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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 615x475, 0_swr_ayp_250419kit2JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13441166 No.13441166 [Reply] [Original]

tfw I will never have a bitcoin 3d waifu. Why even live?

>> No.13441170
File: 8 KB, 173x223, 1556110017499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the face

>> No.13441199
File: 47 KB, 302x160, gigablock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to click her Money Button, if ya know what I mean.

>> No.13441216

Kek. I must get a money button account soon. It's so many good apps and websites to use it on now. Thanks for the rare Craig bulge btw. Didn't have that one in my collection

>> No.13441244

Used it for the first time today so I could use

I only stored a picture of Craig on it though, so far.

>> No.13441265
File: 221 KB, 500x500, 1556216658690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it? What do you pay per mb?
I'm getting moneybutton so that I can record my mouse squeak interpretation on the blockchain and post it in the "Hi" threads.

Heres the site:

>> No.13441303

You can only do 100/KB per file. I'm sure that'll change in July once we get a two gigabyte block for our gigacocks.

>> No.13441305
File: 620 KB, 750x1075, 8139AE01-3DB0-417F-95AE-CD31601C127E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mommy gib Milkies please

>> No.13441499

I made one.


>> No.13441507
File: 34 KB, 400x386, 1540634055387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HAHA, you made my day? I can't wait till he wakes up and sees it.

>> No.13441510

This was supposed to be a "!"

I'm still smirking

>> No.13441780

Anyone know the name of the model? She's pretty cute, and the BSV is a plus.

>> No.13442330

I love how calvin ayre thinks the same sleazy marketing strategy that worked for his degenerate gambling site will be enough pump his shitcoin
this is why they've only been able to attract street shitters to their project

>> No.13442332

Are you kidding me? That's like the number one marketing strategy on /biz/. This is fucking tame by comparison.

>> No.13442346

yeah but biz is home made stuff that some autist put together in photoshop and posted on a Brazilian waxing forum, because of that it feels like the genuine article, like it’s real and lived. This shit is utter tripe of the lowest order.

>> No.13442370

Again this is tame af, so idk man maybe lurk moar because I constantly see literal assholes being posted. It gets away with it because there is a string covering it, but its basically still all hole. Nice brappers don't get me wrong, but don't try and say that's somehow genuine lol

>> No.13442375

brap posting on biz is not a sound marketing strategy
this is how "satoshi" wants to promote the "real bitcoin"?
to anyone who has access to indoor plumbing it just shows how much of a fucking scam it is

>> No.13442402

it totally is genuine man. It’s in your face, unapologetic, non socially conforming homemade gold, it has substance to it, because it’s REAL. This shit is literally so shallow i cant see my own reflection in it. They unironically hired some (cheap) models in Brazil, went and found a backstreet corner with a few throw ups and POSED in front of them, they are literally posers, posing in front of an art form that rails against everything they stand for and are doing, it’s total bullshit, even the fact they used a camera simply highlights the fact that this is all illusion, that just like a photograph it is completely removed from any real world context, it’s an illusion posing as something that contains substance.

>> No.13442410

imagine the smell

>> No.13442435

brap posting is simply the first step in any biz orchestrated marketing campaign, eventually it transforms into chad memes. They’re all shite, but they have charm, in an odd way, like that misunderstood kid who is a total social outcast and you totally dont want to associate with him at all but you can see that he’s leading a real life and that all the shit that people are using to ostracise him is actually the fake stuff.

>> No.13442616

>brap posting on biz is not a sound marketing strategy
We did actually notice a spike in the price after we started the brapp posting campaign, so I'm not really sure why you say otherways. Maybe you have an agenda, Greg Maxwell?

>> No.13442650

okay, been waiting for someone to reply to this thread so it’s back at the top. I’M UNIRONICALLY GOING TO TELL YOU A GREAT MARKETING CAMPAIGN FOR BSV, not because i like BSV, but because i pity it and wanna flex on them, so here goes. All you need to do is get like three Indian men, turbans and all, very Indian looking, covered in gold chains and shit, maybe even some gold grills, looking kind of gangsta right, but also completely not hip because well.. they’re Indian, and then have like one of them wearing a medallion or some shit with the BSV name and logo. All shot on a high res professional camera with post processing etc, maybe even a little fish eye. CAN YOU IMAGINE how often biz would post that shit to rail on BSV fags ? CAN YOU IMAGINE how normies would be like “heh so ironic and cool wow” and CAN YOU IMAGINE how the pajeets would literally RIOT IN THE STREETS for that shit. There. Now go, and bring back a decent marketing campaign.