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13428535 No.13428535 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit off of sexual desperation of the growing male incel population without being a female myself?

inb4 knee pads

>> No.13428560
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sell your cheeto stained XXXL tighty whities to unsuspecting incels expecting panties.

>> No.13428568

Start a camwhore website
Become a legal pimp

>> No.13428577


deep fake camgirl videos

>> No.13428582

Become a tranny or a femboi and sell feet pictures.

>> No.13428793

Blog or vlog echo chamber crap they want to hear. Stuff like ..."feminism is destroying society", "liberalism is a brain disease" etc.
The more incendiary the better. Donald Trump U/Alex Jones type of shit, sell shirts with pepes, npcs & wojack memes with your shows logo - Chad wannabes will support you.

>> No.13428805

Knee pads.

>> No.13428898

Unironically start a sex toy business. Profit margins are huge since it's a business that many avoid getting into.

>> No.13428917

Yeah, you can even get it crowdfunded by these same incels on Pledgecamp when their platform launches kek

>> No.13428945


I am a 5’4 turbo manlet, attracting women with money is literally my only hope for getting a gf or wife. But I’m frugal as fuck and I don’t want to wagecuck for 50 years. I dress like a broke teenager and drive an economy car. Should I start acting all tryhard and go buy a Tesla and designer clothes so women will become attracted to me, even if this lifestyle will prolong my wagecucking years for another decade or more?

>> No.13429603

You don't need kneepads to take it in the ass OP.

>> No.13429617

Make angry youtube videos pointing the finger at various non-incels as responsible for incel problems. Just like the last 1,000+ to capitalize on the same thing.

>> No.13429707

Manipulate a girl into selling nudes of having s premium snap and take half her earnings

>> No.13429945
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Male Communes
>Year is 2029
>level of disenfranchised men has continued to grow
>women began to overtake men in university participation in the 2010s
>women now dominate most white collar jobs (it turns out automation was fucking meme that just improved efficiency, rather than literally replace jobs)
>women no longer bother with non-alpha/non-gigachad "men"
>men continue trend (that also started to take hold in 2010s) of fucking up in university, resulting in lower career prospects, therefore, unable to placate female hypergamy, which as it turns out, actually fucking exists
>world governments are growing weary of potential Beta Uprising
>deployment of Nazi Free Internet™ in early 2020s stopped these nutcases from congregating in basket weaving forums
>but now these faggots are being pumped out, in a factory-like manner
>governments look to Private Sector to get this shitpile off their hands
>source private funding for construction of habitation areas for men
>in these habitation zones, men will be taught construction, electronics, crafting, and farming skills, with the goal of becoming as self-sufficient as possible
>all excess production of things like constructed items/labour/food from farms will be gathered and sold at market
>proceeds will be used to generate returns for funding providers
>these men are potentially able to access actual jobs, if they develop the skillsets for them while staying in the habitation zone
>if not, they can choose to live out their lives in these habitation zones, creating some form of "purpose", with a feeling of Comradery and belonging

>> No.13430173
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Wizard Academy 2036
is the new name of my synthwave band

>> No.13430191

Draw furry porn
Sell sex dolls

>> No.13430463

Liberals are pseudoscientific dunning-kruger idiocrats, though. Whose agenda is surely almost exclusively driven by corrupt lobbies (sexual liberation, fat normalization, etc; all based on pseudoscientific reasoning; e.g. "virginity is bad and i don't know why it's good, but it's a good thing that women can prostitute themselves when their previous job had them starving, and here just look how philanthropic youporn is"). Then shitting up the internet with paid trolls. Not that climate change deniers like Trump would be better. In general, I'd prefer for somebody to make videos suggesting to put both liberal roasties (right-wing extremists) and incels (also right-wing extremists) into labour camps. Meaning people incapable of ethics, with ethics letting you try to conform to some societal standard to at least some degree, instead of being as selfish as possible. As they exploit ethics not for the positive sentiment it truly stands for ("I shouldn't hurt society too much, and reject vices and pseudosciences, since it would destroy both society and myself"), but only for themselves ("What good can ethics do for me? And how does it let me be as (self-)destructively selfish as possible?"). That is the pursuit of the most negative sentiment you can attach to ethics. They would refer to ethics in a way that would result in the corruption and destruction of ethics. Ridding society of these types would solve most problems almost over night.

>> No.13430526

i never read anything of this "dawkins," but i guess he such a genius that he realized that people whore out things (like ethics). corrupting them. for selfish reasons. and destroy it. which is extremely obvious if you are an ethical person. and then he called it "the selfish gene?" of course even jesus already knew this. and jesus really is all about this sentiment. of preventing the destruction of ethics and other sentiment due to short-sighted egocentrism. but it takes society over 2000 years to come up with the word "meme" and copy & paste jesus. the same way people over 2000 years knew not to fuck around. that virginity is important. in regards to bonding and co. but today they run around saying "virginity is bad and i don't know why it's good?"

today is the age of pseudoscientific dunning-kruger idiocratism. people who think they are ahead of past knowledge. when really they are too dumb to understand it.

>> No.13430597

It won't work, retard

>> No.13430716

jesus was often tempted to fall to the corruption of religion = "muh memes," or not? by the devil/satan. but he rejected it. and within the new testament those were condemned who would pray in public, using prayer and co only as a selfish way of status-signalling. when surely jesus and co were against this kind of status in the first place. of course dawkins hates jesus and religion, because he's quite frankly a dogmatic retard. who doesn't even understand what religion is about. like pretty much every atheist. probably. even if he copied its ideas. kek. humans are a joke.

>> No.13430761

Look at farms. What happens to male cattle? Only a few are kept as bulls, rest are culled for meat.

>> No.13430766

Never seen anyone use the term in a way that didn't reek of obliviously irony

>> No.13430784

didn't dunning and kruger say that anyone who used dunning-kruger as a label were themselves an example of dunning-kruger or am i just being a dunning-kruger about the whole thing?

>> No.13431055

>am i just being a dunning-kruger about the whole thing?
literally everyone is dunning-kruger about every field of information they do not specialise in, including the dunning-kruger effect itself. there's no way to escape it.
the generally unspoken but universally accepted rule of dunning-kruger is to never, ever bring up dunning-kruger, unless someone brings up the concept without knowing the formal name for it, in which case you're allowed to tell them.

>> No.13431100

make a youtube channel like face money looks status

>> No.13432282


So one group of people are ruining just everything ethically?

I dont know how you can say that with a straight face. Being so deluded, I hope nobody on this board has ever listened to you for advice.

>> No.13432288
