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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13432525 No.13432525 [Reply] [Original]

here are the basics:
80k TPS see pic
0.7 sec tx finality
aBFT consensus (tech break-through)
15% staking reward or more
fantom fully supports ethereum smart contracts
over 100,000 lines of code on github
WASM support for java, rust, golang, js, etc.
dozens of devs working on the project every day
mainnet in Q2
deluded/hyped community (reminds me of raiblocks)
full transparency by the team + external audits
andre cronje was lead coder and is now tech advisor and head of biz development
superb partnerships with governments and billion dollar companies
will get listed on binance, bittrex, and korean exchanges like bithumb, upbit
insider rumor has it that fantom will be the first project to get listed on binance DEX
has more FUD than ETH had back in the day

>> No.13432605
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If you're an actual fantie, stop spamming these threads you're making us look bad. If you're the guy who bought the top and sold the bottom and spams hate threads daily, congrats and well done in changing your strategy of FUD. You're much more likely to scare people into not buying FTM by posting these shit threads that mimic paid pajeet spam than you are by spamming your hate threads.

Too bad the FUD BTFO pastebin will follow you everywhere you go: https://pastebin.com/5aPVtpUC

>> No.13432622


>> No.13432623

ironically, i was the faggot who made the FUD BTFO pastebin. i just thought a quick summary will do it too.

if you are not done accumulating tell me now and i will pause my shilling so you don't miss the train. but hurry up massive bullflag we moving up soon.
also 4chan doesn't affect the price on non-shitcoins. volume is way too high for us to have an impact.

>> No.13432633

the digference between us is that I tell the truth for free while you get paid to scam!!! kys. Btc eth xmr and shitcoin genocide!!!

>> No.13432672

dude, please realize that all you're doing by posting these threads is making FTM look like a scam. these types of threads are the exact same format as the ones that paid shills spam nonstop when trying to get people to buy into pump and dumps. If you want to attract genuine attention, there's no need to spam multiple threads with the same content, and there's no need to post thots to try to garner attention. Keep it professional, keep it simple ;D

>> No.13432692

>ironically, i was the faggot who made the FUD BTFO pastebin. i just thought a quick summary will do it too.
busted, see m post literally 1 sec before yours

>> No.13432837

4chan doesnt affect the price

>> No.13433356

haha. imagine going back in time with early ethereum and a poster defends saying "please dude you're going to make ethereum look like a scam".

You get in Fantom, you are betting that it's tech will be picked up. aBFT is a pretty strong point. It's basically ultimate security from a programming standpoint. Basically will be pretty hard to crack, the most secure crypto when it comes to immunity to attacks.

POS is pretty much mandatory with all the mining factories that potentially could 51% anything mineable. Fantom has it.

DAGs while not accepted yet, have not shown any centralization or prone to faults or attacks, are the lightest form of blockchain that will be accepted. (instant and small or no fees).

Smart contracts, well Fantom uses an easy import from eth so everything can be copypasta'd over. Atleast all that work won't go to waste when Fantom takes over.

Finally, .7 sec confirmation vs EOS 1.5 sec. Will complete the fastest, which is why tps was sacrificed to 80k tps

>> No.13433441


>> No.13433473

this kills the lowkey fudder

>> No.13433730


>> No.13434119

Are you all fucking retards, did you not read what I said? I'm not a fudder you morons, I own over 3 million FTM. I'm just saying that the way you're spamming /biz/ with pictures of sluts and a copypasta about the project is embarassing and makes FTM look like any other pajeet scamcoin that pump and dump groups spam on /biz/ with pictures of sluts and a copypasta about the tech...

>> No.13434157
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>biz affects price
lolz good one

>> No.13434166
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>> No.13435150

you're right, warren buffet is reading biz and getting scared from buying. he saw a terrible meme and ran scared.