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File: 461 KB, 1242x1417, 2EF82835-4AE5-4E4E-8D8F-1D59F5B9FC0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13430809 No.13430809 [Reply] [Original]

This is conclusive proof that Jameson Lopp, along with Greg Maxwell, are both frauds trying to smear Craig. Jameson Lopp recently tweeted out a picture showing the post times of Satoshi and Craig and used that as “evidence” to show that it’s not Craig.

One of his paid trolls also just posted on biz and again, you guys are falling for it. STOP BEING SO DUMB. It has already been addressed as said in the picture linked in this post. This man is incredibly intelligent and almost certainly has a good reason to make it look like Satoshi was not from Australia.

Do you really fucking think that Jon fucking Matonis would be trying to fool you? STOP FALLING FOR THE CONSTANT FUCKING BLOCKSTREAM SHILLING ON HERE. Jameson Lopp will soon release a “report” on Craig Wright. Do not believe ANYTHING said in that report or by ANY of his shills on this forum.

>> No.13430857
File: 182 KB, 631x409, 1537476446188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


CSW is draining the swamp, they are desperate, absolutely amazing

>> No.13430868

I am so astonished at the stupidity of general humanity.


It’s unfortunate that the truth is understood by only a few. Fuck these frauds.

>> No.13430918

Trial by Tweet, I wonder where we've heard that before?
Orange man bad.

>> No.13431798

As usual, biz ignores this.

This forum is 100% filled of racist shills hired by blockstream.

BTC = racist white basedboys who don’t care about law and order who are scammers themselves while calling other races scammers

BSV, real bitcoin = open minded, respectful, alpha men who care about law and order

>> No.13431804

>delete your account
Holy fuck core cucks really are basically leftist faggot kikes

>> No.13431903
File: 86 KB, 800x800, 1554248050973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BSV, real bitcoin = open minded, respectful, alpha men who care about law and order
Funny how Calvin Ayre who was one of the feds most wanted men and was a money launderer associated with CSW...who hates scammer and wants to put money launderers in jail. Calvin was finally caught and had been offered the choice of working for them as an informant or go to prison. CSW is australian intel.

>> No.13431915

False. Theres nothing wrong with racism and we will gas the Blockstream kikes.

>> No.13431928
File: 524 KB, 900x530, PajeetWarfare5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BSV = racist brown curryboys being paid by satoj/fred durst to spam biz

>> No.13431932

Based and redpilled
Blockstream has no right to exist

>> No.13431938

That's not at all what happened. Ayre sold a gaming company to some American firm and they tried to retroactively apply the law. He only got a misdemeanor.

>> No.13431955

>Blockstream has no right to exist
Now they're even trying to push lightning network in litecoin. Gotta collect those sweet fees you know that was actually meant for the miner so that they could profit from securing the network. You know like it said in the whitepaper.

>> No.13431976

blockstream and core coiners don't care about facts. They only care about pushing their narrative so they can scam as many people as possible

>> No.13431987
File: 52 KB, 576x576, craignose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, frauds trying to smear a fraud? We all remember how he was trying to forge various "evidence".

>> No.13432000

>We all remember how he was trying to forge various "evidence".
That's the blockstream narrative

>> No.13432020
File: 879 KB, 3098x1762, CSW fake whitepaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this? It's not my problem that CSW shits his pants all on his own.

>> No.13432021

The complete and utter breakdown of the incentives scheme these faggots are trying to pull will completely ruin them in the long run because of this. Although I dont think the chain will last another 2-5 years anyway at this rate.

>> No.13432051

They envisoion a world where neckbeards with rasperry pi's run the network almost for free because "muh decentralisation", while blockstream scoop up the fees on lightning network. And NO, LN is not peer to peer. it will consolidate into a few big nodes which will be run by you know who.

It is truly sad, and sadly true

>> No.13432089

Another piece of shitty blockstream sponsored “evidence” that they told Wikileaks to repost to make it look legit.

In case you’re a retard, I’ll explain it for you. He simply edited the paper back to an earlier draft. Haven’t you fucking done that by yourself when writing a papers?

...oh wait. You shills have never written a paper of any sort of any kind in your life. Enjoy Greg’s two inch white ONIONS boy cock.

>> No.13432113

When writing a paper*

>> No.13432121

>edited the paper back to an earlier draft
Not plausible at all, mate. Considering his history of faking things (i.e. the blog posts), this one is also likely to be fake. And please stop pretending that you're bothered by blockstream and bitcoin purity so much, we both know you got into crypto in 2018.

>> No.13432190

False. Stop coping.

>> No.13432204

It took you 15 minutes to come up with that rebuttal? Ok, mate, you win hands down. I suppose archive.org was hacked by slanderers too.

>> No.13432897

This is excactly what is going on, and my mind is blown away by the fact nobody seems to realise this. It is no less than a hostile take over of BTC. Luckily Bitcoin lives on in an untainted version under the name BSV. Craig is Satoshi, and people are getting real desperate to protect their scams from being exposed by him.

>> No.13433567

>Jameson Lopp, along with Greg Maxwell
People unironically listen to people like this. Core coiners are pure and simple retarded

>> No.13433663


Bsvfags getting desperate and worried that their fake shitcoin is going to zero

Looking forward to lopps investigation, he’s one of the most trusted people in crypto

>> No.13433686

Sirs creg is the original Sanjay pls buy the back coin on the yobit exchange and do the needful