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File: 303 KB, 400x400, E76C0FDF-FBC6-4C88-AE04-A8744BDDD506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13431934 No.13431934 [Reply] [Original]

Look at this fucking rat: Jameson Lopp. He pretends to be all manly on twitter but as you can see by just his mere body language, he’s a pesky feminine rat.

FACT: This man collaborated with Greg Maxwell to smear against Craig based on shoddy facts.

FACT: This man recently tweeted out satoshi post times on bitcoin forums and compared that with Craig’s public posts to suggest Craig is not satoshi. But Jon Matonis had already asked Craig about this and Craig told him why the time zones are like that. Most probably, it was to protect Craig’s real location at the time. Whatever the reason, Matonis was convinced, and this man is as trustworthy as you can get.

FACT: This rat will soon release a “report” on Craig Wright. Don’t trust anything in it.

Never trust a white ONIONS boy. Blockstream is literally hiring racist white ONIONS boy scammers to shill them. This is why you see all the constant posts against Indians and Asians and regarding them as scammers when these fucks are the real scammers.

>> No.13431946
File: 110 KB, 800x800, kraken.v1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick tock

>> No.13431951

Oy vey Jamie has a big nose

>> No.13431963
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 1meg-greg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blockstream is literally hiring racist white ONIONS boy scammers
hmm I want to believe you but just look at this chad, his beard is practically dripping testosterone

>> No.13431971
File: 290 KB, 728x450, scamsonmow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blockstream is literally hiring racist white ONIONS boy scammers to shill them.
this is also patently false. I mean their CTO is the most well-loved asian lesbian woman in crypto

>> No.13431978

If you're going to bitch about racism, do it on reddit.

>> No.13431979

>FACT: This rat will soon release a “report” on Craig Wright. Don’t trust anything in it.

why the fuck would i let a bcash faketoshi's vision shill tell me what to believe? fucking kill yourself you subhuman pajeet scum.

>> No.13432007

Racist blockstream white onions boy scammer #1.

Any more of you? Imagine being a slave of the biggest onions boy in existence: Greg Maxwell. Do you have any shame?

>> No.13432017

Based and STIFFpilled.

There's so many backstabber in crypto. Money corrupts as always.

>> No.13432029

Seething onions boy.

>> No.13432114
File: 233 KB, 828x424, satoj sirs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i can tell you're new here because you don't know about the word filter or how to get around it.

>> No.13432127

Shitty meme. How does Greg’s cock taste you racist shill? You neckbeards love acting all tough on the internet.

>> No.13432128

>He's so new that he thinks he's an oldfag if he write soiboi to circumvent the filter.
Meanwhile the real oldfags let the filter kick in to bait newfags like him.


>> No.13432138

And no, it’s simply because I could care less about whether the word S-O-Y is spelled out correctly since everyone would understand its meaning after the filter is applied anyways. You racist shills love concerning yourself with irrelevant matters.

>> No.13432162
File: 824 KB, 719x586, rekt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being concerned about race jokes on 4chan of all places

fuck off discord trannies

>>You neckbeards love acting all tough on the internet.

thats rich coming from a passive aggressive bitcoin minority fork shill - glad you are triggered! xD

>> No.13432184

>Jon Matonis
who cares about this fag

>> No.13432197

>thats rich coming from a passive aggressive bitcoin minority fork shill
That's rich coming from a passive twink. LOL

>> No.13432200

> xD

Atleast try to hide the onions behaviour next time you shill.

>> No.13432232
File: 116 KB, 1199x752, forged10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day after Jameson Lopp proves using valid statistic methods that Craig Wright is not Satoshi we get brigaded by the Creg shills with 28 threads and 2 posts per minute including smear campaign of the data source. What a fucking coincidence. It's not like you're trying to hide something, is it?
Brigade all you want, your shitcoin is going to zero and Creg is going to jail.

>> No.13432240

Nice try you rat. We already exposed that “evidence” (a chart you copied and presented as your own) here: >>13430809

>> No.13432247

You as in Jameson. I know you’re lurking Lopp. Fucking rat. Posting shoddy evidence and that too other people’s charts.

>> No.13432249

Do you really think Satoshi is so stupid he would give away his location just like that? You must be the biggest moron on /biz/ besides O1G for believing that

>> No.13432261

Is that the new consensus among BSV shills? More 3d chess? More Craig acting like he's a scammer and fraudster pretending to be caught just to create a smoke screen? Sorry but I'm going to go with the much easier explanation that someone else has to be Satoshi. Almost any of the other candidates is a better fit. Nick Szabo would be my pick.

>> No.13432264

fuck off back to your discord server you brainless shills, stop posting your shitty photoshopped shill material here, stop shilling your shitcoin, it's over, it's a dead coin, fuck off already

>> No.13432274

wait wait wait wait....
So this chart shows that Craig would post stuff as Satoshi (code) and then later post stuff (blog) as himself?
I don't get it. Is this supposed to prove that Craig is Satoshi? Or is Craig supposed to be blogging at the same time he is posting code??
pls respond

>> No.13432276

That was a very good counter argument. Did you come up with it all by yourself. Let's print it out and put it on the fridge together. LOL

>> No.13432293

it proves that 99.99% they were living and active in a different timezone.

>> No.13432314

>t proves that 99.99% they were living and active in a different timezone.
isn't that just OPSEC though?

>> No.13432331
File: 7 KB, 259x194, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any sources for that image, stranger?

>> No.13432364
File: 33 KB, 400x267, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok sweety

pic related is you

>> No.13432452

>pic related is you
HOLY SHIT! That must be the clapback of the year. We need to announce this somewhere so that the whole world can enjoy your brilliantly composed insult. Please honor us with some more of your stingy words

>> No.13432477

It proves that they were living in a different timezone.
why don't you take it to discord and pin it there? that way all you shills (the three of you) can see it everyday

>> No.13432489



>> No.13432494
File: 101 KB, 998x767, 1501993315176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I can't deal with the bsv shills anymore
just can't
I'm joining them
my brain hurts from arguing with them so from now on i'll just be shilling bsv ironically, if someone is dumb enough to fall for low effort ironic shills maybe they deserve to lose their money
I gotta do this to avoid descending into madness

All hail creg sanjay the real satoj

>> No.13432502

yeah, its nick szabo. these shills are idiots

>> No.13432507

Buy bchsv sirs very stiff sirs, kindly do please the needful.

>> No.13432526

yeah I think I'll do the same, this is fucking exhausting
I guess it will be rewarding when finally the story unfolds and retards lose their money

>> No.13432542


>> No.13432552

I must say I'm a bit disappointed. I was hoping to provoke a reaction as I so often and easily do with O1G. I'm out

>> No.13432559
File: 890 KB, 1200x676, cragSanjay1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and craigpilled

>> No.13432569


teehee you got trolled xD

>> No.13432679

No one here cares about the word 'racist' used against them. Oh no, so and so is deemed racist about a minority who is ultra tribalist himself.

>> No.13432733

Hating pajeets is not racist

>> No.13433446
File: 38 KB, 350x400, 1502055653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can add this pos to your list

>> No.13433597

corecucks being kikes doesn't preclude creg satoj's vision being lowend scammers
in a context where cryptographic proof can 100% prove something, anyone who defers to individuals for trust implicitely admits they're below 100iq

>> No.13433628

Sanjays vision is the most needful sirs very good pls buy on the yobit exchange