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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 356 KB, 1280x868, productivy-pay-gap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13445776 No.13445776 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think is causing the huge productivity pay gap /biz/?

I personally think it's due to 3rd world immigration, where companies are paying less because spics are swarming the country and are willing to work for less.

>> No.13445792

it's called free market, applies to labour too

>> No.13445793

what do you think is causing commies to spam biz?

>> No.13445811

You don't think computers doing 90% of things had anything to do with it?

>> No.13445816

It's because rich people exploit their workers you dumbass not because of brown people

>> No.13445822
File: 29 KB, 571x423, globalization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mass immigration and women in the work place. Simple supply and demand. The higher the supply of workers, the bigger of a profit margin employers can take. They've pocketed the vast majority of profits from the increased productivity that computers and the internet has brought us. They give us just enough so that we can keep affording our internet connections, netflix, and phone bills with which to opiate ourselves.

Why do you think (((they))) love multiculturalism and women's rights so much? You don't think they actually care about people do you?

>> No.13445837

>exploiting workers

how's that even possible? It's a fucking FREE MARKET, if you don't like the pay or the conditions, don't do it. Who is forcing you to?

Oh wait, you are just pissed off because there is always someone else willing to do more than you for less than you, well, that is free market for you, it works both ways.

>> No.13445845


I own a sales company faggot.

>> No.13445850

We are a post scarcity society, jobs are a meme

>> No.13445866
File: 232 KB, 1276x997, immigrationinamerica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how's that even possible? It's a fucking FREE MARKET, if you don't like the pay or the conditions, don't do it. Who is forcing you to?
It's possible because if you don't like your wage they will just import some impoverished pajeet or Jose from the third world to do it for you and be happy with his wagie life. You're competing with low human capital with no standards who are just happy to be out of their shithole of a country.

>> No.13445871

it's obvious the jews are going to crash the dollar and make china the world leader for the next 100 years
look at zuckerjew you really think that's the best he can do?

>> No.13445875

Couldn't agree with you more, it would be interesting to see the productivity pay gap in different occupations, more specifically the ones less affected by AI.

>> No.13445878

Isn't "we need these foreigners to do the jobs we dont want to do" often the reasoning for importing so many 3rd worlders?

I've heard people spit that and then be talking about how automation and ubi are unavoidable minutes later

>> No.13445885

you can't exploit someone who has the ability to quit at any one moment

>> No.13445887

precisely my point. Just because YOU don't like the pay or the conditions, doesn't mean everyone else has to feel the same way too.

Well, tough shit, reality bites and all that.

>> No.13445932
File: 52 KB, 514x571, jew4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's okay if we devolve into a third world shithole because muh short-term profits for the 1%
Could you be more obvious schlomo? If an economic system is dragging the living standards of the average person down to the level of the third world then there is a problem. Capitalism and globalism do not mix.

>> No.13445937


I'm an actual Boomer and I remember how in the early 90s it took five people all day to do invoices for a company I work for. Now one person can do what it took five people eight hours a day to do with the billing software

>> No.13445989

Because the "jobs people don't want to do" (manual labor harvesting vegetables and fruits), aren't the jobs that are going to be taken over by automation.
Both s

>> No.13446044

the truth however is that nobody really cares as long as the money keeps rolling in, or is willing to do anything about it, and even if they do, it makes no difference. The west is about to die a slow, painful and horrible death. Think Roman empire in the 4th century AD

>> No.13446057
File: 14 KB, 220x132, wage theft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13446064

>automate software
>no person doing the production
>no payment for the production

>> No.13446097


I would assume that study would mean the gap of HUMAN production, not production by AI.

>> No.13446106

This graph is bullshit.


>> No.13446122

Do not trust every data they throw at you.

>> No.13446131
File: 102 KB, 800x800, dearliberals2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recognizes legitimate grievance in the labor market
>must be a (((commie)))

>> No.13446154
File: 1.13 MB, 857x1202, hitlerjews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That graph only includes the lowest 80 percentile so it's wrong, let me show you this graph that averages the top 20% in and makes it appear as though the average wage has been matching productivity
the absolute state of globalist jews

>> No.13446171

Innovation idiot. Had you worked in a manufacturing you would see first hand how technology changed things. A 10 man job can now be done by 1 person

>> No.13446193

Doubled the labor pool right around the time of the divergence in your pic related

>> No.13446202

one of the reason there are so many rapefugees all of a sudden in jewrope
fucking rich fucks artificially importing more and more slaves and making europe an unstable dangerpit

>> No.13446230

It's possible when there is a monopoly on the labor market. If all employers decide not to raise wages, wages don't rise.

>> No.13446237

>production lines
>continuous production lines
>cycle production lines
>all of the robotic production lines
Have you ever seen furniture painting lines?
Shit moves so fast you have no idea.
Management and Safety.
Third world work force who work at minimum wage limit and live 10 people together.
All production can be written of on this gap.
Would not say the same about tradesman ship, there are other rules and management and you know traders get more than production line workers.

>> No.13446382

My understanding is that it's financialization + surplus labor.
I've been reading about this right now, here's some links:


Yes but they're probably not a primary driver: popular conception is that computers destroy mountains of jobs everywhere, but in reality their effect doesn't seem to be catastrophic on most sectors.
For example in healthcare, computerization seems to be creating more workload/demand for labor and entirely new jobs (eg the "scribe" position).

>> No.13446444

Also women in the workforce. Expanding the labor pool will invariably reduce wages.

>> No.13446459

Based anon

>> No.13446475

ITT: lots of brainlets that have never read a single study on the impacts of low skilled labor inflation

>> No.13446865

jesus christ when did it become accectable to link to that cesspool

i´m getting too old for this shit

>> No.13446948

Working women and imigration

>> No.13446984

sure you do commie

>legitimate grievance
I think youre just retarded, like the rest of leftypol

>> No.13447215
File: 161 KB, 500x522, gulag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like your not giving me any other coice but to go full communist.
Fuck it. Going to Home Depot to pick up a guillotine, so I can redistribute your wealth.

>> No.13447262

1973 is when the gold standard was abandoned by the US. Prices went crazy after that because no one really knows what they are really representing, so wages are not picking up the fast devaluation.

>> No.13447402

>women entering workforce doubled the work force putting downward pressure on wages
>technology, specifically automation means less jobs needed meaning downward pressure on wages
>entire industries moving overseas to save costs removes entire industries of jobs, and there are strong frictional forces which prevent these people from retraining which puts downward pressure on wages
>qualification is easier than ever to get (but you get saddled with a debt bomb which is another problem) which produces more candidates which puts downwards pressure on wages
>illegal immigration isnt that big of an issue in most cases, but some industries like agriculture (fruit picking) have become completely inbred with their economics relying heavily on cheaper illegal labor.

globalization drops the floor of each countries economy and opened it up to competition from the world, where most developed countries cant compete in terms of cheap labor and lax regulation.

>> No.13447421

wtf do you mean by "explotation"?

>> No.13447693

You sound like a goddamn conspiracy theorist. It's always everyone else's fault but mine. O poor me wahhhhhhhh.

>> No.13447712

Mexicans = higher productivity

when it comes to construction, landscaping, and agriculture and you can keep wages low and profit with huge margins.

>> No.13448232

This guy gets it. The productivity is driven by machines first, outsourcing second

>> No.13448268

look at this putty brain