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13444349 No.13444349 [Reply] [Original]

These snakeoil salesmen are going public next week. What's everyone thoughts on them? Sales growing, losses shortening. $1.2billion evaluation seems incredibly low for a company that is 10x it sales from 3 years ago

Far more interesting than copy-cat companies like Pinterest and Lyft. This shit could actually be a legit evolution of an industry already valued in the hundreds of billions

>> No.13444355

too bad their product is awful. impossible meat is going to dominate the whole industry

>> No.13444367

I hate vegans, but I've had one of those burgers. Pretty gud desu

>> No.13444371

I think I'm going to put $1000 suicide stack on every fake meat company that goes public

>> No.13444381

Everyone hates their sins.

>> No.13444383

Veganism is dead before it even got off the ground. Everyone is realizing how shit it is and how it turns you into a bugman. The only people that will buy this type of product is retarded women and basedboys.

>> No.13444387

veggieburgers are a fad that comes and goes, granted these veggieburgers are pretty advanced, bu still...if you buy the IPO for a veggieburger fad, you will get rekt in the long run, imo

if you are speculating that you can make a quick buck in the short term...well, its your money to gamble with

the burgers are fine when seasoned and sauced, ofc its going to taste gross if you grill it and eat it plain

the real problem is that these are insanely overpriced and when people realize they are being fleeced paying 20x for plant matter, its game over

>> No.13444399

Maybe it does, I haven't tried Beyond Meat yet. But also, Impossible isn't going public anytime soon. So, till then Beyond will have a run-of-the-mill position till then.

And even if it is awful like you claim, they have insane partnerships with fast food companies. And even further than that point... these are early iterations of these products. Today they're pretty fucking close to being indistinguishable from actual meat. So fuck today. Look down the road 2-4 years from now...and I'd bet no one will be able to tell the difference, the price to produce will plummet, and more and more people will hop on board simply because they have no idea they aren't eating lab-grown meat.

>> No.13444404

I thought it was a genetically engineered test tube meat company not a veggieburger one, a little more apprehensive now

>> No.13444409

I don't believe in sin, anon. I only believe in these digits.

>> No.13444419

i don't believe this has ANYTHING at all to do with "veggieburgers". Veggieburgers failed hard because they taste like shit. These are something entirely different. This is imitation meat. Meat that ideally in the long run of things will help curb the growing concerns of our environment.

Google how much imitation crab is consumed currently and people can't even tell the fucking difference

>> No.13444428

I don't have a problem with veggie burger shit, but who the FUCK wants to eat meat flavored veggies? If I'm going to eat a non-meat thing then don't give me some fucking laboratory chickpea that tastes like sausage, jesus christ.

>> No.13444462

>has no idea how artificial meat production is
you can pick a fruit off a tree. you need tools to eat meat = artificial

>> No.13444563

I got a free sample of one of their meatballs and I was honestly surprised by how good it was. I have no intention of stopping meat consumption but I don’t see what’s so bad about there being something like this available.

>> No.13444584

It was actually impossible brand, whoops.

>> No.13444585

a lot of people ITT are looking at this in the complete wrong light.

This is NOT veggieburgers. This is NOT meat-flavored veggies. This is IMITATION MEAT. A POTENTIAL solution to our ever growing concern over the vast environmental footprint the meat industry is leaving on our planet. Regardless whatever the fuck you believe about climate change, even deducing it down to have nothing at all to do with the planet...

That industry, in it's current state, is not at all sustainable for our ever-growing populace. BUT... beyond meat, impossible, and the like just might. Maybe.

Would it even matter in 5 years if you ordered a McDouble that tastes EXACTLY the same as it does today? Probably not because chances are your brain won't even notice the difference.

>> No.13444587

>vegan fast food/meat substitutes
the shittiest food group imaginable. The point of meat is not the taste. It's the nutritional value.

>> No.13444594

Snake oil is not vegan.

>> No.13444616

It’s a meme. In 10 years lab grown meat will probably be cheaper and healthier that “real” meat. THAT is the future.

>> No.13444622

>be vegan
>miss A&W burgers
>didnt have one for years
>Get a beyond meat burger
>no mayo or cheese either cuz im not an artery clogging cuck
>its delicious
>life of being vegan is vindicated because i can enjoy an eh n dub meal ethically without carcinogenic meat

As a vegan this is a fucking delicious burger and ive had Many veg burgers.

>> No.13444637

Lab grown meat is metabolized into carcinogens like methianine just like nature grown. It will have its niche but its not healthy

>> No.13444644

Can't name one nutrient in meat not in plants or made by the body.

>> No.13444652

As a vegan i would never eat an insect. Bugmen is for guilty carnist liberals.

>> No.13444663

but is mcdonalds going to serve an impossible patty? i'd expect them to use a cheaper patty like the beyond one.

>> No.13444668

Do you seriously think most people would eat this shit over perfect lab grown meat? Plant based meat substitutes aren’t the future. At best they will become as big as dairy substitutes.

>> No.13444679

they won't adopt these patties until the price comes down and they can shape the taste to match their burgers in the current state. look at how the adopted the changes to their fries, the burgers would be no different. McDonald's adoption is still a few years down the line but they've been wildly interested in this industry for decades

>> No.13444706


>> No.13444737

>These snakeoil salesmen
You're seriously a fucking idiot. You got that? Parroting everything you know. Get back to your subreddit and sit the fuck down.

>> No.13444759

The post I replied to claimed that this would be the “solution” meat consumption. It’s probably a decent product, but it’s a niche product. Plant based meat products won’t replace meat for 99.9%+ of meat eaters. The only way you can get most meat eaters to stop eating meat is by making a PERFECT substitute (i.e. lab grown meat).

>> No.13444788

The future I'm trying to paint for you is one of the same. These plant-based substitutes will eventually evolve(albeit MUCH MUCH sooner than you think) into perfect lab-grown meat.

why are so many of you so short-sighted when it comes to the evolution of the future? you think crypto can upset the financial industry in it's current state, why can't plant-based burgers evolve to be indistinguishable from real meat?

>veggie burgers 10 years ago
>veggie burgers today
>ALMOST indistinguishable from real meat
>veggie burgers 5 years from now

>> No.13444807

Also, you’re hand picking studies that fit into your world view. The scientific consensus is that having some (but not too much) meat in your diet is perfectly healthy.

>> No.13444842

It actually tastes pretty good

>> No.13444898


You can still eat vegetables and hate vegans dumb faggot.

>> No.13444912


3D printing food, I’m all in.

>> No.13445042
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>> No.13445088

>veggieburgers are a fad that comes and goes

been a vegetarian for over 20 years. if you invest in this you deserve to lose all your money.

>> No.13445110

hope you also got it made without the buns since they aren't vegan or you're no longer allowed to call yourself a vegancuck

>> No.13445180

It's just pea protein you dunce. I've had a lot of veggie burgers and these are the closest to real meat I've had so far but the price is way too high. I don't see it taking off when there's cheap shit like Boca and Morningstar.

>> No.13445203

Based and vegetarianpilled
I love my little critter friends :3

>> No.13445214

>willfully ingesting the most processed foodstuff imaginable
This shit will be mass produced, cheap as shit and will cause waves of illness never seen before

>> No.13445259

Soil has all the nutrients we need, as it provides food to plants, which later provide nutrients for animals that we eat. Let's eat soil.

>> No.13445261

>wont replace meat for meat eaters

U trying to trik me m8

>> No.13445271

>the only way to get meat eaters to stop eating meat is to feed them meat instead

U wot m8

>> No.13445286

Been vegan for 12 years, don't give a fuck about veggie burgers.

That's all.

>> No.13445312

>people massively report alleviation of crippling health issues instantly after adding an all meat diet
>people eat all-meat diets and are incredibly healthy. They are pioneers enough that there aren't even studies debunking or confirming what they do (all-meat, no meat+plants)
>vegans still exists

>> No.13445371

>you don't need soluble and insoluble fiber
>you don't need vitamins and minerals
>lots of saturated fat is good for you
says no one but internet armchair dietitians

>> No.13445507

Real life stories of the mass of converted ex-vegans speak otherwise. Your armchair accusation is pure projection given this.

>> No.13445548

>I can just eat ... a piece of meat ... with minimal preparations ... and I'm healthy
>I can process non-animal based foodstuffs in miraculous ways, possible only through high-tech kitchen utensils and and still feel like shit. After reporting this, to fellow vegans, gget abused for "not being properly vegan" - using even more arcane food processing formulas and even more non-locally grown foodstuffs.

>> No.13445586

real life stories of your mom on my dick dumb faggot

>> No.13445601


>Mass converted ex-vegans

Let me give you a quick lesson. The 'vegans' you're talking about were never vegan to begin with. There's a reason they're dumb enough to switch to an all meat diet. Like in any sub-culture or tribe, lifestyle, etc, whatever you want to call it, there are always going to people who enter looking for some kind of ultimate truth or panacea to every fucking problem they have, and usually the problem is their sanity.

Like I said in a previous post, I've been vegan for 12 years, actually vegan. Like, I'm doing it for every possible reason related to the ideology vegan, not some band-wagon hopper chasing internet fads. The people who stop being vegan and claim their health problems have been solved are usually raw foodists, which, by the way, is a nutrient deficient way to live. They go from one extreme to another because they are unbalanced people.

The problem with people like you is that this is politics for you. You've got a personal issue with the whole ideology. You're threatened by it for some reason. That's your problem. I don't give a fuck about you, but I do have a problem with you spouting utter bullshit.

>> No.13445600

I see you lack brainpower. That's ok - it's expected of you given you handicapped yourself with veganism.

>> No.13445675

sounds good to me.

>> No.13445683

this product is ass, impossible is actually good.

>> No.13445694

>The 'vegans' you're talking about were never vegan to begin with
So Vegan virginity is what's required to be healthy? lel

>> No.13445711

I eat unprocessed food - as natural as one can eat - I'm healthy.
People eat processed bullshit, including vegan (excessive cooking + using non-local produce is processing), people get sick. They get healthy again after returning to a meat based unprocessed diet. It's that simple

>> No.13445720

based vegan guy, not very common.

>> No.13445765


No one argued there are not unhealthy vegans. The vegan junk-food market is lucrative, it even attracts non-vegans. What you're arguing is that a wholefoods diet is ideal, and what I'm arguing is that a wholefoods plant-based diet is superior. Humans are opportunists, but a lot of us are choosing to do the best thing possible for the species and the planet, whether or not you think that goes against nature. I don't hate people who eat meat and I certainly respect people who eat less processed foods a lot more.

This isn't really the place for a soapbox or a debate, but that's my stance, and with time plant-based ethical living is going to prevail. The statistics are out there.

>> No.13445817

I think fake meat is disgusting but i know this can make money. Will probably take a position when it hits the open market but after the first profit snatch.

>> No.13445889

There's been public pressure for it. If it goes well for Burger King, which it currently is and will continue to do so, I think we see McD join in.

>> No.13445905

Significantly healthier.

>> No.13445914
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The face when I have eaten 1kg (2.2 burger pounds) of beef just today. Carnivore is the natrual way guys. Think about it logically

>> No.13445926

i just hope we don't see a bunch of tom-fuckery on open like we have with Lyft and Pinterest. but honestly 1.2 billion evaluation is fucking insane for a company like this. talk about a fucking unicorn in the wild. especially when you have a copy-pasta cab company, who loses money every quarter, wanting an outrageous 100 billion evaluation

>> No.13445933


>> No.13445956

You're dramatically downplaying exactly how little that "some" is. We're talking a McDouble worth of meat a day is about as much as is healthy.

>> No.13445960


Based carnivore bro

>> No.13445971

Or you could look at diet demographic trends for like ten seconds.

>> No.13445977

These are delicious. These and Impossible are as good as a veggie burger can be ATM. Sure, it's a tossup between these and Impossible, I just prefer these.

Carl's Jr. just started serving these in Jan. Burger King starts with the Impossible. Pretty soon all these chains will have one or the other.

The world can't sustain itself the way we're eating meat now. Lab grown meat, stuff like this, whatever, we need to eat something other than cows n' chickens n' shit that we raise to be slaughtered.

>> No.13445987

You haven't had enough if you think Beyond is closer to meat than Impossible. You couldn't accidentally mistake Beyond for meat, but I'd have a hard time guessing whether or not an impossible is meat or not.

>> No.13446003

That's cool some of us do

>> No.13446014

You're just making shit up lmao

>> No.13446026

They're just fucking plants bro you ever eaten a vegetable?

>> No.13446053

Eh, the copycabs are competing in a market with room for multiple participants. I don't think it's the same for meat alternatives, and everyone knows that Beyond is currently in a distant second in a two-horse race with Impossible.

>> No.13446105

Oh i fully expect shenanigans for the first couple weeks after it lists. I'm only interested in trading it after the initial jackassery has calmed.

>> No.13446153

i'm hoping to grill a beyond burger up on sunday, so i can tell for myself. impossible was great though, first time I had it years ago-- could hardly tell the difference.

and while they might be a distant 2nd, beyond will be the only offering to investors for a foreseeable future. while I know it's coming, I haven't read anything anywhere that Impossible will be going public here in the near future. My speculation on Impossible is that they are hoping for the sunk-cost buyout, they keep releasing reiterations of their burgers currently. And the 2nd evolution is eons better than their first. So I imagine the 3rd phase will be of a comparable leap. Who knows though. All in all, Beyond Burgers is investors only option for this kind of industry for the time being. and a 1.2 billion evaluation sounds wickedly fucking low.

>> No.13446172
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>> No.13446184

you are risking buying at a 5-6, maybe even 10 billion market cap if you do that. in my personal opinion of course. but i'm curious, why do you think the "jackassery" will continue after it opens to the public?

side note, does anyone know what share price the underwriters and initial VCs bought at? can't find that information anywhere. just BYND marketcap, share price, and revenue

>> No.13446190

>beyond meat
>beyond burger
what is it? horse meat?

>> No.13446204

or what

>> No.13446210

peas(beyond burger)/grass/bean(impossible) extract with meaty stem cells and a particular protein called heme, which gives off the irony taste and causing bleeding, from what I understand

>> No.13446596

B12. You are a waste of dubs and an orgasm.

>> No.13446637

So, according to Vegans, the more Vegan one gets the worse his/hers health will be UNTIL the vegan virginity threshold happens - then one supposedly starts to shit rainbows. Is that true? I can't just "be more vegan" and "be more healthy"?

>> No.13446778
File: 1.19 MB, 320x284, 1C4FBF62-342C-4478-BF3E-E406A0EEE9FB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this much COPE
Top fucking kek carnie cucks are pathetic. Literally several billion dollar startups slowly taking over the carnie cuck industry and millions being red pilled by documentaries streaming straight onto their phones unplugging them from the carnie cuck matrix. You will all be vegan within 10 years whether you like it or not.

>> No.13446805

Enjoy your artificial "food" and the ever more surprising health problems you'll have.

>> No.13446817

Nice try.

carni is hell of alot more natrual and healthy than vegan

>> No.13446894

I don’t eat imitation meat because I’m not a carnie cuck faggot hooked on eating processed garbage who has to trick himself into not eating dead animals like some heroin addict dependent on Methadone, lucky for me though most carnie cucks will need it.

>disregards entire body building and pro athletic adoption of veganism
Top kek my fucking sides, carnie cucks are adorable.

>> No.13446978

All vegan "athletes" don't even hide the nature of their diet being a handicap.
Please continue enjoying your bananas and cucumbers fagboy. Once in a while, just try not to deepthroath them before ingestion.

>> No.13447027

Why do I see this everywhere with so much buzz and fanfare? How did they accomplish such a marketing success? How have they convinced people that imitation meat is some brand new thing they made, and it's going to change the world? It's impressive, but also stupid and sad.
If you want to stop eating meat, then just stop eating meat. Don't act like some heroin addict and pretend you have no power over your cravings like an animal.

>> No.13447772


It's very simple. Most vegans once ate meat, burgers, etc and at the time most of them enjoyed the TASTE, but once they consciously figured out where the meat came from they went without, even if in most cases at first they were dropping foods they had enjoyed. Personally the idea of meat still disgusts me, but the CONVENIENCE of a burger and the desire for that sort of 'comfort food' motivates me to occasionally buy a decent vegan burger with imitation meat.

Part of the buzz and fanfare is also about vegans attempting to motivate people to become vegan by saying "look, you can still occasionally have some decent junk food", you can still have the occasional burger.

There is a huge demand for this. Veganism is exploding and will continue to explode.


It all depends on what you're replacing in your diet. If you start slowly eating more Oreos (which in many countries are technically vegan) instead of meat, that could well be less healthy. If you're substituting lentils, beans, tofu, other veges, etc for animal products - the more you eat the healthier in general. There's no threshold, though and in theory your diet could be significantly worse as a vegan than before. Being MORE vegan is being MORE healthy is better than nothing. A gradual transition is probably best in most cases anyway because your digestive system will have to adapt.

>> No.13447794

>/fit/ here

plant based proteins are useless

>> No.13447807

Tasty burgers. I'll probably sell some puts on them when options come available and wait for assignment.

>> No.13448308 [DELETED] 
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Insider here. It’s 1/10 the cost of animal meat and can be scaled with a formula very quickly. Also doesn’t give you as many clogged arteries and better for the environment fags. Get in or stay poor.

>> No.13448318

>plant based proteins are useless

/fit/ bro science. Show body with timestamp fat fuck

>> No.13448395

lmao virgin

>> No.13448469

He could be fit, but he's still wrong.

>> No.13449694


>> No.13450112

>>/fit/ here
broscience opinion immediately discarded

fucking what? vegan athletes don't even talk about being vegan because they know they'll get flak for it. but they are among the strongest. Just look up the strongest male olympic athletes. They are all at least vegetarian. Ilya ilyin is a good place to start.

intersting. Hadn't heard of impossible but looks like, yeah, they are the clear winner of the two right now. Absolutely no reason to buy in this overvalued IPO now that we know they won't have a monopoly fucking kek

>> No.13450136

your body creates small amounts of creatine through your liver you absolute brainlet

but it is a good idea to supplement extra creatine if you are vegan and an athlete (the supplements are vegan)

>> No.13450176

Will buy in on this and other fake meat in case more cities go clown world and ban meat in the public sector. As a civil servant Im going to be pissed when Ginther tries to imitate Cuck York.

>We are enlightened sanctuary city! We should be banning meat too!

>> No.13450684

Mention you're vegan 3 times. Oh shut the fuck up peanut brain.

>> No.13450938

Stay mad carnie cuck

>> No.13451310


>> No.13451320


no timestamp pic huh fatty?

>> No.13451525

Like your teeth?

Are you as frail as your logic?

>> No.13451532

Name a modern fruit/veg that isn't a man-made monstrosity. All modern fruit are sugar bulbs.

>> No.13451550

>wholefoods diet
Unprocessed diet. There is nothing like a unprocessed plant-based diet as it requires cooking. Modern fruit are an artificial man-made construct, unless you plan to sustain yourself out of things like elderberries.
The only benefit of being a vegan is making the person shifting actually focus on what he/she eats instead of packing in random barely digestible globs. This is not a benefit of veganism, it's a benefit of knowing what you eat - and if one wouldn't limit him/her self to all plant foods, he/she would be much better off.

>> No.13451554

>wishful thinking
A similar type of foodstuff in terms of being processed is powdered milk. One of the unhealthiest things one can eat.

>> No.13451836


>> No.13451955

I can go out in my yard, step on one of my chickens and then tear it open and eat it's insides. By the same token I can have my fruits and vegetables picked by machine, cut them up with food processor and freeze them into shapes before deep frying them.
Also, I have an idea how artificial meat production is being a former abattoir worker. I don't really get what part is artificial. Unless you're talking about manufactured meat, or McDonalds patties. Might as well be talking about KFC's potato and gravy.

The reason meat is processed isn't because it's required, it's because it's more efficient. Processing and cooking food has allowed us to take indigestible energy sources and effectively add that output into our digestive system. People say that the teeth and saliva are the first step of the digestive tract, in truth our food is pre-digested in the first step by the oven.

>> No.13451987

What do you vegans do with the animals that lived on the land before it was transformed into a monoculture? Do you just put them in zoos or something?

>> No.13452059

Artificial meat is important for the future. Theoretically it makes sense, I've never tried one though, I don't think these are available where I live. If it's already tasting decent as many people say I think we can expect nice things in a few years and the price will go down as this stops being a niche product.

>> No.13452409

being vegan year 2019, imagine cucking yourself out of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet? the food that all our ancestors lived off and thrived off that eventually made us.

but nope, dr carrotfucker is telling u that this kalesmoothie provides with everything you need!! (((just add some supplements lol!!)))

>> No.13452434

>he thinks mayonnaise and cheese are going to “clog your arteries.”
People still buy this boomer shit?

>> No.13452440

they are the same people that think we only work on carbohydrates and that all types of fat are bad, fucking kek
also, pretty sure none of these vegan plebs have ever eaten any organs either.