-cuckening of it all. Probably will just kms.

>> No.13459386

we will hit 200 trillion+ in a decade. (and then, maybe, it all comes tumbling down)

2018's height was 1/8th the size of the dot com bubble market cap. the dot com bubble was:
- mostly localized to america. it didnt include the entire world.
- mostly corporate execs and boomer men. it didnt include the average joe.

we are so early. sorry for saying you were too stupid to live, fren.

>> No.13459392

biggest fag lie today. of course not all will "make it". there's like at least a dozen losers for every winner, likely even WAY MORE.

>> No.13459393

Supporting your dotcom bubble example, inflation has pushed everything up >50% since then also

>> No.13459397


>> No.13459436
File: 412 KB, 833x1000, Link_pinup_01a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked. were all gonna make it

>> No.13459504

I have 3k link and can only afford at most 50 links per month. I might not make it

>> No.13459561

Guys I don't want to fud. But what are the chances that you loers who missed eth and btc are now into a moonshot? Very low
If you were such a good investor you should just have made it from all the time spent on 4chan since btc and eth were shilled
There is too much delusion.
People sittig in front of the screen posting pink wojacks (I hate that fucking image, it's ridiculous) if its coin makes a -3% and posting green wojacks for a +4%
Literaly this space turned into a jew trader market scam with people who believe to be daytraders ''taking profits''

Literally retarded tier.

>> No.13459584

It's always been 50k fren, 50k to make it.

>> No.13459594
File: 132 KB, 1024x828, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what makes you think the guys that made it from btc and eth arent still here. we're ALL gonna make it. we are literally mouth feeding you at this point. fucking hell.

>> No.13459612
File: 57 KB, 976x728, 1556337991901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this pic, i feel like something has been guiding me to this point of buying LINK and being ready for the next phase of crypto, I'm pretty grateful about it, God speed marines.

>> No.13459615

''we are literally moothfeeding you''
Well bruda, I see only memes, very funny but memes.
Then I see a lot of people who they regret to having known about btc and never bought until december and now forcing Link into the next x1000
Don't know what separets the reality from the delusion
There is no product. There are a bunch of greedy people in front of the screen hoping ''to make it'' because they are too introverted to go out and having a normal job, talking with normies and Stacies
When it's so it's a clear sign that it's all delusion.

>> No.13459633
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I was on the fence but this pushed me over, TODAY IM ON TEAM LINKY!!!

>> No.13459643

The truth is that it's not an absolute value of LINK that gets you to lamboland, it's relative.
You need to be in the top 1000 wallet holders to be certain.
Which means get your coins off the exchange.
Currently, it's something like 30k that gets you on the board.
>tfw in the 600 rank range.

>> No.13459689
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many of us have been doing this a lot longer than you might think. but fud away i guess. its all just a simulation anyway

>> No.13459748

I now that life is just a simulation. It's a simulation to make you learn some thing.
Maybe the thing to learn with lin is to not be greedy and yhink all the time to money, like many of us are doing
I literally lost my mental health thinking of Link.
I am affected of a sindrom obsessive-compulsive (not trolling). In my mind during the days there are toughts like ''if you not do this (an X movement chosen by the mind) Link will never reach 1000$''
I turned into a paranoic man.
ALl day observing this board since 1 and half year.

This is too much for me. I had a tought: all the people who makes in life are not intelligent at all, the most of the time it's pure luck (beside talent in somenthing, such as sport)

There is no talent in trading: tomorrow sergey could die you end up being a patetic neet holding a meme dying coin

It's luck also with people who made with Bitcoin, they were there at the right time

They are not ''genious'', they are only lucky, and who ever say they are ''genious'' he's deluded

The fact is that everyone who has made had no idea to make it. People with btc and eth had no idea they will have gone to be rich (people holding since 2009-2011)

The fact that you are so secure to make it, it's a red flag into the determinismus of life. It should happen the opposite

>> No.13460041

60 000

>> No.13460071

70k to make it. It's been said a gorillion times.

>> No.13460088

ok. all in bitcoin sv. the change is so profitable. see you on the moon lads

>> No.13460094

There's simply not enough movement.It doesn't have the normie hype.Just buy bitcoins

>> No.13460129
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checked we are all with you till the end fren.

>> No.13460178

Why it hasn't normie hype?

>> No.13460193


This mindset would not invest in ETH while it was a few bucks.

>> No.13460256

Save yourself and get into Resistance when you get a chance anon.

>> No.13460290

80000 to be EXACT, you can literally google this anon

>> No.13460311

You're basically asking why normies are normalfags. It's an essential part of what they are. They wouldn't be npc's if they weren't npc's. Not that hard to figure out really.

>> No.13460367

I think there are 1080 people with 35k+
I'm one. And a delusional newfag who missed btc and eth. Luckily i have plans if it doesn't work out. But it will. Im more certain that link will free me, than i am of the Saturn worshipping death cult that runs the world.

>> No.13460428

I got into Resistance private sale and with what I know they will have IEO in Q2. What else do you like about this project?

>> No.13460459

where is your mainholding? just btc and eth for 95%? and then some link

>> No.13460470

yup, those are the only three you should care about. im only in 30% eth/70% link. same poster, but my ID probably changed.

>> No.13460474

>Luckily i have plans if it doesn't work out.
which plans do you have nigger?

>> No.13460490

I'm going to start a business you australopithic babboon.

>> No.13460493

no btc?

>> No.13460514

i dont think anyone who buys into BTC is dumb for doing so. it will have mad gains. but the ETH/LINK gains will likely be better.

>> No.13460516

business about what, you lowIq degenrate?

>> No.13460523
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Checked and Bloomerpilled

>> No.13460544

reminder that link is NOTHING like ethereum. Ethereum had a mainnet and hundreds of devs using 1 year after ICO. You will not /make it/ by holding link.

>> No.13460548

Hydroponic farming for high end restaurants, you untouchable, Ganges drinking mongoloid.

>> No.13460568

>Hydroponic farming for high end restaurants
competitors with better connections/resources will eat you alive

>> No.13460580
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>green tag
Confirmed. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.13460581

>there's like at least a dozen losers for every winner, likely even WAY MORE.

yes and they are the uninformed average joes that will fomo in at the top

>> No.13460590

If they do, I'll go back to wage cucking. No big deal. But I'm sure that you know what you're talking about.

>> No.13460644

Business is all on line nowdays. Phisical inventory/stores are for low Iq brainlets who can't even surf on internet.
Hydroponic way won't get you nowhere.
Who would need to buy that?

>> No.13460674

>thinks people won't be able to place orders online.
>thinks icgaf about some internet retard's opinion.

Good night sweet prince

>> No.13460679

Facts /thread

>> No.13461136

Hundreds of teams are waiting to use chainlink.

>> No.13461148

This frens, we'll all make it in the end

>> No.13461227
File: 1.24 MB, 1079x5901, CSW_chainlink_long.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry linkmarines, time to switch teams. You know it is inevitable.

Switch to Bitcoin SV while there is still time. You'll make it.

>> No.13461231
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>> No.13461561


fuck off rangesh. bchsv is a streetshitter coin

>> No.13461713



>> No.13461715


>> No.13461880
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>> No.13462088

100k here, I can tell you that's the absolute minimum to make it, I'm a close rory fren

>> No.13462702

Checked, keked and sirs-pilled

Just buyed 100k sirs

>> No.13462727

Lol you fucks are delusional and pathetic. Get a life
>a-and me to the screencap senpai

>> No.13462818

I can understand how you may believe that going all in on LINK is brainlet, but you would be stupid to be a nolinker this shit can moon so hard

>> No.13462971

110k is safe

>> No.13463022

It's unironically 50k to make it