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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13455346 No.13455346 [Reply] [Original]

You don't "watch" any ads you fucking retards. A litle notification box pops up in the corner, ans you can choose to close it or click to find out more. There is no videos, no propaganda, no "subjecting yourself to brainwashing for pennies".

You idiots are so willing to confidently FUD something you have no understanding of.

>> No.13455459

Do you enjoy getting random texts while watching a movie, studying, programming, or doing anything remotely productive? That's the Brave experience.

>> No.13455475

Yea I thought the same thing. These little notifications you don't even have to click on apparently, is how you earn BAT? Looks like a good deal to me

>> No.13455479

>10 BAT threads right now
coordinated shilling campaign, fucking Pajeets

>> No.13455499

yeah but how can i cash out the bat i earned for watching those ads? how am i "getting paid to watch ads" if all i get is a token that i cant cash out?

>> No.13455730

Nope, ads just released so people are excited. Goto rewards setting and you can change ads to display 5times/hour. Default is 2. I just keep brave open and when i come back to it i click the ad popup

>> No.13455765

It’s a scam just like giving away bat for signing up. Everything about this project is shady.

>> No.13455787

Nobatties literally on suicide watch. Goodluck with your Tron.

>> No.13455792

If you don't want to see Ads, don't turn on the feature!

>> No.13455798

i use adblock and my browsing experience has been 100x better. will never be going back.

>> No.13455817
File: 64 KB, 622x418, NeetParents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You don't "watch" any ads you fucking retards.

Advertisers will love this system. Donate money to NEETs, who won't even view the ad and don't have money to spend on your product anyway

>> No.13456711

The Brave browser is mind-fucking everyone here into wanting to watch ads and they're very uncomfortable with it because they know they're one step closer to abandoning their white-paper projects and fomo'ing into BAT before the rest of the normie investors do.

> Robinhood lists BAT as a "crypto-commodity"

Screencap this shit

>> No.13456757

how is that different from them donating money to website owners who then show their content to NEETs, who wont even view the ad.

>> No.13456793

It's like that FOR NOW.
It will be exploited by pajeets with many computers.
I wish I had access to a computer lab.
Just set up a bunch of browsers. Write a script to make it seem like I am browsing, auto clicks to close notification.

>> No.13456833

this desu. Better than buying ads that everyone blocks with ad blockers.

>> No.13456851

How would you launder the coins you earn since it will require KYC to withdraw?

>> No.13456966

Become a publisher and donate to yourself. Or wait til you can buy stuff with it.

>> No.13457158
File: 44 KB, 606x350, geocities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the reason why BAT will unironically make you a shitton of money if you hold bags in prep for a raging bull. I don't know how many of you are old enough to really remember the dot com boom, near the peak of the bubble there was a company that actually had a system to watch ads and send out checks. It was very easy to game the system and soon there were pics of monthly checks worth thousands of dollars. There was even a guy in my dorm that did it and got a few hundred. It all died horribly in the crash because it was a shit idea, but during a bubble investors thought literally everything web related would be guaranteed gains no matter what.

BAT is essentially the same fucking idea with a better thought out end game and an actual ecosystem to exist in to promote watching ads. It might work, but even if it doesn't, BAT is going to fucking Jupiter when we are full bubble and every retard thinks this is the new wave of advertising and recklessly throw money into BAT. Then it will crash when the bubble pops and people realize it did not revolutionize advertising and/or was a shit idea.

>> No.13457165

Yeah, still not buying

>> No.13457212 [DELETED] 
File: 859 KB, 1920x1080, 1552450494736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look for 'no view' publishers giving large amounts to themselves, the custodial wallets need to be on a centralized layer to prevent fraud or the system won't work. You can complain if you want, but realize you're the forseen problem.

>> No.13457307


It was called AdvantageSomething. BAT is much worse because it was at the beginning of DOT.com and since then Google has been perfecting its Advertising network, AI algos and fraud detection for 20 years now

>> No.13457790

just tip your own youtube channel brainlet

>> No.13457808

Shocked every /biz/raeli just uses Brave for free money desu. We waste all our time on here anyways

>> No.13457819

>It all died horribly in the crash because it was a shit idea
>BAT is essentially the same fucking idea

>> No.13457832

This project is retarded. I like the browser though.

>> No.13457839

>enabling ads

>> No.13457882

lmao imagine actually believing Brave is shady

literally one of like 3 legit companies in the entire fucking crypto space

>> No.13457952

>chink company announces an announcement of an announcement
>this is a reputable company!!

>> No.13457959
File: 65 KB, 465x699, 1351001099493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I've seen these notifications. They are usually for vpn's and crypto news. I've clicked on several of them for days now, but BAT has not been received; when will the rewards system be implemented?

>> No.13457985

Good. This isn't for you then. Get out bitch tits.

>> No.13457997

Brave is many things but a chink company?? Never.

>> No.13458542
File: 143 KB, 480x476, 1555120354821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to use BAT and Brave. In my new tabs it keeps saying hundred of ads have been blocked. What sites can I visit to earn BAT at an appreciable rate?

>> No.13458587

> change my browser just so I can make 10 meme bucks a year in BAT and can’t even convert it to anything else

Hard pass

>> No.13458598

god damn you people are the stupidest motherfuckers on the face of the earth. BAT is too good for you faggot.

>> No.13458600

imagine being so poor that a few extra bucks is worth fucking with your browsing experience

>> No.13458605


I was being serious. Do you earn BAT for all ads? or just some publishers?

>> No.13458608

I only downloaded Brave to support Donald Trump lmao https://brave.com/don840

>> No.13458610
File: 19 KB, 220x220, 1555692202818.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can just toggle it on tho, a little box pops up sometimes where I learn about a diff crypto site.

>> No.13458612

i stand by my point. literally explained in the OP.

>> No.13458652


Homie, I've been browsing for a bit and haven't gotten any ads or that box you describe. Stop being a fucking condescending prick when people are looking for help and clarification. No one will use this browser or the coin as intended if every time a news user is looking to set up BAT earning they run into people like you.

>> No.13458660

If you are actually a brainlet and fucking serious. You do not turn off the adblocker. You turn on Brave Rewards which will show windows/linux/mac OS level notifications that you can either ignore or click on. You don't have to watch a video or visit a website if you don't want to.

>> No.13458674

lol as if /biz/ had the reach/impact you ascribe to it. this is where you come to take a shit on brainlets like yourself. read more faggot.

>> No.13458691

>If you don't want to see Ads, don't turn on the feature!
Then why would I use Brave?

>> No.13458697


Hey man, there's really no need to be a dick. I'm not a brainlet--- I've never used brave before and all the info I'd found online about earning BAT was from 2018 where people were speculating about the implementation in Brave and there were no concrete details. Brave doesn't do much of a good job at all explaining its model or details of BAT earning to a non-technical, completely unfamiliar user. I'm guessing you've read the whitepaper, have experience with Brave, or have followed info on the brave earning model closely enough to start up with this and know what to expect with the earning. Seriously, if people install Brave and don't understand how the earning model works (or where it works, because any user with experience with chrome adblocker like me would think the Brave browser is mistakenly blocking ads and not earning BAT) they're not gonna stick it out for very long before just clicking on their chrome taskbar button and resuming their last tabs session. Don't be a reason this doesn't take off.

>> No.13458698

These fucking faggots will never get it. We are just trying to help them make it but they hate themselves so much that they don't want to be successful. They would rather buy memecoins than invest in something that the normie masses are eating up and will continue to eat up as the milestones are checked off one by one in the future.

>> No.13458703

You can make money off of shit ideas, especially if its easy normie bait in a bubble you knob. Just make sure you get out when all the plebs fomo their life savings.

>> No.13458705

It literally tells you what to do on a fresh install. Just keep adblocker on and turn on brave rewards. You can get to brave rewards from the main menu or by clicking the bat logo and then clicking on rewards settings.

>> No.13458707


Haha yikes! Can you tell me more about yourself? I genuinely, earnestly want to know more about you so I can put a face on this biz anon who has to one-up people about BAT to get a whiff of the rush of personal success. Exactly how abject and out of control is your professional life? Your personal life and love life?

>> No.13458724

lmao concern trolling, the last respite of a brainlet trying desperately not to come to terms with their lack of intelligence. You'll surely make it kid.

>> No.13458742
File: 108 KB, 211x241, le dog face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to wonder if BATmen being big meanies is a subtle fud; there's really no reason to be as hostile as all that every time someone expresses confusion or is curious about why something isn't working as expected.

>regards 70+k hodler

>> No.13458748

>I'm starting to wonder if BATmen being big meanies is a subtle fud; there's really no reason to be as hostile as all that every time someone expresses confusion or is curious about why something isn't working as expected.
Have you seen the OWN CHX threads before the price fell off the cliff? It went exactly like this.

>> No.13458787

Because it's the best ad-blocking browser if you DON'T want to see ads.

>> No.13458798

if I don't want to see ads, I take a nap

>> No.13458835

Because people asking the same stupid questions trying to FUD is annoying and tiresom.

>> No.13458854
File: 502 KB, 500x223, le rutger hauer face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls don't scare me like that anon.

>> No.13458887

I've made about $1 (53 clicked ads, BAT fluctuates in price) and haven't even noticed, not bad as I only click ads when I'm wasting time anyway. What don't people get? Also what happened to OWN CHX?

>> No.13458922

it's even worse on Windows because it plays that aweful notification door bell sound. after about 10 minutes of that shit i was done.

>> No.13459106

>will require KYC to withdraw
You need kyc to withdraw bat from brave?you need kyc to basically use the browser? If so dead on arrival. So glad I sold my bags of bat.

>> No.13459135

There are way more normies than aspie crypto fags. The fact you havent figured this out shows you are never going to make it.

>> No.13459157
File: 9 KB, 583x195, Based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need kyc to withdraw [ x ] from [ y ] though too don't you? What exchange are you using that you can cash out anonymously?

>> No.13459670

Literally the opposite of whatever OP said. Have you read the documents? Only a fool would make a thread like this.

>> No.13459934

The best thing is, Brave and BAT will only continue to get better while a lot of the vaporware shitcoins shilled on /biz/ slowly die out. BAT is the real deal. It's only going to get better and better.

>> No.13459974

People can think whatever they want about BAT, it may or may not end up innovating a new approach to online advertising.

What is more important (in my mind), is if there is another crypto bubble, if BAT had the same market cap as something which is an obvious scam that no owner can articulate what the point of the coin is (TRON), BAT would be worth over $10 per coin.

You are really, really thick and obtuse if you can't realize that the masses that bought this useless crypto crap back then will actually be able to at least have a basic concept of what Brave/BAT is trying to accomplish. And it will be a top 10 coin easy.

Good luck counting on your magic crypto "world changing" projects to be the one that actually goes ape shit next run up. I don't care if BAT eventually turns to dust, I just know that it has the most potential to make me a shit ton of money in a short period of time.

>> No.13460091

and those same ad algos fuck up your pc with infections because the vetting process is nonexistent; the fraud detection is laughably bad, the entire digital advertising industry loses an insane amount of money per year to click fraud and it is going unchecked. enter brave. >>13457158
jesus christ i remember that webpage when it was new

>> No.13460121

>He thinks mass adoption of BAT is coming
>People already in crypto can't even figure out how to use it.
Pick one BATard

>> No.13460137

>Makes $.02 a ad
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. And you retards think this is a long lasting idea. You'll be blasting your eye balls with literally 1,000 ads for $20 whole dollars. That's not even mturk pajeet level money and you'll be wasting several hours of your life.

>> No.13460146

No one is going through KYC for $5 or $10 of BAT.

>> No.13460148


>> No.13460326

Kyc is one thing
Putting a face to months of browser history for $10... that's another

>> No.13460327

exactly. as a result users pump it back into the ecosystem with tips and donations. it replaces the microtransaction model and subscription model

>> No.13460427

I bet you sell something with ads and are mad because you get no money.
Ads are annoying I never baught anything in an online add and fuck the retards who do it.

>> No.13460550

Good thing it's literally opt in. Plus the current system is hardly working, more and more sites have paywalls or require adverts. Many of these may allow BAT to be used or brave ads in their place, so you get paid where you'd have to voew ads anyway.

No one on earth gas ever promised you'd make a living watching ads you gross subhuman