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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13436029 No.13436029 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13436041

Why do we need 2 of the same thing?

>> No.13436057

Exactly. BAT is dead.

>> No.13436063

why would brave care? the open source portions of their software are there to be used

its fucking chromium

>> No.13436100
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>Brave is forking furious

Whew lad. Look at /biz/ falling for clickbait. At least you didn't link the article. Literally saw a thread on the BATProject subreddit a couple of weeks ago about the Gab fork, it got maybe a few level headed responses about how this is open software and Gab is very welcome to use it as they'd like.

very strange that people are so against Brave and BAT. In this case it's a weird anti-twitter faction that is apparently also anti-Brave (for some reason), saw how good of an idea Brave was but is too stupid to grasp the idea of BAT. Cringeworthy brainlet stuff.

>> No.13436103
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So what? People are even more unlikely to adopt Gab (which has been a costly failure since its inception) in any significant numbers than they are Brave which has major mainstream support but no hardware.


>> No.13436114

Except they are furious:


>> No.13436123
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>Brave is forking furious
I fucking hate zoomers christ

>> No.13436131

I use gab, but I don't see how they can hope to turn a profit

>> No.13436184
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>Brave sucks!
>so we're going to copy their idea
>...but also cut out most of it so it's just Chromium with Brave's adblock
>...b-because muh free speech platform!

interesting take from the dipshits at Gab

>> No.13436313

Thanks, just sold 100k furious

>> No.13436542

Bit embarrassing from Eich to care so much and seemingly go against an important free speech platform but at the same time Gab comes across as an angry teenager posting.

>> No.13436761

Gab has been angry-fudding Brave from the beginning (possibly a butthurt gay guy on the crew). I'd like to see a little more decorum from Eich but I can understand clapping back when niggas be talkin' shit gnomesaiyan.

>> No.13436871

Shut the fuck up, nigger.

>> No.13437683

What Gab is doing here is trying to piggyback off of Brave's success in order to get more exposure. This is pure guerrilla marketing, and a pretty awful attempt at it too. I've been following the whole thing on shitter and the gab fanboi's are some of the most tech illiterate people out there. It would be a waste of time to even begin to explain the nuances of software engineering and the fact that a fork of a fork is much more complicated and risky than just being a single fork removed. Not to mention that the people at Brave have been programming web browsers since NetScape. This has already gotten way too much exposure for how stupid it is but its bullshit that they say Brave was furious. That's pure clickbait and not at all what happened. Go look at the thread for yourselves. But hey any press is good press for Brave because they can btfo gab which will give them brownie points with pretty much everyone else. So win-win I guess.

> thanks for reading my blog

>> No.13437959

So how is Brave a good idea? Don't they track you to sell you ads? As in in-browser tracking, not just cookies?

>> No.13437989

this. wtf?

pretty sure brave were /ourguys/ i dont know why gab or dissenter are being anal.

gab works on brave
dissenter works on brave

why dont they just fork when a real issue of freedom rears itself?

>> No.13438237
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Aw, is da widdewe gabby-wabby baby-boo-boo butthuwt? U gonna cwy u fat gay widdle fagget?

>> No.13438363

lol get rekt, batties. unlike bitcoin, you actually CAN just steal the source code of your stupid coin and replace it.

>> No.13439256

oh they will get (((funding))), don't worry. (((They))) invested so much into (((Gab))) it won't be allowed to fail.

>> No.13439295

Is Gab funded/created by BTC maximalists perhaps? If that's the case BAT/Brave would be competition and a threat.

>> No.13439315

>Is Gab funded/created by BTC maximalists perhaps?
oh FFS,


"A gabbai (Hebrew: גבאי), also known as shamash שמש (sometimes spelled shamas) or parnas or warden (UK, similar to churchwarden) is a beadle or sexton, a person who assists in the running of synagogue services in some way. The role may be undertaken on a voluntary or paid basis. A shamash (literally 'servant') or gabbai can also mean an assistant to a rabbi (particularly the secretary or personal assistant to a Hassidic rebbe)."

Now be a good goy and post on gab.ai

>> No.13439316
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Gab's whole entire complaint with Brave originates from "b-but muh Bitcoin is better! reee". It's pure old man Bitcoin maximalism retardation.

They're trying to spin it as something different, like they're trying to get under Eich's skin or some childish bullshit, but I remember their initial complaint and it was literally "muh Bitcoin!!!"

they're annoying attention seeking faggots

>> No.13439318

sounds like it.

>> No.13439329

Thanks just furiously 100k'd

>> No.13439434

oddly i always thought duck duck go would have developed a browser.
all these non aligned NON Political correct companies are eventually going to be powerhouses in the future and get total revenge against the PC mafia once they have gained enough monetary and poltiical clout.

i mean what will be the excuse
"yeah we doxxed you and take away your livilihood while forcing your kids to be tranny,we just got caught up in the times"

>> No.13439477

Yup, Gab's CEO Andrew Torba is definitely a BTC Maximalist. Excerpt from:
"Andrew Torba: I’ve been in Bitcoin since 2012, 2013 you’ll find articles from me on Coindesk from 2013 where I went to a subway about 45 minutes away from my house and used Bitcoin to buy a Subway sandwich, and that was the first real-world transaction that I did back in 2013. I think now that transaction is worth like thousands of dollars. But I don’t even care. As I wrote back then, if we want Bitcoin to succeed we actually, we have to use it for transactions, we have to exchange value otherwise if everybody’s just sitting on a store of value then where’s the value come from if nobody’s actually using Bitcoin, right? So, I don’t regret buying $1,000 Subway Sandwich back in 2013 because that transaction help gets Bitcoin to where it is today in my mind."

>> No.13439638

gab's not wrong. nobody wants your gay BAT lol

>> No.13439695

no problem with gab doing a browser
but lets not pretend we dont know which one is going to be the commercial success, advertisers arent going to want to touch the "nazi" browser

gab has a knack for taking other peoples projects and making it their own

>> No.13439756

Either way, in the long run all of Gab browser's userbase will be well aware of Brave. Eventually many will see Brave users earning BAT to tip, while they are stuck buying BTC for their tips, and they'll come over to the other side.

>> No.13439759

lmao imagine releasing shit as open source and crying when people use your code

>> No.13439775

>gab is making its own web browser
with blackjack...and uh, hookers

>> No.13439777

Holy fuck a furious just flew over my house!

>> No.13439899

i stated in this thread

BRave is going where GAB cannot touch or isnt interested in touching, games,podcasts ie become an itunes competitor which were the majority of usuability comes from.

one thing the right,which i am, keep forgetting is that in order to "win" you need to provide normie bait. GAB browser will end up being a something people will use yes, but i dont see for what exactly
brave will eventually add an all emcompassing wallet thats a no brainer,but the primary token will be BAT

>> No.13440512

Finally bitcoin maxmalists will have their "why not just use bitcoin?" Dream fulfilled. Maybe then they'll realize that no one will be willing to spend $5 in fees to tip a website 30 cents.

>> No.13440545

The Virgin trips
The Chaddubs

>> No.13440663

Why would people use their browser when they can use Brave and install their dissenter extension there? (Yes I have it installed and nobody fucking uses it from what I can tell)

>> No.13441061
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>> No.13441147

BAT stole its code from Chrome though. I support this. BAT tokens are fucking stupid anyway. I like the browser though.

>> No.13441169



>> No.13441182

D-did Eich just BTFO himself? What's going on, batmen??

>> No.13441188

SV has a money button. BAT is stupid.

>> No.13441207
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Oh nice. Some retarded GAB niggers joined the thread.

>> No.13441219

I've actually never used GAB. Only social media I use is 4chins. I just think its funny BATboy is getting btfo.

>as I type this from my Brave browser

>> No.13441220
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dude these tweets are 8 days old, meanwhile BAT is pumping..... u kidding me?

>> No.13442181
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absolutely btfo'd

>> No.13442214

That's not quite the zinger they think it is. He's saying if you just want people to use an extension then making a whole new browser is pointlessly difficult. However in total what brave wanted to do required a new browser.

>> No.13442233

This g fuggs

>> No.13442246

Without allowing alternative tokens it becomes a conflict of interest. How you tip should be a choice, not locked to just Brave.

>> No.13442248

how are you this stupid. i bet you hold chainlink

>> No.13442314

nigga set himself up with this one lmfao

>> No.13442720

Good stuff, will install it once it's out.

BAT is a stupid idea though, there is no need for an utility token, the devs even acknowledged that they created one purely to fund their venture. If anything a stablecoin would be more fitting.

>implying BAT is going to be a commercial success
They are directly attacking the main source of revenues from google and facebook, it's nowhere near done.

>> No.13442885

lol. even eich admits no one is going to install a new browser. that's not my problem with it though. my problem with brave is it's going about things all wrong. using desktop notifications as ads is retarded and it's annoying as fuck. ad notifications should be done in browser. also most people use the official youtube and twitch apps to stream on mobile and mobile is where everyone is at now days. the desktop pc has become little more than a glorified xbox at this point.

>> No.13442896

Gab probably doesn't have many users, users that are not considered valuable by advertisers I may add, out of this how many will consider ditching their trusty browser for an unnecessary fork of a fork? 30% max of an irrelevant number of users with no value. Good luck!

>> No.13443376
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>mobile is where everyone is at now days. the desktop pc has become little more than a glorified xbox at this point.

>> No.13443623
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If Brave or Gab's browser can still playback flash after 2020 I will switch to them in a heartbeat.

>> No.13443726
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[opens next room]

>> No.13443979

Gab is a clown show but Eich looks terrible calling someone a parasite for forking an open source project. Especially when his browser is a fork of something created by the company he’s trying to put out of business.

>> No.13444044

"Americans work more hours than medevil peasents" AKA no one is sitting around at home on a desktop PC all day. Literally no one. except a handful of neets and trust fund weenies.

>> No.13444055 [DELETED] 
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>Gab probably doesn't have many users

This is true,( >>13443979 ). What happened to Gab is kind of like what happened to 8ddit-except their downfall was performance issues that weren't addressed for like six months and schizophrenic moderation that made 4chan's look completely reasonable in comparison. Gab just seemed to get a surge of activity that died quickly and organically for no particular reason-people are just fickle I guess.

I think why Brendan was butthurt wasn't that they copied Brave but that they were talking shit before and after they'd done it. I'm not 100% sure though.

>> No.13444083
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>Gab probably doesn't have many users

This is true,( >>13443915 ). What happened to Gab is kind of like what happened to 8ddit-except their downfall was performance issues that weren't addressed for like six months and schizophrenic moderation that made 4chan's look completely reasonable in comparison. Gab just seemed to get a surge of activity that died quickly and organically for no particular reason-people are just fickle I guess.

I think why Brendan was butthurt wasn't that they copied Brave but that they were talking shit and fudding before and after they'd done it. I'm not 100% sure though.

>> No.13444338

you can see brendan is afraid or upset at someone forking his project and innovating it faster than his company can, why else start twitter arguments? guy is scared

>> No.13444402

I think Eich will be just fine. Its just frustrating hearing idiots go "but muh fork" when they know absolutely nothing about software engineering. Much less building a browser. Gab will absolutely crash and burn and they really shouldn't have made such a ruckus because it will backfire on them pretty hard. Any press is good press though so whatever. Have fun using the frog browser I guess.

>> No.13444417

>GAB is creating its own web browser using Google's code
ftfy, GAB browser will be the same piece of shit that BAT is.

>> No.13444591

forking is the least of his worries. the fact is mobile apps dominate the userspace. not browsers. only time i ever open my browser on my phone is to look at porn or do a quick jewgle search. if i look at youtube im on the official youtube app. same for twitch. im on the twitch app. this shit has literally no reason to exist as twitch already has a tipping feature.

>> No.13444653
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>look mom I posted again!

>> No.13444695

What a hot take. You're absolutely right! How did Eich and Thiel not understand this when they started Brave Software in 2015?!??!?!?! brb selling all my BAT now. Oh and just a little hint: If you use Brave on mobile you can lock the screen and still play youtube videos. But you would rather use the actual youtube app so that says a lot about you as a user.

> thanks sold 100k
> muh browser plugin token
> can't be greater than $1 its in the whitepaper

>> No.13444743

BAT is the only token I think may have a future, so I'm gonna make it a third of my folio. There is a tangible use case for it already unlike the rest of these utility tokens floating around. So I bought some of course. I am more investing in "Brave" then I am the actual token though. But ads are changing, and if you don't see the potential in this model at the least then you are a huge brainlet.

>> No.13444782

It has been the best performing alt during the bear market. That should say it all.

>> No.13444828

>it was super effective!
kek nice cope

>> No.13444865

Seriously where is the cope here?

>> No.13445141

what a tool, BATletts on suicide watch