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13431650 No.13431650 [Reply] [Original]

How would you prevent inflation in an MMORPG?

>> No.13431685
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I wouldn't, I'd make sure PvP was enabled and watch my mmorpg world turn into a warzone where only the strong survive and the week are left cower in fear. I'd then start a new world with my new army of elite warriors and leave the week to fend for themselves in a world where monsters are 10x tougher than they are. Out of chaos I shall bring forth order by pretending to be the second coming of Jesus.
Fuck dealing with inflation. Money isn't real nigger, it's something we assign a value to because we've all fallen for the money Jew.

>> No.13431701

not sure preventing inflation is possible, just can minimize it.

>> No.13431733

Raise interest rates.

>> No.13431740


Based and tyrantpilled.

>> No.13431749

>gold based currency does not have inherent value


>> No.13431752
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>She ID

>> No.13431757

Tax which burns the money out of existing on every trade

>> No.13431765

This, VAT but instead of it going somewhere, it burns.

>> No.13431781

What is the value of gold?

>> No.13431785

In order to minimize inflation, there shouldn't be that many ways for money to enter the game.

WoW works somewhat well. The problem is each expansion pack made the monsters drop more gold when killed, and quests gave more gold. Sure the price on gear repair and vendor regents went up a bit, but it wasn't enough to offset the extra gold awarded by the quests and monsters.

Also, as the expansion ages people will farm gold from daily quests and such. So as time moves forward, prices go up. The original costs of leveling are no longer present. People have already leveled their professions, they have paid to learn their spells, and now they just go around level capped farming daily quests. Perhaps someone could devise a way to adjust the prices of regents/armor repairs based on how much people are farming dailies? I'm not sure really. But prices tend to go up a TON when an expansion hits, and then go up gradually as it continues.

>> No.13431794

That's literally what pre-wow mmos were like

>> No.13431803

There is nothing like an inherent value of anything you brainlet

>> No.13431812

consumables gold sinks

>> No.13431840

>wow works
lol no, not a single mmoo has been able to curb inflation because of npcs giving that shit out. basically currency is not currency in mmos, it is a commodity like any other

>> No.13431867

You cannot stop inflation in online games. The more time it passes, the more currency is being created.

I started Path of Exile again which has no currency per se but rather a barter system. You are trading one kind of "orbs" for other kind of "orbs". When I used to play way back in 2013 22 chaos orbs = 1 exalt orb, now 120 chaos orbs = 1 exalt orb. You have no central bank in mmos to control all of this.

>> No.13431995
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