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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 36 KB, 625x501, BAT ads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13444955 No.13444955 [Reply] [Original]

Give me ONE GOOD REASON why you're not making free money ($BAT) by using Brave with BAT Ads toggled on.

I'll wait.

Keep in mind:
>eventually you will be able to withdraw this BAT and sell it for [your shitcoin of choice]
>it's literally free money
>you're browsing the internet anyways retard, you might as well make money off of it


>> No.13445024

> infecting my mind purposefully with bullshit ads for .10
> being a good goy

This idea is not new. Since the App Store launched, apps have been out where people can watch ads for money. You barely make anything and nobody does it. Because after watching like 20 ads, you’ll say “never mind fuck this”.

Why would I want to brainwash myself with bullshit ads for a meager .10 a piece

> BTC used to be given away for free and look how valuable it is now

BTC was a new never before seen network. Paying people to watch ads has been around forever, and it’s never taken off because eventually there comes a point where people get fed up and drop it. Why would it be different this time around? Because muh crypto?

I use the brave browser because it’s faster than others. But you’re telling me at .10 and, I’d have to be brainwashed by 30 ads to make $3? The same amount of money you can make while taking a shit at work.

Sorry but only 3rd worlders and people that are very poor will do this. Your average person is not going to willingly brainwash themselves with ads for pennies.

>> No.13445028

You probably make something like .01 cents for every 100 adds you view. Pointless

>> No.13445038

i dont want to make pennies

>> No.13445044

twitch zoomers watch ads to earn bits to tip their eceleb with to get that dopamine hit of seeing their name on a screen. zoom zooms can get some BAT and eventually tip their ecelebs the same way. They might be poor or under 18s but they still do it.

>> No.13445053
File: 901 KB, 800x843, BAT1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would I want to brainwash myself with bullshit ads for a meager .10 a piece

Bad argument. The ads are unobtrusive and you don't need to watch them if they don't interest you.

>Paying people to watch ads has been around forever

Microtransactions through cryptocurrency is literally brand new. Apples to oranges.

>Sorry but only 3rd worlders and people that are very poor will do this

Wrong again! BAT Ads aren't available in the third world and are already taking off. Case in point: I'm a white male in America.

Keep trying buddy! Maybe you can still think of a good reason not to make free money.

>> No.13445093

The one I watched didn't give me 10 cents. It gave me 2. Called it quits after that.

>> No.13445101

The Brave browser is fast though.

>> No.13445104
File: 226 KB, 1092x833, brave thiel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made 1 BAT off of 1 day of browsing. That will add up. There's a good chance I'll have 30+ BAT by the end of the month.

Let's be conservative and say BAT stays at 35 cents through the next month. That'll be over $10 worth of BAT for 1 month of browsing. And that's on the very conservative side.

There are literally no good reasons to not be using Brave / BAT Ads right now. You're losing out on free cryptocurrency and business opportunity because of pride and jealousy. That's how you stay poor.

>> No.13445123

>by the end of the month

By the end of the month of May of course. Also for proof I made 1 BAT off of 1 day of browsing, check my OP pic >>13444955

Imagine being this stupid, lmao. Why are you idiots so impatient and dumb.

>> No.13445132

And how much is it? Like $0.5 a month? No, thanks

>> No.13445134

How to use if in US

>> No.13445145

Because it’s illegal to do so in the US

>> No.13445162

Because I'm not a third worlder and can find the equivalent amount of change on the ground on my way to work. I don't bother to pick it up because I'm also not poor as shit

>> No.13445176

Because I'm not a pajeet who needs 5$ a month to keep living

>> No.13445242

I think $20-30 a month from rewards is a real sweet spot for most US users. Being able to pay for your Netflix or something just for browsing the web will be huge .

>> No.13445334

Imagine having such a weak mind that you're worried everything will "brainwash" you. Fucking kek.

>> No.13445367

I run a website and live off of the ads. I think the content is valuable (pageviews speak for themselves), but writing and putting it all together takes a lot of my time. I try making the site as fast as possible and I follow the Better Ads guidelines. I don't put any invasive or distracting ads.

I'm not a hypocrite though, I don't use adblock myself. I do admit that a lot of websites go overboard with their ads, specially with those autorun video ads that take 25% of the screen. I hate that shit.

Do you have any suggestions for me guys, specifically those who use Brave? What's your take on this?

>> No.13445377

hard pass

>> No.13445392

I sold all my BAT last night.

I just logged into the dev browser and they gave me 60 BAT as a grant. Do I get to keep it? Can I cash it?

I have a website so I can just donate it all to it I guess if I can't.

Now that BAT is dying, hopefully people pay some attention to JSE.

>> No.13445406
File: 27 KB, 716x208, Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 12.33.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is from last month.

>> No.13445430

I'd do it if it was in actual USD. The whole hassle of selling BAT or is just meh

>> No.13445440
File: 35 KB, 625x481, it is literally free money you stupid fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the fucking thread you retards. I'm on target to make $10+ worth of BAT by the end of May, and I guarantee I use the internet less than you stupid nerds. You could theoretically make a lot more if you're online 24/7 like I know you incels are.

I'll easily make around 30 BAT by the end of May, which will be $10 by a very conservative estimate.

All for just for browsing online, like you're going to be doing anyways. Think of it this way: I'm making $10 more than you idiots per month because I'm literally smarter than you, enough to use a browser that pays me just for allowing advertising.

Stay poor faggots.

>> No.13445452
File: 66 KB, 500x533, brainlet4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm too dumb to use cryptocurrency

why are you even on this board lmao, you literal fucking brainlet

>> No.13445458

It clearly works or else advertising would not exist. Why would they spend money on something that doesn't work.

>> No.13445503

No, I actually use crypto. But for such a small amount, half of that will disappear on fees by the time it makes it into your bank account.
Unless you buy something directly with crypto, in which case, options are limited. Idk maybe to buy some domains or porn videos

>> No.13445620
File: 14 KB, 660x462, BAT2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half of that will disappear on fees by the time it makes it into your bank account

Uphold waived fees for BAT: https://twitter.com/UpholdInc/status/1095396029636128768

>Unless you buy something directly with crypto

That should be coming soon with the TAP partnership, and eventually more and more stuff will be available to buy with BAT I'm guessing.

>> No.13445652

Register as a Brave Publisher, get BAT sheckles. Eventually they will put banner ads on your site and give you a 70% cut.

>> No.13445700

Dirtect USD wouldnt work either for the same reason, fees would abound and would be much larger than the micropayment. Stablecoins wouldnt work either, everytime they run out from distribution and advertisers want to run more ads, more stabletokens would need to be printed. Dai wouldnt work either as it costs 150% collateral to print any.

>> No.13446141

>too much hassle
>makes 3 posts in a bat thread and likely hundreds more in the other threads

top kek. what a life

>> No.13447014

Wow ten dollars, that must be worth a lot in your village

>> No.13447044
File: 201 KB, 700x636, 1556154410486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Australia but my ads still say coming soon. I guess they just released in India?

>> No.13447325

How do I get the ads on my Mac? Do I have to set up anyshit ither than download and go?

>> No.13447351
File: 9 KB, 217x303, FB_IMG_1489268906923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on it since day one. I'm up about 30 bucks so far, BAT dropped a bit yesterday but it's thing to blow up when the zoomers get ahold of it. Especially if twitch and YouTube etc adopt it.

Anyone who says otherwise is a braindead turbo cuck

>> No.13447367

>Give me ONE GOOD REASON why you're not making free money ($BAT) by using Brave with BAT Ads toggled on.
I don't want ads and the amount you make from viewing them is underwhelming.

>> No.13447422

How do you turn on ads when I downloading v1 Brave browser its sayings ads are coming soon.

>> No.13447437

>Sorry! Ads are not yet available in your region.

>> No.13447544
File: 20 KB, 301x285, BAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you in the US? Should just be able to flip the "Brave Rewards" switch and turn ads on.

1. I live in Chicago
2. It's a minimum of ~$10 worth of BAT a month, for literally no added work on my part.
3. I'm purposely making a low estimate, but 30 BAT could be worth $30 by 2020. That's ~$360 a year for simply using Brave.

When I see that "WOW IT'S JUST PENNIES" argument I have to laugh, because earning BAT to browse the web is literally better than any other option.

You idiots love to claim "it's just pennies" but it's actual cryptocurrency in my wallet, meanwhile you're not making any money for doing the same fucking thing. How is this so difficult for you guys to understand? Boggles my mind.

>> No.13447551

holy fuck idk if i could handle so much money

>> No.13447574

epic win xD

>> No.13447698

I downloaded brave and have been using it for the last hour constantly here at work and I have not seen a single ad. I enabled everything too

>> No.13447755

Holy shit $300 a year! We're all gonna be rich!

Nah for real kill yourself you shitcoin shilling faggot

>> No.13447774
File: 21 KB, 600x600, back pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice post you angry involuntary celibate faggot

Literally going to post about BAT every day for the next week just to spite you, nigger.

>> No.13447779

fucking Brave, cant get metamask to load now. Its just a loading symbol.

>> No.13447813

anyone have any idea why I wouldn't have seen an ad yet?

>> No.13447863
File: 371 KB, 1132x614, chad brave virgin cardano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I remember, when I turned ads on the Brave Developer browser, it took a little while for the ads to show up because I think it needs to learn what kind of sites you're visiting. Then it will curate the ads to some that will interest you.

Not sure how accurate this is but it did take it a while to start showing ads, Brave is not just going to just spam you with ads like a lot of people think.

>> No.13447872
File: 66 KB, 750x748, 2bzon0klcpl21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>39 cents a month

>> No.13447874

Can't create a wallet in the browser.

>> No.13447888

Cool I'll just filter you, Rakesh

>> No.13447901

okay, gotcha. I'll stick with it for a few days

>> No.13447941

I get fewer ads with Brave than Chrome+Adblock AND I'm getting paid so.. yah worth

>> No.13447950

Any way to exclude searches so im not just getting Brapcoin ads all the time

>> No.13448009

Ah pretty good man, I'm only getting ~0.5 BAT a day but then I'm not as hardcore.

I'm getting about 0.5 bat a day. Yeah it's pennies but, like, I get 0 bat for browsing with chrome. And Chrome+Adblock is showing me more ads than brave is... so fewer ads and I get paid ez

is it? I know it sounds illegal, but I'm unaware of any adblocking tool successfully getting sued, ever.

BAT -> BTC -> ATM is easier than 4chan captchas imo, I can cash BAT out on my phone at the btc atm near me. Ez game ez life.

100% this. I'm browsing anyways. Brave has built in adblock. YOU CAN EVEN TURN THE BRAVE ADDS OFF IF YOU WANT. Why people are getting butthurt crazy.

>I don't wan't free money because it isn't enough
I've made $$$$ from airdrops and other shit like this. Using brave is almost no effort, so why not lol

so you can't read, huh?

>> No.13448021

follow up, is your bat account tied to your IP? Like, if I restart my browser I won't have to log back on?

>> No.13448049

why the fuck are you posting in my thread then you fucking retard? get the fuck out and don't come back

stop watching porn

not entirely sure, maybe ask on the BAT Project plebbit

>> No.13448790
File: 105 KB, 800x800, 1510604111037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

g-guys. I muted and blocked popups for brave and I am still reviving bat,

>> No.13448980

Yeah, but one way wallet nigger & it expires.

>> No.13449004

Only UGP (User Growth Pool) BAT expires, i.e. the BAT you get just for installing the browser

>> No.13449019

I thought you had to give it to other people and couldn't keep them?

>> No.13449022
File: 369 KB, 700x525, I like Eich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it expires

It doesn't

>one way wallet nigger

True but that's temporary.

>> No.13449041

OP, im the guy that pays to not get any ads.

>> No.13449062

Brave blocks ads for free. If you feel like earning BAT you toggle Ads "on". That easy. Don't be a retard.

>> No.13450145

BATards don't even get that much.

>> No.13450216

>The ads are unobtrusive and you don't need to watch them if they don't interest you.

I love how this is a pro-BAT argument.

>Microtransactions through cryptocurrency is literally brand new. Apples to oranges.

No. No it isn't. At it's core, it's just paying people to watch ads. Since you have to KYC at some point, there's literally no advantage to using crypto.

>Wrong again! BAT Ads aren't available in the third world and are already taking off. Case in point: I'm a white male in America.

Soon they will be.

>Keep trying buddy! Maybe you can still think of a good reason not to make free money.

Let's see. How long are the ads? 30 seconds? 30 x 50 ads = $1. 1500 seconds or 25 minutes. That's $2.4 for watching well over 100 ads in an hour. How fucking sad is your life if that is worth it to you?

>> No.13450248

>30 seconds

When they display and you're not just earning passively they're magazine centerfold-style ads worth about a 5-10 second look max.

>> No.13450301

>30 seconds

Please stop posting. It is clear your are an absolute retard who has no idea what he is talking about.

>> No.13450313

lol at lecturing people on productivity and efficiency while it takes you 2 minutes to write up a post on a croatian goat milking forum

strong life

as for me i have already earned a dollars worth of BAT while looking at some ads that have interested me. Maybe i will buy a month of netflix or donate it to some streamer. I look at it like picking up a nickel off the ground. Im not above picking up a nickel even though i paid $80k in taxes last year

>> No.13450373

Yeah, same here. I have a 7 figure networth but if you want to pay me 50 cents a day to close 20 notifications, I am all for it. I will just hodl the bats until they are worth more.

>> No.13450393

Or pass them on to worthy content creators.

>> No.13450407

Based and battered pilled

>> No.13450419

why does mine say coming soon? i want free munniez plz

>> No.13450481

Are you in US/Canada/UK/Germany or France?

>> No.13450534


>Sorry! Ads are not yet available in your region.

Nice meme browser bro

>> No.13450547

move out of the third world ya dirt merchant.

>> No.13450604

no one has ever cashed out from their browser wallet


>> No.13450664
File: 970 KB, 320x180, Bat Take Flight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13450677

Not completely against whole idea but
How is brave replacing ads with their own ones is legal and what are chances of them not being skullfucked for it in future?

Also, can you cash out your "yearnings"?not at present point?then you "made" 0 dollars.
>it's not like people cashing out would affect token's price, not in the slightest

>> No.13451115


Because according to Brave Australia is a pajeet nation and ads aren't available here

>> No.13451154
File: 41 KB, 512x564, pepe giggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is brave replacing ads with their own ones is legal and what are chances of them not being skullfucked for it in future?

It's 100% legal because they don't replace ads with their own. What they do is
>block third party advertising
Which is 100% legal, and
>include pop-ups through their browser
Which is also 100% legal. They'll never get in trouble for this because they're just circumventing 3rd party advertising which is not only shady as fuck, but often times harmful to users.

>Also, can you cash out your "yearnings"?not at present point?then you "made" 0 dollars.

As if anyone wants to cash out the 1 BAT they've earned retard. Another funny thing: crypto's in a bear market. People have lost thousands of dollars, if not tens of thosuands of dollars, off of scamcoin vaporware bullshit coins. And here's /biz/ whining about not being able to make hundreds/thousands off of BAT Ads. Shut the fuck up you fucking idiots, you'll always find some excuse to not make money I swear to God. It's fucking SAD.

>> No.13451167
File: 192 KB, 841x750, bat JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one thing I'll admit that I'm disappointed in. I'm American and I've never been to Oz but I know Australians are vehement cryptocurrency enthusiasts and I'd love to have them on board the Brave/BAT train as soon as possible. I hope Brave ads are out in Australia ASAP. I guess the proximity to Pajeet Land and maybe the ease at which Pajeets can access Australian IP addresses might have played a part in the Brave Australia delay, but I don't know.

>> No.13451312
File: 155 KB, 1920x995, adult diapers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you just joining us, this whole fucking thread's tl;dr

BATbois shilling BAT to pump it
Fudders trying to make it dump because they missed it at .10

Thanks for the sideways action, shitbirds.

>> No.13451448

Nope. I'm the OP, made the thread to try and hear ONE GOOD REASON why anon wouldn't make free money using Brave with BAT Ads toggled on.

Got 0 (zero) good reasons and a whole lots of fucking retardation.

>> No.13451618

The real problem is the "No personal data or browsing history ever leaves your browser".
A company would probably be willing to pay you 10 $ to watch a single add, if they had knowledge about your personal data and recent browsing history.
If you are in a need for a lawnmower, and google "good lawnmowers for sale". What would the value of showing you an add for a lawnmower be?
But BAT's model of "Anonymous adds" meaning that the "lawnmower" company will have to show the adds to random people, in order to catch that one snowflake that are currently in need of a lawnmower.

It's super retarded.. they should have went the other way - personalized adds, where they have full access to your browsing history and personal data.. and you then earn a couple of dollars for each ads you watch, and you watch something useful..

>> No.13451649

Wholly incorrect. Severe FUD or misunderstanding of how ads are generated, matched and served.
>not spoonfeeding

>> No.13451677

Do you even know what Zero Knowledge Proofs are? My god all the Bat/Brave fudders are brainlets.

>> No.13451785

>imagine being a healthy person and willingly surround yourself with disease

>> No.13452121

where are the ads?

do they randomly pop up any time or are they placed where normal ads would be?

>> No.13452134

shut your mouth.

>> No.13452514

They come up as OS notifications and if you actually want to see it you click view. Pretty smooth honestly.

>> No.13453380

>I'm on target to make $10+ worth of BAT by the end of May
I fear that you're serious.

>> No.13453388

BAT is going down, I'm financially ruined, fuck you

>> No.13453578

> Imagine having such horrible business sense that this seems like a bad idea.

>> No.13453653
File: 20 KB, 480x360, 1551910295292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on target to make $10 by the of May
>business sense

>> No.13453688

I am; when people talk about crypto with optimism, this is really the use of it. Being able to send .0478 bat as payment to someone to get past a pay wall is what crypto is made for.

>> No.13453717

>mining Bitcoin
>"That's so stupid you're wasting energy that'll never be worth anything lol"

>turning on BAT Ads
>"That's so stupid I'd rather pay to not watch Ads that'll never be worth anything lol"

Suit yourself dumb faggot retard. It's at no extra cost to me and it's free cryptocurrency.

>> No.13453773
File: 93 KB, 869x1024, 1552054817916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not free. You waste your attention and brain on it. But if your brain is only good for watching adds, do it.

>> No.13453847

You are hilariously bad at arguing.

>> No.13453983

Bat fud is the easiest fud ever to dismiss; it really makes me bullish as fuck for the project. Look at the exponential growth they are experiencing. This won’t stay cheap for very long.
There will be hundreds of millions of people in this , tipping for Twitter, and reddit.

Getting paid 2 BAT a day may not seem like a lot now, but when you have 100 million on the platform everyone can only have 15 bat, if that doesn’t excite you at least a little bit, you will never make it

>> No.13454081
File: 63 KB, 754x721, what huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give Brave a shot, who knows, BAT might moon and I'd like to be in a position to profit
>no ads over the course of an hour
>maybe I screwed something up
>Check settings
>.6 BAT available

>> No.13454115

let them fomo in at $5 later this year. Just wait until Brave actually starts marketing the browser to the masses because they're an actual software company that got real VC's to invest in them.

> bae still slippin rn

>> No.13454162
File: 18 KB, 472x565, brainlet3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching adds

Wow, take a look at this fucking genius over here!

Nice argument. You got me.

>> No.13454190

the time traveller said only faggots and hipsters use bat

>> No.13454250

There has been glitches with notification settings in Windows 10 that you wont see the ad notifications pop up, or you have a 2nd monitor and aren't seeing them.

>> No.13454508


Yeah, it's completely not worth it. Told this to the people making it a couple of years ago in a discussion if I recall correctly. I'd rather not see ads and pay 50 cents than this.

>install Brave extension that just hides the ads after Brave lets them through
>free money

Yeah, unless there's a webcam tracking your eyes this isn't going to work. If you want to make money for views and interaction, go to Minds.com instead. You get tokens with which you can grow you channel. If your channel is big enough, you can promote products you want to promote for money. Much better model imho.

>> No.13454608

I got 20 BAT but it has an expiration date. How do I send it to a wallet?

>> No.13454633

>ignoring free money because it's "not enough"
Of all the people on earth who will never make it, you will never make it the most.

>> No.13454663
File: 13 KB, 399x400, frog meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it has an expiration then it's BAT from the UGP, you can't send it to a wallet. You can only donate it to a Brave verified site/YouTube channel/Twitch channel.

Do you know anything about Google AdWords? Clicks vs. impressions? How ripe the online ad industry is with fraud? I don't think you do based on what you wrote. Also, Brave blocks ads for free already. It's so weird to see people continuously writing that dumb "I'd pay NOT to watch ads!!!" line when Brave is the best adblock out there and the default setting is ads off.

>> No.13454671

No its not, you're chatting shit. Don't need to compare the intricacies of each model.
>BAT isn't limited to the brave browser

>> No.13454716

Okay anons, it's pretty cool shit but I have two (2) questions.
1. When ads on mobile?
2. Give ideas for cool website to create so I make even more baties.

>> No.13454731

>eventually you will be able to withdraw this BAT and sell it for [your shitcoin of choice]
Prove it and I'll consider it.

>> No.13454779

I only get some ads that are like windows mail notifications, popping up in the lower right corner of my desktop.

Am I doing things wrong?

Like ads before youtube videos is something I don't get at all.

>> No.13454791

so your telling me i cant even cash out my earned bat?

>> No.13454810
File: 32 KB, 650x382, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a shitty system. You get shitty pop-up notifcations, click it, opens a tab in your browser. You get a fraction of a BAT, don't have to even view the ad. Advertisers will love this KEK

I have yet to see a legit ad besides some crypto companies who BAT give free tokens to to jumpstart the system. I doubt we'll ever see companies buying BAT to advertise in the Brave browser which has a 1% marketshare and NEETs trying to earn a $1 per day clicking the toast notifications

>> No.13454838

What's the fucking point, I don't want to do some KYC on 3rd party service.

>> No.13454846
File: 278 KB, 1174x1234, Screen Shot 2019-04-24 at 8.28.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am tho OP.
Just paid for my Amazon Prime and Netflix for the month.

>> No.13454866

>2. Give ideas for cool website to create so I make even more baties.

Dunno but some cool BAT related websites I've seen so far are

>> No.13454886


Yeah for now you do because Brave aren't idiots. Shit would be so easy to scam if you didn't need KYC to become a publisher. They've already taken some serious anti-jeet measures, including the KYC part.

>> No.13454920
File: 17 KB, 652x628, 9F4B45B7-DDCF-4D0D-898F-912788449CC0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gab has entered the server

>> No.13454925
File: 1.87 MB, 2592x1200, 1541028806589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job ol' Brendan showed a bunch of SKoreans some ad partners in a hour long presentation on Brave.

>> No.13454939

can someone answer me please? Is it possible to take out the bat you earn?

>> No.13454959

The only kind of ads I've gotten so far were little notifications in the corner of my computer which can immediately be closed. Pretty nice how I earn money from those while not having to put up with YouTube ads

>> No.13454981

Only if you go through KYC on uphold.com and make dummy website where you tip yourself

>> No.13455018

For non tech people its easier to make a YT channel and verify yourself through that.

>> No.13455085
File: 933 KB, 300x300, ben.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We'll pay you to tolerate ads
>And by pay we mean you can give someone else the money you earned tolerating ads

>> No.13455110



Brave/BAT is in a position to change the web and cause major disruption in advertising. Its doing something worthy of all the hype crypto gets and not just another exchange, or shitty gambling dapp

>> No.13455131

Basically yeah. Making dummy website is scamming the bat ecosystem but the shills won't tell you this. Kek

>> No.13455140
File: 80 KB, 720x910, 1555077190114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right big boy. Shame you can't see the potential.

>> No.13455145

no shit, it’s not meant for us. look at the retards on twitch throwing money at people playing fucking video games.

>> No.13455257


This is only for BAT granted to you buy the user growth pool. BATs earned by ads can be used however you want.

>> No.13455267

oh no, I see the potential. Marketing departments are some of the dumbest pieces of shit on the planet and if they get sufficiently hyped up about Brave, BAT's worth will explode

>> No.13455281

>BATs earned by ads can be used however you want.
I heard you can only use them to tip

>> No.13455365
File: 167 KB, 730x794, BAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give you your due, not an expected response. BAT rn and for the next few years will see enormous speculative growth, once its sufficiently adopted, that's when the crash comes.
>but anon
>what about fixed supply
>its completely different to how the ad giants determine revenue and profit now
BAT will be the CISCO of the blockchain bubble.

>> No.13455369 [DELETED] 


>> No.13455422

do I need to turn off the built-in ad-blocker in brave to get the rewards? I still get some pop-ups in the side saying "check out this website/project" from Brave but I havent gotten any BAT and im not sure if those ads are the ones that contribute towards your BAT

>> No.13455683
File: 103 KB, 875x872, Screenshot_2019-04-27-20-56-21-602_com.brave.browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got 20 BAT a couple of days ago, nothing since. How do I cash out?

>> No.13455750 [DELETED] 

No, the ads are coming straight from Brave themselves and you can leave your shields up.

>> No.13455802

As protection against scamming you have to prove you're a proper regular user, you can get around that by opening and closing Brave about 15 times.

>> No.13455827

Latest dev build change log says it will unlock after you've contributed to bat publishers for 1 cycle.

>> No.13456181

That means the two way wallet is about to drop then.

>> No.13456397

got it ty

>> No.13456426

you cant cash out, youre suppose to use the "money" you earned by watching ads to pay someone for their content like a youtube channel. Lmfao how did people fall for this?

>> No.13456473


>> No.13456858 [DELETED] 

It literally says you get paid once a month, brainlet.

>> No.13457698

>Says the weak minded

>> No.13458537

> you getting mad I'm getting rich
> t. 2BATS

>> No.13459131
File: 46 KB, 596x554, brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brave extension store...