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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13447314 No.13447314 [Reply] [Original]

and im talking all money above not having to work, cover food and rent and all other base things. money surplus beyond that turned me into a huge degen. i lost my aesthetics from eating too much sushi, got addicted to booze, cocaine, whores and gambling. even the baddest whore and nicest sort of food and highest tier of alcohol will get boring because it turns into your normal baseline. existence seems to be a literal jewish scam im starting to believe. you get tired of fucking everyhing. being broke was a literal blessing because the cope and illusion that wealth and luxury shit actually make a difference is what made you energized and full of euphoria daydreaming. but once you touch the sky there is nothing to do but crash down. where the fuck do i go from here? what should i do? im beyond depressed and the only thing which brings slight joy is lifting weights and playing with my new puppy.

>> No.13447429

God damn i would like to slap those titties around

>> No.13447440

id pay a grand to lick her feet dead srs

>> No.13447449
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>> No.13447458


can you help me get rich?
The problem is OP, you are wasting your money on retarded stuff. When I have a lot of money it will actually make me happy, because I know exactly what to do with it.

>> No.13447493

insane redpill. how is this not teached in school?

>> No.13447517

no i cant because for the most part i was just lucky and took insane risks. if you took all my wealth away i would not be able to do it again. maybe this is the reason i snapped because it came too fast.

what would you do with money?

>> No.13447539

they teach grammar in school but you seem to not have retained that.

>> No.13447542

because people are cattle and you don't want to spoil the "meat", in a metaphorical sense

>> No.13447555

The difference is you can choose to keep being a poorfag. The poorfag can't just choose to be rich.

>> No.13447599

obviously not a mutt

>> No.13447636

My boss is like this. He is super successful and says he rarely gets excited about anything and has traveled all over, done it all, etc. I feel like having a ton of money with a frugal mindset and spiritual purpose/good morals is probably the best combo.

>> No.13447645

I dunno I think whores are worth it.

Cocaine is counterproductive though.

I play poker so gambling is profitable for me.

Life is simple dude just do things you enjoy and try to stay healthy.

>> No.13447651

I only want to be rich so I can be free, you know, sleep-in everyday, pay my bills without worrying about anything. I don't care about having that lamb, yacht and big mansion, its alot of headache

>> No.13447669

Any sentence that starts with "my boss" and u kno u are a cuck

>> No.13447748

>rando on the internet knows my whole work situation
I forgot i was posting on biz with all the neets

>> No.13447754


Yeah buddy, that's why we have things like fasting or nofap, it's just to make us feel shit so we can feel good about other stuff we believe must feel good lmao

>> No.13447782

The ultimate red pill is the blue pill. Having a family is one of the most important things a man can achieve. It's literally like creating and running your own mini empire. It's just that the jews have ruined married with no fault fivorce and ruined women with feminism and progressive ideals

>> No.13447884

>It's just that the jews have ruined married with no fault fivorce and ruined women with feminism and progressive ideals
this rustles my jimmies

>> No.13447910

Same. Women aren't the devil. It's sad so many NEETs here, who I think would make good husband's and fathers aren't going thru with it. I think I've found my unicorn and I can't wait to marry her and impregnate her with my seed, we want at least 2 white purebred children

>> No.13447927


You are like the pajeets flying towards the shitcoin of the current quarter of year thinking

>not me, nope, i will be able to manage it, i won't be on the wrong side of the road

>> No.13447962
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The reason many relationships fall apart is because men these days are basedboys and don't know how to handle their women. I went thru this myself and realized what it takes.

If you find one young enough, treat her right, and feed her red pills from an early age, she will turn out ok

>> No.13448011

For me desu I'd dedicate my work into academics in the field of anti aging. I'm training as a PhD now. I'd take insane risks and I would definitely infect myself with adenovirus to get extra copies of life extension Genes like sirt. I need fuck you money to do this.

>> No.13448041


>> No.13448082
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well, everyone decides where to take risks, good luck

>> No.13448089


>> No.13448256

im broke. in my 30s. and i got a 75k job lined up. pretty happy being broke, i doubt i will ever take shit for granted. ill finally be able to buy more link, travel, and cook good food.

>> No.13448989


>> No.13449189

How much money did you make?

>> No.13449983

Oh Fuck off. Another lemming who has been indoctrinated to believe "Jews" are behind everything. I'm the furthest thing from being Jewish, but the hate these people get is beyond criminal. Laws need to be enacted that put people who in prison who criticize the Jewish people and their religion. I'm sick of it, just stop already.

>> No.13449996

why do you think the elite turn into sadistic pedos who think they are god?

>> No.13450002

What do people gain from typing out these elaborate larps?

>> No.13450023
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You have to go back.

>> No.13450106
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>having a family is bluepilled

>> No.13450143

>Laws need to be enacted that put people who in prison who criticize the Jewish people and their religion
tfw not sure if b8

>> No.13450163

because it's better to instill hope than depress a little kid that life sucks
let them have some fun, they have their whole adult life to discover it sucks

>> No.13450178

I know, this sounds crazy, but instead of spending your wealth solely on yourself and dopamine infusions, invest in your family and/or community and earn a sense of satisfaction that 11/10 pussy can only dream of providing. Try to renovate dilapidated areas of town, work with local business owners to reignite their businesses, open a private school, the list is endless really. But you'll probably have to give up the hookers and coke. Sushi is based though. Open a sushi shop and fly in the freshest fish possible.

>> No.13450222

Can I have money if you don't want i?

>> No.13450325
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>> No.13450343

You're just stupid when it comes to money. Just neck yourself faggot.

>> No.13450422

Absolutely this. Being single and 45 without kids is truly pathetic, everyone knows you are a loser no matter how much you cope with money

>> No.13450446

fuckkkk same here OP

i drink heavy every night. order food. etc etc

here's my theory: most people on /biz/ are redpilled. usually when people strike it rich they finally have something to live for, so they sort their shit out (get fit, fix aesthetics, nice house, nice car, etc).

well if you are redpilled then you still have nothing to live for, and you know the future will be bleak, so you stay in the status of "given up".

>> No.13450545

your theory is not a theory. its a real thing. gratz.

>> No.13450557

What I got from this is be a leader that others want to follow. Sounds about right.

>> No.13450579 [DELETED] 

Have sex

>> No.13450670

>buy Link

Maybe you're just broke because you're mentally retarded

>> No.13450685

>what would you do with money?
If I had money, not necessarily "fuck you im rich" money, but enough to live a semi-rich life, Id mainly spend it on infrastructure. I'd think about the holes in the community boat that need plugs and figure out to to patch/fix them. Once I witness that the community has become self-sustaining under my specifications (a severa year process), I can revel in my work and contemplate the depth of my impact.
Then I'd buy a big boat, throw a party with the sluttiest bimbos dressed up as characters from mlp, and do lines of coke off their abs. Then do it all over again, or retire by opening a hotel/resort and enjoying being the dictator of my own paradise.

>> No.13450704
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You're not "redpilled", you're just a doomer sack of shit and imagining yourself as "redpilled" is the only way your brain is able to cope.

>drink heavy, order shit food every night etc

Lmao, how very "redpilled"

>> No.13450778
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Buy a good 20-40 acres somewhere in the wilderness with woods, streams and wild animals, pretty but not over the top cabin, have some crops, maybe bees and honey. Find a nice traditional country girl to be your wife, crank out a few kiddos have some doggos. For the most part wealth accumulation is pointless, you don't need much to live well in the modern world. Big cities and a jewified world have convinced us to desperately try to convince everyone around you that you're rich... why should that matter?

You ever sat on your porch smoking a pipe looking around you and said "yup, it's all mine". That's a good feeling, getting into that "exclusive nightclub" doesn't begin to compare.

>> No.13450781

because you didn't go to school

>> No.13450823

The reality is that money is representative of blood. It's judgement. In this current age, wealth is only gotten through iniquity. Even if you "worked hard" for every dollar, your ability to maintain possession of this property exists primarily through the use of force, and as a result of historical injustices. So money is destroying you, in a sense. Even if you managed to live a more functional life, it would be eating away at you on some level because you don't have a hope of something better.

The best you can do for now is use that money to actually HELP people, rather than living for yourself. This would be easily achievable. Help NEET's, invest in new vegan enterprises, etc.

>> No.13450864

Money is just a means of trading labor. What you have is described is trading your labor for temporary satisfaction. Very uneffective considering its difficult to enjoy your money while working fulltime.

Take the minimalism pill and save as much as possible in a career you enjoy but also pays well. You will be a millionaire before you know it, especially if youre good at whatever it is you do and start a business.

Then take that money, set up a lifestyle you enjoy in a cheaper area, and become the 30 year old boomer you were destined to be.

>> No.13451510

The information presented is very rich, and valuable. Thank you OP. I've had 2.5 LTR and lots of short flings, and this helps me see the breaks in my game.

>> No.13451569


You are biologically wired to have a family and kids who love you. Cocaine is not a substitute for that.

>> No.13451582


That's unironically already law in the EUSSR unless you're muslim

>> No.13451608

where did you get this idea from?

>> No.13451617


>> No.13451707 [DELETED] 

stop that bullshit larp pajeet

>> No.13452142

Hell yeah. This is legit.

>> No.13452790


>> No.13453047

Now this is my life motto, who the fuck cares about other shit, just go along with the ride, make some money to stay alive, and enjoy whatever you do, this guy knows how to get along.

>> No.13453512

You do need some money to start this. But in many areas of North America land is cheap as fuck as long as you don't mind being far from cities. Canada and USA together, 99.5% of the land is unpopulated. Which is an insane concept that we crowd around cities for some reason.

You need, maybe $30,000 to get a nice little plot of land and a rudimentary cabin.

>> No.13454233

Go vegan and die meme comes to mind
You're a smart guy please look into a meat based diet and don't make yourself ill like I did bro. :)

>> No.13454434

>"You are biologically wired to have a family and kids who love you. Cocaine is not a substitute for that." - said Dildofucker9991x
>Narrator: but it totally was.

>> No.13454568

you're not rich until you're 'four south korean teens in a hot tub at the same time' rich

>> No.13455657

that would cost me about 2k euros. any pleb can afford that.

>> No.13455851
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>> No.13455900


>> No.13456113

get creative. you are pathetic, what a waste of success.

>> No.13456465


>> No.13456472
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Pathetic. You were already a shallow person before and money just exacerbated that. You need to set a high standard for yourself and spend all your time achieving it. It can be art, sport, tackling a social issue, whatever.