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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13436497 No.13436497 [Reply] [Original]

>/fit/ realizes how rotten the system is so they want nothing to do with it and instead strive for self-improvement

>/pol/ realizes it as well and instead wants to change it for better

>only /biz/ doesn't care how the current world is and instead wants to profit off of this

Explain this, jews.

>> No.13436509

nothing to explain capitalism is the best system at scale. but everyone can't be winners.

>> No.13436513

if you believe you can change the world you are delusional and incredibly narcissitic

>Explain this, jews.
don't hate the player. Hate the game. fuck you.

>> No.13436524

>strive for self-improvement
By lifting heavy things off the ground. lel
>addressing biz as a collective entity
fuck off back to pol

>> No.13436526
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/biz/ is a BitCoin board, which is also about changing this rotten world.

>> No.13436532

but anon I want to get rich so I can fund the RWDS

>> No.13436548

All three boards are full of low IQ failures that are desperately trying to cope with the few brain cells that were given to them and should be avoided by anyone with sense or a shred of intelligence if they wish to ever succeed at anything in life.

>> No.13436555

/pol/ helps you understand the problem from without
/fit/ gives you tools to discover the inner strength, creativity, drive that the (((system))) has suppressed
/biz/ gives you the pragmatic cynicism to better negotiate terms of interaction with the system.

>> No.13436561
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/biz/ is the Jew board.

>> No.13436566

talking about changing the world and posting image of the rotten boomer trying to strangle all crypto innovation via threats of litigation.

>> No.13436577

You sound like jack dorsey

>> No.13436588


>/biz/ doesnt care how the current world is
>wants to profit off this

Errr hi faggot, lurk moar. We have daily wagie despair ridden wagie threads trying to rationalize selling labor for wage to enrich another person that skims off your surplus value.

Everyone here knows the system and economy is completely and utterly fucked. We just want our shitcoins to moon so we can be perma-NEETs.

>> No.13436596
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>/pol/ wants to change it for the better

>> No.13436599

>pol wants to improve the (((world)))

We want it to burn.

>> No.13436616

worse things have been said about me

>> No.13436776

This OP lurk moar fag

>> No.13436790
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>he doesnt get it

>> No.13436801

we jewl now

>> No.13436823

this fren gets it
/biz/ is all about finding the shitcoins that can lift us into perma neetdom so we dont have to interact with this fucked up world anymore

>> No.13436856
File: 198 KB, 523x720, ButItDo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of India is here trying to get enough money for toilets, I'd call the changing the world for the better.

>> No.13436887

>/pol/ realizes it as well and instead wants to be the jew.

>> No.13436906
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>CEO earning $100 net per employee annually, bad
>Government taking thousands from same employee, good

>> No.13436997

watch as it squirms in envy

it wishes it more than anything but it's running the wrong way. A shame, really

>> No.13437019
File: 56 KB, 498x343, new world tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only /biz/ doesn't care how the current world is and instead wants to profit off of this
Welcome newfag, take the crypto pill. Also buy LINK.

>> No.13437105


>> No.13437182

Nice quote from a high iq genius who not only died deeply in debt but was also hopelessly in love with a pigeon

>> No.13437223
File: 553 KB, 1712x1021, tesla cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice quote from a high iq genius who not only died deeply in debt but was also hopelessly in love with a pigeon

>> No.13437258


>> No.13437268

ahem. fuck nigs.

>> No.13437275


>fucking commie

t. biz

>> No.13437297

>/pol/ realizes it as well and instead wants to change it for better
LOL, 11/10 troll

>> No.13437325
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Im only here to make money for donating to white causes and to fund a family

>> No.13437329

>/biz/ doesn't want to change the world and end corrupt banking kikes
>literally the point of crypto

OP is a moron.

>> No.13437337


>> No.13437344

>/fit/ realizes how rotten the system is so they want nothing to do with it and instead strive for self-improvement
do you go on there much? this whole site is mentally ill but they are some of the worst.

>> No.13437348
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checked, based and redpilled

>> No.13437361

I just made $20k shorting a crash while you were creating irrelevant threads lol

>> No.13437379

Pre-2017 bullrun /biz/ was GOD tier. Some of my best discussions on this site took place on this board. These days it's in a miserable state and I stopped caring. I just visit every now and then out of habit.

>> No.13437424

Wrong. /biz/ wants to change the world for the better by destroying central banking and replacing all money with crypto. /fit/ and /pol/ faggots have incredibly self centered goals by comparison.

>> No.13437427
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>> No.13437476 [DELETED] 


Its basically this >>13437329 OP. Understand what usury is. Recognize that the (((fed))) loans out money they dont have, and why thats different from loaning out money you DO have.

Blockchain changes that because it forces jews into transparency, with a medium of exchange that they cant forge. Blockchain completely eliminates the need for the (((middle man))).

Heres a good starting place: http://www.liberius.net/livres/Money_manipulation_and_social_order_000000317.pdf

>> No.13437490

but i do want to get rich to further my political goals and help our race, anon

>> No.13437509
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Its basically this >>13437424 OP. Understand what usury is. Recognize that the (((fed))) loans out money they dont have, and why thats different from loaning out money you DO have.

Blockchain changes that because it forces jews into transparency, with a medium of exchange that they cant forge. Blockchain completely eliminates the need for the (((middle man))).

Heres a good starting place: http://www.liberius.net/livres/Money_manipulation_and_social_order_000000317.pdf

>> No.13437518

kek delivers

>> No.13437528

Biz is a containment board for retards. Cryptocurrency isn't real it was a practical joke.

>> No.13437613
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Also this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbarjpJhSLw

Or if youre a retarded child and need the cliffnote version, this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrwbgdtbdXE

>> No.13437808

Insular losers will tell themselves that the world is flawed. This allows them to blame the world for their failures. It lets them play the victim. It also allows them to imagine themselves in a position of intellectual superiority- as tragic figures burdened by "the truth" surrounded by blind sheeple in a rigged society. It's ego masturbation- the only way they'll feel worthy and important. Validation with no effort, and self-manufactured standard. Because they failed at life. They tried, failed, gave up. No need to work, produce anything of value, impress anybody. They can just waste their life away on the Internet, masturbating over their tragic fate, until they kill themselves or die alone.

>> No.13437852

imagine being a BIZ LIT FIT FA OUT SCI. The demon demiurge is within the systems, the information. What god wants me to do is smile and ride with him

>> No.13437905


>/business informed zionists/

>> No.13438121

And tell me, what does society do when those people you describe want to change? They're told they're too old and it's too late. And if you think that's the right approach, do you enjoy feeling superior over others? Does it bring you satisfaction to know that you managed to fit into the system, and that there's nothing "wrong" with you?

Are you afraid of losing a lower class to always look down on, for your on validation?

If this describes you, then your opinion on the issue doesn't matter. You don't have constructive criticism, or potential solutions.

As women begin to outnumber men in universities, nothing will change in society. As men become more detached and lonely, nothing will change in society. Age demographics never change, and even if they did, nothing would change in society. The opioid crisis doesn't exist, and it has nothing to do with feeling without purpose. Men don't have a higher suicide rate than women, and you should definitely encourage it, because that's what a well-fitting human being is capable of thinking up.

>> No.13438154
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>find 4chan
>realize jews run the world
>realize theyre literally satanists enslaving humanity through debt
>realize thats what theyve done throughout all of recorded history
>realize theres an inevitable hyperinflating end to fiat currency
>realize theres a once in a lifetime opportunity to escape the fiat ponzi in the soon to be greatest exchange of wealth in human history
>go back to society and live like a normie spending money going to bars and on vacations for the social validation

>> No.13438211

I realized recently that most of /biz users are shit humans, exploiters, scammers and don't want to change the system one bit. They just want to be on top of it.

If you are a decent human being, you can play the game but still want to change the rules. Not for /biz. For most of /biz users, the game is good, fair. They just want to be on top.

Now i step back from what is posted on this board.

>> No.13438300
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>> No.13438314


>> No.13438341





>> No.13438500

We know you kikes are scared of the 3rd position, it is coming

>> No.13438644

There's only one system and it's Darwinian; its precepts also found economics and therefore money as well as crypto.

>> No.13439037
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>The currency should be backed by the labor of the people: for every industrial hour work, a dollar issued. This way, the purchasing power of money-to-goods remains constant for the benefit of its people, while the nation's spending power continues to grow
That's not how economics works, especially in a system based off of keynesian economics.
>You should not be forced to have your labor handed over to international interests, buy you will see the community grow and thrive through your hard work and dedication. As they benefit from you, you benefit from them, and all work together for a better future. This is what it means to be a citizen
What the fuck does that have to do with taxation? Most taxes go to public services that benefit the people. It's not like government workers are paid shit.