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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13429393 No.13429393 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, I am the faggot who keeps copy pasting FTM fud. First off, I want to apologize for my rampant homosexuality. Fantom is a god tier project. It's just that all the cocks in my mouth make it hard to see sometimes. I hope you forgive me and should I ever post anything like that again just understand it's my repressed homosexual rage talking.

Your friend,

Pajeet faggot piece of shit

>> No.13429797
File: 31 KB, 812x366, 666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

***WARNING: The people behind Fantom are criminals. Do not buy their gook pump and dump scam coin***

Fantom was an ICO scam. They only had a white paper and that was a copy paste of Hashgraph's whitepaper. They lied about having 300,000 TPS (it will have only a few thousand TPS at mainnet). The gook founder doesn't know how to code, and the team were all fake. None of the original team are left. All their partnerships are fake (there is no substance behind them).

The Fantom team also tried to steal money from the 100,000 people who tried to get into their fake public ICO. They sent us a scam email telling us we were accepted and to send ETH to the wrong wallet (their personal wallet).

They begged Andre Cronje to build something for them. Andre has been involved with several other scams like Cryptocurve.

Fantom recently pumped and dumped their token. They used the ETH they raised from ICO to buy back Fantom tokens at the bottom after the price crashed. They then got their team and bots to shill non stop on Twitter to pump the price, and used a wash trading bot to create fake volume. They sold their tokens at ATH, and stopped shilling, turned off the wash trading bot and let the price free fall so they could buy back at under 100 sats to pump and dump again (around mainnet time in Q3).

I was the anon that shilled Fantom on biz. I misled and outright lied to you. Fantom is not "Ethereum, but without the scaling problems".. it's just a smart city meme shitcoin. Andre Cronje isn't "like having Vitalik as your core developer", hes just a blogger.

Update: Andre Cronje is decreasing his blockchain focus. Fantom's website has disappeared.

>> No.13429851


nigger listen, EVERYTIME you post this garbage you gonna get the BTFO pastebin link. Over 1000 anons have already read the pastebin and know you are a lying cuck who sold the absolute bottom. The latest version of the pastebin (V6) alone has over 300 views, tread lightly, you are doing more harm than good by keeping this spam campaign going.



Please help newfags and weak hands by posting the FTM BTFO pastebin manifest whenever you see the faggot posting his copypasta FUD

Just bookmark the link and post it to shut-down the fudders with their lies.

FTM FUD BTFO - Must-read:

For the record, i am not against valid criticizm. I just hate lying faggots that make shit up, like the "Fantom was an ICO scam" pasta faggot that shits in every thread lately...

>> No.13430221
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>> No.13430360

BUMP. Mods please pin this shit

>> No.13431348


>> No.13431375

Michael Kong:
"Andre signed a paid CTO contract in October 2018. Fantom has also paid for his travel expenses since July 2018. His current contract expires in May 2019. He plans to stay on. More details will be released."

"Andre is overseeing the development of Lachesis by sfxdx, offscale, Quan Nguyen, Peter badenhorst, Anton Neil and others. He is also focused on closing partnerships for use cases post-mainnet, of which many details haven’t been released publicly yet, exchanges, and publicly representing Fantom like on interviews he does."

In essence. He is focusing mainly on Fantom etc, he was representing them in London a few days ago.

Faggot fudders BTFO

>> No.13431384

Imagine not going all in on this shit.

>> No.13431442
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, beezee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the L's so u could take the W's - stake it till ya break it, luv it till ta leave it, pack it till ya hack it......makin it in so so so many wayz......we wuz kangz

>> No.13431631

imagine fudding this shit to buy at lower prices

>> No.13431818

yeah its like fudding eth at $0.10
why are pajeets not happy with a 4x cheaper price than ico??

>> No.13431831
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File: 155606767948839.jpg (98 KB, 893x834)
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Daily Reminder: I Am a Giant Faggot Anonymous (ID: 5HHq/bnp) 04/25/19(Thu)12:24:15 No.13429393▶>>13429851 >>13431348
Hello, I am the faggot who keeps copy pasting FTM fud. First off, I want to apologize for my rampant homosexuality. Fantom is a god tier project. It's just that all the cocks in my mouth make it hard to see sometimes. I hope you forgive me and should I ever post anything like that again just understand it's my repressed homosexual rage talking.

Your friend,

Pajeet faggot piece of shit
Anonymous (ID: +QxexY9r) 04/25/19(Thu)13:18:48 No.13429797▶>>13429851 >>13431375
File: 666.png (31 KB, 812x366)
31 KB
***WARNING: The people behind Fantom are criminals. Do not buy their gook pump and dump scam coin***

Fantom was an ICO scam. They only had a white paper and that was a copy paste of Hashgraph's whitepaper. They lied about having 300,000 TPS (it will have only a few thousand TPS at mainnet). The gook founder doesn't know how to co

In essence. He is focusing mainly on Fantom etc, he was representing them in London a few days ago.

Faggot fudders BTFO
Anonymous (ID: BZ/rSsDl) 04/25/19(Thu)18:45:06 No.13431384▶>>13431631
Imagine not going all in on this shit.
>>magine fudding this shit to buy at lower prices
Anonymous (ID: Ggrlwn6u) 04/25/19(Thu)20:14:08 No.13431818▶
yeah its like fudding eth at $0.10
why are pajeets not happy with a 4

>> No.13432400

Well done lmao

>> No.13433314


>> No.13433390

pre 2019 all crypto currencies were just beta tests for Fantom.

>> No.13433998

Agreed. Also someone needs to pin this shit.

>> No.13434055
File: 133 KB, 1850x486, FNTMARKETBUYING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


SAUCE: https://medium.com/fantomfoundation/fantom-improvement-proposal-1-proof-of-stake-fip-1-17bbbe225e70

>> No.13434976


>> No.13435272

>SAUCE: https://medium.com/fantomfoundation/fantom-improvement-proposal-1-proof-of-stake-fip-1-17bbbe225e70
they dumped the tokens at ath and will rebuy under 100 sats. it's not that hard to understand

>> No.13435293
File: 30 KB, 360x240, downs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is not bullsih retard, this is them covering their asses because they are trading against their "investors".
They should not be trading in their own token period, end of argument, there are no sides to something like this, you never hop back into the market as a project.