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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1343759 No.1343759 [Reply] [Original]

>Trump Supporters Helping Fund Donald Trumps Presidential Campaign

>Info website for the normies shill to no end!

The prime directive of Trump Coin is to be a campaign donation project. 200k Trump Coins have been set aside (Trump Fund) for this specific purpose. What this means is the higher the value Trump Coin becomes the more dollar value the Trump Campaign Fund becomes.
The more Trump Coins sold the higher the coins value will increase. If we consider at one point the Ron Paul coin was valued at $10 per coin then those 200,000 Trump Coins could turn in to a substantial donation. If Donald Trump acknowledged the project then the value of a single Trump Coin could literally go ballistic.


>Please vote for Trumpcoin to be added to Rawx exchange


>What is TrumpCoin?

>Introducing: TrumpCoin

>トランプ2016 https://youtu.be/ZbM6WbUw7Bs

>Low-energy Ron Paul talking about Ron Paul Coin


>> No.1343762

It's hit the highest price i've seen while i have been holding it. I had told myself i would sell at 7k to double my investment, but i will continue to hold and stake with my wallet.

>> No.1343776
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For fucks sake

I'm so close to falling for this blatant scam/Ponzi scheme

Some rational anon talk me out of this before I get fucked over

>> No.1343778

Anon, the value will only keep going up as Trump wins more and more states.
Sell just before the result is declared.

>> No.1343782

Do you really think OP would be posting this if it *wasn't* for personal gain?

If that's not enough to convince you, nothing will.

>> No.1343784
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Hashocean was a blatant ponzi scheme.

Trumpcoin is a crypto. It's value is measured by what people ascribe to it, same as US dollars, gold, shekels, really any other asset.

I personally have really high hopes for this thing based on the track record of other memecoins and the fact that Trump has more name recognition than probably anyone else on earth.

To the moon lads!!

>> No.1343788
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Help me get started a bit /biz/, already thrown 120$ in but I won't be paid until Friday. Will pay it forward for shilling purposes when I reup.

>> No.1343813

Are you a nigger in real life?

>> No.1343818 [DELETED] 
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Will dance for Trumps, plox.

>> No.1343820

I am at 170% profit and will hold till the september.

>> No.1343824

This will all come crashing down very hard and you all will lose a lot of money

>> No.1343825
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The_donald mods just stickied a post saying its a scam lel

>> No.1343826

>a lot of money
To get in now would be like choosing to forgoe a night on drinking for some people. This is like playing with loose change

>> No.1343832


What the fuck?


What the fuck is this shit?

>> No.1343834


It's more like throwing a quarter in a wishing well and expecting a dollar to fly out

>> No.1343854

sooo... is this is then?

>> No.1343867

To the fucking moon we go, stickied in a 100k+ member subreddit, outed as a scam, get this shit to the liberal media and we're going to ride this scandal like absolute madmen.

>> No.1343871

This. So much this!

>> No.1343873

Yes it's a scam you fucking morans

>> No.1343879


Lets hope so.


Yea no shit its a fucking pump and dump coin.

>> No.1343881
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>calls others morons
>can't even spell it

>> No.1343883

to the moon!

>> No.1343886


i'm certain they'll come around. Trump is a derivative of other cryptos codewise, saying trump is a scam is saying bitcoin is a scam.

I doubt they've put any thought in this decision and it can't stand up to scrutiny.

>> No.1343890

are you being sarcastic when you say "to the moon" & "outed as a scam"? do you think people will view it as a scam, or will look into it and see that it isn't?

reddit is reddit, so i don't really know what to expect from them. the link above might have been the 10th time i've ever visited reddit.

>> No.1343897
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Call them out, with arguments and fact, on their choice. This is a PR campaign and TrumpCoin is being baptized in fire.

We KNOW painting TrumpCoin as 'magic internet scam money' is as reasonable as calling bitcoin 'useless bytes of data'. Is there a base of cynical truth to it? Sure. But the value and the community that shoulders these initiatives is undeniably real.

Upvote those that bring valid discussion to the topic, downvote the trolls and the hate spewers. You know, like how reddit should work if used properly.

Beyond that, keep calm and watch the rollercoaster.

>> No.1343913


Are you the guy with 50k in this? Liquidate now, don't be absurd. This is crashing. I'll enjoy my 30% profit and put it all into my stocks.

>> No.1343915

People there's a simple way to fix this. Upvote the pro-trump coin comments...

>> No.1343918

Trying to get in at a lower pricepoint while the shaky-handed stumped ones drip out are you? I'll match your purchase to build this wall HIGHER.

>> No.1343923


Don't panic.

>> No.1343924


you're either a liberal wanting this to fail or you want to buy cheap. small bump in the road, many more to come. even people who knew about bitcoin from the start, most everyone got shaken off and didn't get rich.

don't be that person

>> No.1343932


Maybe :^)

I casually day traded the first spike and made 300, and had almost no risk in how I did it. I'm saying that the plan didn't work out. I'll make another 300 in profit after I've liquidated all my holdings. I might buy back in. If you are one of the guys with huge amounts in this then take profits, don't be an idiot.

>> No.1343940
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50k as in dollars or trumpcoins? Damn.

I'm riding this roller coaster regardless.

If I make any decent money off of this I'll buy a glider, call it the 'meme-machine' and go moon.

>> No.1343952

i suggest people go and upvote dissenting opinions in /the_donald/, as the mods are absolutely clueless here.

What a retarded decision. They've changed their mind within 24 hours i'm sure. Since when did that subreddit become a police state where the mods make the decisions, unbelieveable

>> No.1343955

I'm part of the group with $50K invested in the coin.

The consensus is to hold until Trump endorses or loose it waiting.

($50K is not a lot of money compared to our other crypto holdings. Many people in this group.)

>> No.1343958

they are deleting every post defending TrumpCoin, it's ridiculous

>> No.1343959


Agreed. People are putting in well thought out posts.

Don't go to the thread by the link I sent, I think Reddit can detect vote manipulation if they see people came from /biz/ to reddit.

>> No.1343961

To clarify, this still has tons of potential, and reddit might even warm up to it eventually. But I'd take profits. Just know that everyone else will, and you might find yourself in the red with no clear way out.

>> No.1343962


liberals run the scam you fucking mong

if they really liked trump they wouldn't try and rip off a bunch of people who supported him

this kikery is out of control

>> No.1343963


1post by this id

there is no group with $50k invested in trump. that is equal to 20% of the entire supply, and I can assure you noone has that much.

Just another liar spreading fud

>> No.1343968

As a group, yeah, that makes way more sense. I have 20k coin from buying early.

The ride is going to be half the fun, I can afford to lose it all, idgaf.

I'm serious about the glider, It'll be registered as 'G-MAGA'. Farming is my business, memes are my life.

I was under the impression that we'd be getting support from the reddit. Where is all this undue faggotry coming from?

>> No.1343992

Well they are still giving us free publicity

>> No.1343997

These are the same mods who stickied Cruz Twitter plots to make people think Trump rivals were dropping out of the race, like what Cruz did to Ben Carson

>> No.1343998
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The moderation team of that subreddit is receptive to clarification and positive interactions. The extremely negative OP has already been nuanced.

Don't knee-jerk or start massive drama. Stay calm. Stay civil. Stay TRUMP.

Keep calm and MAGA on.

>> No.1344004

Bad press is good press. If Trump taught the media or anyone anything it's this. By saying we're not going to advertise for them they did it. People will be interested.

>> No.1344009

Exactly, it's the Same tactic donald uses with The media

>> No.1344014
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We're playing 4D chess here like the god king himself anon.

We're getting bad press to retract their statement, for the triple combo of bad press into bad press scandal that then evolves into good press. Grab your goddamn coat.


>> No.1344018

Trump coin would have been a lot more valuable had it been running during the primaries

Just thinking about the skyrocket potential after South Carolina, Super Tuesday or knocking out Rubio makes my head spin

In a general election, it's only a long slog all the way to November with no voting Inbetween

>> No.1344032
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>> No.1344043


It is a campaign fundraiser. People here find it's a fun way to support Trump without blindly throwing money in an online donation portal only to never see it again.

If you buy and hold the coin it stakes and will keep gathering coins, you could easily sell those to regain your initial deposit and hold the rest of the coins


We've discussed the risks plenty of times but you also need to recognize the potential upside to this. A lot of people have determined that the upsides far out weight the risk of a cheap crypto coin.

You should only put in what you're comfortable losing. To mitigate risks you should limit your investments somewhat. No one here is telling you to take a mortgage out to buy coins, we're saying if you had a couple hundred lying around like the rest of us it's not a bad idea to get some trumpcoins. If you were to lose a couple hundred you could stomach it but if you lost your life savings you'd be freaking out. However, even a couple hundred into this can still grow as the coin is barely above 4 cents.

>> No.1344054


Also the majority of you guys should not spam this on Reddit. Let the devs discuss this with the mods.

The dev team has bought trumpcoin.com and has invested other money into promotion and marketing tools (videos/guides).

At the most have a username that mentions Trumpcoin or the site somehow in the username and that's about it. Do not post it directly until the tipbot has been implemented.

Most people don't seem to know or remember that there are 200,000 set aside to fundraise for Trump. This is a way to help campaign for him and once the rest of those subreddit mods understand everything will proceed as usual

>> No.1344079

>You should only put in what you're comfortable losing

having this in mind, as everyone should for any investment of this sort, i still dont get why there are people chanting
>This is a scam!
>It will fail!
>You will all lose your money!

>> No.1344083


>> No.1344091
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The two challenges we seem to be facing are that:

1) Everyone thinks we are encouraging people to dump their life savings.

Sure I've seen the really shitty shill posts but those are at best trolls. Most of the people involved with this have been reasonable and have not put everything on the line for this coin. The purpose is to help the campaign - not put all of your life savings as if it was a roulette table

2) Not helping the campaign

Just have to keep echoing that there are 200,00 coins set aside. I think the Reddit moderator was unaware of the developments being made and I'm going to guess a lot of people tried to directly post threads to talk about the coin. That is stupid beyond all hell and its just going to piss people off. People need to understand that there are better ways to advertise the coin and to get people interested in being involved

>> No.1344094

che cazzo posti? Ti sei perso?

>> No.1344099


>> No.1344107

>The ride is going to be half the fun, I can afford to lose it all, idgaf.
my thoughts too, gliderbro. i also have a big holding and i wouldn't have bought the coins with money that i needed for other things. if it crumbles, it crumbles. it still won't be near to the worst day of my life.
but if it soars, soars real high, then i'll be stoked and have a chuckle and figure out what to do with a few hundred thousand dollars.

>> No.1344108

This tells me all I need to know about the braindead morons who run this shit
You had months, yet get tripped over stupid shit like this

I'm selling all, won't put any trust on retards who are too stupid to plan even one step ahead

>> No.1344117


It seems reddit is rustled and thinks the coin was heavily premined but the only way to actually mine it is through staking in your wallet at 2% annually...

>> No.1344130

I reported it to the mods :)
Shouldn't had admitted on /pol/ that its a scam

>> No.1344131

7165, was 6000 just few minutes ago

>> No.1344142

Why is Reddit filled with morons?

>> No.1344162

Cause their main subject is wifesharing and generally being cucks

>> No.1344170
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This is what's been sent to the mod team of /r/The_Donald in relation to a bunch of you inane cucks that are trying to ride this thing like the pump and dump your other shitcoins are.

We've been telling you time and time again that this thing has actual value and actual potential behind it, but some small section just had to take the memes too far and make the rest of us look like jews.

>> No.1344172

But the debates are going to be more viewed than the super bowl. Their are numerous polling cycles which get toted as fact.

As anyone got a faucet up? I really want to click up a couple coins, and get other people doing that so they don't have to drop money to get one and start tipping.

>> No.1344179
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ffs, this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.1344187


Not sure where you're getting that from but I'm guessing you didn't want to help campaign for Trump


We'll be fine. Just need to show that there are a lot of committed people interested in benefiting the campaign. Unfortunately some people here are either awful with trying to get people to join or are just spamming. There's longer term value here as there key months to go

>> No.1344193

It's been linked to /r9k/ on purpose, because we all know how loved and known that ""board"" is.

the /pol/ threads are inherently toxic and shilled, the anti-trump brigade has FIELD DAYS on /pol/ since they're otherwise one of Trump's big supports. Getting incriminated, especially if you're not a PR person at heart, will happen before you know it.

Instead of infighting and spouting memes, we need to keep this show high level. Keep /pol/ out of it, communicate with the devs and with media outlets, perhaps open a dialogue with the donald subreddit that outlines how deep the anti-Trump PR has infected even initiatives like TrumpCoin.

We'll get nowhere by being known as 'that coin /pol/ hates, which is also backed by /r9k/'.

>> No.1344199

I didn't like the thread spammed on /pol/ yesterday either. Today I went into the Trump general and someone was saying trumpcoin is a scam. So I intervened and I BTFO him and others with facts. I think this is how we should do it. I said it many times in these threads. We mustn't be annoying, or pushy. It was hard trying to explain them it wasn't a scam after one of ours (or a false-flage faggot) told them "we KNOW it's a scam and we like it that way".

>> No.1344204


Yeah you have to attack the common issues people have

1) Premined

Nope, and you can only "mine" it through the staking at 2% annually

2) Purpose?

Donation to the campaign. 200k coins set aside along with another 100k directly (from website)

3) Spam

This is on us. No reason to spam the hell of it on /pol/ or /r9k/ this is not our target audience. They're interested in derailing the project in a week when we're trying to get some stability and attention to this

>> No.1344209

4) Trump will Sue

People constantly relate this coin to coinye west. However, since Trump entered the presidential campaign his name and likeness have become public domain. He can't sue because of this.

>> No.1344223

Yes a pump and dump coin will help Trumps image.

The creators will not donate the money to him.
Noone is buying your bullshit.

>> No.1344225


They're investing money into domain names which they had to pay a lot for since other people held it and they're putting money into marketing and advertising as long as putting their free time into it. They're likely working people like you or me

>> No.1344303

Damn they are censoring like hell


Look at The red marked comments

>> No.1344310 [DELETED] 

>Reddit is censoring the_donald fucking bernie leftist scum!!
>Twitter is censoring us what happened to free speech!!1! Nobody can stop the_donald!!


>the_donald mods blatantly censor a small community based around a grassroots donation campaign for Trump

Never change, Reddit.

>> No.1344318

>Reddit is censoring the_donald fucking bernie leftist scum!!
>Twitter is censoring us what happened to free speech!!1! Nobody can stop the_donald!!

>the_donald mods blatantly censor a small community based around a grassroots donation campaign for Trump

Never change, Reddit.

>> No.1344357
File: 18 KB, 905x202, WELL THEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy.

>> No.1344358

We need to shill the reddit harder comrades.

Do it for Daddy.

>> No.1344363

Stop scamming people

>> No.1344370

Are you calling helping Donald J Trump ascend to the throne a scam?

>> No.1344375
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>> No.1344376

Can you stop pretending?
>200k Trump Coins have been set aside (Trump Fund) for this specific purpose.
> If we consider at one point the Ron Paul coin was valued at $10 per coin then those 200,000 Trump Coins could turn in to a substantial donation.
Yes im going to trust people who bothered to do there domain
Via a annonymus proxy hoster
With 2mln$

Even if that was the case "investing" in this coin that has a inbuilt pump and dump like this is ridiculous.
You can just donate to his campaign instead.

You are not fooling anybody

>> No.1344377
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Look out guys, he said he isn't joking

>> No.1344381

>I'm not joking

>> No.1344383

>However, since Trump entered the presidential campaign his name and likeness have become public domain. He can't sue because of this.
Does that mean a real estate developer can just slap his name on a building and call it Trump Apartment then?

Trump is a man who made fortune licensing his name and with access to the best lawyers on earth. Why the fuck do you think "it's le public domain XDDDD" is enough defense?
Before you say "but we'll donate!", the last thing Trump care about is money, he's already losing more money than you make in a lifetime from his business by running for President. 200k memecoin won't change his mind.

This had potential, but sadly people running it are too incompetent, that whole reddit shit could be very very easily avoided if they have a gram of foresight. But now with Trumpcoin name tainted because of it, you won't likely see any comeback, if ever. First impression is very important, and it's been branded as scam, at best 20% will change their mind. Even then they'll be too wary to invest money into this.

I want to advise you guys to just get out, but I see some people already had their mind made up so I won't do it and just let you lot decide for yourself
PS: Censoring stuff is how they do things at reddit, you're very naive if you expect anything but

>> No.1344394
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>> No.1344411

Also, if they already contact the mods and pitch the idea of tipbot instead of gilding comment, it's very likely that the mods will steal the idea and just make a new crypto themselves

They'll say something like: We see many bad people are trying to scam us, so we'll just go ahead and make an official cryptocurrency. The main function is to replace gilding because we hate reddit. Now suck our cock.

The retards there will lap it up 100%

>> No.1344425

if if if if if if if you don't s-stop this newfangled cryptocurrency hullaboo i'll call on my wife's lover to set you straight

>> No.1344427

So is the interview on the 1st actually confirmed?

>> No.1344431


Moderator claims he's in the army and wants transparency

People posted source codes, a couple of stats of the project, and actually posed some rational arguments and also questioned why he couldn't just say "Don't promote Trumpcoin" instead of "Trumcoin is a scam"

>> No.1344436
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Reminder update for those who didn't see or don't follow the forum thread on bitcointalk:


Howdy Trump fans, we have some major updates on several fronts:

1. Website. The unbelievably dedicated Trump fan bitbullbarbados has secured ownership of the domain http://trumpcoin.com to be used for this project. He achieved this through his own negotiation with the previous owner and with the use of his own fiat, which was a serious amount of money.

This is incredible news and we all owe bitbullbarbados a major debt of gratitude for a first class job!! A big thanks also to Signal7 for his extensive efforts on the tech side (which I'll go into more detail about later in the week).

The new domain has already been set up to redirect to http://trumpcoin.rocks while the new site is being designed. The website team have the framework built and should have things finalized within a week. The new site will go live soon after that on the new domain.

Once again a yuge thanks to bitbullbarbados for this amazing contribution to the coin. This is above and beyond anything we could have hoped for the new domain name. Truly outstanding job. If you want to post your Trump address in the thread bitbull I'd be the first to send some your way.


part 2 below

>> No.1344439


2. Organization. I'm happy to advise we have several positions on the team filled including some new director appointments. Everyone on this team has already contributed to the coin in some way and it's easy to see we have some fantastic people behind this coin. If you believe you have what it takes and want to join the team just shoot me a PM and I'll get back to you.
3. Video. Below is a recent update from TrumpContentCreator regarding the new video:

Quote from: TrumpCoinContent on June 27, 2016, 05:33:14 AM
Update on the "How To Buy" Video
Should be coming quite soon, had a stack of other projects holding me back but I'd say a week/week and a half at the longest

This is terrific news and we're all looking forward to to this. The how-to video will be a big help especially to newcomers who may not have prior experience with crypto. Like the first two I can tell this video will be a tremendous success.

4 Other plans. A new btctalk thread will be created concurrent with the new website. The thread will feature a new announcement, a consolidated list of official links and we'll consider the option of a moderated thread (not set in stone yet). We'll also include two Trump addresses, one for donations to the Trump Fund and another for donations to the Trump devteam, which will both be included on the website and in the new announcement. An official Trumpcoin twitter with a good username will be established, since we currently have a few around the place. Numerous other ideas have been raised (including some good ideas in Chicken65's final post as dev) and the remainder will be addressed in the new official announcement thread.

We've seen an immense amount of energy, organization and professionalism from everybody involved in this coin over the past few weeks. If we keep it up and continue thinking big there's no limit to what we can achieve with this project.


>> No.1344447


>he doesnt know the morans meme
>being this new

>> No.1344450

Idk if you saw but we took a big hit today. The mods at r/thedonald made an announcement that anyone who promotes or defends trumpcoin on there will be banned. The mods came out and are calling it a scam.

>> No.1344457


We've been discussing it above, a lot of people spammed the mods with either the troll /r9k/ post or just asking them to promote trumpcoin without letting the devs discuss it first.

The dev team is investing money and time into this and hopefully they'll be able to turn things around but if not there are still other promotional avenues to pursue. A reddit tip bot seemed like the easiest route to take, it can still at least be implemented elsewhere

>> No.1344459

You do realize thats a good thing right? the users of r/thedonald hate the mods.

>> No.1344464

Don't bother posting in the thread. Discontent is heavily censored. Here's a link to its archive, deleted posts marked in red:

Redditors are fucking hopelesss. thanks for the crash from the 7k wall though, I needed to buy back in.

>> No.1344469
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>doesn't understand irony

>> No.1344470

>the users of r/thedonald hate the mods.
Why do you think it matters?
Mods /literally/ have total control of a subreddit

>> No.1344473

They might buy it out of spite, they can't control their actions outside of r/thedonald.

>> No.1344474


Also, keep in mind how fickle /pol/ in. Everyone was screaming for Brexit, right up until the result was announced, then they switched over to acting like they were for Remain all along. When Trump wins, exactly the same will happen.

Leave /pol/ well out of it. They are on the side of whichever meme is popular this particular hour.

>> No.1344479

Don't you realize that the developers have their own stash, kinda like how companies own some of their own stock?

I know this is b8, but god damn I had to reply

>> No.1344480


90% of the people who saw that thread had never heard of Trumpcoin, theres probably 1,000 lurkers now doing DD on trumpcoin thanks to their thread.

Oh and there's still plenty, and remember this folks, PLENNNTY of other subreddits that will benefit YUGELY from a tip bot believe me folks.

We are literally up 2 full cents in 72 hours with people taking profits, it's fucking happening you neets, we Chad soon!

>> No.1344483


>Does that mean a real estate developer can just slap his name on a building and call it Trump Apartment then?

Obviously that would infringe on the Trump real estate trademark.

Now, he does have a trademark for the Trump name too, but because of the campaign that's where it becomes hard for them to sue over its use.

As far as I can tell, the only trademark law I could see Trump's lawyers using is Trademark Confusion; is it clear that the Trump campaign is NOT behind the TrumpCoin and that Trump has NOT provided any consent. This needs to be cleared up for sure, as it could infringe.

>> No.1344493
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This exact edit could be said of practically all penny stocks and the stock market in general. People get fucked over all the time there cause they do not have the information or wit to make money there.

>The reddit mod has admitted that they don't know shit about crypto.
>Readers of the_Donald hate the mods
>shills will be shills

we will simply moon on.

but seriously let the trumpcoin dev team work it out and stop shilling so hard to reddit and the other boards. people already know about it on 4chan. if you want to help out please link the websites in the OP to normiebook and shit like that.

>> No.1344496

>dat ID

You're right, these crypto currencies are a lot like stock, so I look at them like stocks. I wish everyone else would do the same.

>> No.1344497

The cuck mods are way to fucking stupid for that. They're worse than r/4chan mods.

>> No.1344500
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praise kek for the chosen ID

>> No.1344503

Just very volatile and with no value behind it other than hype

>> No.1344523

I want to drop 1btc on this, but I've never bought any coins except bitcoin itself.
Should I just buy what I can or set like staggered buy orders and shit?
lol I have no idea what I'm doing.jpg

I just want 1btc of trump at a fair price, best way?

>> No.1344527

I put about 4btc into it. Even though in the end I will make more from it because I bought low I wish I would have staggered it to help the market more even if it would have hurt me in the short run.

Your call but if you have 1btc to drop then catch it on this reddit dip.

>> No.1344528

"We recomend using Blockchain"
recomend ...
on the get started page.

>> No.1344530


give ETH address, this ID deserves some heavy tips

>> No.1344534

So are stocks. One positive news story can skyrocket the price of a stock easy

>> No.1344536
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>> No.1344543

thanks. will fix right now.


>> No.1344563 [DELETED] 

i feel sorry for trump coin when the ethereum is gonna fuck it up i'll blaze a joint and watch it burn

>> No.1344574

Just buy more dip off the reddit bad press and let the media surge pump this fucking coin. If it's happening man can get 10 bucks a coin we'll hit 100 without reddit.

>> No.1344575

But they at least have the value and wellbeing of a company behind them

>> No.1344586
File: 288 KB, 500x270, 07f04167bb9eb395ce8e708e1378c3044f0edf61_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit,
The President Trump reddit just tore itself in half over a campaign effort

>> No.1344597

Lmao, the reddit FUD couldn't even dip it below 4 cents.
What a fuckin low energy cuck group.

In other news I can't extend my position at a cheaper cost :(

damn you trumpcoin for being so yuge

>> No.1344612
File: 15 KB, 480x360, 1467085913091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Trump seems to be stabilizing at a nice number for now
As for July 1st, make sure whoever is involved is prepared for the interview and ready to answer any and all questions, I don't want any fumbles here

>> No.1344613
File: 994 KB, 1366x768, -It-s-not-a-crime-if-no-one-finds-out-haiyore-nyaruko-san-31864473-1366-768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep calm and read this shit.


The_Donald is compromised from within by ANTI TRUMP lobbyists that are part of Hillary's operation to rewrite the internet. This is not a drill.


These mods are CRIMINALS.

>> No.1344635

As a NEET with no expenses but only $500, how much should I put in to Trumpcoin? Just put in $40.00. Also, how do I sell it?

>> No.1344638

Put in as much as you're comfortable losing, but keep in mind now might be the last dip before we MOON

selling is converting to BTC then fiat or gold or other crypto

>> No.1344661

The_Donald has been confirmed compromised, so we will utilizing the tip bot on the new Donald sub which should reveal itself shortly..as well as other related subs.

What's the conversion rate of trumpcoins to tendies?

Mom needs to know

>> No.1344669

~20-25 TRUMPs per tendy?

>> No.1344685

Is this really going to ever reach $10 or more or did I fall for a shilling ponzi scheme?

>> No.1344689

If it was gonna crash hard it would have been today. There was lots of panic selling and a big dip but its already back up to .00007. It may not hit $10/coin but it still has lots of potential.

>> No.1344690


Trump coin hitting $10 would be like winning the lottery, don't expect it to happen

$1 is a very realistic possibility though

>> No.1344715

It will never be a SUSTAINED $10 dollar coin, but that's not to say it won't reach $10.

Take it from someone on like there's 5th rodeo (between crypto and penny stocks) out of maybe 100 iv thrown money at... coins that moon have this crazy ability to double by mental thresholds.
It takes months to hit 10 cents, then all of a sudden it can double to 20 on 2 weeks. Then when 20 becomes the new mental norm, and it claws to say $1 over more months, all of a sudden it's $2, $4, $10 etc.

Then people take profit and you know the rest

There's a term for it and I know I'm not explaining g well... my first language is not English.

But I went thru this almost exactly feeling before, it's why I don't thumb my nose at a 10 dollar prediction, iv seen a fake MJ stock go from worthless to 5usd... same type of "doubling" ..

>> No.1344750

7787 bois

>> No.1344755

I think this whole "donating without donating" ides that trumpcoin has stumbled onto is a really novel idea.

Let's say you had $100 that you were already mentally ready to part ways with in the form of a campaign donation.

Instead of cutting a check and transferring the money away, you buy $100 worth of a "stock" let's call it - your buys as well as others buys, increase the price over time.

There's a fund of allocated stocks for the cause that is raising in value as well and you just donated without donating.

If the stock eventually falls to zero, we'll you were already gonna donate $100 anyway.

If you make a little profit or get to be a part of a community, great.

The fund can even Ben refilled after the first go around to ensure longevity of the project.

It's a lot NEETer than people are giving it credit for.

That being said, I have 100% faith in this coin now that pajeet dev is gone.

My body is ready for the moon

>> No.1344771

Who made money off the panic selling today? Feels good senpai

>> No.1344775

what are you guys doing to not miss a skyrocket? I'm always afraid that it hits $1 while i'm asleep and be back to nothing when I wake up.

>> No.1344793

Devs need to add yobit to the exchanges on the website and switch to .com domain for legitimacy reasons, I'm not threatened by the bad press from the subreddit but going forward we will need to emphasize the possible campaign contributions of the coin and ensure it doesn't alarm people like the crypto ignorant reddit mod as a sketchy outfit.

>> No.1344795

People are gonna be making money off my panicked buying if it keeps going up.
Basically I'm gonna buy if it's goes to 5 cents OR if it goes to 3 cents, yes I am a retard.
But whatever

>> No.1344802

How long does it take to confirm the BTC deposits in C-Cex? Last night it was about 10 minutes but I've been waiting about 20 and it's only on 1/2 confirming.

>> No.1344824

Sometimes it can take up to 40 minutes, just make sure to refresh senpai.

>> No.1344840 [DELETED] 
File: 319 KB, 500x386, tumblr_m48iu588LF1rpntni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey gentlemen. How's it going? Can you send me a few trumpcoins to get an europoor started on his interest rate?

>> No.1344851

There's a new website (template/content)
a new domain with .com as the tld
and a new normie how to buy video

all coming out within a week.

up to an hour fa,m don't stress

>> No.1344857

Sent 1 trump, onward trump solja!

>> No.1344864

We need to use one of those paid to solve captchas affiliates to set up a faucet to handle all these bernie beg posts.

If we can set it up where they solve x amount of captchas to get 1 trumpcoin and
the captcha solves generate > the price of 1 trump, we can then take the money generated by the solves and use it to buy trumpcoins at market buys.

This will turn a captcha into a way to rise trumpcoin price.

Now we're thinking like Mr Trump lads

>> No.1344865 [DELETED] 

Thanks, anon. Does it automatically confirm the transaction or do I have to log into my email?

>> No.1344868 [DELETED] 

Can we do short.st and ad.links too?

>> No.1344874

Should just hit your wallet, if the address was attached to an exchange just whatever their policy is :)

>> No.1344876

We know what you mean based pajeet trumpcoin supporter.

Behavioral Economics abnormal price theory perhaps. Either way, the doubling off mental integers is what we will see with TrumpCoin, yes

>> No.1344889

I Kek'd way harder than I should have at
>meme director
lol wtf

>> No.1344895
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To the moon!

>> No.1344903
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>> No.1344922
File: 73 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Claimed for when we hit $10 a coin

so step off her fucker

>> No.1344932

Regarding videos, there needs to be one that is litterally babies first cryptocurrency. Every step of the way on how to buy these things for someone who has a bank account, an email address and no other idea what they are doing. No prior knowledge or terminology.

>> No.1344936

should be coming within a week

>> No.1344937

your'e thinking too small friend

>> No.1344947

m8 trust me, Trump is already on this sue-me-no-I-sue-you affair since the 80s with the best lawyers money can buy. You literally goes against a man with unlimited resource
If he decides to goes for this, it's 100% fucked

>> No.1344963

I'm betting on $3-$4 without Trump endorsing it.

>> No.1344974

I doubt he will directly. Maybe an aide will mention it by name and he'll make a comment on crypto in general. Would be too risky in terms of his campaign to directly endorse it just in case it flops.

>> No.1344978

What's your prediction if he does? I'd assume $100 that day.

>> No.1344980
File: 35 KB, 384x384, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still haven't broken even from the April highs
>all these newfag so getting the coin for cheaper

>> No.1345023

Just make the fucking bot THEN get it used on uncucked subs like Mr_Trump

When people see that the infrastructure works, and that anyone can cash out if they want, then they won't cry that it's a scam.

Also, any rich anons who want to see it succeed should throw a couple of Trumps to top-rated posts

>> No.1345055

Calm down friend, we are already working on the tip bot as well as a tip bot for the new exchange we got listed on recently (up to 3 exchanges)
Whooole bunch of shit being rolled out in under 10 days

>> No.1345086

3 days till interview
I hope we've hooked it already, because I'm super hype for it
>in under 10 days
looking forward to this too, I wish I could've put more than $3 in but whatever

>> No.1345114

Mods likely banned discussion in order to short the price. They'll reopen it once they are properly invested. Screen cap this.

>> No.1345138

Upon reflection, this is insane. The jumps Trumpcoin has made are unparalleled (well, Ether coin comes close). When will scientists begin harvesting memes as an alternative (high)energy source?

>> No.1345167

Imagine all the poor Stacy's..laying there with a sweaty neckbeard on top of her slamming away with his 3 inches.

His hot panting from being out of breathe on her face after 90 seconds of Jack rabbit pumps.

I guess that's what happens when a high energy coin turns a bunch of NEETS into Chads in a matter of mere months.

girls shouldn't be such money grabbers then.

>> No.1345197


>> No.1345234
File: 20 KB, 1097x222, we did it boys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1345247


>> No.1345249

French revolution, renaissance, silk road....history is a long chain of memes

>> No.1345289

[citation needed]

>> No.1345297

Tell me when the next jump will happen. I will buy on the next dip if there is a future pump guarenteed

>> No.1345302

nah dude i'm just playing, it was a small dip

>> No.1345325

1btc deposit just cleared and arrived on yo bit. Talk me out of doing ONE double up roll on Satoshi dice.

One fuckin pull goes my way and I get 2 btc worth of Trump boys!

>> No.1345338

do it desu

>> No.1345339

Not worth the risk. You're more likely to double your investment by putting 1btc into Trump.

>> No.1345345


Still going strong now and with the updates hinting at big plans rolling out within the week you might not be able to see these prices again

>> No.1345346

so if he does it and then puts the 2 btc into trump he has the chance of doubling the double, duuuhhh

>> No.1345351

Yeah but if he loses the roll he has 0, if Trump goes down he still won't lose everything.

>> No.1345356
File: 1.96 MB, 480x271, usausa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For this to really take off we need to get it listed on a big exchange like Polo, does anyone know what the qualifications are to list it there? I see shit-tier coins on there all the time

>> No.1345358


satoshi dice actually has worse than 50% odds since the house wins on 50

>> No.1345363

Dont do a double up roll.. do a quadruple up and buy 4x as many Trumps.

>> No.1345370

Anywhere between $7-$20 judging from Ron Paul Coin and TrumpCoin's usage. I'm not an expert but that sounds the most realistic.

>> No.1345375

yobit isn't a straight up scam site, but they are very money hungry. i'd be willing to bet that somewhere in their dice code there's something that says

if bet >=0.1

if bet>=0.5

or some other rigged value.

if they can scam you in some way that doesn't kill their business, they will 100% for sure do it. That's the way you need to treat doing business on/with yobit

now feel free to send me couple trumps for talking you out doing some real stupid shit TWchfhtWs8rQNhpQDsq8r75uhN4GTCUkk7

>> No.1345382

Someone just blasted thru a 2btc sell wall
holy shit

>> No.1345384

broken 0.00008, if this keeps going much longer I'll need to seek medical attention for my sustained erection.

>> No.1345387
File: 217 KB, 640x756, Trump-Coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1345403

Well memed have a coin.
5 cents lad

>> No.1345416
File: 2 KB, 256x256, trump-wallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife's son and I saw Donald Trump at a grocery store in Manhattan yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for specifics on his policies about fiat or the federal reserve.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken back, and all I could say was “Gold Standar...” but he kept cutting me off and going “TrumpCoin! TrumpCoin! TrumpCoin!”

and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle with the secret services as I walked off.

When I came to EBT for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen American Flag Zebra Cakes in his hands without paying (apparently he owned the store or something)

The trans at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.”
At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the cakes and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me.

I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each cake and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.1345423
File: 93 KB, 750x421, donal-trump-meme-let-the-memes-begin-e1443378288596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know some of you are very creative but lacking in the funding or even unlucky with getting your money on an exchange in time.

Show me some high energy memes here lads. Be creative, make sure it's no thumbnail for ants.

Leave your Trump wallet code with a relevant post and be rewarded for the sweat of your brow in premium god emperor currency!

>> No.1345433


Is this real? This thing could hit warp drive if he actually bushes trump coin to his hicks

>> No.1345439
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>> No.1345446

send me some senpai

>> No.1345450
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>> No.1345452
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>> No.1345455


>> No.1345470

Someone bought http://trumpcoin.com and theyre using it for this project

>> No.1345476

yeah I know but it just redirects to .rocks, which makes it look less legit to say the least, also it's the result you get when googling trumpcoin

>> No.1345483

I think they are making a new website according to the thread.

>> No.1345490

Currently using Coinbase but only have a $40 btc limit and trying to spend $200 to start on TC. Where can I buy with a debit card without a limit?

>> No.1345500

It's a temporary measure until the .com site is up with brand new template and content, no more pajeet syntax/grammar

>> No.1345509
File: 84 KB, 600x600, 1467158256766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


titties and doggos


>> No.1345538

That was likely me. I just threw $1,500 in. I was hoping someone would sell, getting the coins is becoming difficult.

>> No.1345541

Just buy $40 everyday bro. after 5 days you will have met your mark. that's what I did.

>> No.1345543

MAGA bro!
How many coins yet get? 25k?

>> No.1345573
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>> No.1345593
File: 657 KB, 1180x842, Mr. President.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank God! Those little grammatical screw-ups on the site made it look really unprofessional and sketchy. It's a shame too because the rest of the site looked great.

I currently have around 34.5k. Thanks for the kudos brother. We'll make cryptocurrency great again while we're at it.

By the way, is there any way to see who has the most coins without sorting through the entire blockchain? I'm kind of curious to see how much the top holder has. I bet they have several hundred thousand.

>> No.1345595



>> No.1345596

How do we get this coin up to the big show on Polo/Kraken?

>> No.1345600

Whose the faggot rising the price on yobit?

Let it dip god dammit.

>> No.1345609


Yeah, my main concern at this point is that Trump isn't listed on any major exchanges. I'm not sure there's a solution for that besides lots of market cap growth.

>> No.1345614
File: 122 KB, 859x564, lordkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have to meme it

>> No.1345616

no time for dips on the way to the moon. better buy now cause im dropping another btc on trumps

>> No.1345617


Like who the fuck even day trades this coin? fuck man.

>> No.1345620
File: 861 KB, 1600x1200, 1453973213723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of course!


Guess I'd better put down that last .5 I've been thinking about.

>> No.1345621

do it. seems expensive now but its still dirt cheap compared to potential near future prices

>> No.1345623

Idk if I should buy more btc for trump or sell what I have and rebuy with profits!

>> No.1345625

Some Trumpfan is contemplating eating the entire 5btc buy wall at 9k, so keep that in mind if you are waiting to get in, you may want to gobble up whats below that 9k.

>see who has the most coins
You should be able to use
once it's back up
Keep in mind there will be 2-3 top wallets that are the exchanges, the entire trumpcoin balance on an exchange is represented as one wallet. Also the trumpfund and the dev probably are in the top 5.

>> No.1345631

I've been trying to get the coin listed on shapeshift.io. I contacted the management a few days ago and stated my case as to why they should include Trumpcoin. I haven't heard anything back from them yet, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who has made the request.

>> No.1345633
File: 2 KB, 116x89, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1345634

Setup a circle account. They limited me to $300 then that changed to 0.4 btc (or something like that). That's per week.

>> No.1345640

Thanks brother. That gives me a clearer picture of the situation.

>> No.1345641
File: 32 KB, 600x360, wave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hah, try 9k and rising. 10 within 24h

The taller you build the wall, the higher my trump glider flies.

>> No.1345644

buy more btc. keep all trumps. it'll decrease the time it takes for it to hit the moon. you selling is slowing it down. we all need to buy buy buy hold hold hold. sit. just chill. watch the price go up. sell when it's $10

>> No.1345647

I just made a request too. I wonder how often they're spammed with people shilling their coins.

>> No.1345650

Fellas, I have an idea
Instead of investing in a pyramid scheme, why not just donate to Trump directly?

This project only has value to the extent by which it suckers in people who would not normally donate to Trump. Well, that and it's advertising value.

>> No.1345652


im now a #cruzmissile

>> No.1345654

They likely receive thousands of Pajeet-tier requests, which is why I made my request formal and thoughtful. Hopefully it stands out and grabs their attention.

Regardless, they can't ignore Trumpcoin forever and they'll likely want a piece of the pie soon enough.

>> No.1345655

I've been around the block a few times with Ron Paul. His campaign was plagued with scams. The most notorious being the "Superbrochure" scam.

Basically a couple enterprising entrepreneurs developed what they called "the Superbrochure", which was basically a campaign leaflet on high quality paper that was supposed to convince ANYBODY to vote for Ron Paul. It was sold as a magical cure-all elixir, the guy running it was on all the forums telling everybody about the tearful calls he was getting from Iowa voters, and about how their own internal polling showed it was even flipping Democrats.

They waged a massive grassroots marketing campaign to get people investing in this. They had a fancy website where you could select which region of Iowa or New Hampshire you wanted your brochures delivered to. They ended up suckering thousands of people into donating their paychecks to this project, money which would otherwise have gone to the Ron Paul campaign.

Then some people started doing some research and running the numbers. They found that the brochure was not targeted in any way to the specific recipient (most campaigns do not send the same brochures to Democrats as to Republicans). People on the forums experienced in political campaigns also ran the numbers on their budget and found that at a minimum, 40% of the money was being taken off the top.

They tried to warn everybody on the forums, but the Superbrochure marketing team was in every thread, shouting them down. Eventually they contacted the forum mods, who started mass-banning everybody who spoke out against the Superbrochure (it's unknown if they were on the take).

The result was hundreds of thousands of dollars wasted at a time when the campaign was desperate for money. The flag draped coffins on the brochures created a media scandal which was quickly exploited by the other campaigns. Ron Paul ended up losing Iowa, and the race.

>> No.1345656

Fun ideas are more helpful. This gets a lot more attention than silently donating.

I already have donated to his campaign multiple times too.

Stop being a "realist". This kills the fun. Think big and flashy and exciting.

>> No.1345657

im now a #MentallyHill

>> No.1345671

Guys. It is mooning. HOLD THE LINE!

>> No.1345673

(2/2) Next time around, the Superbrochure guys did it again. They managed to completely explain away the results of the previous campaign, and were able to sell yet more of their damn brochures to the gullible Ron Paul supporters.

Not that the Ron Paul campaign was all that desperate for money. It was totally mismanaged by the family-and-friends campaign staff and ended up being driven into the ground with millions unspent. Millions that later went to fund nebulous "liberty organizations" who paid ex-Ron Paul campaign staff members lucrative six figure salaries

The chief culprit in this was Jesse Benton, the husband of Ron Paul's granddaughter who managed both of his campaigns. He set up a SuperPac for Rand Paul, despite knowing that he was under investigation for Federal Elections fraud. The Holder justice department waited to indict him until riiiiight before the first Fox debate. When this happened, Rand plummeted in the polls, and ended up barely making the debate stage

The SuperPac itself was totally mismanaged, and put out ads like this:

Seeing the clustefuck that was his SuperPac, most of the large donors spurned him. Even big libertarian billionaires like Lew Rockwell and Peter Thiel were scared off. With no big donors, the Rand Paul campaign ran dry of money and started hemmoraging badly. Dispite being a main frontrunner just a few months before, heading into the fall he ended up going practically broke, getting no media attention, and spent the rest of the election giving weak speeches to small crowds in hostile urban districts (bad campaign strategy btw)

There you have it, the entire Ron Paul legacy destroyed by a single man, who got millions off it. (By the way in case you care, Jesse Benton also recently started a Donald Trump superpac, which has been condemned far and wide as an outright scam by practically every media outlet)

Lesson learned: Don't fall for scams, don't fall for scam artists

>> No.1345675
File: 55 KB, 605x328, to the moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people didn't buy before the jump

>> No.1345676
File: 9 KB, 244x249, 1464621412143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lesson learned: Don't fall for scams, don't fall for scam artists
Don't worry anon, we're not going to fall for your shilling

>> No.1345682

Scam artists target grassroots political campaigns like carrion birds.
People are incredibly gullible and naive when they're charged with emotion about the latest political craze.

It's amazing how a well run marketing team can manipulate the public into buying into an idea, or a product.
How the fuck is GoPro so popular? It's literally a camera on a stick. They've built this massive marketing campaign off this relatively simple innovation. 90% of the money they make is harvested by their skill in marketing, rather than the product itself. They could be selling an empty box, the product isn't important, it's the marketing behind it which generates the money.

Silver tongued liars filching the money out of the pockets of gullible people. That's what marketing is, and that's what's happening here with TrumpCoin. Don't be a fool

>> No.1345686
File: 118 KB, 680x576, 1459534332584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that paragraphed spell-checked text
5 cents were deposited into your account

>> No.1345690

Can you prove to me that TrumpCoin will generate more money for the Trump campaign than is being invested into it by the people here?

>> No.1345691
File: 2 KB, 102x79, nice2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it goes up by the minute

>> No.1345693

I like GoPro and I like trumpcoin.
They are both premium goods with marketing and hype backing them, sure.
That in no way invalidates them as a benefit to ME and to many others.

>> No.1345694

the more the Trumpcoin appreciates in value, the more money Trump gets. It's really that fucking simple

>> No.1345708


The wall keeping us under 10k sat is only a mere .25 BTC high as of writing. This is not a drill. Tonight TRUMP will hit 5 digits!

>> No.1345709

Rand got stomped because he's 5 feet tall and looks like a lawn gnome. Trump got more votes than any primary candidate in history without spending a penny. If it were about the money, Jeb Butch would be the nominee

>> No.1345712

Well anyway you guys, that's my 2 cents
I'm not a shill, just something from my own personal experience for you to consider

And you've got some nice bantz

>> No.1345719


We know this is a pump and dump. We are just trying to cash in on it. Some of us aren't that naive.

There is real money to be made off of this.

>> No.1345722


buying trump coin is speculation in a volatile market, everyone gets that already. the fun catch to it all is you're supporting trumps political campaign a little at the same time, which makes it an even more positive investment if you're a trump supporter.

you're not really reaching anyone with brand new ideas here or opening minds, i hope you understand that

>> No.1345724

I think if you want to alleviate concerns, you need to be more transparent at who exactly has the 200k coins that will be donated to Trump.

Unless you have a real person tagged as the holder of the 200k, everyone will be wary if they will actually donate when the time comes or just cash out and disappear.

Another question is the distribution of the 6.5 million coins, who has the most of them?

>> No.1345728

The original Dev (who could have cashed out MULTIPLE times) is controlling the 200k.

And you can view the distribution of the wallets by exploring the blockchain.

There was very little pre-mine and the original dev showed his true sincerity multiple times (albeit, not his proficiency in the English language)

>> No.1345744

>And you can view the distribution of the wallets by exploring the blockchain.

I can't seem to get it to work, it seems to be down.

>> No.1345748

what does sat mean?

>> No.1345751

1 sat is the smallest denomination of BTC

>> No.1345752

Very poor statement for long term PR and overall quality of the coin. Sad. I do not endorse these views. Actual projects that bring value and community together are few and far between. Trumpcoin is a gem. Calling it a scam is a disgrace to the passion that lies in it.

>> No.1345767

Should call it a Pump and Trump. Pump it up and then send it to Trump

>> No.1345777

WTF guys, I want o buy somemore but don't want to buy at a pump! When is it going to fall??

>> No.1345783

>When is it going to fall??
never ever

>> No.1345784

It may never fall below $0.05 again. I recommend buying now and, even if it does fall, hold onto it because it won't fall for long. If you buy now, you can still get your coins at a reasonable price.

>> No.1345802

you should of listened

>> No.1345808

Speak for yourself. This is a seriously great idea... a grassroots campaign finance movement.

>> No.1345811

What's the ceiling for this coin and when will it hit it?

>> No.1345814

the moon, we're on our way

>> No.1345816

>a grassroots campaign finance movement.

For a billionaire. Seriously great idea guys. Keep it up.

>> No.1345819


>> No.1345820

his campaign for the general is probably gonna cost a billion dollars, he can't and won't pay for it himself.

>> No.1345821

Thanks bro appreciate the kind words.

>> No.1345824

Bought 250 Trumps back when it $0.03, who still thinks its worth buying more at this ~$0.055 spot?

>> No.1345828

now's probably the last time they will be this low

>> No.1345839

For the few bucks I'm investing I dont even know why I'm worrying so much. I spend 10x what Im putting into Tump on straight gambling.

Waiting for confirmations and Im in for a few hundred more. Lets take this to Andromeda.

>> No.1345862

This is the future of project funding. Community, potential profits and value raised by awareness (which also indirectly funds the project).

Have you seen the recent DEV posts? This is not a pump.

Get in now, we Chad soon.

>> No.1345874

Welp, put in another .5 btc. Hope it doesn't dip back to $0.04 tomorrow.

>> No.1345884

waiting on confirmation. I'm onboard for .05 bitcoins, boys! Let's make America great again $35 at a time!

>> No.1345885

Wake up from massive nap
>5 cents a coin
>new posts by based devs
>volume exploding

How fucking long was I asleep lads

>> No.1345886

>5 cents a coin

bro it was 8 cents on ccex an hour ago

the average high was like 6.3 cents

>> No.1345888
File: 3.76 MB, 640x333, 1465522753153.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TRUMP mooning, ETH dead in the water.

Eat shit ETH snobs we tried to tell you.

>> No.1345889
File: 1.16 MB, 1400x1400, 1467016134088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be laughing my ass off when nothing happens, and nothing will happen dumb fucks :^)

>> No.1345890

Now have 1.5k coins lads. Time to watch as it takes off!

>> No.1345893
File: 180 KB, 573x729, 1458056234595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notrumper detected. We invited you bro. We tried.

>> No.1345895

God damn it I HATE being poor I can only justify spending $30

Gonna need Trump to get me my foot in the Crypto door so I can ride Sia to the moon

>> No.1345897

>he hasn't been watching the exchanges the past 24 hours

bad day to be a no-coiner

>> No.1345899


>i-i--i-i-i-i-i-i-it's a sc-sc-scam guys!
It's not too late to stop being a notrumper, Mr. Sourgrapes! :^)

>> No.1345904

stopped reading there. I have been here since 2008, literally never read a single valuable post from a weeaboo. Stay mad and poor.

>> No.1345905
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nice dubs.

Praise KEK

>> No.1345906

>bought 2335 yesterday
>if i dump right now(why the fuck would i do that tho) i have nearly 100% profit

tell me, how's life as a passive and negative little shit?

>> No.1345907

fuck why does it take so long to send BTCs?

>> No.1345909


>> No.1345913
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thanks for the (You)s idiots :^)

>> No.1345918

btc is most secure so it does 6 confirmations which takes long. i think it can be done quicker and just as safe but thats just my opinion

trumpcoins on the otherhand send pretty quick

>> No.1345919

i fucking want my trumpcoins
i'm guessing it'll be another hour though

>> No.1345920

Itching to dump 5000 of my 15000, why shouldn't I?

>> No.1345924

do it if you want, but they're only going up in price from here

>> No.1345925

do it so i can buy the dip :^)

>> No.1345926


Because you want to make more money? I don't know senpai, you should be answering that yourself.

>> No.1345931

i dont want to believe there's someone this sad out there, it'll just ruin my day and i won't be able to enjoy the ride :^(

>> No.1345970
File: 392 KB, 1075x1025, 154543778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why u mad tho

>> No.1345976

There will come a time when we will LOL at sats and find it humorous we found such a small amount to be important. Glad I was awake and part of tonight it was fun if nothing else.
Cya in the other side of the decimal fellers

>> No.1345985

How anyone made an effort to make the Trump campaign aware of this?

Surely the founders have.

>> No.1345989

yes they have. trump was made aware very recently and doesnt really care he said hes more worried about terrorism

>> No.1346003

Assuming that's true, why does anyone believe this venture has any kind of future?

It isn't even like his campaign needs money.

>> No.1346007

this >>1345925

>> No.1346021

this is obviously 100% false, but I am pointing it out in case someone falls for it.

> why does anyone believe this venture has any kind of future?
Because it does.

>> No.1346022


Generally speaking, you shouldn't take posts with poor grammar and punctuation seriously. Which is to say, Trump hasn't publicly said shit all about TrumpCoin.

>It isn't even like his campaign needs money.
Yes. Yes it does.

>> No.1346026

I can see him not endorsing it, but just going "TrumpCoins, what the hells the deal with that?" in one of his rallies

>> No.1346028

his campaign does need money

>> No.1346032

He apparently does.

>> No.1346033

So do you guys use the Trump wallet or keep it on the exchange? If I want to sell real fast, is it gonna take forever to swap back to C-Cex?

>> No.1346034

In my experience it takes around 10-25 mins to transfer.

>> No.1346037

I keep it in the exchange for the time being. I prefer to be prepare for a fast sell and not risk having to wait for it to transfer from Trump Wallet to C-cex.

>> No.1346041

is anyone shilling this on facebook or any normie sites?

>"Donate to Trump's campaign AND own a digital currency like BitCoin all at the same time! Click the link to learn how to buy Trumpcoin now!"

>> No.1346042
File: 461 KB, 1200x705, trump_rally_albany_4-11-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>So recently... Lemme tell ya something... So recently, I heard something great, I heard something great. There's a whole bunch of people online--our people, good people--who made something called TRUMP. COIN. TrumpCoin. It's a cryp-to cur-ren-cy. Any of you ever heard of that...? Yeah I don't know, it's great though. You know what they're using it for? They're raising money for the campaign, against the Democrats. They've raised SO MUCH MONEY SO FAR, all online--all online. Way more than some of these Republican candidates have I'll tell you that much... Anyway you should check it out, TrumpCoin. It'll be great, TrumpCoin, best kinda coin if ya ask me.

>> No.1346048

Will i find a seller on c cex if i buy like 500 trump coin for 30 dollars ? Thats the conversion rate i found

>> No.1346050
File: 875 KB, 311x265, 1463149955716.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao 10/10
>mfw trumpcoin becomes a meme and on the presidential debate on national television Trump and Hillary start bickering about who's got the best crypto named after them

>> No.1346051

Have they tried getting the tipbot up and running on a non-pozzed trump subreddit like https://www.reddit.com/r/Mr_Trump/ ?

>> No.1346061

I just bought $35. Went through instantly

>> No.1346062
File: 481 KB, 4320x2880, 1461867099195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw when we literally get memed to the moon

>> No.1346068

Nah man, that level of publicity would send us beyond the moon, to the Andromeda Galaxy.

>> No.1346080

Ok good

Im waitingf for my deposite into my online bank to happen

Ive been stressing a bit because its not happening quickly enough

Itjink ill buy for 50 of trump coint maybe 60 wow

>> No.1346084


I keep it in my wallet for the time being. The interest is nice, and I'm more concerned about the risk of a hack than the chance of sudden moon (or Andromeda) at this point in time.

>> No.1346100
File: 967 KB, 270x252, 1461806905388.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW a NEET becomes a chad by clicking a few buttons on the computer.

>Mom I am a day trader!
>Ill take my tendies at my desk!

>> No.1346102

Fuck it I'm going to fall for this meme.

How to buy trumpcoins?

>> No.1346104

go to trumpcoin.com

>> No.1346108

You can install the wallet, or register at c-cex.com or yobit.net

>> No.1346123
File: 256 KB, 900x900, 1463609036184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could setup a reddit tipbot today if everyone else is too lazy, It's not that hard to do.

>> No.1346127

I don't know what that is. Go do it.

>> No.1346130

Only like 4 bitcoins of sell orders in the way of hitting 12k sats!

>> No.1346131

the actual development team is over on bitcointalk by the way


>> No.1346159

The selloff is real, it's been fun boys

>> No.1346160

that'd be great m8
give the folks on that threads the deets, the devs are very active

>> No.1346161

what do you mean bud, we're barely a blip on our future radar

>> No.1346162

fuck you talkin about

>> No.1346167

i think he's referring to someone selling like 1k worth of trump which is fuck all

probably moving into sia or something while its cheap

>> No.1346169

meant to link him not myself

>> No.1346190


Need a new thread, number of replies is past bump limit

>> No.1346306

Is it really not possible to add funds to c cex using master card?

>> No.1346342 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1346397

Fuck, bros.

>> No.1346444

It's a small whale getting off the train. The wall will rise, ten times higher. Look at the market history; every dip is a station to get on this train.

To the moon and beyond!

>> No.1346467

pick 1


>> No.1347159

Farage endorsed the god emperor. 15$ incoming.

>> No.1347829

how should I configure my trumpcoin.conf?

Does not seem to be synchronizing after several hours.

>> No.1347990

I purchased $100 worth 2 weeks ago and have almost doubled what I put into it. Better investment than giving it to the goddamn seminoles.