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13438687 No.13438687 [Reply] [Original]

Is the USD ever going to collapse?

>> No.13438701

I wouldn’t bet on it, unless you’re a desperate retard

>> No.13438713

Yeah, tomorrow

>> No.13438714

Yes, it’s inevitable.

The question is when

>> No.13438724

in about 1k years

>> No.13438731

Yes, nothing lasts forever, but probably not during our lifetime

>> No.13438744

few years maybe, im sure as hell it will be in our lifetime. Would like to hear someone else tell me the opposite if you dare.

>> No.13438774
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We are talking about global depression in that case right?

>> No.13438779

Doubt it

Federal Reserve currency, Paired with Oil 32:1, Literally all the banks are pegged to the Dollar, U.S. is a country that draws all investments to it thus creating more strength for the Dollar, biggest military to back it. Everything points to the USD being the one Fiat currency that survives indefinitely.

>> No.13438788

Over the next hundred years or so the world is going to substantially decrease actual hand held fiat in exchange for all digital and then eventually it may evolve into an overriding international dollar/whatever so its probably going to 'dissolve' rather than collapse.

>> No.13438809

We've been used up, time to cast us aside. That's why they're so busy stirring civil unrest. *POOF* vanish

>> No.13438834


Rich people control everything. There hasn't been a single event in human history where the world's very richest didn't come out smiling afterwards. USD collapsing will affect the very richest, wgile most pior people and middle class won't have their lives altered that much.

In other words, USD collapsing means poor people win, billionaires lose. That will never happen.

>> No.13438868
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So right.

Buy gold is automatic moon mission retirement program.

Anyone who says different is probably jew

>> No.13438876

>Literally all the banks are pegged to the Dollar
You mean banks worldwide? Also what do you mean paired with oil 32:1?

>> No.13438882

see? heh sip

>> No.13438914


>> No.13438992


Confused? There's two ways this can play out.

Scenario 1: USD stays relevant. Shekelstein Rothschild doesn't work, but has billions of digital fiat dollars. This gives him power and anything he could ever want. His children inherit it and gathers more fiat for their children and so on.

Meanwhile, hard-working American plumber John Jameson works a 9-5 to provide for his family. Society doesn't value him that much in fiat, but at least he can keep a decent lifestyle for himself and his kids, maybe he'll even save up for a college degree to both his kids.

Scenario 2: USD collapses. Shekelstein Rothschild and all his friends have their entire dynasties built on fiat - him, every company and powerful person in the world, have until now only had power thanks to their purchasing power. Now it's gone, and they're on ground zero with nothing to show for and nothing to live for. Every bank collapses, national debt is thrown out the window.

John Jameson on the other hand, is kinda bummed cause he loses his retirement savings. But people still shit in the toilet, so society still needs his plumbing. He gets to keep his house, and trade his skills for food, water and shelter for his family.

Now you tell me which of those scenarios are more likely to happen, and which would the NWO/jews/govt/anyone in power allow to happen.

>> No.13439011

>Shekelstein Rothschild and all his friends have their entire dynasties built on fiat
I get your logic, but who is to say that the powers to be are not reliant on fiat?

>> No.13439169

when an all out civil war breaks out it will.
My guess will happen before the 2024 presidential nominee takes office.

>> No.13439220

The powers that be literally own the wellsprings of fiat. They create it at will

>> No.13439227

Take a hike George

>> No.13439407

No fiat currency has ever not collapsed. Yes, the dollar will collapse. We may all be dead when it happens, but it will.

>> No.13439427

Unless the IMF comes up with a currency made possible by "distributed ledger technology" to replace the US dollar as the world reserve currency. But the chances of them doing that? Totally a 0.000000001%, no?

>> No.13439539

its purchasing power has collapsed 90%+ in the last century

>> No.13439557

USD will collapse in the next 10 years. The money supply has quadrupled in the last decade. The government is printing over a trillion dollars a year. 6% of GDP. Yes, the government printed 6% of GDP to achieve 3% GDP growth, and we call that a "booming" economy.

The fed has announced quantitative easing is no longer a last ditch effort to prop up asset prices in a spiraling deflationary recession, but a normal, everyday "another tool in the toolbox" as they call it. In 2008 99% of the money supply didn't exist. It was credit / debt. When it all collapsed like a house of cards that lead to incredible deflationary pressure. The government essentially bailed multiple industries out and over last 10 years monetized that debt. They started printing so much money it counter acted the deflationary pressure from the massive credit crunch of the GFC that is still lingering today. The dollar has also been propped up by the ongoing global recession and various currency crises around the world.

But that is started to end. As economies bottom out, and countries with hyperinflating currencies adopt crypto, there will no longer be anything propping up the dollar. The massive 8x of the USD money supply by 2025 will catch up and cause asset prices to sky rocket. People will getting the fuck out of cash into whatever they can get their hands on, stock, gold, real estate, and bitcoin. It will creep up but once an inflection point hits it will happen fast, and a lot of people will be left holding the bag with worthless bank accounts, sky high rents, and nothing of value to their name.

>> No.13439573

I know, but wouldn't it make sense that they can also destroy it at will and replace it with something else?

>> No.13439619

This but unironically

>> No.13439654

It already did when the gold standard ended. It's not pegged to oil exactly rather stores of foreign (SA, VZ) usd reinvested into oil production and other markets/interest. It's petro dollar recycling. If the left ever passes a "green new deal" we will see total collapse as the recycling will have it's primary asset priced out.

>> No.13439682
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>Literally all the banks are pegged to the Dollar

Not for long.

>> No.13439878

this. there is some economic theory law i read that international currency is always preferred and people will transfer to that over time

>> No.13439936

the dollar will only be destroyed once the federal govt has over-extended its credit AND acquired numerous physical resources AND installed security to protect said resources. the dollar wont collapse until the fed starts seizing farms, gold, and industries.

>> No.13439965

>That time the French tried to crash the USD only for Nixon to cuck them by saying that USD is no longer tied to gold